"""Transmissibility functions for grids."""
# Nexus is a registered trademark of the Halliburton Company
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
import resqpy.fault as rqf
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
import resqpy.organize as rqo
[docs]def half_cell_t(grid,
perm_k = None,
perm_j = None,
perm_i = None,
ntg = None,
realization = None,
darcy_constant = None,
tolerance = 1.0e-6):
"""Creates a half cell transmissibilty property array for a regular or irregular IJK grid.
grid (grid.Grid or grid.RegularGrid): the grid for which half cell transmissibilities are required
perm_k, j, i (float arrays of shape (nk, nj, ni), optional): cell permeability values
(for each direction), in mD; if None, the permeabilities are found in the grid's property collection
ntg (float array of shape (nk, nj, ni), or float, optional): net to gross values to apply to I & J
calculations; if a single float, is treated as a constant; if None, net to gross ratio data in the
property collection is used
realization (int, optional): if present and the property collection is scanned for perm or ntg
arrays, only those properties for this realization will be used; ignored if arrays passed in
darcy_constant (float, optional): if present, the value to use for the Darcy constant;
if None, the grid's length units will determine the value as expected by Nexus
tolerance (float, default 1.0e-6): minimum half axis length below which the transmissibility
will be deemed uncomputable (for the axis in question); NaN values will be returned (not Inf);
units are implicitly those of the grid's crs length units; ignored if grid is a RegularGrid
numpy float array of shape (nk, nj, ni, 3) if grid is a RegularGrid otherwise (nk, nj, ni, 3, 2)
where the 3 covers K,J,I and (for irregular grids) the 2 covers the face polarity: - (0) and + (1);
units will depend on the length units of the coordinate reference system for
the grid (and implicitly on the units of the darcy_constant); if darcy_constant is None,
the units will be m3.cP/(kPa.d) or bbl.cP/(psi.d) for grid length units of m and ft
calls either for half_cell_t_irregular() or half_cell_t_regular() depending on class of grid;
see also notes for half_cell_t_irregular() and half_cell_t_regular();
prior to resqpy v4.8.0 the built in Darcy constant for metric units was two orders of magnitude
too great (yielding transmissibilities in m3.cP/(bar.d) instead of m3.cP/(kPa.d)), sorry
import resqpy.grid as grr
if darcy_constant is None:
length_units = grid.xy_units()
assert length_units == 'm' or length_units.startswith('ft'), "Darcy constant must be specified"
assert grid.z_units() == length_units
# following values are for m3.cP/(kPa.d) and bbl.cP/(psi.d) respectively, source: Wikipedia
darcy_constant = 8.527017e-5 if length_units == 'm' else 1.127116e-3
if perm_k is None or perm_j is None or perm_i is None or ntg is None:
pc = grid.extract_property_collection()
basic_5_parts = pc.basic_static_property_parts(realization = realization, share_perm_parts = True)
if ntg is None and basic_5_parts[0] is not None:
ntg = pc.cached_part_array_ref(basic_5_parts[0])
if perm_k is None and basic_5_parts[4] is not None:
perm_k = pc.cached_part_array_ref(basic_5_parts[4])
if perm_j is None and basic_5_parts[3] is not None:
perm_j = pc.cached_part_array_ref(basic_5_parts[3])
if perm_i is None and basic_5_parts[2] is not None:
perm_i = pc.cached_part_array_ref(basic_5_parts[2])
assert perm_k is not None and perm_j is not None and perm_i is not None
if isinstance(grid, grr.RegularGrid):
return half_cell_t_regular(grid,
perm_k = perm_k,
perm_j = perm_j,
perm_i = perm_i,
ntg = ntg,
darcy_constant = darcy_constant)
elif isinstance(grid, grr.Grid):
return half_cell_t_irregular(grid,
perm_k = perm_k,
perm_j = perm_j,
perm_i = perm_i,
ntg = ntg,
darcy_constant = darcy_constant,
tolerance = tolerance)
raise ValueError(f'grid {type(grid)} is neither RegularGrid nor Grid object in call to half_cell_t()')
[docs]def half_cell_t_regular(grid, perm_k = None, perm_j = None, perm_i = None, ntg = None, darcy_constant = None):
"""Creates a half cell transmissibilty property array for a RegularGrid.
grid (grid.RegularGrid): the grid for which half cell transmissibilities are required
perm_k, j, i (float arrays of shape (nk, nj, ni), required): cell permeability values
(for each direction), in mD;
ntg (float array of shape (nk, nj, ni), or float, optional): net to gross values to apply to I & J
calculations; if a single float, is treated as a constant; if None, a value of 1.0 is used
darcy_constant (float, required): the value to use for the Darcy constant
numpy float array of shape (nk, nj, ni, 3) where the 3 covers K,J,I;
units will depend on the length units of the coordinate reference system for
the grid (and implicitly on the units of the darcy_constant);
the units will typically be m3.cP/(kPa.d) or bbl.cP/(psi.d) for grid length units of m and ft
respectively, depending on the correct darcy_constant being passed
the same half cell transmissibility value is applicable to both - and + polarity faces;
the axes of the regular grid are assumed to be orthogonal;
the net to gross factor is only applied to I & J transmissibilities, not K; the results
include the Darcy Constant factor but not any transmissibility multiplier applied at the
face; to compute the transmissibilty between neighbouring cells, take the harmonic mean of
the two half cell transmissibilities and multiply by any transmissibility multiplier;
returned array will need to be re-shaped before storing as a RESQML property
with indexable elements of 'faces';
the coordinate referemce system for the grid must have the same length units for xy and z;
this function is vastly more computationally efficient than the general (irregular grid)
assert perm_k is not None and perm_j is not None and perm_i is not None
assert darcy_constant is not None
if ntg is None:
ntg = 1.0
axis_lengths = vec.naive_lengths(grid.block_dxyz_dkji)
face_areas = np.array(
(axis_lengths[1] * axis_lengths[2], axis_lengths[2] * axis_lengths[0], axis_lengths[0] * axis_lengths[1]))
half_t = np.empty((grid.nk, grid.nj, grid.ni, 3)) # 3 is K,J,I
half_t[..., 0] = perm_k * face_areas[0] / (0.5 * axis_lengths[0])
half_t[..., 1] = ntg * perm_j * face_areas[1] / (0.5 * axis_lengths[1])
half_t[..., 2] = ntg * perm_i * face_areas[2] / (0.5 * axis_lengths[2])
return darcy_constant * half_t
[docs]def half_cell_t_irregular(grid,
perm_k = None,
perm_j = None,
perm_i = None,
ntg = None,
darcy_constant = None,
tolerance = 1.0e-6):
"""Creates a half cell transmissibilty property array for an IJK grid.
grid (grid.Grid): the grid for which half cell transmissibilities are required
perm_k, j, i (float arrays of shape (nk, nj, ni), reqwuired): cell permeability values
(for each direction), in mD;
ntg (float array of shape (nk, nj, ni), or float, required): net to gross values to apply to I & J
calculations; if a single float, is treated as a constant;
darcy_constant (float, required): the value to use for the Darcy constant
tolerance (float, default 1.0e-6): minimum half axis length below which the transmissibility
will be deemed uncomputable (for the axis in question); NaN values will be returned (not Inf);
units are implicitly those of the grid's crs length units
numpy float array of shape (nk, nj, ni, 3, 2) where the 3 covers K,J,I and the 2 covers the
face polarity: - (0) and + (1);
units will depend on the length units of the coordinate reference system for
the grid (and implicitly on the units of the darcy_constant); if darcy_constant is None,
the units will typically be m3.cP/(kPa.d) or bbl.cP/(psi.d) for grid length units of m and ft
respectively, depending on the correct darcy_constant being passed
the algorithm is equivalent to the half cell transmissibility element of the Nexus NEWTRAN
calculation; each resulting value is effectively for the entire face, so area proportional
fractions will be needed at faults with throw, or at grid boundaries; the net to gross
factor is only applied to I & J transmissibilities, not K; the results
include the Darcy Constant factor but not any transmissibility multiplier applied at the
face; to compute the transmissibilty between neighbouring cells, take the harmonic mean of
the two half cell transmissibilities and multiply by any transmissibility multiplier; if
the two cells do not have simple sharing of a common face, first reduce each half cell
transmissibility by the proportion of the face that is shared (which may be a different
proportion for each of the two juxtaposed cells);
returned array will need to be re-ordered and re-shaped before storing as a RESQML property
with indexable elements of 'faces per cell';
the coordinate referemce system for the grid must have the same length units for xy and z
# NB: axis argument is KJI index; this function also uses axes in xyz space
assert perm_k is not None and perm_j is not None and perm_i is not None
assert darcy_constant is not None
tolerance_sqr = tolerance * tolerance
p = grid.points_ref(masked = False)
edge_vectors = []
pfc = None # pillars for column mapping, for use when split pillars are present
km = kp = None # raw points k indices for K- and K+ faces, by layer, when K gaps present
if grid.k_gaps:
km = grid.k_raw_index_array
kp = km + 1
if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
pfc = grid.create_column_pillar_mapping()
if grid.k_gaps:
edge_vectors.append(p[kp][:, pfc] - p[km][:, pfc]) # k edge vectors, shape (nk, nj, ni, 2, 2, 3)
p[:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]] -
p[:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]]) # j edge vectors, shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj, ni, 2, 3) with jp removed
p[:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]] -
p[:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]]) # i edge vectors, shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj, ni, 2, 3) with ip removed
edge_vectors.append(p[1:, pfc] - p[:-1, pfc]) # k edge vectors, shape (nk, nj, ni, 2, 2, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]] -
p[:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]]) # j edge vectors, shape (nk + 1, nj, ni, 2, 3) with jp removed
edge_vectors.append(p[:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]] -
p[:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]]) # i edge vectors, shape (nk + 1, nj, ni, 2, 3) with ip removed
if grid.k_gaps:
edge_vectors.append(p[kp] - p[km]) # k edge vectors, shape (nk, nj + 1, ni + 1, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[:, 1:, :] - p[:, :-1, :]) # j edge vectors, shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj, ni + 1, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[:, :, 1:] - p[:, :, :-1]) # i edge vectors, shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj + 1, ni, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[1:] - p[:-1]) # k edge vectors, shape (nk, nj + 1, ni + 1, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[:, 1:] - p[:, :-1]) # j edge vectors, shape (nk + 1, nj, ni + 1, 3)
edge_vectors.append(p[:, :, 1:] - p[:, :, :-1]) # i edge vectors, shape (nk + 1, nj + 1, ni, 3)
half_t = np.empty((grid.nk, grid.nj, grid.ni, 3, 2)) # 3 is K,J,I; 2 is -/+ polarity (face)
# note: for some reason half_axis_length_sqr values of 0.0 yield invalid value in numpy divide, rahter than divide by zero
np.seterr(divide = 'ignore', invalid = 'ignore')
for axis in range(3):
if axis == 0: # k
if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(np.sum(edge_vectors[0], axis = (
3, 4))) # shape (nk, nj, ni, 3) with 3 being xyz length components of vector
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[:, pfc[:, :, 0, 0]], p[:, pfc[:, :, 0, 1]], p[:, pfc[:, :, 1, 1]]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:, pfc[:, :, 0, 0]], p[:, pfc[:, :, 1, 1]], p[:, pfc[:, :, 1, 0]])
) # shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj, ni, 3)
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[0][:, 1:, 1:] + edge_vectors[0][:, 1:, :-1] +
edge_vectors[0][:, :-1, 1:] + edge_vectors[0][:, :-1, :-1])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[:, :-1, :-1], p[:, :-1, 1:], p[:, 1:, 1:]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:, :-1, :-1], p[:, 1:, 1:], p[:, 1:, :-1])
) # shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, nj, ni, 3) where 3 is xyz projection axis
if grid.k_gaps:
minus_face_areas = face_areas[
km] # shape (nk, nj, ni, 3) where 3 is xyz projection axis (ie. yz plane, xz plane, xy plane)
plus_face_areas = face_areas[kp]
minus_face_areas = face_areas[:-1]
plus_face_areas = face_areas[1:]
half_axis_length_sqr = np.sum(half_axis_vectors * half_axis_vectors, axis = -1) # shape (nk, nj, ni)
zero_length_mask = np.logical_or(np.any(np.isnan(half_axis_vectors), axis = -1),
half_axis_length_sqr < tolerance_sqr)
minus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_k * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * minus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
plus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_k * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * plus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
elif axis == 1: # j
if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
if grid.k_gaps:
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[1][kp][:, :, :, 1] +
edge_vectors[1][kp][:, :, :, 0] +
edge_vectors[1][km][:, :, :, 1] +
edge_vectors[1][km][:, :, :, 0])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[km][:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]], p[km][:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]],
p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]]) +
projected_tri_area(p[km][:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]], p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]],
p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]])) # shape (nk, nj, ni, 2) where 2 is jp
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[1][1:, :, :, 1] + edge_vectors[1][1:, :, :, 0] +
edge_vectors[1][:-1, :, :, 1] + edge_vectors[1][:-1, :, :, 0])
face_areas = (
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, pfc[:, :, :, 0]], p[:-1, pfc[:, :, :, 1]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, pfc[:, :, :, 0]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, :, 1]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, :, 0]])
) # shape (nk, nj, ni, 2) where 2 is jp
minus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, :, 0]
plus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, :, 1]
if grid.k_gaps:
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[1][kp][:, :, 1:] + edge_vectors[1][kp][:, :, :-1] +
edge_vectors[1][km][:, :, 1:] + edge_vectors[1][km][:, :, :-1])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[km][:, :-1], p[km][:, :, 1:], p[kp][:, :, 1:]) +
projected_tri_area(p[km][:, :-1], p[kp][:, :, 1:], p[kp][:, :, :-1]))
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[1][1:, :, 1:] + edge_vectors[1][1:, :, :-1] +
edge_vectors[1][:-1, :, 1:] + edge_vectors[1][:-1, :, :-1])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[:-1, :, :-1], p[:-1, :, 1:], p[1:, :, 1:]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, :, :-1], p[1:, :, 1:], p[1:, :, :-1])
) # shape (nk, nj + 1, ni)
minus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :-1]
plus_face_areas = face_areas[:, 1:]
half_axis_length_sqr = np.sum(half_axis_vectors * half_axis_vectors, axis = -1)
zero_length_mask = (half_axis_length_sqr < tolerance_sqr)
minus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_j * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * minus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
plus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_j * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * plus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
else: # i
if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
if grid.k_gaps:
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[2][kp][:, :, :, 1] +
edge_vectors[2][kp][:, :, :, 0] +
edge_vectors[2][km][:, :, :, 1] +
edge_vectors[2][km][:, :, :, 0])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[km][:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]], p[km][:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]],
p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]]) +
projected_tri_area(p[km][:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]], p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]],
p[kp][:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]])) # shape (nk, nj, ni, 2) where 2 is ip
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[2][1:, :, :, 1] + edge_vectors[2][1:, :, :, 0] +
edge_vectors[2][:-1, :, :, 1] + edge_vectors[2][:-1, :, :, 0])
face_areas = (
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, pfc[:, :, 0, :]], p[:-1, pfc[:, :, 1, :]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, pfc[:, :, 0, :]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, 1, :]], p[1:, pfc[:, :, 0, :]])
) # shape (nk, nj, ni, 2) where 2 is ip
minus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, :, 0]
plus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, :, 1]
if grid.k_gaps:
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[2][kp][:, 1:, :] + edge_vectors[2][kp][:, :-1, :] +
edge_vectors[2][km][:, 1:, :] + edge_vectors[2][km][:, :-1, :])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[km][:, :-1, :], p[km][:, 1:, :], p[kp][:, 1:, :]) +
projected_tri_area(p[km][:, :-1, :], p[kp][:, 1:, :], p[kp][:, :-1, :]))
half_axis_vectors = 0.125 * np.abs(edge_vectors[2][1:, 1:, :] + edge_vectors[2][1:, :-1, :] +
edge_vectors[2][:-1, 1:, :] + edge_vectors[2][:-1, :-1, :])
face_areas = (projected_tri_area(p[:-1, :-1, :], p[:-1, 1:, :], p[1:, 1:, :]) +
projected_tri_area(p[:-1, :-1, :], p[1:, 1:, :], p[1:, :-1, :]))
minus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, :-1]
plus_face_areas = face_areas[:, :, 1:]
half_axis_length_sqr = np.sum(half_axis_vectors * half_axis_vectors, axis = -1)
zero_length_mask = (half_axis_length_sqr < tolerance_sqr)
minus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_i * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * minus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
plus_face_t = np.where(
zero_length_mask, np.nan,
perm_i * np.sum(half_axis_vectors * plus_face_areas, axis = -1) / half_axis_length_sqr)
if axis != 0 and ntg is not None:
minus_face_t *= ntg
plus_face_t *= ntg
half_t[:, :, :, axis, 0] = minus_face_t
half_t[:, :, :, axis, 1] = plus_face_t
np.seterr(divide = 'warn', invalid = 'warn')
return np.abs(darcy_constant * half_t)
[docs]def half_cell_t_vertical_prism(vpg,
triple_perm_horizontal = None,
perm_k = None,
ntg = None,
darcy_constant = None,
tolerance = 1.0e-6):
"""Creates a half cell transmissibilty property array for a vertical prism grid.
vpg (VerticalPrismGrid): the grid for which the half cell transmissibilities are required
triple_perm_horizontal (numpy float array of shape (N, 3)): the directional permeabilities to apply
to each of the three vertical faces per cell
perm_k (numpy float array of shape (N,)): the permeability to use for the vertical transmissibilities
ntg (numpy float array of shape (N,), optional): if present, acts as a multiplier in the
computation of non-vertical transmissibilities
darcy_constant (float, optional): the value to use for the Darcy constant; if None, a suitable
value will be used depending on the length units of the vpg grid's crs
tolerance (float, default 1.0e-6): minimum half axis length below which the transmissibility
will be deemed uncomputable (for the axis in question); NaN values will be returned (not Inf);
units are implicitly those of the grid's crs length units
numpy float array of shape (N, 5) being the per-face half cell transmissibilities for each cell
order of 5 faces matches those of faces per cell, ie. top, base, then the 3 vertical faces;
if no Darcy constant is provided, the returned values will have unite of m3.cP/(kPa.d) if the
grid has length units of metres, or bbl.cP/(psi.d) if in feet
assert triple_perm_horizontal is not None
assert triple_perm_horizontal.shape == (vpg.cell_count, 3)
if perm_k is None:
perm_k = np.mean(triple_perm_horizontal, axis = 1)
if darcy_constant is None:
length_units = vpg.xy_units()
assert length_units == 'm' or length_units.startswith('ft')
assert vpg.z_units() == length_units
# following values are for m3.cP/(kPa.d) and bbl.cP/(psi.d) respectively, source: Wikipedia
darcy_constant = 8.527017e-5 if length_units == 'm' else 1.127116e-3
# fetch triangulation and call precursor function
p = vpg.points_ref()
t = vpg.triangulation()
a_t, d_t = half_cell_t_2d_triangular_precursor(p, t)
# find heights of cells and faces
# find horizontal area of triangles
triangle_areas = vec.area_of_triangles(p, t, xy_projection = True).reshape((1, -1))
cp = vpg.corner_points()
half_thickness = 0.5 * vpg.thickness().reshape((vpg.nk, -1))
# compute transmissibilities
tr = np.zeros((vpg.cell_count, 5), dtype = float)
# vertical
tr[:, 0] = np.where(half_thickness < tolerance, np.nan, (perm_k.reshape(
(vpg.nk, -1)) * triangle_areas / half_thickness)).flatten()
tr[:, 1] = tr[:, 0]
# horizontal
# TODO: compute dip adjustments for non-vertical transmissibilities
dt_full = np.empty((vpg.nk, vpg.cell_count // vpg.nk, 3), dtype = float)
dt_full[:] = d_t
tr[:, 2:] = np.where(dt_full < tolerance, np.nan,
triple_perm_horizontal.reshape((vpg.nk, -1, 3)) * a_t.reshape((1, -1, 3)) / dt_full).reshape(
(-1, 3))
if ntg is not None:
tr[:, 2:] *= ntg.reshape((-1, 1))
tr *= darcy_constant
return tr
[docs]def half_cell_t_2d_triangular_precursor(p, t):
"""Creates a precursor to horizontal transmissibility for prism grids (see notes).
p (numpy float array of shape (N, 2 or 3)): the xy(&z) locations of cell vertices
t (numpy int array of shape (M, 3)): the triangulation of p for which the transmissibility
precursor is required
a pair of numpy float arrays, each of shape (M, 3) being the normal length and flow length
relevant for flow across the face opposite each vertex as defined by t
this function acts as a precursor to the equivalent of the half cell transmissibility
functions but for prism grids; for a resqpy VerticalPrismGrid, the triangulation can
be shared by many layers with this function only needing to be called once; the first
of the returned values (normal length) is the length of the triangle edge, in xy, when
projected onto the normal of the flow direction; multiplying the normal length by a cell
height will yield the area needed for transmissibility calculations; the second of the
returned values (flow length) is the distance from the trangle centre to the midpoint of
the edge and can be used as the distance term for a half cell transmissibilty; this
function does not account for dip, it only handles the geometric aspects of half
cell transmissibility in the xy plane
assert p.ndim == 2 and p.shape[1] in [2, 3]
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3
# centre points of triangles, in xy
centres = np.mean(p[t], axis = 1)[:, :2]
# midpoints of edges of triangles, in xy
edge_midpoints = np.empty(tuple(list(t.shape) + [2]), dtype = float)
edge_midpoints[:, 0, :] = 0.5 * (p[t[:, 1]] + p[t[:, 2]])[:, :2]
edge_midpoints[:, 1, :] = 0.5 * (p[t[:, 2]] + p[t[:, 0]])[:, :2]
edge_midpoints[:, 2, :] = 0.5 * (p[t[:, 0]] + p[t[:, 1]])[:, :2]
# triangle edge vectors, projected in xy
edge_vectors = np.empty(edge_midpoints.shape, dtype = float)
edge_vectors[:, 0] = (p[t[:, 2]] - p[t[:, 1]])[:, :2]
edge_vectors[:, 1] = (p[t[:, 0]] - p[t[:, 2]])[:, :2]
edge_vectors[:, 2] = (p[t[:, 1]] - p[t[:, 0]])[:, :2]
# vectors from triangle centres to mid points of edges (3 per triangle), in xy plane
cem_vectors = edge_midpoints - centres.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
cem_lengths = vec.naive_lengths(cem_vectors)
# unit length vectors normal to cem_vectors, in the xy plane
normal_vectors = np.zeros(edge_midpoints.shape)
normal_vectors[:, :, 0] = cem_vectors[:, :, 1]
normal_vectors[:, :, 1] = -cem_vectors[:, :, 0]
normal_vectors = vec.unit_vectors(normal_vectors)
# edge lengths projected onto normal vectors (length perpendicular to nominal flow direction)
normal_lengths = np.abs(vec.dot_products(edge_vectors, normal_vectors))
# return normal (cross-sectional) lengths and nominal flow direction lengths
assert normal_lengths.shape == t.shape and cem_lengths.shape == t.shape
return normal_lengths, cem_lengths
[docs]def fault_connection_set(grid, skip_inactive = False):
"""Builds a GridConnectionSet for juxtaposed faces where there is a split pillar, with fractional area data.
grid (grid.Grid object): the grid for which a fault connection set is required
skip_inactive (boolean, default False): if True, connections where either cell is inactive will be excluded
(GridConnectionSet, numpy float array of shape (count, 2)) where the connection set identifies all cell face
pairs where there is juxtaposition and the array contains the fraction of the face areas that are juxtaposed;
count is the number of cell face pairs in the connection set
the current algorithm is designed for faults where slip has occurred along pillars – sideways slip (strike-slip)
will currently cause erroneous results; inaccuracies may also arise as pillars become less straight, less
co-planar or less parallel; the combination of non-parallel pillars and layers of non-uniform thickness can
produce inaccuracies in some situations; if the grid does not have split pillars (ie. is unfaulted), or if
there are no qualifying connections across faults, then (None, None) will be returned;
as fractional areas are returned, the results are applicable whether xy & z units are the same or differ
def all_nan(pillar):
# return True if no valid points in pillar
return np.all(np.any(np.isnan(pillar), axis = -1))
def juxtapose(grid, p, pv, pam, pap, pbm, pbp, tol = 0.001):
# return list of juxtaposed layer pairs and fractional areas: list of (ka, kb, fa, fb) and error info
# TODO: orthogonal offset tolerance on pillars
def pillar_flavour(pml_top, pml_bot, ppl_top, ppl_bot, tol = 0.001):
# return flavour of points pattern on one pillar:
# 1: both p above m top
# 2: p top above m top, p bot within m
# 3: p top above m top, p bot below m bot
# 4: both p within m
# 5: p top within m, p bot below m bot
# 6: both p below m
if ppl_top >= pml_top - tol and ppl_bot <= pml_bot + tol:
return 4 # tolerance bias towards simplest flavour
if ppl_bot <= pml_top + tol:
return 1
if ppl_top >= pml_bot - tol:
return 6
if ppl_top <= pml_top + tol:
if ppl_bot <= pml_bot + tol:
return 2
return 3
return 5
def basic_fr(g, h, ea, eb, tol):
# returns fractional area for simple patterns (2 sides of overlap quadrilateral lie on pillars)
if ea + eb < tol:
return 0.0
return (g + h) / (ea + eb)
def fractional_area(paml_top,
tol = 0.001):
# calculate fractional area of overlap, from m perspective (calling code swaps m & p for other perspective)
fla = pillar_flavour(paml_top, paml_bot, papl_top, papl_bot, tol = tol)
flb = pillar_flavour(pbml_top, pbml_bot, pbpl_top, pbpl_bot, tol = tol)
if (fla, flb) == (4, 4): # diagram 1
return basic_fr(papl_bot - papl_top, pbpl_bot - pbpl_top, paml_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top, tol)
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 3): # diagram 1 (reverse perspective); diagram 3
return 1.0
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 5): # diagram 2
return basic_fr(paml_bot - papl_top, pbml_bot - pbpl_top, paml_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top, tol)
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 2): # diagram 2 (reverse perspective)
return basic_fr(papl_bot - paml_top, pbpl_bot - pbml_top, paml_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top, tol)
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 4): # diagram 5 (diagram 4 is a special case of 5 and 2)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if eb < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return basic_fr(paml_bot - papl_top, pbml_bot - pbpl_top, paml_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top,
tol) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (4, 5): # diagram 5 mirror (diagram 4 is a special case of 5)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = paml_bot - papl_bot
if ea < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return basic_fr(pbml_bot - pbpl_top, paml_bot - papl_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top, paml_bot - paml_top,
tol) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 3): # diagram 5 (reverse perspective), similar to 1.0 - diagram 10
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = paml_bot - papl_bot
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 1.0
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
return 1.0 - (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 2): # diagram 5 mirror (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 1.0
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
return 1.0 - (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 2): # diagram 6
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_top - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
suba = 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
suba = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if eb < tol or g < tol:
subb = 0.0
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
subb = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
sub = suba + subb
return 1.0 - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 5): # diagram 6 mirror
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
subb = 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
subb = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
g = paml_bot - papl_bot
if ea < tol or g < tol:
suba = 0.0
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
suba = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
sub = suba + subb
return 1.0 - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 1): # diagram 10
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_bot - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_bot
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (1, 2): # diagram 10 mirror
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
g = pbpl_bot - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_bot
return (g / (eb + ea)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 6): # diagram 10 (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = paml_bot - papl_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = pbpl_top - pbml_bot
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (6, 5): # diagram 10 mirror (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = papl_top - paml_bot
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 4): # diagram 11
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return basic_fr(papl_bot - paml_top, pbpl_bot - pbml_top, paml_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top,
tol) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (4, 2): # diagram 11 mirror
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_top - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return basic_fr(pbpl_bot - pbml_top, papl_bot - paml_top, pbml_bot - pbml_top, paml_bot - paml_top,
tol) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 3): # diagram 11 (reverse perspective) similar to 1.0 - diagram 10
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_top - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 1.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
return 1.0 - (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 5): # diagram 11 mirror (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 1.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
return 1.0 - (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 1): # diagram 7 (only accurate if pillars parallel and layer constant thickness?)
s = papl_bot - paml_bot
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
if s + ea <= tol:
return 0.0
t = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
v = pbml_top - pbpl_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s))
elif (fla, flb) == (1, 3): # diagram 7 mirror
# (only accurate if pillars parallel and layer constant thickness?)
s = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
if s + eb <= tol:
return 0.0
t = paml_bot - papl_bot
v = paml_top - papl_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s))
elif (fla, flb) == (4, 6): # diagram 7 (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = paml_bot - papl_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = pbpl_top - pbml_bot
gs = paml_bot - papl_bot
if gs < tol:
sub = 0.0
vs = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
sub = (gs / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - vs / (vs + gs))
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (6, 4): # diagram 7 mirror (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
v = papl_top - paml_bot
gs = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if gs < tol:
sub = 0.0
vs = papl_bot - paml_bot
sub = (gs / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - vs / (vs + gs))
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (4, 1): # diagram 12
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_bot - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
gs = papl_top - paml_top
if gs < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
sub = (gs / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + gs))
v = pbml_top - pbpl_bot
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (1, 4): # diagram 12 mirror
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbpl_bot - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
return 0.0
gs = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if gs < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
sub = (gs / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + gs))
v = paml_top - papl_bot
return (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 6): # diagram 12 (reverse perspective)
s = pbpl_top - pbml_bot
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
if s + eb <= tol:
return 1.0
t = paml_bot - papl_top
v = paml_top - papl_top
if t + v <= tol:
return 0.0
return 1.0 - (0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s)))
elif (fla, flb) == (6, 3): # diagram 12 mirror (reverse perspective)
s = papl_top - paml_bot
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
if s + ea <= tol:
return 1.0
t = pbml_bot - pbpl_top
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
if t + v <= tol:
return 0.0
return 1.0 - (0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s)))
elif (fla, flb) == (5, 1): # diagram 9 (only accurate if pillars parallel and layer constant thickness?)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = papl_top - paml_top
if ea < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
s = papl_bot - paml_bot
if s + ea <= tol:
return 0.0
t = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
v = pbml_top - pbpl_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0 - sub
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (1, 5): # diagram 9 mirror
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if eb < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
s = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
if s + eb <= tol:
return 0.0
t = paml_bot - papl_bot
v = paml_top - papl_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0 - sub
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (2, 6): # diagram 9 (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = paml_bot - papl_bot
if ea < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
s = paml_top - papl_top
if s + ea <= tol:
return 0.0
t = pbpl_top - pbml_top
v = pbpl_top - pbml_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0 - sub
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (6, 2): # diagram 9 mirror (reverse perspective)
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if eb < tol or g < tol:
sub = 0.0
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
sub = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
s = pbml_top - pbpl_top
if s + eb <= tol:
return 0.0
t = papl_top - paml_top
v = papl_top - paml_bot
if t + v <= tol:
return 1.0 - sub
return 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s)) - sub
elif (fla, flb) == (6, 1): # diagram 8; solution only accurate if pillars are parallel
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
s = papl_top - paml_bot
if s + ea <= tol:
suba = 0.0
t = pbml_bot - pbpl_top
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
suba = 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s)) if t + v > tol else 1.0
s = pbml_top - pbpl_bot
if s + eb <= tol:
subb = 0.0
t = papl_bot - paml_top
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
subb = 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s)) if t + v > tol else 1.0
sub = suba + subb
return max(1.0 - sub, 0.0)
elif (fla, flb) == (1, 6): # diagram 8 mirror or reverse perspective
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
s = pbpl_top - pbml_bot
if s + eb <= tol:
subb = 0.0
t = paml_bot - papl_top
v = paml_top - papl_top
subb = 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + eb + s)) if t + v > tol else 1.0
s = paml_top - papl_bot
if s + ea <= tol:
suba = 0.0
t = pbpl_bot - pbml_top
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
suba = 0.5 * (s / (s + t) + 1.0 - v / (v + ea + s)) if t + v > tol else 1.0
sub = suba + subb
return max(1.0 - sub, 0.0)
elif (fla, flb) == (4, 3): # diagram 13
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
if ea < tol:
return 1.0
g = papl_top - paml_top
if g < tol:
sub1 = 0.0
v = pbml_top - pbpl_top
sub1 = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
g = paml_bot - papl_bot
if g < tol:
sub2 = 0.0
v = pbpl_bot - pbml_bot
sub2 = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return 1.0 - (sub1 + sub2)
elif (fla, flb) == (3, 4): # diagram 13 mirror or reverse perspective
ea = paml_bot - paml_top
eb = pbml_bot - pbml_top
if eb < tol:
return 1.0
g = pbpl_top - pbml_top
if g < tol:
sub1 = 0.0
v = paml_top - papl_top
sub1 = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
g = pbml_bot - pbpl_bot
if g < tol:
sub2 = 0.0
v = papl_bot - paml_bot
sub2 = (g / (ea + eb)) * (1.0 - v / (v + g))
return 1.0 - (sub1 + sub2)
raise Exception(f'unexpected juxtaposition pattern ({fla}, {flb})')
pav = 0.5 * (pv[pam] + pv[pap]) # mean pillar unit vector for -I side of J face
pbv = 0.5 * (pv[pbm] + pv[pbp]) # mean pillar unit vector for +I side of J face
if all_nan(p[:, pam, :]) or all_nan(p[:, pap, :]) or all_nan(p[:, pbm, :]) or all_nan(p[:, pbp, :]):
return []
o = np.nanmin(p[:, pam, :], axis = 0) # arbitrary local origin
oe = np.expand_dims(o, 0)
paml = p[:, pam, :] - oe # pillar points translated to local space
papl = p[:, pap, :] - oe
pbml = p[:, pbm, :] - oe
pbpl = p[:, pbp, :] - oe
pamln = np.empty(
paml.shape[0]) # pillar points normalised to scalar distances on mean pillar vector, arbitrary origin
for i in range(pamln.size):
pamln[i] = np.dot(paml[i], pav)
papln = np.empty(papl.shape[0])
for i in range(papln.size):
papln[i] = np.dot(papl[i], pav)
pbmln = np.empty(pbml.shape[0])
for i in range(pbmln.size):
pbmln[i] = np.dot(pbml[i], pbv)
pbpln = np.empty(pbpl.shape[0])
for i in range(pbpln.size):
pbpln[i] = np.dot(pbpl[i], pbv)
juxta_list = []
fa_p_totals = np.zeros(grid.nk)
fa_m_worst_scaling = 1.0
fa_m_downscaling_count = 0
for km in range(grid.nk): # for each layer on -ve side of fault
km_top = grid.k_raw_index_array[km] if grid.k_gaps else km # index of top points on -ve side of fault
km_bot = km_top + 1
paml_top = pamln[
km_top] # point distances in local vector space; note local vector is different for pillars a and b
paml_bot = pamln[km_bot]
pbml_top = pbmln[km_top]
pbml_bot = pbmln[km_bot]
if np.any(np.isnan((paml_top, paml_bot, pbml_top, pbml_bot))):
# scan layers on +ve side of fault looking for juxtaposition
kp = -1
km_start_index = len(juxta_list)
fa_m_total = 0.0
while True:
kp += 1
if kp >= grid.nk:
kp_top = grid.k_raw_index_array[kp] if grid.k_gaps else kp # index of top points on +ve side of fault
kp_bot = kp_top + 1
papl_top = papln[
kp_top] # point distances in local vector space; note local vector is different for pillars a and b
papl_bot = papln[kp_bot]
pbpl_top = pbpln[kp_top]
pbpl_bot = pbpln[kp_bot]
if np.any(np.isnan((papl_top, papl_bot, pbpl_top, pbpl_bot))):
# in following comments, 'shallower' means less distance in local vector, which is a K direction vector of sorts
if (paml_top >= papl_bot - tol) and (pbml_top >= pbpl_bot - tol):
continue # p fully shallower than m
if (paml_bot <= papl_top + tol) and (pbml_bot <= pbpl_top + tol):
continue # p fully deeper than m
# juxtaposition established, now determine fractional overlap area from perspectives of both sides of fault
fa_m = fractional_area(paml_top,
tol = tol)
fa_p = fractional_area(papl_top,
tol = tol)
# log.debug(f'K {km} {fa_m} <-> {fa_p} {kp}')
fa_m = min(max(fa_m, 0.0), 1.0)
fa_p = min(max(fa_p, 0.0), 1.0)
juxta_list.append((km, kp, fa_m, fa_p))
fa_m_total += fa_m
fa_p_totals[kp] += fa_p
# find sum of fractional areas by layer (separately for both perspectives); normalise to max of 1.0
if fa_m_total > 1.0:
fa_m_downscaling_count += 1
if fa_m_total > fa_m_worst_scaling:
fa_m_worst_scaling = fa_m_total
# log.warning(f'downscaling fractional areas on minus side of fault by factor of {fa_m_total} in layer {km}')
for i in range(km_start_index, len(juxta_list)):
(km, kp, fa_m, fa_p) = juxta_list[i]
juxta_list[i] = (km, kp, fa_m / fa_m_total, fa_p)
any_p_scaling = False
fa_p_worst_scaling = np.nanmax(fa_p_totals)
fa_p_downscaling_count = 0
for kp in range(grid.nk):
if fa_p_totals[kp] > 1.0:
fa_p_downscaling_count += 1
# log.warning(f'downscaling fractional areas on plus side of fault by factor of {fa_p_totals[kp]} in layer {kp}')
any_p_scaling = True
if any_p_scaling:
for i in range(len(juxta_list)):
(km, kp, fa_m, fa_p) = juxta_list[i]
if fa_p_totals[kp] > 1.0:
juxta_list[i] = (km, kp, fa_m, fa_p / fa_p_totals[kp])
return juxta_list, (fa_m_downscaling_count, fa_p_downscaling_count, fa_m_worst_scaling, fa_p_worst_scaling)
if not grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
return None, None
skip_inactive = skip_inactive and hasattr(grid, 'inactive') and grid.inactive is not None
p = grid.points_ref(masked = False) # shape (nk + k_gaps + 1, np, 3)
pv = vec.unit_vectors(p[-1] - p[0]) # pillar vectors; shape (np, 3); could postpone to individual pillar work
col_j_split, col_i_split = grid.split_column_faces(
) # internal only column faces; shapes (nj - 1, ni), (nj, ni - 1)
pfc = grid.create_column_pillar_mapping() # pillars for column; shape (nj, ni, 2, 2)
juxtaposed_j_list = []
j_ji = np.stack(np.where(col_j_split)).T # ji0 columns where +J face is split; shape (nc, 2)
warning_count = 0
for (j, i) in j_ji:
# log.debug(f'J, I {j}, {i}')
pam = pfc[j, i, 1, 0] # pillar index for -I edge of J face, for col on -J side of fault
pap = pfc[j + 1, i, 0, 0] # pillar index for -I edge of J face, for col on +J side of fault
pbm = pfc[j, i, 1, 1] # pillar index for +I edge of J face, for col on -J side of fault
pbp = pfc[j + 1, i, 0, 1] # pillar index for +I edge of J face, for col on +J side of fault
ji_list, scaling_info = juxtapose(grid, p, pv, pam, pap, pbm, pbp)
if scaling_info[2] > 1.2 or scaling_info[3] > 1.2:
if warning_count < 20:
f'severe downscaling for I+ face in column ({j}, {i}); worst m {scaling_info[2]}; worst p {scaling_info[3]}'
elif warning_count == 20:
log.warning('other similar I face warnings suppressed')
warning_count += 1
for (km, kp, fa_m, fa_p) in ji_list:
if skip_inactive and (grid.inactive[km, j, i] or grid.inactive[kp, j + 1, i]):
juxtaposed_j_list.append(((km, j, i), (kp, j + 1, i), fa_m, fa_p))
juxtaposed_i_list = []
i_ji = np.stack(np.where(col_i_split)).T # ji0 columns where +I face is split; shape (nc, 2)
warning_count = 0
for (j, i) in i_ji:
pam = pfc[j, i, 0, 1] # pillar index for -J edge of I face, for col on -I side of fault
pap = pfc[j, i + 1, 0, 0] # pillar index for -J edge of I face, for col on +I side of fault
pbm = pfc[j, i, 1, 1] # pillar index for +J edge of I face, for col on -I side of fault
pbp = pfc[j, i + 1, 1, 0] # pillar index for +J edge of I face, for col on +I side of fault
ji_list, scaling_info = juxtapose(grid, p, pv, pam, pap, pbm, pbp)
if scaling_info[2] > 1.2 or scaling_info[3] > 1.2:
if warning_count < 20:
f'severe downscaling for J+ face in column ({j}, {i}); worst m {scaling_info[2]}; worst p {scaling_info[3]}'
elif warning_count == 20:
log.warning('other similar J face warnings suppressed')
warning_count += 1
for (km, kp, fa_m, fa_p) in ji_list:
if skip_inactive and (grid.inactive[km, j, i] or grid.inactive[kp, j, i + 1]):
juxtaposed_i_list.append(((km, j, i), (kp, j, i + 1), fa_m, fa_p))
combo_list = juxtaposed_j_list + juxtaposed_i_list
count = len(combo_list)
if count == 0:
return None, None
# build connection set
fcs = rqf.GridConnectionSet(grid.model, grid = grid)
fcs.grid_list = [grid]
fcs.count = count
fcs.grid_index_pairs = np.zeros((count, 2), dtype = int)
fcs.cell_index_pairs = np.zeros((count, 2), dtype = int)
fcs.cell_index_pairs[:] = np.array([
grid.natural_cell_indices(np.array([[k, j, i] for ((k, j, i), _, _, _) in combo_list])),
grid.natural_cell_indices(np.array([[k, j, i] for (_, (k, j, i), _, _) in combo_list]))
fcs.face_index_pairs = np.zeros((count, 2), dtype = int)
fcs.face_index_pairs[:len(juxtaposed_j_list), 0] = fcs.face_index_map[1, 1] # J+
fcs.face_index_pairs[:len(juxtaposed_j_list), 1] = fcs.face_index_map[1, 0] # J-
fcs.face_index_pairs[len(juxtaposed_j_list):, 0] = fcs.face_index_map[2, 1] # I+
fcs.face_index_pairs[len(juxtaposed_j_list):, 1] = fcs.face_index_map[2, 0] # I-
feature_name = 'all faults with throw'
fcs.feature_indices = np.zeros(count, dtype = int) # could create seperate features by named fracture
tbf = rqo.TectonicBoundaryFeature(grid.model, kind = 'fault', feature_name = feature_name)
tbf_root = tbf.create_xml()
fi = rqo.FaultInterpretation(grid.model, tectonic_boundary_feature = tbf, is_normal = True)
fi_root = fi.create_xml(tbf_root, title_suffix = None)
fi_uuid = rqet.uuid_for_part_root(fi_root)
fcs.feature_list = [('obj_FaultInterpretation', fi_uuid, str(feature_name))]
fa = np.array([[fa_m, fa_p] for (_, _, fa_m, fa_p) in combo_list])
return fcs, fa
[docs]def projected_tri_area(pa, pb, pc):
"""Return array holding areas of triangles projected onto each of yz, xz, xy.
pa, pb, pc (numpy float array of shape (..., 3): the corner points of a set of triangles (one corner
in each of pa, pb & pc, for every triangle); last axis in arrays covers x,y,z
numpy float array of same shape as pa, pb & pc, with the last axis covering yz, xz, xy projections;
the return values are the areas of the triangles projected in the three principal x,y,z axes
assumes that units for x, y & z are the same; returned area units are those implicit units squared
assert pa.shape == pb.shape == pc.shape and pa.shape[-1] == 3
area = np.empty(pa.shape)
for xyz in range(3):
xyz_0 = (xyz + 1) % 3
xyz_1 = (xyz + 2) % 3
pap = np.stack((pa[..., xyz_0], pa[..., xyz_1]), axis = -1) # points projected onto 2D
pbp = np.stack((pb[..., xyz_0], pb[..., xyz_1]), axis = -1)
pcp = np.stack((pc[..., xyz_0], pc[..., xyz_1]), axis = -1)
lap = vec.naive_lengths(pbp - pap) # 2D triangle edge vector lengths
lbp = vec.naive_lengths(pcp - pbp)
lcp = vec.naive_lengths(pap - pcp)
s = 0.5 * (lap + lbp + lcp) # 2D triangle semi perimeter lengths
area[..., xyz] = np.sqrt(s * (s - lap) * (s - lbp) * (s - lcp))
return area