
resqpy.olio.transmission.projected_tri_area(pa, pb, pc)[source]

Return array holding areas of triangles projected onto each of yz, xz, xy.

  • pa (numpy float array of shape (..., 3) – the corner points of a set of triangles (one corner in each of pa, pb & pc, for every triangle); last axis in arrays covers x,y,z

  • pb (numpy float array of shape (..., 3) – the corner points of a set of triangles (one corner in each of pa, pb & pc, for every triangle); last axis in arrays covers x,y,z

  • pc (numpy float array of shape (..., 3) – the corner points of a set of triangles (one corner in each of pa, pb & pc, for every triangle); last axis in arrays covers x,y,z


numpy float array of same shape as pa, pb & pc, with the last axis covering yz, xz, xy projections; the return values are the areas of the triangles projected in the three principal x,y,z axes


assumes that units for x, y & z are the same; returned area units are those implicit units squared