Time series classes and functions.
Abstract class for a RESQML Time Series; use resqpy TimeSeries or GeologicTimeSeries. |
Class for RESQML Time Series using only year offsets (for geological time frames). |
A thin wrapper around python's datetime timedelta objects (not a RESQML class). |
Class for RESQML Time Series without year offsets. |
Returns a resqpy TimeSeries or GeologicTimeSeries object for an existing RESQML time series with a given uuid. |
Check format of timestamp and raise ValueError if badly formed. |
Return a cleaned version of the timestamp. |
Returns date string in format DD/MM/YYYY (or MM/DD/YYYY if usa_date_format is True). |
Returns a string representing a geological time for a large int representing number of years before present. |
Create a TimeSeries object from an iterable object of existing timeseries UUIDs of timeseries. |
Returns a new TimeSeries or GeologicTimeSeries object with timestamps selected from the full series by a list of indices. |
Return a more readable version of the timestamp. |
Create a TimeSeries object from a list of timestamps (model and node set to None). |
Create a TimeSeries object based on time steps reported in a Nexus summary file (.sum). |
Returns string 'human' or 'geologic' indicating timeframe of the RESQML time series with a given uuid. |