Source code for resqpy.olio.vector_utilities

"""Utilities for working with 3D vectors in cartesian space.

note: some of these functions are redundant as they are provided by built-in numpy operations.

a vector is a one dimensional numpy array with 3 elements: x, y, z.
some functions accept a tuple or list of 3 elements as an alternative to a numpy array.

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import numpy as np
import numba  # type: ignore
from numba import njit, prange  # type: ignore
from typing import Tuple, Optional, List

[docs]def radians_from_degrees(deg): """Converts angle from degrees to radians.""" return np.radians(deg)
[docs]def degrees_from_radians(rad): """Converts angle from radians to degrees.""" return np.degrees(rad)
[docs]def zero_vector(): """Returns a zero vector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0].""" return np.zeros(3)
[docs]def v_3d(v): """Returns a 3D vector for a 2D or 3D vector.""" assert 2 <= len(v) <= 3 if len(v) == 3: return v v3 = np.zeros(3) v3[:2] = v return v3
[docs]def add(a, b): # note: could just use numpy a + b facility """Returns vector sum a+b.""" a = np.array(a) b = np.array(b) assert a.size == b.size return a + b
[docs]def subtract(a, b): # note: could just use numpy a - b facility """Returns vector difference a-b.""" a = np.array(a) b = np.array(b) assert a.size == b.size return a - b
[docs]def elemental_multiply(a, b): # note: could just use numpy a * b facility """Returns vector with products of corresponding elements of a and b.""" a = np.array(a) b = np.array(b) assert a.size == b.size return a * b
[docs]def amplify(v, scaling): # note: could just use numpy a * scalar facility """Returns vector with direction of v, amplified by scaling.""" v = np.array(v) return scaling * v
[docs]def unit_vector(v): """Returns vector with same direction as v but with unit length.""" assert 2 <= len(v) <= 3 v = np.array(v, dtype = np.float64) norm = np.linalg.norm(v) if norm == 0.0: return v v = v / norm return v
[docs]@njit def unit_vector_njit(v): # pragma: no cover """Returns vector with same direction as v but with unit length.""" norm = np.linalg.norm(v) if norm == 0.0: return v v = v / norm return v
[docs]def unit_vectors(v): """Returns vectors with same direction as those in v but with unit length.""" scaling = np.sqrt(np.sum(v * v, axis = -1)) zero_mask = np.zeros(v.shape, dtype = bool) zero_mask[np.where(scaling == 0.0), :] = True restore = np.seterr(all = 'ignore') result = np.where(zero_mask, 0.0, v / np.expand_dims(scaling, -1)) np.seterr(**restore) return result
[docs]def nan_unit_vectors(v): """Returns vectors with same direction as those in v but with unit length, allowing NaNs.""" assert v.shape[-1] == 3 vf = v.reshape((-1, 3)) nan_mask = np.isnan(vf) restore = np.seterr(all = 'ignore') scaling = np.sqrt(np.sum(vf * vf, axis = -1)) zero_mask = np.zeros(vf.shape, dtype = bool) zero_mask[np.where(scaling == 0.0), :] = True result = np.where(zero_mask, 0.0, vf / np.expand_dims(scaling, -1)) result = np.where(nan_mask, np.nan, result) np.seterr(**restore) return result.reshape(v.shape)
[docs]def unit_vector_from_azimuth(azimuth): """Returns horizontal unit vector in compass bearing given by azimuth (x = East, y = North).""" azimuth = azimuth % 360.0 azimuth_radians = radians_from_degrees(azimuth) result = zero_vector() result[0] = maths.sin(azimuth_radians) # x (increasing to east) result[1] = maths.cos(azimuth_radians) # y (increasing to north) return result # leave z as zero
[docs]def azimuth(v): # 'azimuth' is synonymous with 'compass bearing' """Returns the compass bearing in degrees of the direction of v (x = East, y = North), ignoring z.""" assert 2 <= v.size <= 3 z_zero_v = np.zeros(3) z_zero_v[:2] = v[:2] unit_v = unit_vector(z_zero_v) # also checks that z_zero_v is not zero vector x = unit_v[0] y = unit_v[1] # ignore z component if x == 0.0 and y == 0.0: return 0.0 # arbitrary azimuth of a vertical vector if abs(x) >= abs(y): radians = maths.pi / 2.0 - maths.atan(y / x) if x < 0.0: radians += maths.pi else: radians = maths.atan(x / y) if y < 0.0: radians += maths.pi if radians < 0.0: radians += 2.0 * maths.pi return degrees_from_radians(radians)
[docs]def azimuths(va): # 'azimuth' is synonymous with 'compass bearing' """Returns the compass bearings in degrees of the direction of each vector in va (x = East, y = North), ignoring z.""" assert va.ndim > 1 and 2 <= va.shape[-1] <= 3 shape = tuple(list(va.shape[:-1]) + [3]) z_zero_v = np.zeros(shape) z_zero_v[..., :2] = va[..., :2] unit_v = unit_vectors(z_zero_v) # also checks that z_zero_v is not zero vector x = unit_v[..., 0] y = unit_v[..., 1] # ignore z component # todo: handle cases where x == y == 0 restore = np.seterr(all = 'ignore') radians = np.where( np.abs(x) >= np.abs(y), np.where(x < 0.0, maths.pi * 3.0 / 2.0 - np.arctan(y / x), maths.pi / 2.0 - np.arctan(y / x)), np.where(y < 0.0, maths.pi + np.arctan(x / y), np.arctan(x / y))) radians = radians % (2.0 * maths.pi) np.seterr(**restore) return np.degrees(radians)
[docs]def inclination(v): """Returns the inclination in degrees of v (angle relative to +ve z axis).""" assert len(v) == 3 unit_v = unit_vector(v) radians = maths.acos(unit_v[2]) return degrees_from_radians(radians)
[docs]def inclinations(a): """Returns the inclination in degrees of each vector in a (angle relative to +ve z axis).""" assert a.ndim > 1 and a.shape[-1] == 3 unit_vs = unit_vectors(a) radians = np.arccos(unit_vs[..., 2]) return degrees_from_radians(radians)
[docs]def nan_inclinations(a, already_unit_vectors = False): """Returns the inclination in degrees of each vector in a (angle relative to +ve z axis), allowing NaNs.""" assert a.ndim > 1 and a.shape[-1] == 3 unit_vs = a if already_unit_vectors else nan_unit_vectors(a) restore = np.seterr(all = 'ignore') radians = np.where(np.isnan(unit_vs[..., 2]), np.nan, np.arccos(unit_vs[..., 2])) result = np.where(np.isnan(radians), np.nan, degrees_from_radians(radians)) np.seterr(**restore) return result
[docs]def points_direction_vector(a, axis): """Returns an average direction vector based on first and last non-NaN points or slices in given axis.""" # note: as currently coded, might give poor results with some patterns of NaNs assert a.ndim > 1 and 0 <= axis < a.ndim - 1 and a.shape[-1] > 1 and a.shape[axis] > 1 if np.all(np.isnan(a)): return None start = 0 start_slicing = [slice(None)] * a.ndim while True: start_slicing[axis] = slice(start, start + 1) if not np.all(np.isnan(a[tuple(start_slicing)])): break start += 1 assert start < a.shape[axis] finish = a.shape[axis] - 1 finish_slicing = [slice(None)] * a.ndim while True: finish_slicing[axis] = slice(finish, finish + 1) if not np.all(np.isnan(a[tuple(finish_slicing)])): break finish -= 1 if start >= finish: return None if a.ndim > 2: mean_axes = tuple(range(a.ndim - 1)) start_p = np.nanmean(a[tuple(start_slicing)], axis = mean_axes) finish_p = np.nanmean(a[tuple(finish_slicing)], axis = mean_axes) else: start_p = a[start] finish_p = a[finish] return finish_p - start_p
[docs]def dot_product(a, b): # pragma: no cover """Returns the dot product (scalar product) of the two vectors.""" return, b)
[docs]def dot_products(a, b): # pragma: no cover """Returns the dot products of pairs of vectors; last axis covers element of a vector.""" return np.sum(a * b, axis = -1)
[docs]def cross_product(a, b): # pragma: no cover """Returns the cross product (vector product) of the two vectors.""" return np.cross(a, b)
[docs]def naive_length(v): # pragma: no cover """Returns the length of the vector assuming consistent units.""" return np.linalg.norm(v)
[docs]def naive_lengths(v): """Returns the lengths of the vectors assuming consistent units.""" return np.sqrt(np.sum(v * v, axis = -1))
[docs]def naive_2d_length(v): # pragma: no cover """Returns the length of the vector projected onto xy plane, assuming consistent units.""" return np.linalg.norm(v[0:2])
[docs]def naive_2d_lengths(v): """Returns the lengths of the vectors projected onto xy plane, assuming consistent units.""" v2d = v[..., :2] return np.sqrt(np.sum(v2d * v2d, axis = -1))
[docs]def unit_corrected_length(v, unit_conversion): """Returns the length of the vector v after applying the unit_conversion factors. arguments: v (1D numpy float array): vector with mixed units of measure unit_conversion (1D numpy float array): vector to multiply elements of v by, prior to finding length returns: float, being the length of v after adjustment by unit_conversion notes: example unit_conversion might be: [1.0, 1.0, 0.3048] to convert z from feet to metres, or [3.28084, 3.28084, 1.0] to convert x and y from metres to feet """ converted = elemental_multiply(v, unit_conversion) return naive_length(converted)
[docs]def manhatten_distance(p1, p2): """Returns the Manhattan distance between two points.""" return abs(p2[0] - p1[0]) + abs(p2[1] - p1[1]) + abs(p2[2] - p1[2])
[docs]def manhattan_distance(p1, p2): #  alternative spelling to above """Returns the Manhattan distance between two points.""" return abs(p2[0] - p1[0]) + abs(p2[1] - p1[1]) + abs(p2[2] - p1[2])
[docs]def radians_difference(a, b): """Returns the angle between two vectors, in radians.""" return maths.acos(min(1.0, max(-1.0, dot_product(unit_vector(a), unit_vector(b)))))
[docs]def degrees_difference(a, b): """Returns the angle between two vectors, in degrees.""" return degrees_from_radians(radians_difference(a, b))
[docs]def rotation_matrix_3d_axial(axis, angle): """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about axis (0: x, 1: y, or 2: z) by angle in degrees. note: this function follows the mathematical convention: a positive angle results in anti-clockwise rotation when viewed in direction of positive axis """ axis_a = (axis + 1) % 3 axis_b = (axis_a + 1) % 3 matrix = np.eye(3) radians = np.radians(angle) cosine = np.cos(radians) sine = np.sin(radians) matrix[axis_a, axis_a] = cosine matrix[axis_b, axis_b] = cosine matrix[axis_a, axis_b] = -sine # left handed coordinate system, eg. UTM & depth matrix[axis_b, axis_a] = sine return matrix
[docs]def no_rotation_matrix(): # pragma: no cover """Returns a rotation matrix which will not move points (identity matrix).""" return np.eye(3)
[docs]def rotation_3d_matrix(xzy_axis_angles): """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the x, z, then y axis by angles in degrees.""" angles = np.radians(xzy_axis_angles) cos_c, cos_a, cos_b = np.cos(angles) sin_c, sin_a, sin_b = np.sin(angles) sin_a_sin_c = sin_a * sin_c sin_a_cos_c = sin_a * cos_c rotation_matrix = np.array([ [cos_a * cos_b, -sin_a_cos_c * cos_b + sin_b * sin_c, cos_b * sin_a_sin_c + sin_b * cos_c], [sin_a, cos_a * cos_c, -sin_c * cos_a], [-sin_b * cos_a, sin_a_cos_c * sin_b + cos_b * sin_c, -sin_b * sin_a_sin_c + cos_b * cos_c], ]) return rotation_matrix
[docs]@njit def rotation_3d_matrix_njit(xzy_axis_angles): # pragma: no cover """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the x, z, then y axis by angles in degrees.""" angles = np.radians(xzy_axis_angles) cos_c, cos_a, cos_b = np.cos(angles) sin_c, sin_a, sin_b = np.sin(angles) sin_a_sin_c = sin_a * sin_c sin_a_cos_c = sin_a * cos_c rotation_matrix = np.array([ [cos_a * cos_b, -sin_a_cos_c * cos_b + sin_b * sin_c, cos_b * sin_a_sin_c + sin_b * cos_c], [sin_a, cos_a * cos_c, -sin_c * cos_a], [-sin_b * cos_a, sin_a_cos_c * sin_b + cos_b * sin_c, -sin_b * sin_a_sin_c + cos_b * cos_c], ]) return rotation_matrix
[docs]def reverse_rotation_3d_matrix(xzy_axis_angles): # pragma: no cover """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the y, z, then x axis by angles in degrees.""" return rotation_3d_matrix(xzy_axis_angles).T
[docs]def rotate_vector(rotation_matrix, vector): # pragma: no cover """Returns the rotated vector.""" return, vector)
[docs]def rotate_array(rotation_matrix, a): """Returns a copy of array a with each vector rotated by the rotation matrix.""" return np.matmul(rotation_matrix, a.reshape(-1, 3).T).T.reshape(a.shape)
[docs]@njit def rotate_array_njit(rotation_matrix, a): # pragma: no cover """Returns a copy of array a with each vector rotated by the rotation matrix.""" return, a.reshape(-1, 3).T).T.reshape(a.shape)
[docs]def rotate_xyz_array_around_z_axis(a, target_xy_vector): """Returns a copy of array a suitable for presenting a cross-section using the resulting x,z values. arguments: a (numpy float array of shape (..., 3)): the xyz points to be rotated target_xy_vector (2 (or 3) floats): a vector indicating which direction in source xy space will end up being mapped to the positive x axis in the returned data returns: numpy float array of same shape as a notes: if the input points of a lie in a vertical plane parallel to the target xy vector, then the resulting points will have constant y values; in general, a full rotation of the points is applied, so resulting y values will indicate distance 'into the page' for non-planar or unaligned data """ target_v = np.zeros(3) target_v[:2] = target_xy_vector[:2] rotation_angle = azimuth(target_v) - 90.0 rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, rotation_angle) # todo: check sign of rotation angle return rotate_array(rotation_matrix, a)
[docs]def unit_vector_from_azimuth_and_inclination(azimuth, inclination): """Returns unit vector with compass bearing of azimuth and inclination off +z axis. note: assumes a left handed coordinate system with y axis north and x axis east """ matrix = rotation_3d_matrix((inclination, 180.0 - azimuth, 0.0)) return rotate_vector(matrix, np.array((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
[docs]def tilt_3d_matrix(azimuth, dip): """Returns a 3D rotation matrix for applying a dip in a certain azimuth. note: if azimuth is compass bearing in degrees, and dip is in degrees, the resulting matrix can be used to rotate xyz points where x values are eastings, y values are northings and z increases downwards """ matrix = rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, -azimuth) # will yield rotation around z axis so azimuth goes north matrix =, rotation_matrix_3d_axial(0, dip)) # adjust for dip matrix =, rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, azimuth)) # rotate azimuth back to original return matrix
[docs]def rotation_matrix_3d_vector(v): """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate vector v to the vertical (z) axis. note: the returned matrix will map a positive z axis vector onto v """ v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) kmat = np.array([[0, 0, -v[0]], [0, 0, -v[1]], [v[0], v[1], 0]]) rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) + kmat + * (1 / (1 + v[2])) rotation_matrix[:2] = -rotation_matrix[:2] return rotation_matrix
[docs]@njit def rotation_matrix_3d_vector_njit(v): # pragma: no cover """Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points by inclination and azimuth of vector. note: the returned matrix will map a positive z axis vector onto v """ v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) kmat = np.array([[0, 0, -v[0]], [0, 0, -v[1]], [v[0], v[1], 0]]) rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) + kmat + * (1 / (1 + v[2])) rotation_matrix[:2] = -rotation_matrix[:2] return rotation_matrix
[docs]def tilt_points(pivot_xyz, azimuth, dip, points): """Modifies array of xyz points in situ to apply dip in direction of azimuth, about pivot point.""" matrix = tilt_3d_matrix(azimuth, dip) points_shape = points.shape points[:] -= pivot_xyz points[:] = np.matmul(matrix, points.reshape((-1, 3)).transpose()).transpose().reshape(points_shape) points[:] += pivot_xyz
[docs]def project_points_onto_plane(plane_xyz, normal_vector, points): """Modifies array of xyz points in situ to project onto a plane defined by a point and normal vector. note: implicit xy & z units must be the same """ az = azimuth(normal_vector) incl = inclination(normal_vector) tilt_points(plane_xyz, az, -incl, points) points[..., 2] = plane_xyz[2] tilt_points(plane_xyz, az, incl, points)
[docs]def perspective_vector(xyz_box, view_axis, vanishing_distance, vector): """Returns a version of vector with a perspective applied.""" mid_points = np.zeros(3) xyz_ranges = np.zeros(3) result = np.zeros(3) for axis in range(3): mid_points[axis] = 0.5 * (xyz_box[0, axis] + xyz_box[1, axis]) xyz_ranges[axis] = xyz_box[1, axis] - xyz_box[0, axis] factor = 1.0 - (vector[view_axis] - xyz_box[0, view_axis]) / (vanishing_distance * (xyz_ranges[view_axis])) result[view_axis] = vector[view_axis] for axis in range(3): if axis == view_axis: continue result[axis] = mid_points[axis] + factor * (vector[axis] - mid_points[axis]) return result
[docs]def determinant(a, b, c): """Returns the determinant of the 3 x 3 matrix comprised of the 3 vectors.""" return (a[0] * b[1] * c[2] + a[1] * b[2] * c[0] + a[2] * b[0] * c[1] - a[2] * b[1] * c[0] - a[1] * b[0] * c[2] - a[0] * b[2] * c[1])
[docs]def determinant_3x3(a): """Returns the determinant of the 3 x 3 matrix.""" return determinant(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def clockwise(a, b, c): """Returns a +ve value if 2D points a,b,c are in clockwise order, 0.0 if in line, -ve for ccw. note: assumes positive y-axis is anticlockwise from positive x-axis """ return (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]) - ((c[1] - a[1]) * (b[0] - a[0]))
[docs]def clockwise_triangles(p, t, projection = 'xy'): """Returns a numpy array of +ve values where triangle points are in clockwise order, 0.0 if in line, -ve for ccw. arguments: p (numpy float array of shape (N, 2 or 3)): points in use as vertices of triangles t (numpy int array of shape (M, 3)): indices into first axis of p defining the triangles projection (string, default 'xy'): one of 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz' being the direction of projection, ie. which elements of the second axis of p to use; must be 'xy' if p has shape (N, 2) returns: numpy float array of shape (M,) being the +ve or -ve values indicating clockwise or anti-clockwise ordering of each triangle's vertices when projected onto the specified plane and viewed in the direction negative to positive of the omitted axis note: assumes xyz axes are left-handed (reverse the result for a right handed system) """ a0, a1 = _projected_xyz_axes(projection) return (((p[t[:, 2], a0] - p[t[:, 0], a0]) * (p[t[:, 1], a1] - p[t[:, 0], a1])) - ((p[t[:, 2], a1] - p[t[:, 0], a1]) * (p[t[:, 1], a0] - p[t[:, 0], a0])))
[docs]def in_triangle(a, b, c, d): """Returns True if point d lies wholly within the triangle pf ccw points a, b, c, projected onto xy plane. note: a, b & c must be sorted into anti-clockwise order before calling this function """ return clockwise(a, b, d) < 0.0 and clockwise(b, c, d) < 0.0 and clockwise(c, a, d) < 0.0
[docs]def in_triangle_edged(a, b, c, d): """Returns True if d lies within or on the boudnary of triangle of ccw points a,b,c projected onto xy plane. note: a, b & c must be sorted into anti-clockwise order before calling this function """ return clockwise(a, b, d) <= 0.0 and clockwise(b, c, d) <= 0.0 and clockwise(c, a, d) <= 0.0
[docs]def points_in_triangles(p, t, da, projection = 'xy', edged = False): """Returns 2D numpy bool array indicating which of points da are within which triangles. arguments: p (numpy float array of shape (N, 2 or 3)): points in use as vertices of triangles t (numpy int array of shape (M, 3)): indices into first axis of p defining the triangles da (numpy float array of shape (D, 2 or 3)): points to test for projection (string, default 'xy'): one of 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz' being the direction of projection, ie. which elements of the second axis of p and da to use; must be 'xy' if p and da have shape (N, 2) edged (bool, default False): if True, points lying exactly on the edge of a triangle are included as being in the triangle, otherwise they are excluded returns: numpy bool array of shape (M, D) indicating which points are within which triangles note: the triangles do not need to be in a consistent clockwise or anti-clockwise order """ assert p.ndim == 2 and t.ndim == 2 and da.ndim == 2 and da.shape[1] == p.shape[1] cwt = clockwise_triangles(p, t, projection = projection) a0, a1 = _projected_xyz_axes(projection) d_count = len(da) d_base = len(p) t_count = len(t) pp = np.concatenate((p, da), axis = 0) # build little triangles using da points and two of triangle vertices tp = np.empty((t_count, d_count, 3, 3), dtype = int) tp[:, :, :, 2] = np.arange(d_count).reshape((1, -1, 1)) + d_base tp[:, :, 0, 0] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 1], t[:, 0]).reshape((-1, 1)) tp[:, :, 0, 1] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 0], t[:, 1]).reshape((-1, 1)) tp[:, :, 1, 0] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 2], t[:, 1]).reshape((-1, 1)) tp[:, :, 1, 1] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 1], t[:, 2]).reshape((-1, 1)) tp[:, :, 2, 0] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 0], t[:, 2]).reshape((-1, 1)) tp[:, :, 2, 1] = np.where(cwt > 0.0, t[:, 2], t[:, 0]).reshape((-1, 1)) cwtd = clockwise_triangles(pp, tp.reshape((-1, 3)), projection = projection).reshape((t_count, d_count, 3)) if edged: return np.all(cwtd <= 0.0, axis = 2) else: return np.all(cwtd < 0.0, axis = 2)
[docs]@njit def point_in_polygon(x, y, polygon): # pragma: no cover """Calculates if a point in within a polygon in 2D. arguments: x (float): the point's x-coordinate. y (float): the point's y-coordinate. polygon (np.ndarray): array of the polygon's vertices in 2D. returns: inside (bool): True if point is within the polygon, False otherwise. note: the polygon is assumed closed, the closing point should not be repeated """ n = len(polygon) inside = False p2x = 0.0 p2y = 0.0 xints = 0.0 p1x, p1y = polygon[0] for i in range(n + 1): p2x, p2y = polygon[i % n] if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xints: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return inside
[docs]@njit def point_in_triangle(x, y, triangle): # pragma: no cover """Calculates if a point in within a triangle in 2D. arguments: x (float): the point's x-coordinate. y (float): the point's y-coordinate. triangle (np.ndarray): array of the triangles's vertices in 2D, of shape (3, 2) returns: inside (bool): True if point is within the polygon, False otherwise. """ p0x = triangle[0, 0] p1x = triangle[1, 0] p2x = triangle[2, 0] min_p01x = min(p0x, p1x) if x < min(min_p01x, p2x): return False max_p01x = max(p0x, p1x) if x > max(max_p01x, p2x): return False p0y = triangle[0, 1] p1y = triangle[1, 1] p2y = triangle[2, 1] min_p01y = min(p0y, p1y) if y < min(min_p01y, p2y): return False max_p01y = max(p0y, p1y) if y > max(max_p01y, p2y): return False inside = False xints = 0.0 if y > min_p01y: if y <= max_p01y: if x <= max_p01x: if p0x == p1x: inside = True else: if p0y == p1y: inside = True else: xints = (y - p0y) * (p1x - p0x) / (p1y - p0y) + p0x if x <= xints: inside = True if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1x == p2x: inside = not inside else: if p1y == p2y: inside = not inside else: xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if x <= xints: inside = not inside if y > min(p2y, p0y): if y <= max(p2y, p0y): if x <= max(p2x, p0x): if p2x == p0x: inside = not inside else: if p2y == p0y: inside = not inside else: xints = (y - p2y) * (p0x - p2x) / (p0y - p2y) + p2x if x <= xints: inside = not inside return inside
[docs]@njit(parallel = True) def points_in_polygon(points: np.ndarray, polygon: np.ndarray, points_xlen: int, polygon_num: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within a polygon in 2D. arguments: points (np.ndarray): array of shape (N, 2 or 3), of the points in 2D (xy, any z values are ignored) polygon (np.ndarray): list-like array of the polygon's vertices in 2D points_xlen (int): the original I extent of the now flattened points, use 1 if not applicable polygon_num (int): the polygon number, default is 0, for copying to output returns: polygon_points (np.ndarray): list-like 2D array containing only the points within the polygon, with each row being the polygon number (as input), points J index, and points I index note: the polygon is assumed closed, the closing point should not be repeated """ polygon_points = np.full((len(points), 3), -1, dtype = np.int32) x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] p = np.empty(len(points), dtype = np.bool_) j = np.empty(len(points), dtype = np.int32) i = np.empty(len(points), dtype = np.int32) for point_num in numba.prange(len(points)): p[point_num] = point_in_polygon(x[point_num], y[point_num], polygon) if p[point_num] is True: j[point_num], i[point_num] = divmod(point_num, points_xlen) polygon_points[point_num, 0] = polygon_num polygon_points[point_num, 1] = j[point_num] polygon_points[point_num, 2] = i[point_num] return polygon_points[polygon_points[:, 0] != -1]
[docs]@njit def points_in_triangle(points: np.ndarray, triangle: np.ndarray, points_xlen: int, triangle_num: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within a triangle in 2D. arguments: points (np.ndarray): array of the points in 2D. triangle (np.ndarray): array of the triangle's vertices in 2D, shape (3, 2). points_xlen (int): the number of unique x coordinates. triangle_num (int): the triangle number, default is 0. returns: triangle_points (np.ndarray): 2D array containing only the points within the triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index. """ triangle_points = np.full((len(points), 3), -1, dtype = np.int32) for point_num in numba.prange(len(points)): p = point_in_triangle(points[point_num, 0], points[point_num, 1], triangle) if p is True: yi, xi = divmod(point_num, points_xlen) triangle_points[point_num] = [triangle_num, yi, xi] return triangle_points[triangle_points[:, 0] != -1]
[docs]@njit def mesh_points_in_triangle(triangle: np.ndarray, points_xlen: int, points_ylen: int, triangle_num: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which implicit mesh points are within a triangle in 2D for normalised triangle. arguments: triangle (np.ndarray): array of the triangle's vertices in 2D, shape (3, 2). points_xlen (int): the number of unique x coordinates, starting at 0.0, spacing 1.0. points_ylen (int): the number of unique y coordinates, starting at 0.0, spacing 1.0. triangle_num (int): the triangle number, default is 0. returns: triangle_points (np.ndarray): 2D array containing only the points within the triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index. """ triangle_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = numba.int32) y = 0.0 for yi in numba.prange(points_ylen): x = 0.0 for xi in numba.prange(points_xlen): p = point_in_triangle(x, y, triangle) if p is True: triangle_points = np.append(triangle_points, np.array([[triangle_num, yi, xi]], dtype = numba.int32), axis = 0) x += 1.0 y += 1.0 return triangle_points
[docs]@njit def points_in_polygons(points: np.ndarray, polygons: np.ndarray, points_xlen: int) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which polygons in 2D. arguments: points (np.ndarray): array of the points in 2D. polygons (np.ndarray): array of each polygons' vertices in 2D. points_xlen (int): the number of unique x coordinates. returns: polygons_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each polygon, with each row being the polygon number, points y index, and points x index. """ polygons_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = numba.int32) for polygon_num in numba.prange(len(polygons)): polygon_points = points_in_polygon(points, polygons[polygon_num], points_xlen, polygon_num) polygons_points = np.append(polygons_points, polygon_points, axis = 0) return polygons_points
[docs]@njit(parallel = False) def points_in_triangles_njit(points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, points_xlen: int) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D. arguments: points (np.ndarray): array of the points in 2D. triangles (np.ndarray): array of each triangles' vertices in 2D, shape (N, 3, 2). points_xlen (int): the number of unique x coordinates. returns: triangles_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index. """ triangles_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = numba.int32) for triangle_num in range(len(triangles)): triangle_points = points_in_triangle(points, triangles[triangle_num], points_xlen, triangle_num) triangles_points = np.append(triangles_points, triangle_points, axis = 0) return triangles_points
[docs]@njit def meshgrid(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover """Returns coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors x and y. arguments: x (np.ndarray): 1d array of x coordinates. y (np.ndarray): 1d array of y coordinates. returns: Tuple containing: - xx (np.ndarray): the elements of x repeated to fill the matrix along the first dimension. - yy (np.ndarray): the elements of y repeated to fill the matrix along the second dimension. """ xx = np.empty(shape = (y.size, x.size), dtype = x.dtype) yy = np.empty(shape = (y.size, x.size), dtype = y.dtype) for i in range(y.size): for j in range(x.size): xx[i, j] = x[j] yy[i, j] = y[i] return xx, yy
[docs]def points_in_triangles_aligned(nx: int, ny: int, dx: float, dy: float, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. arguments: nx (int): number of points in x axis ny (int): number of points in y axis dx (float): spacing of points in x axis (first point is at half dx) dy (float): spacing of points in y axis (first point is at half dy) triangles (np.ndarray): float array of each triangles' vertices in 2D, shape (N, 3, 2). points_xlen (int): the number of unique x coordinates. returns: triangles_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index. """ triangles_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) dx_dy = np.expand_dims(np.array([dx, dy], dtype = np.float32), axis = 0) # for triangle_num in numba.prange(len(triangles)): for triangle_num in range(len(triangles)): tp = (triangles[triangle_num] / dx_dy) - 0.5 min_tpx = max(maths.ceil(min(tp[0, 0], tp[1, 0], tp[2, 0])), 0) max_tpx = min(maths.floor(max(tp[0, 0], tp[1, 0], tp[2, 0])), nx - 1) if max_tpx < min_tpx: continue min_tpy = max(maths.ceil(min(tp[0, 1], tp[1, 1], tp[2, 1])), 0) max_tpy = min(maths.floor(max(tp[0, 1], tp[1, 1], tp[2, 1])), ny - 1) if max_tpy < min_tpy: continue ntpx = max_tpx - min_tpx + 1 ntpy = max_tpy - min_tpy + 1 # x = np.linspace(float(min_tpx), float(max_tpx), ntpx) # y = np.linspace(float(min_tpy), float(max_tpy), ntpy) # p = np.stack(meshgrid(x, y), axis = -1).reshape((-1, 2)) # triangle_points = points_in_triangle(p, tp, ntpx, triangle_num) tp[:, 0] -= float(min_tpx) tp[:, 1] -= float(min_tpy) triangle_points = mesh_points_in_triangle(tp, ntpx, ntpy, triangle_num) triangle_points[:, 1] += min_tpy triangle_points[:, 2] += min_tpx triangles_points = np.append(triangles_points, triangle_points, axis = 0) return triangles_points
[docs]@njit def triangle_box(triangle: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: # pragma: no cover """Finds the minimum and maximum x and y values of a single traingle. arguments: triangle (np.ndarray): array of the traingle's vertices' x and y coordinates. returns: Tuple containing: - (float): minimum x value. - (float): maximum x value. - (float): minimum y value. - (float): maximum y value. """ x_values = triangle[:, 0] y_values = triangle[:, 1] return np.min(x_values), np.max(x_values), np.min(y_values), np.max(y_values)
[docs]@njit def vertical_intercept(x: float, x_values: np.ndarray, y_values: np.ndarray) -> Optional[float]: # pragma: no cover """Finds the y value of a straight line between two points at a given x. If the x value given is not within the x values of the points, returns None. arguments: x (float): x value at which to determine the y value. x_values (np.ndarray): the x coordinates of point 1 and point 2. y_values (np.ndarray): the y coordinates of point 1 and point 2. returns: y (Optional[float]): y value of the straight line between point 1 and point 2, evaluated at x. If x is outside the x_values range, y is None. """ y = None if x >= min(x_values) and x <= max(x_values): if x_values[0] == x_values[1]: y = y_values[0] else: m = (y_values[1] - y_values[0]) / (x_values[1] - x_values[0]) c = y_values[1] - m * x_values[1] y = m * x + c return y
[docs]@njit def vertical_intercept_nan(x: float, x_value_0: float, x_value_1: float, y_value_0: float, y_value_1: float) -> float: # pragma: no cover """Finds the y value of a straight line between two points at a given x. If the x value given is not within the x values of the points, returns NaN. arguments: x (float): x value at which to determine the y value x_value_0 (np.ndarray): the x coordinate of point 1 x_value_1 (np.ndarray): the x coordinate of point 2 y_value_0 (np.ndarray): the y coordinate of point 1 y_value_1 (np.ndarray): the y coordinate of point 2 returns: y (float): y value of the straight line segment between point 1 and point 2, evaluated at x; if x is outside the x values range, y is NaN """ y = np.nan if x_value_1 < x_value_0: x_value_0, x_value_1 = x_value_1, x_value_0 y_value_0, y_value_1 = y_value_1, y_value_0 if x >= x_value_0 and x <= x_value_1: if x_value_0 == x_value_1: y = y_value_0 else: m = (y_value_1 - y_value_0) / (x_value_1 - x_value_0) c = y_value_1 - m * x_value_1 y = m * x + c return y
[docs]@njit def vertical_intercept_nan_yz(x: float, x_0: float, x_1: float, y_0: float, y_1: float, z_0: float, z_1: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: # pragma: no cover """Finds the y & z values of a straight line between two points at a given x. If the x value given is not within the x values of the points, returns NaN. arguments: x (float): x value at which to determine the y value x_0 (float): the x coordinate of point a x_1 (float): the x coordinate of point b y_0 (float): the y coordinate of point a y_1 (float): the y coordinate of point b z_0 (float): the z coordinate of point a z_1 (float): the z coordinate of point b returns: y, z (float, float): y & z values of the straight line segment between point a and point b, evaluated at x; if x is outside the x values range, y & z are NaN """ y = np.nan z = np.nan if x_1 < x_0: x_0, x_1 = x_1, x_0 y_0, y_1 = y_1, y_0 z_0, z_1 = z_1, z_0 if x >= x_0 and x <= x_1: if x_0 == x_1: y = y_0 z = z_0 else: xr = x_1 - x_0 m = (y_1 - y_0) / xr c = y_1 - m * x_1 y = m * x + c m = (z_1 - z_0) / xr c = z_1 - m * x_1 z = m * x + c return (y, z)
[docs]@njit def points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised_old(nx: int, ny: int, dx: float, dy: float, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. arguments: nx (int): number of points in x axis ny (int): number of points in y axis dx (float): spacing of points in x axis (first point is at half dx) dy (float): spacing of points in y axis (first point is at half dy) triangles (np.ndarray): float array of each triangles' vertices in 2D, shape (N, 3, 2) returns: triangles_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index """ grid_x = dx * (0.5 + np.arange(nx).astype(np.float64)) grid_y = dy * (0.5 + np.arange(ny).astype(np.float64)) triangles_points_list = [] for triangle_num in range(len(triangles)): triangle = triangles[triangle_num] min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = triangle_box(triangle) x_values = grid_x[np.logical_and(grid_x >= min_x, grid_x < max_x)] y_values = grid_y[np.logical_and(grid_y >= min_y, grid_y < max_y)] for x in x_values: ys = [] ys.append(vertical_intercept(x, triangle[1:, 0], triangle[1:, 1])) ys.append(vertical_intercept(x, triangle[:2, 0], triangle[:2, 1])) ys.append(vertical_intercept(x, triangle[::2, 0], triangle[::2, 1])) ys = [u for u in ys if u is not None] valid_y = y_values[np.logical_and(y_values >= min(ys), y_values <= max(ys))] x_idx = int(x / dx) triangles_points_list.extend([[triangle_num, int(y / dy), x_idx] for y in valid_y]) if len(triangles_points_list) == 0: triangles_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) return triangles_points triangles_points = np.array(triangles_points_list, dtype = np.int32) return triangles_points
[docs]@njit def points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised_serial(nx: int, ny: int, dx: float, dy: float, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. arguments: nx (int): number of points in x axis ny (int): number of points in y axis dx (float): spacing of points in x axis (first point is at half dx) dy (float): spacing of points in y axis (first point is at half dy) triangles (np.ndarray): float array of each triangles' vertices in 2D, shape (N, 3, 2) returns: triangles_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index """ triangles = triangles.copy() triangles[..., 0] /= dx triangles[..., 1] /= dy triangles -= 0.5 triangles_points_list = [] for triangle_num in range(len(triangles)): triangle = triangles[triangle_num] min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = triangle_box(triangle) for xi in range(max(maths.ceil(min_x), 0), min(maths.floor(max_x) + 1, nx)): x = float(xi) e0_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[1, 0], triangle[2, 0], triangle[1, 1], triangle[2, 1]) e1_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[0, 0], triangle[1, 0], triangle[0, 1], triangle[1, 1]) e2_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[0, 0], triangle[2, 0], triangle[0, 1], triangle[2, 1]) ey_list = np.array([e0_y, e1_y, e2_y], dtype = np.float64) floor_y = np.nanmin(ey_list) ceil_y = np.nanmax(ey_list) triangles_points_list.extend( [[triangle_num, y, xi] for y in range(max(maths.ceil(floor_y), 0), min(maths.floor(ceil_y) + 1, ny))]) if len(triangles_points_list) == 0: triangles_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) else: triangles_points = np.array(triangles_points_list, dtype = np.int32) return triangles_points
[docs]@njit(parallel = True) def points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised(nx: int, ny: int, dx: float, dy: float, triangles: np.ndarray, n_batches: int = 20) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. arguments: nx (int): number of points in x axis ny (int): number of points in y axis dx (float): spacing of points in x axis (first point is at half dx) dy (float): spacing of points in y axis (first point is at half dy) triangles (np.ndarray): float array of each triangles' vertices in 2D, shape (N, 3, 2) n_batches (int, default 20): number of parallel batches returns: triangles_points (np.ndarray): 2D array (list-like) containing only the points within each triangle, with each row being the triangle number, points y index, and points x index """ n_triangles = len(triangles) if n_triangles == 0: return np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) triangles = triangles.copy() triangles[..., 0] /= dx triangles[..., 1] /= dy triangles -= 0.5 n_batches = min(n_triangles, n_batches) batch_size = (n_triangles - 1) // n_batches + 1 tp = [np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32)] * n_batches for batch in prange(n_batches): base = batch * batch_size tp[batch] = _points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised_batch(nx, ny, base, triangles[base:(batch + 1) * batch_size]) collated = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) for batch in range(n_batches): collated = np.concatenate((collated, tp[batch]), axis = 0) return collated
[docs]@njit(parallel = True) def points_in_triangles_aligned_unified(nx: int, ny: int, ax: int, ay: int, az: int, triangles: np.ndarray, n_batches: int = 20) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover """Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. arguments: - nx (int): number of points in x axis - ny (int): number of points in y axis - ax (int): 'x' axis selection (0, 1, or 2) - ay (int): 'y' axis selection (0, 1, or 2) - az (int): 'z' axis selection (0, 1, or 2) - triangles (np.ndarray): float array of each triangles' normalised vertices in 3D, shape (N, 3, 3) - n_batches (int, default 20): number of parallel batches returns: list like int array with each row being (tri number, axis 'y' int, axis 'x' int), and corresponding list like float array being axis 'z' sampled at point on triangle notes: - actual axes to use for x, y, & z are determined by the ax, ay, & az arguments - 0, 1, & 2 must appear once each amongst the ax, ay, & az arguments - triangles points have already been normalised to a unit grid spacing and offset by half a cell - returned 'z' values are in normalised form - to denormalize 'z' values, add 0.5 and multiply by the actual cell length in the corresponding axis """ n_triangles = len(triangles) if n_triangles == 0: return np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32), np.empty((0,), dtype = np.float64) n_batches = min(n_triangles, n_batches) batch_size = (n_triangles - 1) // n_batches + 1 tp = [np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32)] * n_batches tz = [np.empty((0,), dtype = np.float64)] * n_batches for batch in prange(n_batches): base = batch * batch_size tp[batch], tz[batch] = _points_in_triangles_aligned_unified_batch(nx, ny, base, triangles[base:(batch + 1) * batch_size], ax, ay, az) collated = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) collated_z = np.empty((0,), dtype = np.float64) for batch in range(n_batches): collated = np.concatenate((collated, tp[batch]), axis = 0) collated_z = np.concatenate((collated_z, tz[batch]), axis = 0) return collated, collated_z
@njit def _points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised_batch(nx: int, ny: int, base_triangle: int, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover triangles_points_list = [] for triangle_num in range(len(triangles)): triangle = triangles[triangle_num] min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = triangle_box(triangle) for xi in range(max(maths.ceil(min_x), 0), min(maths.floor(max_x) + 1, nx)): x = float(xi) e0_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[1, 0], triangle[2, 0], triangle[1, 1], triangle[2, 1]) e1_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[0, 0], triangle[1, 0], triangle[0, 1], triangle[1, 1]) e2_y = vertical_intercept_nan(x, triangle[0, 0], triangle[2, 0], triangle[0, 1], triangle[2, 1]) ey_list = np.array([e0_y, e1_y, e2_y], dtype = np.float64) floor_y = np.nanmin(ey_list) ceil_y = np.nanmax(ey_list) triangles_points_list.extend([[triangle_num + base_triangle, y, xi] for y in range(max(maths.ceil(floor_y), 0), min(maths.floor(ceil_y) + 1, ny)) ]) if len(triangles_points_list) == 0: triangles_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) else: triangles_points = np.array(triangles_points_list, dtype = np.int32) return triangles_points @njit def _points_in_triangles_aligned_unified_batch(nx: int, ny: int, base_triangle: int, tp: np.ndarray, ax: int, ay: int, az: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover # returns list like int array with each row being (tri number, axis y int, axis x int), and # corresponding list like float array being axis z sampled at point on triangle # todo: add type subscripting once support for python 3.8 is dropped int_list = [] sampled_z_list = [] for triangle_num in range(len(tp)): tri = tp[triangle_num] min_x = np.min(tri[:, ax]) max_x = np.max(tri[:, ax]) min_y = np.min(tri[:, ay]) max_y = np.max(tri[:, ay]) for xi in range(max(maths.ceil(min_x), 0), min(maths.floor(max_x) + 1, nx)): x = float(xi) e0_y, e0_z = vertical_intercept_nan_yz(x, tri[1, ax], tri[2, ax], tri[1, ay], tri[2, ay], tri[1, az], tri[2, az]) e1_y, e1_z = vertical_intercept_nan_yz(x, tri[0, ax], tri[1, ax], tri[0, ay], tri[1, ay], tri[0, az], tri[1, az]) e2_y, e2_z = vertical_intercept_nan_yz(x, tri[0, ax], tri[2, ax], tri[0, ay], tri[2, ay], tri[0, az], tri[2, az]) floor_y = np.nan ceil_y = np.nan floor_z = np.nan ceil_z = np.nan if not np.isnan(e0_y): floor_y = e0_y ceil_y = e0_y floor_z = e0_z ceil_z = e0_z if not np.isnan(e1_y): if np.isnan(floor_y): floor_y = e1_y ceil_y = e1_y floor_z = e1_z ceil_z = e1_z else: if e1_y < floor_y: floor_y = e1_y floor_z = e1_z else: ceil_y = e1_y ceil_z = e1_z if not np.isnan(e2_y): if np.isnan(floor_y): floor_y = e2_y ceil_y = e2_y floor_z = e2_z ceil_z = e2_z else: if e2_y < floor_y: floor_y = e2_y floor_z = e2_z elif e2_y > ceil_y: ceil_y = e2_y ceil_z = e2_z y_range = ceil_y - floor_y z_range = ceil_z - floor_z t = triangle_num + base_triangle extend_int_list = [] extend_z_list = [] for y in range(max(maths.ceil(floor_y), 0), min(maths.floor(ceil_y) + 1, ny)): yf = float(y) - floor_y if y_range > 0.0: yf /= y_range z = floor_z + yf * z_range extend_int_list.append([triangle_num + base_triangle, y, xi]) extend_z_list.append(z) int_list.extend(extend_int_list) sampled_z_list.extend(extend_z_list) if len(int_list) == 0: int_array = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = np.int32) z_array = np.empty((0,), dtype = np.float64) else: int_array = np.array(int_list, dtype = np.int32) z_array = np.array(sampled_z_list, dtype = np.float64) return (int_array, z_array)
[docs]def triangle_normal_vector(p3): """For a triangle in 3D space, defined by 3 vertex points, returns a unit vector normal to the plane of the triangle. note: resulting vector implicitly assumes that xy & z units are the same; if this is not the case, adjust vector afterwards as required """ # todo: handle degenerate triangles return unit_vector(cross_product(p3[0] - p3[1], p3[0] - p3[2]))
[docs]@njit def triangle_normal_vector_numba(points): # pragma: no cover """For a triangle in 3D space, defined by 3 vertex points, returns a unit vector normal to the plane of the triangle. note: resulting vector implicitly assumes that xy & z units are the same; if this is not the case, adjust vector afterwards as required """ v = np.cross(points[0] - points[1], points[0] - points[2]) return v / np.linalg.norm(v)
[docs]@njit def triangles_normal_vectors(t: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """For a triangulated set, return an array of unit normal vectors (one per triangle). note: resulting vectors implicitly assume that xy & z units are the same; if this is not the case, adjust vectors afterwards as required """ nv = np.empty((len(t), 3), dtype = np.float64) v = np.zeros(3, dtype = np.float64) for ti in range(len(t)): v[:] = np.cross(p[t[ti, 0]] - p[t[ti, 1]], p[t[ti, 0]] - p[t[ti, 2]]) if v[2] < 0.0: v[:] = -v nv[ti, :] = v / np.linalg.norm(v) return nv
[docs]def in_circumcircle(a, b, c, d): """Returns True if point d lies within the circumcircle pf ccw points a, b, c, projected onto xy plane. note: a, b & c must be sorted into anti-clockwise order before calling this function """ m = np.empty((3, 3)) m[0, :2] = a[:2] - d[:2] m[1, :2] = b[:2] - d[:2] m[2, :2] = c[:2] - d[:2] m[:, 2] = (m[:, 0] * m[:, 0]) + (m[:, 1] * m[:, 1]) return determinant_3x3(m) > 0.0
[docs]def point_distance_to_line_2d(p, l1, l2): """Ignoring any z values, returns the xy distance of point p from line passing through l1 and l2.""" if np.all(l2[:2] == l1[:2]): return naive_2d_length(p[:2] - l1[:2]) return (abs(p[0] * (l1[1] - l2[1]) + l1[0] * (l2[1] - p[1]) + l2[0] * (p[1] - l1[1])) / naive_2d_length(l2[:2] - l1[:2]))
[docs]def point_distance_to_line_segment_2d(p, l1, l2): """Ignoring any z values, returns the xy distance of point p from line segment between l1 and l2.""" if is_obtuse_2d(l1, p, l2): return naive_2d_length(p[:2] - l1[:2]) elif is_obtuse_2d(l2, p, l1): return naive_2d_length(p[:2] - l2[:2]) else: return point_distance_to_line_2d(p, l1, l2)
[docs]def is_obtuse_2d(p, p1, p2): """Returns True if the angle at point p subtended by points p1 and p2, in xy plane, is greater than 90 degrees; else False.""" return[:2] - p[:2]), (p2[:2] - p[:2])) < 0.0
[docs]def isclose(a, b, tolerance = 1.0e-6): """Returns True if the two points are extremely close to one another (ie. the same point). """ # return np.all(np.isclose(a, b, atol = tolerance)) # cheap and cheerful alternative to thorough numpy version commented out above return np.max(np.abs(a - b)) <= tolerance
[docs]def is_close(a, b, tolerance = 1.0e-6): """Returns True if the two points are extremely close to one another (ie. the same point). """ return isclose(a, b, tolerance = tolerance)
[docs]def point_distance_sqr_to_points_projected(p, points, projection): """Returns an array of projected distances squared between p and points; projection is 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'.""" if projection == 'xy': d = points[..., :2] - p[:2] elif projection == 'xz': d = points[..., 0:3:2] - p[0:3:2] elif projection == 'yz': d = points[..., 1:] - p[1:] else: raise ValueError("projection must be 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'") return np.sum(d * d, axis = -1)
[docs]def nearest_point_projected(p, points, projection): """Returns the index into points array closest to point p; projection is 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'.""" # note: in the case of equidistant points, the index of the 'first' point is returned d2 = point_distance_sqr_to_points_projected(p, points, projection) return np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(d2), d2.shape)
[docs]def area_of_triangle(a, b, c): """Returns the area of the triangle defined by three vertices.""" # uses Heron's formula la = naive_length(a - b) lb = naive_length(b - c) lc = naive_length(c - a) s = 0.5 * (la + lb + lc) return maths.sqrt(s * (s - la) * (s - lb) * (s - lc))
[docs]def area_of_triangles(p, t, xy_projection = False): """Returns numpy array of areas of triangles, optionally when projected onto xy plane.""" # uses Heron's formula pt = p[t] if xy_projection: la = naive_2d_lengths(pt[:, 0, :] - pt[:, 1, :]) lb = naive_2d_lengths(pt[:, 1, :] - pt[:, 2, :]) lc = naive_2d_lengths(pt[:, 2, :] - pt[:, 0, :]) else: la = naive_lengths(pt[:, 0, :] - pt[:, 1, :]) lb = naive_lengths(pt[:, 1, :] - pt[:, 2, :]) lc = naive_lengths(pt[:, 2, :] - pt[:, 0, :]) s = 0.5 * (la + lb + lc) return np.sqrt(s * (s - la) * (s - lb) * (s - lc))
[docs]def clockwise_sorted_indices(p, b): """Returns a clockwise sorted numpy list of indices b into the points p. note: this function is designed for preparing a list of points defining a convex polygon when projected in the xy plane, starting from a subset of the unsorted points; more specifically, it assumes that the mean of p (over axis 0) lies within the polygon and the clockwise ordering is relative to that mean point """ # note: this function currently assumes that the mean of points bp lies within the hull of bp # and that the points form a convex polygon from the perspective of the mean point assert p.ndim == 2 and len(p) >= 3 centre = np.mean(p, axis = 0) hull_list = [] # list of azimuths and indices into p (axis 0) for i in b: azi = azimuth(p[i] - centre) hull_list.append((azi, i)) return np.array([i for (_, i) in sorted(hull_list)], dtype = int)
[docs]def xy_sorted(p, axis = None): """Returns copy of points p sorted according to x or y (whichever has greater range). arguments: p (numpy float array of shape (..., 2) or (..., 3)): points to be sorted axis (int, optional): 0 for x sort; 1 for y sort; None for whichever has greater range returns: p', axis where p' is a list-like (2D) version of p, sorted by either x or y and axis is 0 if the sort was by x, 1 if it were by y note: returned array is always 2D, ie. list of points """ assert p.ndim >= 2 and p.shape[-1] >= 2 p = p.reshape((-1, p.shape[-1])) if axis is None: xy_range = np.nanmax(p, axis = 0) - np.nanmin(p, axis = 0) axis = (1 if xy_range[1] > xy_range[0] else 0) spi = np.argsort(p[:, axis]) return p[spi], axis
[docs]@njit def xy_sorted_njit(p, axis = -1): # pragma: no cover """Returns copy of points p sorted according to x or y (whichever has greater range).""" assert p.ndim >= 2 and p.shape[-1] >= 2 p = p.reshape((-1, p.shape[-1])) if axis == -1: xy_range = _nanmax(p) - _nanmin(p) axis = (1 if xy_range[1] > xy_range[0] else 0) points = p[:, axis] spi = np.argsort(points) return p[spi], axis
@njit def _nanmax(array): # pragma: no cover """Numba implementation of np.nanmax with axis = 0.""" len0 = array.shape[1] max_array = np.empty(len0) for col in range(len0): col_array = array[:, col] max_val = col_array[0] for val in col_array: if val > max_val and not np.isnan(val): max_val = val max_array[col] = max_val return max_array @njit def _nanmin(array): # pragma: no cover """Numba implementation of np.nanmin with axis = 0.""" len0 = array.shape[1] min_array = np.empty(len0) for col in range(len0): col_array = array[:, col] min_val = col_array[0] for val in col_array: if val < min_val and not np.isnan(val): min_val = val min_array[col] = min_val return min_array def _projected_xyz_axes(projection): assert projection in ['xy', 'xz', 'yz'], f'invalid projection {projection}' a0 = 'xyz'.index(projection[0]) a1 = 'xyz'.index(projection[1]) return a0, a1 # end of vector_utilities module