"""triangulation.py: functions for finding Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi graph from a set of points."""
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from typing import Tuple
import math as maths
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay # type: ignore
from numba import njit # type: ignore
from typing import Optional
import resqpy.crs as rqc
import resqpy.lines as rql
import resqpy.model as rq
import resqpy.olio.intersection as meet
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
# _ccw_t() no longer needed: triangle vertices maintained in anti-clockwise order throughout
# def _ccw_t(p, t): # puts triangle vertex indices into anti-clockwise order, in situ
# if vec.clockwise(p[t[0]], p[t[1]], p[t[2]]) > 0.0:
# t[1], t[2] = t[2], t[1]
def _dt_scipy(points: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculates the Delaunay triangulation for an array of points and the convex hull indices.
points (np.ndarray): coordinates of the points to triangulate; array has shape
(npoints, ndim)
(tuple): tuple containing:
simplices (np.ndarray): indices of the points forming the triangulation simplices; array
has shape (nsimplex, ndim+1)
convex_hull_indices (np.ndarray): indices of the points forming the convex hull; array
has shape (nhull,)
the triangulation is carried out on the points as projected onto the xy plane
delaunay = Delaunay(points[..., :2])
simplices = delaunay.simplices
convex_hull_indices = np.unique(delaunay.convex_hull)
return simplices, convex_hull_indices
def _dt_simple(po, plot_fn = None, progress_fn = None, container_size_factor = None):
# returns Delaunay triangulation of po and list of hull point indices, using a simple algorithm
def flip(ei):
nonlocal fm, e, t, te, p, nt, p_i, ne
if fm[ei]:
return # this edge has already been flipped since last point insertion
t0, te0 = e[ei, 0]
t1, te1 = e[ei, 1]
if t0 < 0 or t1 < 0:
return # no triangle on other side
t0n = te0 - 1
if t0n < 0:
t0n = 2
t1n = te1 - 1
if t1n < 0:
t1n = 2
if (not vec.in_circumcircle(p[t[t0, 0]], p[t[t0, 1]], p[t[t0, 2]], p[t[t1, t1n]]) and
not vec.in_circumcircle(p[t[t1, 0]], p[t[t1, 1]], p[t[t1, 2]], p[t[t0, t0n]])):
return # not sure both are needed
# flip needed
ft0 = (t[t0, te0], t[t1, t1n], t[t0, t0n])
ft1 = (t[t1, te1], t[t0, t0n], t[t1, t1n])
e[ei, :, 1] = 1
fte0 = (te[t1, 3 - (te1 + t1n)], ei, te[t0, t0n])
fte1 = (te[t0, 3 - (te0 + t0n)], ei, te[t1, t1n])
if e[fte0[0], 0, 0] == t1:
e[fte0[0], 0] = (t0, 0)
elif e[fte0[0], 1, 0] == t1:
e[fte0[0], 1] = (t0, 0)
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
if e[fte1[0], 0, 0] == t0:
e[fte1[0], 0] = (t1, 0)
elif e[fte1[0], 1, 0] == t0:
e[fte1[0], 1] = (t1, 0)
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
if e[fte0[2], 0, 0] == t0:
e[fte0[2], 0, 1] = 2
elif e[fte0[2], 1, 0] == t0:
e[fte0[2], 1, 1] = 2
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
if e[fte1[2], 0, 0] == t1:
e[fte1[2], 0, 1] = 2
elif e[fte1[2], 1, 0] == t1:
e[fte1[2], 1, 1] = 2
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
t[t0] = ft0
t[t1] = ft1
te[t0] = fte0
te[t1] = fte1
fm[ei] = True
# debug plot here
if plot_fn is not None:
plot_fn(p, t[:nt])
# recursively flip, not sure all these are needed
n_p = len(po)
if n_p < 3:
return None, None # not enough points
elif n_p == 3:
return np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype = np.int32).reshape((1, 3)), np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype = np.int32)
if progress_fn is not None:
min_xy = np.min(po[:, :2], axis = 0)
max_xy = np.max(po[:, :2], axis = 0)
dxy = max_xy - min_xy
assert dxy[0] > 0.0 and dxy[1] > 0.0, 'points lie in straight line or are conincident'
p = np.empty((n_p + 3, 2))
p[:-3] = po[:, :2]
# add 3 points sure of containing all po
csf = 100.0 if container_size_factor is None else max(1.0, container_size_factor)
p[-3] = (min_xy[0] - 0.8 * csf * dxy[0], min_xy[1] - 0.1 * csf * dxy[1])
p[-2] = (max_xy[0] + 0.8 * csf * dxy[0], min_xy[1] - 0.1 * csf * dxy[1])
p[-1] = (min_xy[0] + 0.5 * csf * dxy[0], max_xy[1] + 0.8 * csf * dxy[1])
# triangle vertex indices
t_type = np.int32 if n_p < 2_147_483_648 else np.int64
t = np.empty((2 * n_p + 2, 3), dtype = t_type) # empty space for triangle vertex indices
t[0] = (n_p, n_p + 1, n_p + 2) # initial set of one containing triangle
nt = 1 # number of triangles so far populated
# edges: list of indices of triangles and edge within triangle; -1 indicates no triangle using edge
e = np.full((3 * n_p + 6, 2, 2), fill_value = -1, dtype = t_type)
e[:3, 0, 0] = 0
for edge in range(3):
e[edge, 0, 1] = edge
ne = 3 # number of edges so far in use
# edge indices (in e) for each triangle, first axis indexed in sync with t
te = np.empty((2 * n_p + 2, 3), dtype = t_type) # empty space for triangle edge indices
te[0] = (0, 1, 2)
# mask tracking which edges have been flipped
fm = np.zeros((3 * n_p + 6), dtype = bool)
# debug plot here
# if plot_fn: plot_fn(p, t[:nt])
progress_period = max(n_p // 100, 1)
progress_count = progress_period
for p_i in range(n_p): # index of next point to consider
if progress_fn is not None and progress_count <= 0:
progress_fn(float(p_i) / float(n_p))
progress_count = progress_period
# find triangle that contains this point
f_t = None
for ti in range(nt):
if vec.in_triangle_edged(p[t[ti, 0]], p[t[ti, 1]], p[t[ti, 2]], p[p_i]):
f_t = ti
assert f_t is not None, 'failed to find triangle containing point'
# take copy of edge indices for containing triangle
e0, e1, e2 = te[f_t]
# split containing triangle into 3, using new point as common vertex
t[nt] = (t[f_t, 1], t[f_t, 2], p_i)
t[nt + 1] = (t[f_t, 2], t[f_t, 0], p_i)
t[f_t, 2] = p_i
# add 3 new edges and update te
e[ne, 0] = (f_t, 2)
e[ne, 1] = (nt + 1, 1)
e[ne + 1, 0] = (f_t, 1)
e[ne + 1, 1] = (nt, 2)
e[ne + 2, 0] = (nt, 1)
e[ne + 2, 1] = (nt + 1, 2)
if e[e1, 0, 0] == f_t:
e[e1, 0] = (nt, 0)
elif e[e1, 1, 0] == f_t:
e[e1, 1] = (nt, 0)
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
if e[e2, 0, 0] == f_t:
e[e2, 0] = (nt + 1, 0)
elif e[e2, 1, 0] == f_t:
e[e2, 1] = (nt + 1, 0)
raise Exception('edge breakdown')
te[nt] = (e1, ne + 2, ne + 1)
te[nt + 1] = (e2, ne, ne + 2)
te[f_t, 1] = ne + 1
te[f_t, 2] = ne
nt += 2
ne += 3
# now recursively try flipping sides
fm[:] = False
# debug plot here, with new point, before flipping
if plot_fn is not None:
plot_fn(p, t[:nt])
progress_count -= 1
# remove any triangles using invented container vertices
tri_set = t[np.where(np.all(t[:nt] < n_p, axis = 1))]
if plot_fn is not None:
plot_fn(p, tri_set)
external_t = t[np.where(np.any(t[:nt] >= n_p, axis = 1))]
external_pi = np.unique(external_t)[:-3] # discard 3 invented container vertices
if progress_fn is not None:
return tri_set, external_pi
[docs]def dt(p, algorithm = "scipy", plot_fn = None, progress_fn = None, container_size_factor = 100.0, return_hull = False):
"""Returns the Delaunay Triangulation of 2D point set p.
p (numpy float array of shape (N, 2): the x,y coordinates of the points
algorithm (string, optional): selects which algorithm to use; current options: ['simple', 'scipy'];
if None, the current best algorithm is selected
plot_fn (function of form f(p, t), optional): if present, this function is called each time the
algorithm feels it is worth refreshing a plot of the progress; p is a copy of the point set,
depending on the algorithm with 3 extra points added to form an enveloping triangle
progress_fn (function of form f(x), optional): if present, this function is called at regulat
intervals by the algorithm, passing increasing values in the range 0.0 to 1.0 as x
container_size_factor (float, default 100.0): the larger this number, the more likely the
resulting triangulation is to be convex; reduce to 1.0 to allow slight concavities
return_hull (boolean, default False): if True, a pair is returned with the second item being
a clockwise ordered list of indices into p identifying the points on the boundary of the
returned triangulation
numpy int array of shape (M, 3) - being the indices into the first axis of p of the 3 points
per triangle in the Delaunay Triangulation - and if return_hull is True, another int array
of shape (B,) - being indices into p of the clockwise ordered points on the boundary of
the triangulation
the plot_fn, progress_fn and container_size_factor arguments are only used by the 'simple' algorithm;
if points p are 3D, the projection onto the xy plane is used for the triangulation
assert p.ndim == 2 and p.shape[1] >= 2, 'bad points shape for 2D Delaunay Triangulation'
if not algorithm:
algorithm = 'scipy'
if algorithm == 'scipy':
tri, boundary = _dt_scipy(p)
elif algorithm == 'simple':
tri, boundary = _dt_simple(p,
plot_fn = plot_fn,
progress_fn = progress_fn,
container_size_factor = container_size_factor)
raise Exception(f'unrecognised Delaunay Triangulation algorithm name: {algorithm}')
assert tri.ndim == 2 and tri.shape[1] == 3
if return_hull:
return tri, vec.clockwise_sorted_indices(p, boundary)
return tri
[docs]def ccc(p1, p2, p3):
"""Returns the centre of the circumcircle of the three points in the xy plane."""
# two edges as vectors
v12 = p2 - p1
v13 = p3 - p1
# midpoints of the two edges
m12 = 0.5 * (p1 + p2)
m13 = 0.5 * (p1 + p3)
# pairs of points defining two edge normals passing through the midpoints
o12 = m12.copy()
o12[0] += v12[1]
o12[1] -= v12[0]
o13 = m13.copy()
o13[0] += v13[1]
o13[1] -= v13[0]
return meet.line_line_intersect(m12[0], m12[1], o12[0], o12[1], m13[0], m13[1], o13[0], o13[1])
[docs]def voronoi(p, t, b, aoi: rql.Polyline):
"""Returns dual Voronoi diagram for a Delaunay triangulation.
p (numpy float array of shape (N, 2)): seed points used in the Delaunay triangulation
t (numpy int array of shape (M, 3)): the Delaunay triangulation of p as returned by dt()
b (numpy int array of shape (B,)): clockwise sorted list of indices into p of the boundary
points of the triangulation t
aoi (lines.Polyline): area of interest; a closed clockwise polyline that must strictly contain
all p (no points exactly on or outside the polyline)
c, v where: c is a numpy float array of shape (M+E, 2) being the circumcircle centres of
the M triangles and E boundary points from the aoi polygon line; and v is a list of
N Voronoi cell lists of clockwise ints, each int being an index into c
the aoi polyline forms the outer boundary for the Voronoi polygons for points on the
outer edge of the triangulation; all points p must lie strictly within the aoi, which
must be convex; the triangulation t, of points p, must also have a convex hull; note
that the dt() function can produce a triangulation with slight concavities on the hull,
especially for smaller values of its container_size_factor argument
# this code assumes that the Voronoi polygon for a seed point visits the circumcentres of
# all the triangles that make use of the point – currently understood to be always the case
# for a Delaunay triangulation
def __aoi_intervening_nodes(aoi_count, c_count, seg_a, seg_c):
nodes = []
seg = seg_a
while seg != seg_c:
seg = (seg + 1) % aoi_count
nodes.append(c_count + seg)
return nodes
def __shorter_sides_p_i(p3):
max_length = -1.0
max_i = None
for i in range(3):
opp_length = vec.naive_length(p3[i - 1] - p3[i - 2])
if opp_length > max_length:
max_length = opp_length
max_i = i
return max_i
def __azi_between(a, c, t):
if c < a:
c += 360.0
return (a <= t <= c) or (a <= t + 360.0 <= c)
def __seg_for_ci(ci): # returns hull segment for a boundary index
nonlocal ca_count, cah_count, caho_count, cahon_count, wing_hull_segments
if ci < ca_count:
return None
if ci < cah_count: # hull edge intersection
return ci - ca_count
if ci < caho_count: # wings
oi, wing = divmod(ci - cah_count, 2)
return wing_hull_segments[oi, wing]
if ci < cahon_count: # virtual centre for hull edge
return ci - caho_count
# else virtual centre for hull point; arbitrarily pick clockwise segment
return ci - cahon_count
def __intervening_aoi_indices(aoi_count, aoi_intersect_segments, c_count, ca_count, cah_count, ci_for_p,
# build list of intervening aoi boundary point indices and append to list
aoi_nodes = []
r = [0] if len(ci_for_p) == 2 else range(len(ci_for_p))
just_done_pair = False
for cii in r:
cip = ci_for_p[cii]
ci = ci_for_p[(cii + 1) % len(ci_for_p)]
if cip >= c_count and ci >= c_count and not just_done_pair:
# identify aoi segments
if cip < cah_count:
aoi_seg_a = aoi_intersect_segments[cip - ca_count]
aoi_seg_a = out_pair_intersect_segments[divmod(cip - cah_count, 2)]
if ci < cah_count:
aoi_seg_c = aoi_intersect_segments[ci - ca_count]
aoi_seg_c = out_pair_intersect_segments[divmod(ci - cah_count, 2)]
aoi_nodes += __aoi_intervening_nodes(aoi_count, c_count, aoi_seg_a, aoi_seg_c)
just_done_pair = True
just_done_pair = False
return aoi_nodes
def __ci_non_hull(b_i, c, c_count, ci_for_p, p, p_i):
trimmed_ci = []
cii = 0
finish_at = len(ci_for_p)
while cii < finish_at:
if ci_for_p[cii] < c_count:
cii += 1
start_cii = cii
cii_seg = __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[cii])
while cii == 0 and ci_for_p[start_cii - 1] >= c_count and __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[start_cii - 1]) == cii_seg:
start_cii -= 1
start_cii = start_cii % len(ci_for_p)
end_cii = cii + 1
while end_cii < len(ci_for_p) and ci_for_p[end_cii] >= c_count and __seg_for_ci(
ci_for_p[end_cii]) == cii_seg:
end_cii += 1
end_cii -= 1 # unpythonesque: end element included in scan
if end_cii == start_cii:
cii += 1
if end_cii < start_cii:
finish_at = start_cii
if end_cii == (start_cii + 1) % len(ci_for_p):
cii = end_cii + 1
start_azi = vec.azimuth(c[ci_for_p[start_cii]] - p[p_i, :2])
end_azi = vec.azimuth(c[ci_for_p[end_cii]] - p[p_i, :2])
scan_cii = start_cii
while True:
if scan_cii == start_cii:
elif scan_cii == end_cii:
# if point is around a hull corner from previous, then include (?)
next_cii = (scan_cii + 1) % len(ci_for_p)
if b_i is None and __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[scan_cii]) != __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[next_cii]):
scan_cii = next_cii
elif b_i is None and __seg_for_ci(trimmed_ci[-1]) != __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[scan_cii]):
azi = vec.azimuth(c[ci_for_p[scan_cii]] - p[p_i, :2])
if __azi_between(start_azi, end_azi, azi):
if scan_cii == end_cii:
scan_cii = (scan_cii + 1) % len(ci_for_p)
cii = end_cii + 1
return trimmed_ci
def __closest_to_seed(c, c_count, ci_for_p, hull_node_azi, p, p_i):
best_a_i = None
best_c_i = None
best_a_azi = -181.0
best_c_azi = 181.0
for cii, val in enumerate(ci_for_p):
if val < c_count:
azi = vec.azimuth(c[val] - p[p_i, :2]) - hull_node_azi
if azi > 180.0:
azi -= 360.0
elif azi < -180.0:
azi += 360.0
if 0.0 > azi > best_a_azi:
best_a_azi = azi
best_a_i = cii
elif 0.0 <= azi < best_c_azi:
best_c_azi = azi
best_c_i = cii
assert best_a_i is not None and best_c_i is not None
trimmed_ci = []
for cii, val in enumerate(ci_for_p):
if val < c_count or cii == best_a_i or cii == best_c_i:
return trimmed_ci
def __ci_replace(c_count, ca_count, cah_count, caho_count, cahon_count, ci_for_p, p, p_i, t, tc_outwith_aoi):
# where circumcirle (or virtual) centre is outwith aoi, replace with a point on aoi boundary
# virtual centres related to hull points (not hull edges) can be discarded
trimmed_ci = []
for ci in ci_for_p:
if ci < c_count: # genuine triangle
if ci in tc_outwith_aoi: # replace with one or two wing normal intersection points
oi = tc_outwith_aoi.index(ci)
wing_i = cah_count + 2 * oi
shorter_t_i = __shorter_sides_p_i(p[t[ci]])
if t[ci, shorter_t_i] == p_i:
trimmed_ci += [wing_i, wing_i + 1]
elif t[ci, shorter_t_i - 1] == p_i:
trimmed_ci.append(wing_i + 1)
elif ci < cahon_count:
# extended virtual centre for a hull edge (discard hull point virtual centres)
# replace with index for intersection point on aoi boundary
trimmed_ci.append(ca_count + ci - caho_count)
return trimmed_ci
def __veroni_cells(aoi_count, aoi_intersect_segments, b, c, c_count, ca_count, cah_count, caho_count, cahon_count,
hull_count, out_pair_intersect_segments, p, t, tc_outwith_aoi, t_type):
# list of voronoi cells (each a numpy list of node indices into c extended with aoi points etc)
v = []
# for each seed point build the voronoi cell
for p_i in range(len(p)):
# find triangles making use of that point
ci_for_p = list(np.where(t == p_i)[0])
# if seed point is on hull boundary, introduce three extended virtual centres
b_i = None
if p_i in b:
b_i = np.where(b == p_i)[0][0] # index into hull coordinates
p_b_i = (b_i - 1) % hull_count # predecessor, ie. anti-clockwise boundary point
ci_for_p += [caho_count + p_b_i, cahon_count + b_i, caho_count + b_i]
# find azimuths of vectors from seed point to circumcircle centres (and virtual centres)
azi = [vec.azimuth(centre - p[p_i, :2]) for centre in c[ci_for_p, :2]]
# if this is a hull seed point, make a note of azimuth to virtual centre
hull_node_azi = None if b_i is None else azi[-2]
# sort triangle indices for seed point into clockwise order of circumcircle (and virtual) centres
ci_for_p = [ti for (_, ti) in sorted(zip(azi, ci_for_p))]
ci_for_p = __ci_replace(c_count, ca_count, cah_count, caho_count, cahon_count, ci_for_p, p, p_i, t,
# if this is a hull seed point, classify aoi boundary points into anti-clockwise or clockwise, and find
# closest to seed
if b_i is not None:
ci_for_p = __closest_to_seed(c, c_count, ci_for_p, hull_node_azi, p, p_i)
# for sequences on aoi boundary, just keep those between the first and last (?)
# elif any([ci < c_count for ci in ci_for_p]):
ci_for_p = __ci_non_hull(b_i, c, c_count, ci_for_p, p, p_i)
# reverse points if needed for pair of aoi points only
assert len(ci_for_p) >= 2
if len(ci_for_p) == 2:
seg_0 = __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[0])
seg_1 = __seg_for_ci(ci_for_p[1])
if seg_0 is not None and seg_1 is not None and seg_0 == (seg_1 + 1) % hull_count:
ci_for_p += __intervening_aoi_indices(aoi_count, aoi_intersect_segments, c_count, ca_count, cah_count,
ci_for_p, out_pair_intersect_segments)
# Â remove circumcircle centres that are outwith area of interest
ci_for_p = np.array([ti for ti in ci_for_p if ti >= c_count or ti not in tc_outwith_aoi], dtype = t_type)
# find azimuths of vectors from seed point to circumcircle centres and aoi boundary points
azi = [vec.azimuth(centre - p[p_i, :2]) for centre in c[ci_for_p, :2]]
# re-sort triangle indices for seed point into clockwise order of circumcircle centres and boundary points
ordered_ci = [ti for (_, ti) in sorted(zip(azi, ci_for_p))]
return v
# log.debug(f'\n\nVoronoi: nt: {len(p)}; nt: {len(t)}; hull: {len(b)}; aoi: {len(aoi.coordinates)}')
# todo: allow aoi to be None in which case create an aoi as hull with border
assert p.ndim == 2 and p.shape[0] > 2 and p.shape[1] >= 2
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3
assert b.ndim == 1 and b.shape[0] > 2
assert len(aoi.coordinates) >= 3
assert aoi.isclosed
assert aoi.is_clockwise()
# create temporary polyline for hull of triangulation
hull = rql.Polyline(aoi.model,
is_closed = True,
set_coord = p[b],
set_crs = aoi.crs_uuid,
title = 'triangulation hull')
hull_count = len(b)
# check for concavities in hull
if not hull.is_convex():
log.warning('Delaunay triangulation is not convex; Voronoi diagram construction might fail')
# compute circumcircle centres
c = np.zeros((t.shape[0], 2))
for ti in range(len(t)):
c[ti] = ccc(p[t[ti, 0]], p[t[ti, 1]], p[t[ti, 2]])
c_count = len(c)
# make list of triangle indices whose circumcircle centres are outwith the area of interest
tc_outwith_aoi = [ti for ti in range(c_count) if not aoi.point_is_inside_xy(c[ti])]
o_count = len(tc_outwith_aoi)
# make space for combined points data needed for all voronoi cell nodes:
# 1. circumcircle centres for triangles in delauney triangulation
# 2. nodes defining area of interest polygon
# 3. intersection of normals to triangulation hull edges with aoi polygon
# 4. extra intersections for normals to other two (non-hull) triangle edges, with aoi,
# where circumcircle centre is outside the area of interest
# 5. extended ccc for hull edge normals
# 6. extended ccc for hull points
# (5 & 6 only used during construction)
c = np.concatenate((c, aoi.coordinates[:, :2], np.zeros(
(hull_count, 2), dtype = float), np.zeros(
(2 * o_count, 2), dtype = float), np.zeros((hull_count, 2),
dtype = float), np.zeros((hull_count, 2), dtype = float)))
aoi_count = len(aoi.coordinates)
ca_count = c_count + aoi_count
cah_count = ca_count + hull_count
caho_count = cah_count + 2 * o_count
cahon_count = caho_count + hull_count
assert cahon_count + hull_count == len(c)
t_type = np.int32 if len(c) < 2_147_483_648 else np.int64
# Â compute intersection points between hull edge normals and aoi polyline
# also extended virtual centres for hull edges
extension_scaling = 1000.0 * np.sum((np.max(aoi.coordinates, axis = 0) - np.min(aoi.coordinates, axis = 0))[:2])
aoi_intersect_segments = np.empty((hull_count,), dtype = t_type)
for ei in range(hull_count):
# use segment midpoint and normal methods of hull to project out
m = hull.segment_midpoint(ei)[:2] # midpoint
norm_vec = hull.segment_normal(ei)[:2]
n = m + norm_vec # point on normal
# use first intersection method of aoi to intersect projected normal from triangulation hull
aoi_seg, aoi_x, aoi_y = aoi.first_line_intersection(m[0], m[1], n[0], n[1], half_segment = True)
assert aoi_seg is not None
# inject intersection points to extension area of c and take note of aoi segment of intersection
c[ca_count + ei] = (aoi_x, aoi_y)
aoi_intersect_segments[ei] = aoi_seg
# inject extended virtual circle centres for hull edges, a long way out
c[caho_count + ei] = c[ca_count + ei] + extension_scaling * norm_vec
# compute extended virtual centres for hull nodes
for ei in range(hull_count):
pei = (ei - 1) % hull_count
vector = vec.unit_vector(hull.segment_normal(pei)[:2] + hull.segment_normal(ei)[:2])
c[cahon_count + ei] = hull.coordinates[ei, :2] + extension_scaling * vector
# where cicrumcircle centres are outwith aoi, compute intersections of normals of wing edges with aoi
out_pair_intersect_segments = np.empty((o_count, 2), dtype = t_type)
wing_hull_segments = np.empty((o_count, 2), dtype = t_type)
for oi, ti in enumerate(tc_outwith_aoi):
tpi = __shorter_sides_p_i(p[t[ti]])
for wing in range(2):
# note: triangle nodes are anticlockwise
m = 0.5 * (p[t[ti, tpi - 1]] + p[t[ti, tpi]])[:2] # triangle edge midpoint
edge_v = p[t[ti, tpi]] - p[t[ti, tpi - 1]]
n = m + np.array((-edge_v[1], edge_v[0])) # point on perpendicular bisector of triangle edge
o_seg, o_x, o_y = aoi.first_line_intersection(m[0], m[1], n[0], n[1], half_segment = True)
c[cah_count + 2 * oi + wing] = (o_x, o_y)
out_pair_intersect_segments[oi, wing] = o_seg
wing_hull_segments[oi, wing], _, _ = hull.first_line_intersection(m[0],
half_segment = True)
tpi = (tpi + 1) % 3
v = __veroni_cells(aoi_count, aoi_intersect_segments, b, c, c_count, ca_count, cah_count, caho_count, cahon_count,
hull_count, out_pair_intersect_segments, p, t, tc_outwith_aoi, t_type)
return c[:caho_count], v
[docs]def triangulated_polygons(p, v, centres = None):
"""Returns triangulation of polygons using centres as extra points.
p (2D numpy float array): points used as vertices of polygons
v (list of list of ints): ordered indices into p for each polygon
centres (2D numpy float array, optional): the points to use as the centre for each polygon
points, triangles where: points is a copy of p extended with the centre points of polygons;
and triangles is a numpy int array of shape (N, 3) being the triangulation of points, where N is
equal to the overall length of v
if no centres are provided, balanced centre points are computed for the polygons;
the polygons must be convex (at least from the perspective of the centre points);
the clockwise/anti-clockwise order of the triangle edges will match that of the polygon;
the centre point is the first point in each triangle;
the order of triangles will match the order of vertices in a flattened view of list v;
p and centres may have a shape of 2 or 3 in the second dimension (xy or xyz data);
p & v could be the values (c, v) returned by the voronoi() function, in which case the
original seed points p passed into voronoi() can be passed as centres here
assert p.ndim == 2 and p.shape[1] in [2, 3]
assert len(v) > 0
if centres is not None:
assert centres.ndim == 2
assert len(centres) == len(v)
assert centres.shape[1] == p.shape[1]
model = rq.Model(create_basics = True) # temporary object for handling Polylines
crs = rqc.Crs(model)
points = np.zeros((len(p) + len(v), p.shape[1])) # polygon nodes, to be extended with centre points
points[:len(p)] = p
if centres is not None:
points[len(p):] = centres
t_count = sum([len(x) for x in v])
t_type = np.int32 if len(points) < 2_147_483_648 else np.int64
triangles = np.empty((t_count, 3), dtype = t_type)
t_index = 0
for cell, poly_vertices in enumerate(v):
# add polygon centre points to points array, if not already provided
centre_i = len(p) + cell
if centres is None:
polygon = rql.Polyline(model,
set_coord = p[np.array(poly_vertices, dtype = t_type)],
is_closed = True,
set_crs = crs.uuid,
title = 'v cell')
poly_centre = polygon.balanced_centre()
points[centre_i] = poly_centre[:p.shape[1]]
# and populate triangles for this polygon
for ti in range(len(poly_vertices)):
triangles[t_index] = (centre_i, poly_vertices[ti], poly_vertices[(ti + 1) % len(poly_vertices)])
t_index += 1
assert t_index == t_count
return points, triangles
[docs]def reorient(points, rough = True, max_dip = None, use_linalg = True, sample = 500):
"""Returns a reoriented copy of a set of points, such that z axis is approximate normal to average plane of points.
points (numpy float array of shape (..., 3)): the points to be reoriented
rough (bool, default True): if True, the resulting orientation will be within around 10 degrees of the optimum;
if False, that reduces to around 2.5 degrees of the optimum; iugnored if use_linalg is True
max_dip (float, optional): if present, the reorientation of perspective off vertical is
limited to this angle in degrees
use_linalg (bool, default True): if True, the numpy linear algebra svd function is used and rough is ignored
sample (int, default 500): downsample points to this number for the purposes of determining normal vector
numpy float array of the same shape as points, numpy xyz vector, numpy 3x3 matrix;
the array being a copy of points rotated in 3D space to minimise the z range;
the vector is a normal vector to the original points, in +ve z hemisphere;
the matrix is rotation matrix used to transform the original points to the reoriented points
the original points array is not modified by this function;
implicit xy & z units for points are assumed to be the same;
the function may typically be called prior to the Delaunay triangulation, which uses an xy projection to
determine the triangulation;
the numpy linear algebra option seems to be memory intensive, not recommended;
downsampling will occur (for normal vector determination) when the number of points exceeds double that
given in the sample argument; set sample to None to use all points for normal vector determination
def best_angles(points, mid_x, mid_y, steps, d_theta):
best_range = None
best_x_rotation = None
best_y_rotation = None
half_steps = float(steps - 1) / 2.0
for xi in range(steps):
x_degrees = mid_x + (float(xi) - half_steps) * d_theta
for yi in range(steps):
y_degrees = mid_y + (float(yi) - half_steps) * d_theta
rotation_m = vec.rotation_3d_matrix((x_degrees, 0.0, y_degrees))
p = points.copy()
rotated_p = vec.rotate_array(rotation_m, p)
z_r = np.nanmax(rotated_p[..., 2]) - np.nanmin(rotated_p[..., 2])
if best_range is None or z_r < best_range:
best_range = z_r
best_x_rotation = x_degrees
best_y_rotation = y_degrees
return (best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation)
def linalg_normal_vector(p):
assert p.ndim >= 2 and p.shape[-1] == 3
p = p.reshape((-1, 3))
centre = p.sum(axis = 0) / p.shape[0]
_, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(p - centre)
# unit normal vector
return vh[2, :]
assert points.ndim >= 2 and points.shape[-1] == 3
if sample is not None and len(points) > 2 * sample:
step = len(points) // sample
p = points[::step, :]
p = points
if use_linalg:
normal_vector = linalg_normal_vector(p)
if normal_vector[2] < 0.0:
normal_vector = -normal_vector
incl = vec.inclination(normal_vector)
if incl == 0.0:
rotation_m = vec.no_rotation_matrix()
azi = vec.azimuth(normal_vector)
rotation_m = vec.tilt_3d_matrix(azi, incl)
# coarse iteration trying a few different angles
best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation = best_angles(p, 0.0, 0.0, 7, 30.0)
# finer iteration searching around the best coarse rotation
best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation = best_angles(p, best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation, 5, 10.0)
if not rough:
# finer iteration searching around the best coarse rotation
best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation = best_angles(p, best_x_rotation, best_y_rotation, 7, 2.5)
rotation_m = vec.rotation_3d_matrix((best_x_rotation, 0.0, best_y_rotation))
normal_vector = vec.rotate_vector(rotation_m.T, np.array((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
if max_dip is not None:
v = vec.rotate_vector(rotation_m.T, np.array((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
incl = vec.inclination(v)
if incl > max_dip:
azi = vec.azimuth(v)
rotation_m = vec.tilt_3d_matrix(azi, max_dip) # TODO: check whether any reverse direction errors here
normal_vector = vec.rotate_vector(rotation_m.T, np.array((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
p = points.copy()
return vec.rotate_array(rotation_m, p), normal_vector, rotation_m
[docs]def make_all_clockwise_xy(t, p):
"""Modifies t in situ such that each triangle is clockwise in xy plane (viewed from -ve z axis).
assumes xyz axes are left handed; all will be made anti-clockwise in the case of right handed xyz axes
cw = (vec.clockwise_triangles(p, t, projection = 'xy') > 0.0)
t_flip = t.copy()
t_flip[:, 0] = t[:, 1]
t_flip[:, 1] = t[:, 0]
t[:] = np.where(np.expand_dims(cw, axis = 1), t, t_flip)
return t
[docs]def surrounding_xy_ring(p,
count = 12,
radial_factor = 10.0,
radial_distance = None,
inner_ring = False,
saucer_angle = None):
"""Creates a set of points surrounding the point set p, in the xy plane.
p (numpy float array of shape (..., 3)): xyz set of points to be surrounded
count (int): the number of points to generate in the surrounding ring
radial_factor (float): a distance factor roughly determining the radius of the ring relative to
the 'radius' of the outermost points in p
radial_distance (float): if present, the radius of the ring of points, unless radial_factor
results in a greater distance in which case that is used
inner_ring (bool, default False): if True, an inner ring of points, with double count, is created
at a radius just outside that of the furthest flung original point; this improves triangulation
of the extended point set when the original has a non-convex hull; radial_distance does not
effect the inner ring radius
saucer_angle (float, optional): if present, an angle in degrees, between +/- 90 (but less than 90 degrees)
being an angle to determine a z offset for the ring(s); a +ve angle results in a -ve z shift
(numpy float array, float) pair:
- numpy float array of shape (N, 3) being xyz points in surrounding ring(s); z is set constant to
mean value of z in p (optionally adjussted based on saucer_angle);
N is count if inner_ring is False, 3 * count if True
- radius used for ring of additional points
def make_ring(count, centre, radius, saucer_angle):
delta_theta = 2.0 * maths.pi / float(count)
ring = np.zeros((count, 3))
for i in range(count):
theta = float(i) * delta_theta
ring[i] = centre + radius * np.array([maths.cos(theta), maths.sin(theta), 0.0])
if saucer_angle is not None and not maths.isclose(saucer_angle, 0.0):
assert abs(saucer_angle) < 90.0
z_shift = radius * maths.tan(vec.radians_from_degrees(saucer_angle))
ring[:, 2] -= z_shift
return ring
assert p.shape[-1] == 3
assert radial_factor >= 1.0
centre = np.nanmean(p.reshape((-1, 3)), axis = 0)
p_radius_v = np.nanmax(np.abs(p.reshape((-1, 3)) - np.expand_dims(centre, axis = 0)), axis = 0)[:2]
p_radius = maths.sqrt(np.sum(p_radius_v * p_radius_v))
radius = p_radius * radial_factor
if radial_distance is not None and radial_distance > radius:
radius = radial_distance
ring = make_ring(count, centre, radius, saucer_angle)
if inner_ring:
inner_radius = p_radius * 1.1
assert radius > inner_radius
in_ring = make_ring(2 * count, centre, inner_radius, saucer_angle)
return np.concatenate((in_ring, ring), axis = 0), radius
return ring, radius
[docs]def edges(t):
"""Returns unique edges as pairs of point indices, and a count of uses of each edge.
t (numpy int array of shape (N, 3)): the points indices defining a set of triangles
(numpy int array of shape (N, 2), numpy int array of shape (N,))
where 2D array is list-like sorted points index pairs for unique edges
and 1D array contains corresponding edge usage count (usually 1 or 2)
first entry in each pair is always the lower of the two point indices;
for well formed surfaces, the count should everywhere be zero or one;
the function does not attempt to detect coincident points
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3
all_edges = np.empty((len(t), 3, 2), dtype = t.dtype)
all_edges[:, :, 0] = t
all_edges[:, :2, 1] = t[:, 1:]
all_edges[:, 2, 1] = t[:, 0]
all_edges = all_edges.reshape((-1, 2))
all_edges.sort(axis = -1) # first of pair now lower points index
return np.unique(all_edges, axis = 0, return_counts = True)
[docs]def triangles_using_point(t, point_index):
"""Returns list-like 1D int array of indices of triangles using vertex identified by point_index."""
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3 and isinstance(point_index, int)
mask = np.any(t == point_index, axis = -1)
return np.where(mask)[0]
[docs]def triangles_using_edge(t, p1, p2):
"""Returns list-like 1D int array of indices of triangles using edge identified by pair of point indices."""
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3 and p1 != p2
mask = np.logical_and(np.any(t == p1, axis = -1), np.any(t == p2, axis = -1))
return np.where(mask)[0]
[docs]def triangles_using_edges(t, edges):
"""Returns int array of shape (len(edges), 2) with indices of upto 2 triangles using each edge (-1 for unused)."""
assert t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3 and edges.ndim == 2 and edges.shape[1] == 2
t_type = np.int32 if len(t) < 2_147_483_648 else np.int64
ti = np.full((len(edges), 2), -1, dtype = int)
for i in range(len(edges)):
te = triangles_using_edge(t, edges[i, 0], edges[i, 1])
c = len(te)
assert 0 <= c <= 2
if c:
ti[i, :c] = te
return ti
[docs]def rim_edges(all_edges, edge_counts):
"""Returns a subset of all edges where the edge count is 1."""
assert all_edges.ndim == 2 and all_edges.shape[1] == 2
assert edge_counts.ndim == 1 and edge_counts.size == len(all_edges)
return all_edges[edge_counts == 1, :]
[docs]def internal_edges(all_edges, edge_counts):
"""Returns a subset of all edges where the edge count is 2."""
assert all_edges.ndim == 2 and all_edges.shape[1] == 2
assert edge_counts.ndim == 1 and edge_counts.size == len(all_edges)
return all_edges[edge_counts == 2, :]
[docs]def rims(all_rim_edges):
"""Returns edge index and points index lists of distinct rims.
all_rim_edges (numpy int array of shape (N, 2)): edge point indices; as returned by rim_edges()
(list of arrays of rim edge indices, list of arrays of corresponding points indices)
where arrays are 1D numpy int arrays; those of first list hold indices into rows of all_rim_edges;
those of second list hold the corresponding points indices, both ordered in sequence of rim
assert all_rim_edges.ndim == 2 and all_rim_edges.shape[1] == 2
edge_count = len(all_rim_edges)
edges_used_count = 0
used_mask = np.zeros(edge_count, dtype = bool)
rim_edges_list = []
rim_points_list = []
while edges_used_count < edge_count:
index = _first_false(used_mask)
assert index < edge_count
start = all_rim_edges[index, 0]
next = all_rim_edges[index, 1]
used_mask[index] = True
edges_used_count += 1
rei = [index]
rpi = [start]
while next != start:
index, next_next = _find_unused(all_rim_edges, used_mask, next)
assert index < edge_count, 'loop not closed when following rim edges'
used_mask[index] = True
edges_used_count += 1
next = next_next
rim_edges_list.append(np.array(rei, dtype = int))
rim_points_list.append(np.array(rpi, dtype = int))
return rim_edges_list, rim_points_list
@njit # pragma: no cover
def _find_unused(ap: np.ndarray, used_mask: np.ndarray, v: int): # type: ignore
"""Finds the first unused occurence of v in pair list ap, returning index and paired value."""
for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(ap[:, 0]):
if val == v and not used_mask[idx[0]]:
return idx[0], ap[idx[0], 1]
for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(ap[:, 1]):
if val == v and not used_mask[idx[0]]:
return idx[0], ap[idx[0], 0]
return ap.shape[0], -1
@njit # pragma: no cover
def _first_false(array: np.ndarray) -> Optional[int]: # type: ignore
"""Returns the index of the first False (or zero) value in the 1D array."""
for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(array):
if not val:
return idx[0]
return array.size
@njit # pragma: no cover
def _first_match(array: np.ndarray, v: int) -> Optional[int]: # type: ignore
"""Returns the index of the first occurrence of value v in the 1D array."""
for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(array):
if val == v:
return idx[0]
return array.size