class, part)

Bases: object

Class holding a single property with attribute style read access to metadata items.

Public Data Attributes:


The part (string) identifier for this property.


The xml root node for this property.


The uuid for this property.


The cached numpy array of values for this property.


A copy of the numpy array of values for this property.


The property kind of this property.


The facet type for this property (may be None).


The facet value for this property (may be None).


The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable_element).


The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable).


Boolean indicating whether this property is continuous.


Boolean indicating whether this property is categorical.


Boolean indicating whether this property is discrete (False for categorical properties).


Boolean indicating whether this is a points property.


The count (number of sub-elements per element, usually 1) for this property.


The unit of measure for this property (will be None for discrete or categorical properties).


The null value for this property (will be None for continuous properties, for which NaN is always the null value).


The realisation number for this property (may be None).


The time index for this property (may be None).


The citation title for this property (synonymous with citation_title).


The citation title for this property (synonymous with title).


The minimum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.


The maximum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.


The constant value for this property, as stored in xml metadata (usually None).


The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra_metadata).


The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra).


The source extra metadata value for this property (or None).


The uuid of the supporting representation for this property.


The uuid of the string lookup table for a categorical property (otherwise None).


The uuid of the time series for this property (may be None).


The uuid of the local property kind for this property (may be None).


__init__(aps, part)

Initialise a single property from a property set with attribute style read access to metadata items.

__init__(aps, part)[source]

Initialise a single property from a property set with attribute style read access to metadata items.

property array_ref

The cached numpy array of values for this property.

property citation_title

The citation title for this property (synonymous with title).

property constant_value

The constant value for this property, as stored in xml metadata (usually None).

property count

The count (number of sub-elements per element, usually 1) for this property.

property extra

The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra_metadata).

property extra_metadata

The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra).

property facet

The facet value for this property (may be None).

property facet_type

The facet type for this property (may be None).

property indexable

The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable_element).

property indexable_element

The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable).

property is_categorical

Boolean indicating whether this property is categorical.

property is_continuous

Boolean indicating whether this property is continuous.

property is_discrete

Boolean indicating whether this property is discrete (False for categorical properties).

property is_points

Boolean indicating whether this is a points property.

property local_property_kind_uuid

The uuid of the local property kind for this property (may be None).

property max_value

The maximum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.

property min_value

The minimum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.

property node

The xml root node for this property.

property null_value

The null value for this property (will be None for continuous properties, for which NaN is always the null value).

property part

The part (string) identifier for this property.

property property_kind

The property kind of this property.

property realization

The realisation number for this property (may be None).

property source

The source extra metadata value for this property (or None).

property string_lookup_uuid

The uuid of the string lookup table for a categorical property (otherwise None).

property support_uuid

The uuid of the supporting representation for this property.

property time_index

The time index for this property (may be None).

property time_series_uuid

The uuid of the time series for this property (may be None).

property title

The citation title for this property (synonymous with citation_title).

property uom

The unit of measure for this property (will be None for discrete or categorical properties).

property uuid

The uuid for this property.

property values

A copy of the numpy array of values for this property.