
resqpy.grid_surface.find_faces_to_represent_surface_regular_dense_optimised(grid, surface, name, title=None, agitate=False, random_agitation=False, feature_type='fault', is_curtain=False, progress_fn=None, return_properties=None, raw_bisector=False, n_batches=20)

Returns a grid connection set containing those cell faces which are deemed to represent the surface.

grid (RegularGrid): the grid for which to create a grid connection set representation of the surface;

must be aligned, ie. I with +x, J with +y, K with +z and local origin of (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

surface (Surface): the surface to be intersected with the grid name (str): the feature name to use in the grid connection set title (str, optional): the citation title to use for the grid connection set; defaults to name agitate (bool, default False): if True, the points of the surface are perturbed by a small

offset, which can help if the surface has been built from a regular mesh with a periodic resonance with the grid

random_agitation (bool, default False): if True, the agitation is by a small random distance; if False,

a constant positive shift of 5.0e-6 is applied to x, y & z values; ignored if agitate is False

feature_type (str, default ‘fault’): ‘fault’, ‘horizon’ or ‘geobody boundary’ is_curtain (bool, default False): if True, only the top layer of the grid is processed and the bisector

property, if requested, is generated with indexable element columns

progress_fn (f(x: float), optional): a callback function to be called at intervals by this function;

the argument will progress from 0.0 to 1.0 in unspecified and uneven increments

return_properties (List[str]): if present, a list of property arrays to calculate and

return as a dictionary; recognised values in the list are ‘triangle’, ‘depth’, ‘offset’, ‘flange bool’, ‘grid bisector’, or ‘grid shadow’; triangle is an index into the surface triangles of the triangle detected for the gcs face; depth is the z value of the intersection point of the inter-cell centre vector with a triangle in the surface; offset is a measure of the distance between the centre of the cell face and the intersection point; grid bisector is a grid cell boolean property holding True for the set of cells on one side of the surface, deemed to be shallower; grid shadow is a grid cell int8 property holding 0: cell neither above nor below a K face of the gridded surface, 1 cell is above K face(s), 2 cell is below K face(s), 3 cell is between K faces; the returned dictionary has the passed strings as keys and numpy arrays as values

raw_bisector (bool, default False): if True and grid bisector is requested then it is left in a raw

form without assessing which side is shallower (True values indicate same side as origin cell)

n_batches (int, default 20): the number of batches of triangles to use at the low level (numba multi

threading allows some parallelism between the batches)


gcs or (gcs, gcs_props) where gcs is a new GridConnectionSet with a single feature, not yet written to hdf5 nor xml created; gcs_props is a dictionary mapping from requested return_properties string to numpy array


this function is designed for aligned regular grids only; this function can handle the surface and grid being in different coordinate reference systems, as long as the implicit parent crs is shared; no trimming of the surface is carried out here: for computational efficiency, it is recommended to trim first; organisational objects for the feature are created if needed; if the offset return property is requested, the implicit units will be the z units of the grid’s crs; this version of the function uses fully explicit boolean arrays to capture the faces before conversion to a grid connection set; use the non-dense version of the function for a reduced memory footprint; this function is DEPRECATED pending proving of newer find_faces_to_represent_surface_regular_optimised()