
resqpy.grid_surface.bisector_from_face_indices(grid_extent_kji: Tuple[int, int, int], k_faces_kji0: Optional[ndarray], j_faces_kji0: Optional[ndarray], i_faces_kji0: Optional[ndarray], raw_bisector: bool, p_box: Optional[ndarray]) Tuple[ndarray, bool]

Creates a boolean array denoting the bisection of the grid by the face sets.

  • grid_extent_kji (-) – the shape of the grid

  • k_faces_kji0 (-) – an int array of indices of which faces represent the surface in the k dimension

  • j_faces_kji0 (-) – an int array of indices of which faces represent the surface in the j dimension

  • i_faces_kji0 (-) – an int array of indices of which faces represent the surface in the i dimension

  • raw_bisector (-) – if True, the bisector is returned without determining which side is shallower

  • p_box (-) – a python protocol box to limit the bisector evaluation over


Tuple containing

  • array (np.ndarray): boolean bisectors array where values are True for cells on the side of the surface that has a lower mean k index on average and False for cells on the other side.

  • is_curtain (bool): True if the surface is a curtain (vertical), otherwise False.


  • the face sets must form a single ‘sealed’ cut of the grid (eg. not waving in and out of the grid)

  • any ‘boxed in’ parts of the grid (completely enclosed by bisecting faces) will be consistently assigned to either the True or False part