- class resqpy.well.DeviationSurvey(parent_model, uuid=None, title=None, represented_interp=None, md_datum=None, md_uom='m', angle_uom='dega', measured_depths=None, azimuths=None, inclinations=None, station_count=None, first_station=None, is_final=False, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)¶
Class for RESQML wellbore deviation survey.
RESQML documentation:
Specifies the station data from a deviation survey.
The deviation survey does not provide a complete specification of the geometry of a wellbore trajectory. Although a minimum-curvature algorithm is used in most cases, the implementation varies sufficiently that no single algorithmic specification is available as a data transfer standard.
Instead, the geometry of a RESQML wellbore trajectory is represented by a parametric line, parameterized by the MD.
CRS and units of measure do not need to be consistent with the CRS and units of measure for wellbore trajectory representation.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.
XML node corresponding to self.uuid.
Citation block title equivalent to self.title.
Commonly Used Methods:
(parent_model[, uuid, title, ...])Load or create a DeviationSurvey object.
(parent_model, data_frame[, ...])Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from a pandas data frame.
(parent_model, ...[, ...])Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from an ascii deviation survey file.
([ext_uuid, md_datum_root, ...])Creates a deviation survey representation xml element from this DeviationSurvey object.
([file_name, mode])Create or append to an hdf5 file, writing datasets for the measured depths, azimuths, and inclinations.
Inherited from
(parent_model[, uuid, title, ...])Load or create a DeviationSurvey object.
Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.
([ext_uuid, md_datum_root, ...])Creates a deviation survey representation xml element from this DeviationSurvey object.
(meta_dict)Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.
(other)Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.
(other)Implements not equal operator.
()String representation.
- __init__(parent_model, uuid=None, title=None, represented_interp=None, md_datum=None, md_uom='m', angle_uom='dega', measured_depths=None, azimuths=None, inclinations=None, station_count=None, first_station=None, is_final=False, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]¶
Load or create a DeviationSurvey object.
If uuid is given, loads from XML. Else, create new. If loading from disk, other parameters will be overwritten.
- Parameters
parent_model (model.Model) – the model which the new survey belongs to
uuid (uuid.UUID) – If given, loads from disk. Else, creates new.
title (str) – Citation title – often the well name
represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional) – if present, is noted as the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to
md_datum (MdDatum) – the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from
md_uom (string, default 'm') – a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the measured depths; should be ‘m’ or ‘ft’
angle_uom (string) – a resqml angle unit; should be ‘dega’ or ‘rad’
measured_depths (np.array) – 1d array
azimuths (np.array) – 1d array
inclinations (np.array) – 1d array
station_count (int) – length of measured_depths, azimuths & inclinations
first_station (tuple) – (x, y, z) of first point in survey, in crs for md datum
is_final (bool) – whether survey is a finalised deviation survey
originator (str) – name of author
extra_metadata (dict, optional) – extra metadata key, value pairs
- Returns
this method does not create an xml node, nor write hdf5 arrays
- append_extra_metadata(meta_dict)¶
Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.
- property citation_title¶
Citation block title equivalent to self.title.
- create_xml(ext_uuid=None, md_datum_root=None, md_datum_xyz=None, add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, title=None, originator=None)[source]¶
Creates a deviation survey representation xml element from this DeviationSurvey object.
- Parameters
ext_uuid (uuid.UUID) – the uuid of the hdf5 external part holding the deviation survey arrays
md_datum_root – the root xml node for the measured depth datum that the deviation survey depths are based on
md_datum_xyz – TODO: document this
add_as_part (boolean, default True) – if True, the newly created xml node is added as a part in the model
add_relationships (boolean, default True) – if True, a relationship xml part is created relating the new deviation survey part to the measured depth datum part
title (string) – used as the citation Title text; should usually refer to the well name in a human readable way
originator (string, optional) – the name of the human being who created the deviation survey part; default is to use the login name
- Returns
the newly created deviation survey xml node
- classmethod from_ascii_file(parent_model, deviation_survey_file, comment_character='#', space_separated_instead_of_csv=False, md_col='MD', azimuth_col='AZIM_GN', inclination_col='INCL', x_col='X', y_col='Y', z_col='Z', md_uom='m', angle_uom='dega', md_datum=None, title=None, represented_interp=None)[source]¶
Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from an ascii deviation survey file.
- qrguments:
parent_model (model.Model): the parent resqml model deviation_survey_file (string): the filename of an ascii file holding the deviation survey data comment_character (string): the character to be treated as introducing comments space_separated_instead_of_csv (boolea, default False): if False, csv format expected;
if True, columns are expected to be seperated by white space
md_col (string, default ‘MD’): the name of the column holding measured depth values azimuth_col (string, default ‘AZIM_GN’): the name of the column holding azimuth values relative
to the north direction (+ve y axis) of the coordinate reference system
inclination_col (string, default ‘INCL’): the name of the column holding inclination values x_col (string, default ‘X’): the name of the column holding an x value in the first row y_col (string, default ‘Y’): the name of the column holding an Y value in the first row z_col (string, default ‘Z’): the name of the column holding an z value in the first row md_uom (string, default ‘m’): a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the
measured depths; should be ‘m’ or ‘ft’
- angle_uom (string, default ‘dega’): a resqml angle unit of measure applicable to both
the azimuth and inclination data
md_datum (MdDatum object): the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from title (string): the citation title for the deviation survey – often the well name represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional): if present, is noted as
the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to
- Returns
The X, Y & Z columns are only used to set the first station location (from the first row)
- classmethod from_data_frame(parent_model, data_frame, md_datum=None, md_col='MD', azimuth_col='AZIM_GN', inclination_col='INCL', x_col='X', y_col='Y', z_col='Z', md_uom='m', angle_uom='dega', title=None, represented_interp=None)[source]¶
Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from a pandas data frame.
- Parameters
parent_model (model.Model) – the parent resqml model
data_frame – a pandas dataframe holding the deviation survey data
md_datum (MdDatum object) – the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from
md_col (string, default 'MD') – the name of the column holding measured depth values
azimuth_col (string, default 'AZIM_GN') – the name of the column holding azimuth values relative to the north direction (+ve y axis) of the coordinate reference system
inclination_col (string, default 'INCL') – the name of the column holding inclination values
x_col (string, default 'X') – the name of the column holding an x value in the first row
y_col (string, default 'Y') – the name of the column holding an Y value in the first row
z_col (string, default 'Z') – the name of the column holding an z value in the first row
md_uom (string, default 'm') – a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the measured depths; should be ‘m’ or ‘ft’
angle_uom (string, default 'dega') – a resqml angle unit of measure applicable to both the azimuth and inclination data
title (string) – the citation title for the deviation survey – often the well name
represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional) – if present, is noted as the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to
- Returns
The X, Y & Z columns are only used to set the first station location (from the first row)
- property part¶
Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.
- property root¶
XML node corresponding to self.uuid.
- try_reuse()¶
Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.
- Returns
boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not
by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect
- write_hdf5(file_name=None, mode='a')[source]¶
Create or append to an hdf5 file, writing datasets for the measured depths, azimuths, and inclinations.
- title¶
Citation title
- originator¶
Creator of object. By default, user id.
- uuid¶
Unique identifier