Weights and measures valid units and unit conversion functions.
Convert value between two compatible units. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one volume flow rate unit to another, in situ if array. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one length unit to another, in situ if array. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one pressure unit to another, in situ if array. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one time unit to another, in situ if array. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one transmissibility unit to another, in situ if array. |
Converts values in numpy array (or a scalar) from one volume unit to another, in situ if array. |
Return base unit and conversion factors (A, B, C, D) for a given uom. |
Returns RESQML uom string expected by Nexus for given quantity class and unit system. |
Returns length units string as expected by resqml. |
Returns time units string as expected by resqml. |
Returns RESQML uom string equivalent to units. |
Returns a list of RESQML uom equivalents for units in list. |
Return set of valid property kinds. |
Return set of valid RESQML quantities. |
Return set of valid RESQML units of measure. |
Functions specific to Nexus units of measure. |
Units of measure. |