
class resqpy.olio.base.BaseResqpy(model, uuid=None, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for generic resqpy classes.

Implements generic attributes such as uuid, root, part, title, originator.

Implements generic magic methods, such as pretty printing and testing for equality.

Example use:

class AnotherResqpyObject(BaseResqpy):

    resqml_type = 'obj_anotherresqmlobjectrepresentation'

Public Data Attributes:


Definition of which RESQML object the class represents.


Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.


XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


__init__(model[, uuid, title, originator, ...])

Load an existing resqml object, or create new.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

create_xml([title, originator, ...])

Write citation block to XML.


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.


Implements not equal operator.


String representation.

abstract property resqml_type

Definition of which RESQML object the class represents.

Subclasses must overwrite this abstract attribute.

__init__(model, uuid=None, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Load an existing resqml object, or create new.

  • model (resqpy.model.Model) – Parent model

  • uuid (str, optional) – Load from existing uuid (if given), else create new.

  • title (str, optional) – Citation title

  • originator (str, optional) – Creator of object. By default, uses user id.


Unique identifier


Citation title


Creator of object. By default, user id.

property part

Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.

property root

XML node corresponding to self.uuid.

property citation_title

Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.


boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not


by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect

create_xml(title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None, add_as_part=False)[source]

Write citation block to XML.


add_as_part is False by default in this base method. Derived classes should typically extend this method to complete the XML representation, and then finally ensure the node is added as a part to the model.

  • title (string) – used as the citation Title text

  • originator (string, optional) – the name of the human being who created the deviation survey part; default is to use the login name

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – extra metadata items to be added

  • add_as_part (boolean) – if True, the newly created xml node is added as a part in the model


node – the newly created root node


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.