
resqpy.olio.grid_functions.infill_block_geometry(extent, depth, thickness, x, y, k_increase_direction='down', depth_zero_tolerance=0.01, x_y_zero_tolerance=0.01, vertical_cell_overlap_tolerance=0.01, snap_to_top_and_base=True, nudge=True)[source]

Scans logically vertical columns of cells setting depth (& thickness) of inactive cells.

  • extent (numpy integer vector of shape (3,)) – corresponds to nk, nj and ni

  • depth (3D numpy float array) – shape matches extent

  • thickness (3D numpy float array) – shape matches extent

  • x (3D numpy float array) – shape matches extent

  • y (3D numpy float array) – shape matches extent

  • k_increase_direction (string, default 'down') – direction of increasing K indices; either ‘up’ or ‘down’

  • depth_zero_tolerance (float, optional, default 0.01) – maximum value for which the depth is considered zero

  • vertical_cell_overlap_tolerance (float, optional, default 0.01) – maximum acceptable overlap of cells on input

  • snap_to_top_and_base (boolean, optional, default True) – when True, causes cells above topmost active and below deepest active to be populated with pinched out cells at the top and bottom faces respectively

  • nudge (boolean, optional, default True) – when True causes the depth of cells with greater k to be moved to clean up overlap over pinchouts


depth values are assumed more positive with increasing depth; zero values indicate inactive cells