Utilities for working with 3D vectors in cartesian space.
note: some of these functions are redundant as they are provided by built-in numpy operations.
a vector is a one dimensional numpy array with 3 elements: x, y, z. some functions accept a tuple or list of 3 elements as an alternative to a numpy array.
Returns vector sum a+b. |
Returns vector with direction of v, amplified by scaling. |
Returns the area of the triangle defined by three vertices. |
Returns numpy array of areas of triangles, optionally when projected onto xy plane. |
Returns the compass bearing in degrees of the direction of v (x = East, y = North), ignoring z. |
Returns the compass bearings in degrees of the direction of each vector in va (x = East, y = North), ignoring z. |
Returns a +ve value if 2D points a,b,c are in clockwise order, 0.0 if in line, -ve for ccw. |
Returns a clockwise sorted numpy list of indices b into the points p. |
Returns a numpy array of +ve values where triangle points are in clockwise order, 0.0 if in line, -ve for ccw. |
Returns the cross product (vector product) of the two vectors. |
Returns the angle between two vectors, in degrees. |
Converts angle from radians to degrees. |
Returns the determinant of the 3 x 3 matrix comprised of the 3 vectors. |
Returns the determinant of the 3 x 3 matrix. |
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of the two vectors. |
Returns the dot products of pairs of vectors; last axis covers element of a vector. |
Returns vector with products of corresponding elements of a and b. |
Returns True if point d lies within the circumcircle pf ccw points a, b, c, projected onto xy plane. |
Returns True if point d lies wholly within the triangle pf ccw points a, b, c, projected onto xy plane. |
Returns True if d lies within or on the boudnary of triangle of ccw points a,b,c projected onto xy plane. |
Returns the inclination in degrees of v (angle relative to +ve z axis). |
Returns the inclination in degrees of each vector in a (angle relative to +ve z axis). |
Returns True if the two points are extremely close to one another (ie. |
Returns True if the angle at point p subtended by points p1 and p2, in xy plane, is greater than 90 degrees; else False. |
Returns True if the two points are extremely close to one another (ie. |
Returns the Manhattan distance between two points. |
Returns the Manhattan distance between two points. |
Calculates which implicit mesh points are within a triangle in 2D for normalised triangle. |
Returns coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors x and y. |
Returns the length of the vector projected onto xy plane, assuming consistent units. |
Returns the lengths of the vectors projected onto xy plane, assuming consistent units. |
Returns the length of the vector assuming consistent units. |
Returns the lengths of the vectors assuming consistent units. |
Returns the inclination in degrees of each vector in a (angle relative to +ve z axis), allowing NaNs. |
Returns vectors with same direction as those in v but with unit length, allowing NaNs. |
Returns the index into points array closest to point p; projection is 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will not move points (identity matrix). |
Returns a version of vector with a perspective applied. |
Returns an array of projected distances squared between p and points; projection is 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'. |
Ignoring any z values, returns the xy distance of point p from line passing through l1 and l2. |
Ignoring any z values, returns the xy distance of point p from line segment between l1 and l2. |
Calculates if a point in within a polygon in 2D. |
Calculates if a point in within a triangle in 2D. |
Returns an average direction vector based on first and last non-NaN points or slices in given axis. |
Calculates which points are within a polygon in 2D. |
Calculates which points are within which polygons in 2D. |
Calculates which points are within a triangle in 2D. |
Returns 2D numpy bool array indicating which of points da are within which triangles. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D for a regular mesh of aligned points. |
Calculates which points are within which triangles in 2D. |
Modifies array of xyz points in situ to project onto a plane defined by a point and normal vector. |
Returns the angle between two vectors, in radians. |
Converts angle from degrees to radians. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the y, z, then x axis by angles in degrees. |
Returns a copy of array a with each vector rotated by the rotation matrix. |
Returns a copy of array a with each vector rotated by the rotation matrix. |
Returns the rotated vector. |
Returns a copy of array a suitable for presenting a cross-section using the resulting x,z values. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the x, z, then y axis by angles in degrees. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about the x, z, then y axis by angles in degrees. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points about axis (0: x, 1: y, or 2: z) by angle in degrees. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate vector v to the vertical (z) axis. |
Returns a rotation matrix which will rotate points by inclination and azimuth of vector. |
Returns vector difference a-b. |
Returns a 3D rotation matrix for applying a dip in a certain azimuth. |
Modifies array of xyz points in situ to apply dip in direction of azimuth, about pivot point. |
Finds the minimum and maximum x and y values of a single traingle. |
For a triangle in 3D space, defined by 3 vertex points, returns a unit vector normal to the plane of the triangle. |
For a triangle in 3D space, defined by 3 vertex points, returns a unit vector normal to the plane of the triangle. |
For a triangulated set, return an array of unit normal vectors (one per triangle). |
Returns the length of the vector v after applying the unit_conversion factors. |
Returns vector with same direction as v but with unit length. |
Returns horizontal unit vector in compass bearing given by azimuth (x = East, y = North). |
Returns unit vector with compass bearing of azimuth and inclination off +z axis. |
Returns vector with same direction as v but with unit length. |
Returns vectors with same direction as those in v but with unit length. |
Returns a 3D vector for a 2D or 3D vector. |
Finds the y value of a straight line between two points at a given x. |
Finds the y value of a straight line between two points at a given x. |
Finds the y & z values of a straight line between two points at a given x. |
Returns copy of points p sorted according to x or y (whichever has greater range). |
Returns copy of points p sorted according to x or y (whichever has greater range). |
Returns a zero vector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. |