Source code for resqpy.olio.grid_functions

"""Miscellaneous functions relating to grids."""

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import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import numpy as np
import random

import resqpy.olio.factors as factors
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec

[docs]def infill_block_geometry(extent, depth, thickness, x, y, k_increase_direction = 'down', depth_zero_tolerance = 0.01, x_y_zero_tolerance = 0.01, vertical_cell_overlap_tolerance = 0.01, snap_to_top_and_base = True, nudge = True): """Scans logically vertical columns of cells setting depth (& thickness) of inactive cells. arguments: extent (numpy integer vector of shape (3,)): corresponds to nk, nj and ni depth (3D numpy float array): shape matches extent thickness (3D numpy float array): shape matches extent x (3D numpy float array): shape matches extent y (3D numpy float array): shape matches extent k_increase_direction (string, default 'down'): direction of increasing K indices; either 'up' or 'down' depth_zero_tolerance (float, optional, default 0.01): maximum value for which the depth is considered zero vertical_cell_overlap_tolerance (float, optional, default 0.01): maximum acceptable overlap of cells on input snap_to_top_and_base (boolean, optional, default True): when True, causes cells above topmost active and below deepest active to be populated with pinched out cells at the top and bottom faces respectively nudge (boolean, optional, default True): when True causes the depth of cells with greater k to be moved to clean up overlap over pinchouts note: depth values are assumed more positive with increasing depth; zero values indicate inactive cells """ k_dir_sign = __get_k_dir_sign(k_increase_direction = k_increase_direction) for j in range(extent[1]): for i in range(extent[2]): k_top = 0 # NB: 'top' & 'bottom' are misleading if k_increase_direction == 'up' k_top, x, y, depth, thickness, whole_column_inactive = __clean_up_tiny_values( k = k_top, x = x, y = y, i = i, j = j, extent = extent, depth = depth, thickness = thickness, depth_zero_tolerance = depth_zero_tolerance, x_y_zero_tolerance = x_y_zero_tolerance) if whole_column_inactive: continue x, y, depth = __snap_to_top_and_base(snap_to_top_and_base = snap_to_top_and_base, x = x, y = y, i = i, j = j, depth = depth, thickness = thickness, k_top = k_top, k_dir_sign = k_dir_sign) while True: while k_top < extent[0] and abs(depth[k_top, j, i]) > depth_zero_tolerance: # skip active layers k_top += 1 k_base = k_top + 1 k_base, x, y, depth, thickness, _ = __clean_up_tiny_values(k = k_base, x = x, y = y, i = i, j = j, extent = extent, depth = depth, thickness = thickness, depth_zero_tolerance = depth_zero_tolerance, x_y_zero_tolerance = x_y_zero_tolerance) if k_base >= extent[0]: # no deeper active cells found x, y, depth = __snap_to_top_and_base(snap_to_top_and_base = snap_to_top_and_base, x = x, y = y, i = i, j = j, depth = depth, thickness = thickness, k_top = k_top, k_dir_sign = k_dir_sign, k_base_greater_or_equal_to_extent = True) break void_cell_count = k_base - k_top assert (void_cell_count > 0) void_top_depth = depth[k_top - 1, j, i] + (thickness[k_top - 1, j, i] / 2.0) * k_dir_sign void_bottom_depth = depth[k_base, j, i] - (thickness[k_base, j, i] / 2.0) * k_dir_sign void_top_x = x[k_top - 1, j, i] void_top_y = y[k_top - 1, j, i] void_interval = k_dir_sign * (void_bottom_depth - void_top_depth) void_x_interval = x[k_base, j, i] - void_top_x void_y_interval = y[k_base, j, i] - void_top_y infill_cell_thickness = void_interval / void_cell_count if void_interval < 0.0: # overlapping cells if -void_interval < vertical_cell_overlap_tolerance: depth, infill_cell_thickness, void_interval = __nudge_overlapping_cells_if_requested( nudge = nudge, i = i, j = j, k_base = k_base, extent = extent, void_interval = void_interval, void_bottom_depth = void_bottom_depth, depth_zero_tolerance = depth_zero_tolerance, k_dir_sign = k_dir_sign) else: log.warning('Cells [%1d, %1d, %1d] and [%1d, %1d, %1d] overlap ...', i + 1, j + 1, k_top, i + 1, j + 1, k_base + 1) log.warning('Check k_increase_direction and tolerances') log.warning('Skipping rest of i,j column') # todo: could abort here break assert (infill_cell_thickness >= 0.0) for void_k in range(void_cell_count): depth[k_top + void_k, j, i] = void_top_depth + (0.5 + void_k) * infill_cell_thickness * k_dir_sign thickness[k_top + void_k, j, i] = infill_cell_thickness x[k_top + void_k, j, i] = void_top_x + (0.5 + void_k) * void_x_interval / void_cell_count y[k_top + void_k, j, i] = void_top_y + (0.5 + void_k) * void_y_interval / void_cell_count k_top = k_base
def __get_k_dir_sign(k_increase_direction): """ Set whether depth increases with increasingly positive or negative values.""" if k_increase_direction == 'down': k_dir_sign = 1.0 elif k_increase_direction == 'up': k_dir_sign = -1.0 else: assert (False) return k_dir_sign def __clean_up_tiny_values(k, x, y, i, j, extent, depth, thickness, depth_zero_tolerance, x_y_zero_tolerance): """ Set x, y, depth and thickness values to zero if values are below tolerances.""" whole_column_inactive = False while k < extent[0] and abs(depth[k, j, i]) <= depth_zero_tolerance: depth[k, j, i] = 0.0 # clean up tiny values thickness[k, j, i] = 0.0 if abs(x[k, j, i]) <= x_y_zero_tolerance: x[k, j, i] = 0.0 if abs(y[k, j, i]) <= x_y_zero_tolerance: y[k, j, i] = 0.0 k += 1 # skip topmost inactive batch if k >= extent[0]: whole_column_inactive = True return k, x, y, depth, thickness, whole_column_inactive def __snap_to_top_and_base(snap_to_top_and_base, x, y, i, j, depth, thickness, k_top, k_dir_sign, k_base_greater_or_equal_to_extent = False): # Cells above topmost active and below deepest active will be populated with pinched out cells at the top and # bottom faces respectively if k_base_greater_or_equal_to_extent: k_top = k_top - 1 if snap_to_top_and_base: snap_depth = depth[k_top, j, i] - k_dir_sign * thickness[k_top, j, i] / 2.0 snap_x = x[k_top, j, i] snap_y = y[k_top, j, i] for k_snap in range(k_top): depth[k_snap, j, i] = snap_depth x[k_snap, j, i] = snap_x y[k_snap, j, i] = snap_y return x, y, depth def __nudge_overlapping_cells_if_requested(nudge, i, j, k_base, extent, depth, void_interval, void_bottom_depth, depth_zero_tolerance, k_dir_sign): """Clean up overlap over pinchouts by moving the depths of cells with greater k.""" if nudge: nudge_count = 0 # debug for k_nudge in range(extent[0] - k_base): if depth[k_base + k_nudge, j, i] > depth_zero_tolerance: depth[k_base + k_nudge, j, i] += -void_interval * k_dir_sign nudge_count += 1 # debug log.debug('%1d cells nudged in [ i j ] column [%1d, %1d]', nudge_count, i + 1, j + 1) void_bottom_depth += -void_interval void_interval = 0.0 infill_cell_thickness = 0.0 return depth, infill_cell_thickness, void_interval
[docs]def resequence_nexus_corp(corner_points, eight_mode = False, undo = False): """Reorders corner point data in situ, to handle bizarre nexus orderings.""" # undo False for corp to internal; undo True for internal to corp; only relevant in eight_mode assert (corner_points.ndim == 7) extent = np.array(corner_points.shape, dtype = 'int') if eight_mode: for k in range(extent[0]): for j in range(extent[1]): for i in range(extent[2]): if undo: xyz = np.zeros((3, 8)) c = 0 for kp in range(2): for jp in range(2): for ip in range(2): xyz[:, c] = corner_points[k, j, i, kp, jp, ip, :] c += 1 corner_points[k, j, i] = xyz.reshape((2, 2, 2, 3)) else: xyz = corner_points[k, j, i].reshape((3, 8)).copy() c = 0 for kp in range(2): for jp in range(2): for ip in range(2): corner_points[k, j, i, kp, jp, ip, :] = xyz[:, c] c += 1 else: # reversible, so not dependent on undo argument jp_slice = corner_points[:, :, :, :, 1, 0, :].copy() corner_points[:, :, :, :, 1, 0, :] = corner_points[:, :, :, :, 1, 1, :] corner_points[:, :, :, :, 1, 1, :] = jp_slice
[docs]def random_cell(corner_points, border = 0.25, max_tries = 20, tolerance = 0.003): """Returns a random cell's (k,j,i) tuple for a cell with non-zero lengths on all 3 primary edges.""" assert (corner_points.ndim == 7) assert (border >= 0.0 and border < 0.5) assert (max_tries > 0) extent = np.array(corner_points.shape, dtype = 'int') kji_extent = extent[:3] kji_border = np.zeros(3, dtype = 'int') kji_upper = np.zeros(3, dtype = 'int') for axis in range(3): kji_border[axis] = int(float(kji_extent[axis]) * border) kji_upper[axis] = kji_extent[axis] - kji_border[axis] - 1 if kji_upper[axis] < kji_border[axis]: kji_upper[axis] = kji_border[axis] kji_cell = np.empty(3, dtype = 'int') attempt = 0 while attempt < max_tries: attempt += 1 for axis in range(3): if kji_extent[axis] == 1: kji_cell[axis] = 0 else: kji_cell[axis] = random.randint(kji_border[axis], kji_upper[axis]) cell_cp = corner_points[tuple(kji_cell)] assert (cell_cp.shape == (2, 2, 2, 3)) if vec.manhatten_distance(cell_cp[0, 0, 0], cell_cp[1, 0, 0]) < tolerance: continue if vec.manhatten_distance(cell_cp[0, 0, 0], cell_cp[0, 1, 0]) < tolerance: continue if vec.manhatten_distance(cell_cp[0, 0, 0], cell_cp[0, 0, 1]) < tolerance: continue return tuple(kji_cell) log.warning('failed to find random voluminous cell') return None
[docs]def determine_corp_ijk_handedness(corner_points, xyz_is_left_handed = True): """Determine true ijk handedness from corner point data in pagoda style 7D array; returns 'right' or 'left'.""" assert (corner_points.ndim == 7) cell_kji = random_cell(corner_points) assert (cell_kji is not None) log.debug('using cell ijk0 [{}, {}, {}] to determine ijk handedness'.format(cell_kji[2], cell_kji[1], cell_kji[0])) cell_cp = corner_points[cell_kji] origin = cell_cp[0, 0, 0] det = vec.determinant(cell_cp[0, 0, 1] - origin, cell_cp[0, 1, 0] - origin, cell_cp[1, 0, 0] - origin) # NB. IJK ordering if det == 0.0: log.warning('indeterminate handedness in cell ijk0 [{}, {}, {}]'.format(cell_kji[2], cell_kji[1], cell_kji[0])) return None if det > 0.0: ijk_is_left_handed = xyz_is_left_handed else: ijk_is_left_handed = not xyz_is_left_handed if ijk_is_left_handed: return 'left' return 'right'
[docs]def determine_corp_extent(corner_points, tolerance = 0.003): """Returns extent of grid derived from 7D corner points with all cells temporarily in I.""" def neighbours(corner_points, sextuple_cell_a_p1, sextuple_cell_a_p2, sextuple_cell_b_p1, sextuple_cell_b_p2, tolerance): # allows for reversal of points (or not) in neighbouring cell if ((vec.manhatten_distance(corner_points[sextuple_cell_a_p1], corner_points[sextuple_cell_b_p1]) <= tolerance) and (vec.manhatten_distance(corner_points[sextuple_cell_a_p2], corner_points[sextuple_cell_b_p2]) <= tolerance)): return True if ((vec.manhatten_distance(corner_points[sextuple_cell_a_p1], corner_points[sextuple_cell_b_p2]) <= tolerance) and (vec.manhatten_distance(corner_points[sextuple_cell_a_p2], corner_points[sextuple_cell_b_p1]) <= tolerance)): return True return False assert (corner_points.ndim == 7 and corner_points.shape[:2] == (1, 1)) confirmation = 3 # number of identical results needed for each of NI and NJ max_failures = 100 # maximum number of failed random cells for each of NI and NJ min_cell_length = 10.0 * tolerance border = 0.0 if corner_points.shape[2] < 1000 else 0.25 cell_count = corner_points.shape[2] prime_factorization = factors.factorize(cell_count) log.debug('cell count is ' + str(cell_count) + '; prime factorization: ' + str(prime_factorization)) possible_extents = factors.all_factors_from_primes(prime_factorization) log.debug('possible extents are: ' + str(possible_extents)) ni = None redundancy = confirmation remaining_attempts = max_failures while redundancy: kji_cell = random_cell(corner_points, border = border, tolerance = min_cell_length) found = False if kji_cell is not None: for e in possible_extents: candidate = kji_cell[2] + e if candidate >= cell_count: continue if neighbours(corner_points, (0, 0, kji_cell[2], 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, kji_cell[2], 0, 1, 1), (0, 0, candidate, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, candidate, 0, 0, 1), tolerance): if ni is not None and ni != e: log.error('inconsistent NI values of {} and {} determined from corner points'.format(ni, e)) return None found = True ni = e redundancy -= 1 break if not found: remaining_attempts -= 1 if remaining_attempts <= 0: log.error('failed to determine NI from corner points (out of tries)') # could assume NJ = 1 here return None'NI determined from corner points to be ' + str(ni)) if ni > 1: ni_prime_factors = factors.factorize(ni) factors.remove_subset(prime_factorization, ni_prime_factors) log.debug('remaining prime factors after accounting for NI are: ' + str(prime_factorization)) possible_extents = factors.all_factors_from_primes(prime_factorization) log.debug('possible extents for NJ & NK are: ' + str(possible_extents)) nj = None redundancy = confirmation remaining_attempts = max_failures while redundancy: kji_cell = random_cell(corner_points) found = False for e in possible_extents: candidate = kji_cell[2] + (e * ni) if candidate >= cell_count: continue if vec.manhatten_distance(corner_points[0, 0, kji_cell[2], 1, 0, 0], corner_points[0, 0, candidate, 0, 0, 0]) <= tolerance: if nj is not None and nj != e: log.error('inconsistent NJ values of {} and {} determined from corner points'.format(nj, e)) return None found = True nj = e redundancy -= 1 break if not found: remaining_attempts -= 1 if remaining_attempts <= 0: log.error( 'failed to determine NJ from corner points (out of tries)') # could assume or check if NK = 1 here return None'NJ determined from corner points to be ' + str(nj)) nk, remainder = divmod(cell_count, ni * nj) assert (remainder == 0)'NK determined from corner points to be ' + str(nk)) assert (nk in possible_extents) return [nk, nj, ni]
[docs]def translate_corp(corner_points, x_shift = None, y_shift = None, min_xy = None, preserve_digits = None): """Adjusts x and y values of corner points by a constant offset.""" assert (corner_points.ndim == 7) if min_xy is None: minimum_xy = 0.0 else: minimum_xy = min_xy if x_shift is None: x_sub = np.min(corner_points[:, :, :, :, :, :, 0]) - minimum_xy else: x_sub = -x_shift if y_shift is None: y_sub = np.min(corner_points[:, :, :, :, :, :, 1]) - minimum_xy else: y_sub = -y_shift if preserve_digits is not None: divisor = maths.pow(10.0, preserve_digits) x_sub = divisor * maths.floor(x_sub / divisor) y_sub = divisor * maths.floor(y_sub / divisor)'translating corner points by %3.1f in x and %3.1f in y', -x_sub, -y_sub) corner_points[:, :, :, :, :, :, 0] -= x_sub corner_points[:, :, :, :, :, :, 1] -= y_sub
[docs]def triangles_for_cell_faces(cp): """Returns numpy array of shape (3, 2, 4, 3, 3) with axes being kji, -+, triangle within face, triangle corner, xyz. arguments: cp (numpy float array of shape (2, 2, 2, 3)): single cell corner point array in pagoda protocol returns: numpy float array of shape (3, 2, 4, 3, 3) holding triangle corner coordinates for cell faces represented with quad triangles note: resqpy.surface also contains methods for working with cell faces as triangulated sets """ tri = np.empty((3, 2, 4, 3, 3)) # create face centre points and assign as one vertex in each of 4 trangles for face tri[0, :, :, 0] = np.mean(cp, axis = (1, 2)).reshape((2, 1, 3)).repeat(4, axis = 1).reshape( (2, 4, 3)) # k face centres tri[1, :, :, 0] = np.mean(cp, axis = (0, 2)).reshape((2, 1, 3)).repeat(4, axis = 1).reshape( (2, 4, 3)) # j face centres tri[2, :, :, 0] = np.mean(cp, axis = (0, 1)).reshape((2, 1, 3)).repeat(4, axis = 1).reshape( (2, 4, 3)) # i face centres # k faces tri[0, :, 0, 1] = cp[:, 0, 0] tri[0, :, 0, 2] = cp[:, 0, 1] tri[0, :, 1, 1] = cp[:, 0, 1] tri[0, :, 1, 2] = cp[:, 1, 1] tri[0, :, 2, 1] = cp[:, 1, 1] tri[0, :, 2, 2] = cp[:, 1, 0] tri[0, :, 3, 1] = cp[:, 1, 0] tri[0, :, 3, 2] = cp[:, 0, 0] # j faces tri[1, :, 0, 1] = cp[0, :, 0] tri[1, :, 0, 2] = cp[0, :, 1] tri[1, :, 1, 1] = cp[0, :, 1] tri[1, :, 1, 2] = cp[1, :, 1] tri[1, :, 2, 1] = cp[1, :, 1] tri[1, :, 2, 2] = cp[1, :, 0] tri[1, :, 3, 1] = cp[1, :, 0] tri[1, :, 3, 2] = cp[0, :, 0] # i faces tri[2, :, 0, 1] = cp[0, 0, :] tri[2, :, 0, 2] = cp[0, 1, :] tri[2, :, 1, 1] = cp[0, 1, :] tri[2, :, 1, 2] = cp[1, 1, :] tri[2, :, 2, 1] = cp[1, 1, :] tri[2, :, 2, 2] = cp[1, 0, :] tri[2, :, 3, 1] = cp[1, 0, :] tri[2, :, 3, 2] = cp[0, 0, :] return tri
[docs]def actual_pillar_shape(pillar_points, tolerance = 0.001): """Returns 'curved', 'straight' or 'vertical' for shape of pillar points. arguments: pillar_points (numpy float array): fully defined points array of shape (nk + k_gaps + 1,..., 3). """ assert pillar_points.ndim >= 3 and pillar_points.shape[-1] == 3 pp = pillar_points.reshape((pillar_points.shape[0], -1, 3)) from_top = pp - pp[0] xy_drift = np.abs(from_top[:, :, 0]) + np.abs( from_top[:, :, 1]) # use Manhattan distance as cheap proxy for true distance if np.max(xy_drift) <= tolerance: return 'vertical' if np.max(xy_drift[-1]) <= tolerance: return 'curved' # top & bottom are vertically aligned, so pillar must be curved # where z variation is tiny (null pillar), don't interpolate, just treat these pillars as straight # elsewhere find drift from vector defined by from_top[-1] null_pillar_mask = (abs(from_top[-1, :, 2]) <= tolerance) from_top[-1, :, 2] = np.where(null_pillar_mask, tolerance, from_top[-1, :, 2]) # avoid divide by zero issues z_fraction = from_top[:, :, 2] / from_top[-1, :, 2] xy_drift = from_top[:, :, :2] - z_fraction.reshape((pp.shape[0], pp.shape[1], 1)) * from_top[-1, :, :2].reshape( (1, pp.shape[1], 2)) straight = (np.max(np.sum(np.abs(xy_drift), axis = -1), axis = 0) <= tolerance) masked_straight = np.where(null_pillar_mask, True, straight) if np.all(masked_straight): return 'straight' return 'curved'
[docs]def columns_to_nearest_split_face(grid): """Return an int array of shape (NJ, NI) being number of cells to nearest split edge. note: uses Manhattan distance """ if not grid.has_split_coordinate_lines: return None j_col_faces_split, i_col_faces_split = grid.split_column_faces() abutting = np.zeros((grid.nj,, dtype = bool) abutting[:-1, :] = j_col_faces_split abutting[1:, :] = np.logical_or(abutting[1:, :], j_col_faces_split) abutting[:, :-1] = np.logical_or(abutting[:, :-1], i_col_faces_split) abutting[:, 1:] = np.logical_or(abutting[:, 1:], i_col_faces_split) framed = np.full((grid.nj + 2, + 2), grid.nj +, dtype = int) framed[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.where(abutting, 0, grid.nj + while True: plus_one = framed + 1 updated = np.minimum(framed[1:-1, 1:-1], plus_one[:-2, 1:-1]) updated[:] = np.minimum(updated, plus_one[2:, 1:-1]) updated[:] = np.minimum(updated, plus_one[1:-1, :-2]) updated[:] = np.minimum(updated, plus_one[1:-1, 2:]) if np.all(updated == framed[1:-1, 1:-1]): break framed[1:-1, 1:-1] = updated return framed[1:-1, 1:-1]
[docs]def left_right_foursome(full_pillar_list, p_index): """Returns (2, 2) bool numpy array indicating which columns around a primary pillar are to the right of a line.""" assert 0 <= p_index <= len(full_pillar_list) - 1 here = np.array(full_pillar_list[p_index], dtype = int) previous = np.array(full_pillar_list[p_index - 1], dtype = int) if p_index > 0 else None next = np.array(full_pillar_list[p_index + 1], dtype = int) if p_index < len(full_pillar_list) - 1 else None assert previous is not None or next is not None entry = None if previous is None else tuple(here - previous) exit = None if next is None else tuple(next - here) if entry is None: entry = exit elif exit is None: exit = entry # yapf: disable entry_tuples_list = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] exit_tuples_list = [[(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)], [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0)], [(0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)], [(0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 1)]] result_arrays_list = [[np.array([[False, True], [True, True]], dtype = bool), np.array([[False, False], [True, True]], dtype = bool), np.array([[False, False], [True, False]], dtype = bool)], [np.array([[False, True], [False, False]], dtype = bool), np.array([[True, True], [False, False]], dtype = bool), np.array([[True, True], [True, False]], dtype = bool)], [np.array([[True, False], [False, False]], dtype = bool), np.array([[True, False], [True, False]], dtype = bool), np.array([[True, False], [True, True]], dtype = bool)], [np.array([[True, True], [False, True]], dtype = bool), np.array([[False, True], [False, True]], dtype = bool), np.array([[False, False], [False, True]], dtype = bool)]] # yapf: enable try: list_index = entry_tuples_list.index(entry) except ValueError: log.debug(f'entry pair: {entry}') raise Exception('code failure whilst taking entry sides from dubious full pillar list') try: result_array_index = exit_tuples_list[list_index].index(exit) result_array = result_arrays_list[list_index][result_array_index] return result_array except ValueError: raise Exception('code failure whilst taking exit sides from dubious full pillar list')