"""well_utils.py: functions used by the classes in resqpy.well"""
# Nexus is a registered trademark of the Halliburton Company
# RMS and ROXAR are registered trademarks of Roxar Software Solutions AS, an Emerson company
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
import resqpy.olio.grid_functions as gf
import resqpy.olio.intersection as intersect
import resqpy.olio.keyword_files as kf
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
[docs]def load_hdf5_array(object, node, array_attribute, tag = 'Values', dtype = 'float', model = None):
"""Loads the property array data as an attribute of object, from the hdf5 referenced in xml node.
:meta private:
assert (rqet.node_type(node) in ['DoubleHdf5Array', 'IntegerHdf5Array', 'Point3dHdf5Array'])
if model is None:
model = object.model
h5_key_pair = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(node, tag = tag)
if h5_key_pair is None:
return None
return model.h5_array_element(h5_key_pair,
index = None,
cache_array = True,
dtype = dtype,
object = object,
array_attribute = array_attribute)
[docs]def well_names_in_cellio_file(cellio_file):
"""Returns a list of well names as found in the RMS blocked well export cell I/O file."""
well_list = []
with open(cellio_file, 'r') as fp:
while True:
line = fp.readline() # file format version number?
if line == '':
break # end of file
fp.readline() # 'Undefined'
words = fp.readline().split()
assert len(words), 'missing header info (well name) in cell I/O file'
while not kf.blank_line(fp):
fp.readline() # skip to block of data for next well
return well_list
# 'private' functions
[docs]def find_entry_and_exit(cp, entry_vector, exit_vector, well_name):
"""Returns (entry_axis, entry_polarity, entry_xyz, exit_axis, exit_polarity, exit_xyz).
:meta private:
cell_centre = np.mean(cp, axis = (0, 1, 2))
face_triangles = gf.triangles_for_cell_faces(cp).reshape(-1, 3, 3) # flattened first index 4 values per face
entry_points = intersect.line_triangles_intersects(cell_centre, entry_vector, face_triangles, line_segment = True)
entry_axis = entry_polarity = entry_xyz = exit_xyz = None
for t in range(24):
if not np.any(np.isnan(entry_points[t])):
entry_xyz = entry_points[t]
entry_axis = t // 8
entry_polarity = (t - 8 * entry_axis) // 4
assert entry_axis is not None, 'failed to find entry face for a perforation in well ' + str(well_name)
exit_points = intersect.line_triangles_intersects(cell_centre, exit_vector, face_triangles, line_segment = True)
exit_axis = exit_polarity = None
for t in range(24):
if not np.any(np.isnan(exit_points[t])):
exit_xyz = exit_points[t]
exit_axis = t // 8
exit_polarity = (t - 8 * exit_axis) // 4
assert exit_axis is not None, 'failed to find exit face for a perforation in well ' + str(well_name)
return (entry_axis, entry_polarity, entry_xyz, exit_axis, exit_polarity, exit_xyz)
def _as_optional_array(arr):
"""If not None, cast as numpy array.
casting directly to an array can be problematic: np.array(None) creates an unsized array,
which is potentially confusing
if arr is None:
return None
return np.array(arr)
def _pl(i, e = False):
return '' if i == 1 else 'es' if e else 's'
def _derive_from_wellspec_verify_col_list(add_properties):
"""Verify additional properties to be added to the WELLSPEC file.
add_properties (boolean): if True, the additional properties specified will be added to the WELLSPEC file
list of columns to be added to the WELLSPEC file
if add_properties:
if isinstance(add_properties, list):
col_list = ['IW', 'JW', 'L'] + [col.upper() for col in add_properties if col not in ['IW', 'JW', 'L']]
col_list = []
col_list = ['IW', 'JW', 'L', 'ANGLA', 'ANGLV']
return col_list
def _derive_from_wellspec_check_grid_name(check_grid_name, grid, col_list):
"""Verify the grid object to which the cell indices in the WELLSPEC table belong.
check_grid_name (boolean): if True, the citation title of the grid will be extracted and returned
grid (grid object): the grid object whose citation titles will be returned
col_list (list): list of strings of column names to be added to the WELLSPEC file; if a citation title is
extracted from the grid object, 'GRID' will be added to the col_list
string of grid citation title extracted from the grid object
list of columns to be added to the WELLSPEC file
if check_grid_name:
grid_name = rqet.citation_title_for_node(grid.root).upper()
if not grid_name:
name_for_check = None
name_for_check = grid_name
name_for_check = None
return name_for_check, col_list