Source code for resqpy.well._deviation_survey

"""DeviationSurvey class."""

# todo: create a trajectory from a deviation survey, assuming minimum curvature

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# RMS and ROXAR are registered trademarks of Roxar Software Solutions AS, an Emerson company

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pandas as pd

import resqpy.olio.uuid as bu
import resqpy.olio.write_hdf5 as rwh5
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
import resqpy.organize as rqo
import resqpy.weights_and_measures as bwam
import resqpy.well
import resqpy.well._md_datum as rqmdd
import resqpy.well.well_utils as rqwu
from resqpy.olio.base import BaseResqpy
from resqpy.olio.xml_namespaces import curly_namespace as ns

class DeviationSurvey(BaseResqpy):
    """Class for RESQML wellbore deviation survey.

    RESQML documentation:

       Specifies the station data from a deviation survey.

       The deviation survey does not provide a complete specification of the
       geometry of a wellbore trajectory. Although a minimum-curvature
       algorithm is used in most cases, the implementation varies sufficiently
       that no single algorithmic specification is available as a data transfer

       Instead, the geometry of a RESQML wellbore trajectory is represented by
       a parametric line, parameterized by the MD.

       CRS and units of measure do not need to be consistent with the CRS and
       units of measure for wellbore trajectory representation.

    resqml_type = 'DeviationSurveyRepresentation'

[docs] def __init__(self, parent_model, uuid = None, title = None, represented_interp = None, md_datum = None, md_uom = 'm', angle_uom = 'dega', measured_depths = None, azimuths = None, inclinations = None, station_count = None, first_station = None, is_final = False, originator = None, extra_metadata = None): """Load or create a DeviationSurvey object. If uuid is given, loads from XML. Else, create new. If loading from disk, other parameters will be overwritten. arguments: parent_model (model.Model): the model which the new survey belongs to uuid (uuid.UUID): If given, loads from disk. Else, creates new. title (str): Citation title – often the well name represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional): if present, is noted as the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to md_datum (MdDatum): the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from md_uom (string, default 'm'): a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the measured depths; should be 'm' or 'ft' angle_uom (string): a resqml angle unit; should be 'dega' or 'rad' measured_depths (np.array): 1d array azimuths (np.array): 1d array inclinations (np.array): 1d array station_count (int): length of measured_depths, azimuths & inclinations first_station (tuple): (x, y, z) of first point in survey, in crs for md datum is_final (bool): whether survey is a finalised deviation survey originator (str): name of author extra_metadata (dict, optional): extra metadata key, value pairs returns: DeviationSurvey notes: this method does not create an xml node, nor write hdf5 arrays :meta common: """ self.is_final = is_final self.md_uom = bwam.rq_length_unit(md_uom) self.angles_in_degrees = angle_uom.strip().lower().startswith('deg') """boolean: True for degrees, False for radians (nothing else supported). Should be 'dega' or 'rad'""" # Array data self.measured_depths = rqwu._as_optional_array(measured_depths) self.azimuths = rqwu._as_optional_array(azimuths) self.inclinations = rqwu._as_optional_array(inclinations) if station_count is None and measured_depths is not None: station_count = len(measured_depths) self.station_count = station_count self.first_station = first_station # Referenced objects self.md_datum = md_datum # md datum is an object in its own right, with a related crs! self.wellbore_interpretation = represented_interp super().__init__(model = parent_model, uuid = uuid, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_frame(cls, parent_model, data_frame, md_datum = None, md_col = 'MD', azimuth_col = 'AZIM_GN', inclination_col = 'INCL', x_col = 'X', y_col = 'Y', z_col = 'Z', md_uom = 'm', angle_uom = 'dega', title = None, represented_interp = None): """Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from a pandas data frame. arguments: parent_model (model.Model): the parent resqml model data_frame: a pandas dataframe holding the deviation survey data md_datum (MdDatum object): the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from md_col (string, default 'MD'): the name of the column holding measured depth values azimuth_col (string, default 'AZIM_GN'): the name of the column holding azimuth values relative to the north direction (+ve y axis) of the coordinate reference system inclination_col (string, default 'INCL'): the name of the column holding inclination values x_col (string, default 'X'): the name of the column holding an x value in the first row y_col (string, default 'Y'): the name of the column holding an Y value in the first row z_col (string, default 'Z'): the name of the column holding an z value in the first row md_uom (string, default 'm'): a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the measured depths; should be 'm' or 'ft' angle_uom (string, default 'dega'): a resqml angle unit of measure applicable to both the azimuth and inclination data title (string): the citation title for the deviation survey – often the well name represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional): if present, is noted as the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to returns: DeviationSurvey note: The X, Y & Z columns are only used to set the first station location (from the first row) """ for col in [md_col, azimuth_col, inclination_col, x_col, y_col, z_col]: assert col in data_frame.columns station_count = len(data_frame) assert station_count >= 2 # vertical well could be hamdled by allowing a single station in survey? # self.md_uom = bwam.p_length_unit(md_uom) start = data_frame.iloc[0] return cls(parent_model = parent_model, station_count = station_count, md_datum = md_datum, md_uom = md_uom, angle_uom = angle_uom, first_station = (start[x_col], start[y_col], start[z_col]), measured_depths = data_frame[md_col].values, azimuths = data_frame[azimuth_col].values, inclinations = data_frame[inclination_col].values, is_final = True, title = title, represented_interp = represented_interp) # assume this is a finalised deviation survey
[docs] @classmethod def from_ascii_file(cls, parent_model, deviation_survey_file, comment_character = '#', space_separated_instead_of_csv = False, md_col = 'MD', azimuth_col = 'AZIM_GN', inclination_col = 'INCL', x_col = 'X', y_col = 'Y', z_col = 'Z', md_uom = 'm', angle_uom = 'dega', md_datum = None, title = None, represented_interp = None): """Load MD, aximuth & inclination data from an ascii deviation survey file. qrguments: parent_model (model.Model): the parent resqml model deviation_survey_file (string): the filename of an ascii file holding the deviation survey data comment_character (string): the character to be treated as introducing comments space_separated_instead_of_csv (boolea, default False): if False, csv format expected; if True, columns are expected to be seperated by white space md_col (string, default 'MD'): the name of the column holding measured depth values azimuth_col (string, default 'AZIM_GN'): the name of the column holding azimuth values relative to the north direction (+ve y axis) of the coordinate reference system inclination_col (string, default 'INCL'): the name of the column holding inclination values x_col (string, default 'X'): the name of the column holding an x value in the first row y_col (string, default 'Y'): the name of the column holding an Y value in the first row z_col (string, default 'Z'): the name of the column holding an z value in the first row md_uom (string, default 'm'): a resqml length unit of measure applicable to the measured depths; should be 'm' or 'ft' angle_uom (string, default 'dega'): a resqml angle unit of measure applicable to both the azimuth and inclination data md_datum (MdDatum object): the datum that the depths for this survey are measured from title (string): the citation title for the deviation survey – often the well name represented_interp (WellboreInterpretation, optional): if present, is noted as the wellbore interpretation object which this deviation survey relates to returns: DeviationSurvey note: The X, Y & Z columns are only used to set the first station location (from the first row) """ try: df = pd.read_csv(deviation_survey_file, comment = comment_character, delim_whitespace = space_separated_instead_of_csv) if df is None: raise Exception except Exception: log.error('failed to read ascii deviation survey file ' + deviation_survey_file) raise return cls.from_data_frame(parent_model, df, md_col = md_col, azimuth_col = azimuth_col, inclination_col = inclination_col, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, z_col = z_col, md_uom = md_uom, angle_uom = angle_uom, md_datum = md_datum, title = title, represented_interp = represented_interp)
def _load_from_xml(self): """Load attributes from xml and associated hdf5 data. This is invoked as part of the init method when an existing uuid is given. Returns: [bool]: True if successful """ # Get node from self.uuid node = self.root assert node is not None # Load XML data self.md_uom = rqet.length_units_from_node(rqet.find_tag(node, 'MdUom', must_exist = True)) self.angle_uom = rqet.find_tag_text(node, 'AngleUom', must_exist = True) self.station_count = rqet.find_tag_int(node, 'StationCount', must_exist = True) self.first_station = rqwu.extract_xyz(rqet.find_tag(node, 'FirstStationLocation', must_exist = True)) self.is_final = rqet.find_tag_bool(node, 'IsFinal') # Load HDF5 data mds_node = rqet.find_tag(node, 'Mds', must_exist = True) rqwu.load_hdf5_array(self, mds_node, 'measured_depths') azimuths_node = rqet.find_tag(node, 'Azimuths', must_exist = True) rqwu.load_hdf5_array(self, azimuths_node, 'azimuths') inclinations_node = rqet.find_tag(node, 'Inclinations', must_exist = True) rqwu.load_hdf5_array(self, inclinations_node, 'inclinations') # Set related objects self.md_datum = self._load_related_datum() self.represented_interp = self._load_related_wellbore_interp() # Validate assert self.measured_depths is not None assert len(self.measured_depths) > 0 return True
[docs] def create_xml(self, ext_uuid = None, md_datum_root = None, md_datum_xyz = None, add_as_part = True, add_relationships = True, title = None, originator = None): """Creates a deviation survey representation xml element from this DeviationSurvey object. arguments: ext_uuid (uuid.UUID): the uuid of the hdf5 external part holding the deviation survey arrays md_datum_root: the root xml node for the measured depth datum that the deviation survey depths are based on md_datum_xyz: TODO: document this add_as_part (boolean, default True): if True, the newly created xml node is added as a part in the model add_relationships (boolean, default True): if True, a relationship xml part is created relating the new deviation survey part to the measured depth datum part title (string): used as the citation Title text; should usually refer to the well name in a human readable way originator (string, optional): the name of the human being who created the deviation survey part; default is to use the login name returns: the newly created deviation survey xml node """ assert self.station_count > 0 if ext_uuid is None: ext_uuid = self.model.h5_uuid() md_datum_root = self.__get_md_datum_root(md_datum_root = md_datum_root, md_datum_xyz = md_datum_xyz) # Create root node, write citation block ds_node = super().create_xml(title = title, originator = originator, add_as_part = False) mds_values_node, azimuths_values_node, inclinations_values_node = self.__add_sub_elements_to_root_node( ds_node = ds_node) self.model.create_md_datum_reference(md_datum_root, root = ds_node) self.model.create_solitary_point3d('FirstStationLocation', ds_node, self.first_station) self.model.create_hdf5_dataset_ref(ext_uuid, self.uuid, 'Mds', root = mds_values_node) self.model.create_hdf5_dataset_ref(ext_uuid, self.uuid, 'Azimuths', root = azimuths_values_node) self.model.create_hdf5_dataset_ref(ext_uuid, self.uuid, 'Inclinations', root = inclinations_values_node) interp_root = self.__create_wellbore_interpretation_ref_node(ds_node = ds_node) self.__add_as_part_and_add_relationships(ds_node = ds_node, md_datum_root = md_datum_root, interp_root = interp_root, ext_uuid = ext_uuid, add_as_part = add_as_part, add_relationships = add_relationships) return ds_node
def __get_md_datum_root(self, md_datum_root, md_datum_xyz): """ Ensures that the root node for the MdDatum object that the DeviationSurvey depths are based on exists. If not, a root node will be created and returned. """ if md_datum_root is None: if self.md_datum is None: if md_datum_xyz is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a MD Datum for the DeviationSurvey") self.md_datum = rqmdd.MdDatum(self.model, location = md_datum_xyz) if self.md_datum.root is None: md_datum_root = self.md_datum.create_xml() else: md_datum_root = self.md_datum.root assert md_datum_root is not None return md_datum_root def __add_sub_elements_to_root_node(self, ds_node): """Appends sub-elements to the DeviationSurvey object's root node.""" if_node = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'IsFinal') if_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'boolean') if_node.text = str(self.is_final).lower() sc_node = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'StationCount') sc_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'positiveInteger') sc_node.text = str(self.station_count) md_uom = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'MdUom') md_uom.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'LengthUom') md_uom.text = bwam.rq_length_unit(self.md_uom) angle_uom = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'AngleUom') angle_uom.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'PlaneAngleUom') if self.angles_in_degrees: angle_uom.text = 'dega' else: angle_uom.text = 'rad' mds = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Mds') mds.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'DoubleHdf5Array') mds.text = rqet.null_xml_text mds_values_node = rqet.SubElement(mds, ns['resqml2'] + 'Values') mds_values_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'Hdf5Dataset') mds_values_node.text = rqet.null_xml_text azimuths = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Azimuths') azimuths.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'DoubleHdf5Array') azimuths.text = rqet.null_xml_text azimuths_values_node = rqet.SubElement(azimuths, ns['resqml2'] + 'Values') azimuths_values_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'Hdf5Dataset') azimuths_values_node.text = rqet.null_xml_text inclinations = rqet.SubElement(ds_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Inclinations') inclinations.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'DoubleHdf5Array') inclinations.text = rqet.null_xml_text inclinations_values_node = rqet.SubElement(inclinations, ns['resqml2'] + 'Values') inclinations_values_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'Hdf5Dataset') inclinations_values_node.text = rqet.null_xml_text return mds_values_node, azimuths_values_node, inclinations_values_node def __create_wellbore_interpretation_ref_node(self, ds_node): """Create a reference node for the WellboreInterpretation object and add to the DeviationSurvey root node. """ interp_root = None if self.wellbore_interpretation is not None: interp_root = self.wellbore_interpretation.root self.model.create_ref_node('RepresentedInterpretation', rqet.find_nested_tags_text(interp_root, ['Citation', 'Title']), bu.uuid_from_string(interp_root.attrib['uuid']), content_type = 'obj_WellboreInterpretation', root = ds_node) return interp_root def __add_as_part_and_add_relationships(self, ds_node, md_datum_root, interp_root, ext_uuid, add_as_part, add_relationships): """Add the newly created DeviationSurvey object's root node as a part in the model and add reciprocal relationships. """ if add_as_part: self.model.add_part('obj_DeviationSurveyRepresentation', self.uuid, ds_node) if add_relationships: # todo: check following relationship self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(ds_node, 'destinationObject', md_datum_root, 'sourceObject') if interp_root is not None: self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(ds_node, 'destinationObject', interp_root, 'sourceObject') ext_part = rqet.part_name_for_object('obj_EpcExternalPartReference', ext_uuid, prefixed = False) ext_node = self.model.root_for_part(ext_part) self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(ds_node, 'mlToExternalPartProxy', ext_node, 'externalPartProxyToMl')
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, file_name = None, mode = 'a'): """Create or append to an hdf5 file, writing datasets for the measured depths, azimuths, and inclinations.""" # NB: array data must all have been set up prior to calling this function h5_reg = rwh5.H5Register(self.model) h5_reg.register_dataset(self.uuid, 'Mds', self.measured_depths, dtype = float) h5_reg.register_dataset(self.uuid, 'Azimuths', self.azimuths, dtype = float) h5_reg.register_dataset(self.uuid, 'Inclinations', self.inclinations, dtype = float) h5_reg.write(file = file_name, mode = mode)
def _load_related_datum(self): """Return related MdDatum object from XML if present.""" md_datum_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(rqet.find_tag(rqet.find_tag(self.root, 'MdDatum'), 'UUID')) if md_datum_uuid is not None: md_datum_part = 'obj_MdDatum_' + str(md_datum_uuid) + '.xml' md_datum = rqmdd.MdDatum(self.model, md_datum_root = self.model.root_for_part(md_datum_part, is_rels = False)) else: md_datum = None return md_datum def _load_related_wellbore_interp(self): """Return related wellbore interp object from XML if present.""" interp_uuid = rqet.find_nested_tags_text(self.root, ['RepresentedInterpretation', 'UUID']) if interp_uuid is None: represented_interp = None else: represented_interp = rqo.WellboreInterpretation(self.model, uuid = interp_uuid) return represented_interp