Source code for resqpy.surface._triangulated_patch

"""TriangulatedPatch class used by Surface class."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np

import resqpy.olio.uuid as bu
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet

class TriangulatedPatch:
    """Class for RESQML TrianglePatch objects (used by Surface objects inter alia)."""

[docs] def __init__(self, parent_model, patch_index = None, patch_node = None, crs_uuid = None): """Create an empty TriangulatedPatch (TrianglePatch) node and optionally load from xml. note: not usually instantiated directly by application code """ self.model = parent_model self.node = patch_node self.patch_index = patch_index # if not None and extracting from xml, patch_index must match xml self.triangle_count = 0 self.node_count = 0 self.triangles = None self.quad_triangles = None = None # used to convert a triangle index back into a (j, i) pair when freshly built from mesh self.points = None self.crs_uuid = crs_uuid if patch_node is not None: xml_patch_index = rqet.find_tag_int(patch_node, 'PatchIndex') assert xml_patch_index is not None if self.patch_index is not None: assert self.patch_index == xml_patch_index, 'triangle patch index mismatch' else: self.patch_index = xml_patch_index self.triangle_count = rqet.find_tag_int(patch_node, 'Count') assert self.triangle_count is not None self.node_count = rqet.find_tag_int(patch_node, 'NodeCount') assert self.node_count is not None self.extract_crs_root_and_uuid() assert self.crs_uuid is not None
[docs] def extract_crs_root_and_uuid(self): """Caches uuid for coordinate reference system, as stored in geometry xml sub-tree.""" if self.crs_uuid is None: crs_root = rqet.find_nested_tags(self.node, ['Geometry', 'LocalCrs']) assert crs_root is not None, 'failed to find crs reference in triangulated patch xml' self.crs_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(rqet.find_tag_text(crs_root, 'UUID')) else: crs_root = self.model.root_for_uuid(self.crs_uuid) return crs_root, self.crs_uuid
[docs] def triangles_and_points(self): """Returns arrays representing the patch. Returns: Tuple (triangles, points): * triangles (int array of shape[:, 3]): integer indices into points array, being the nodes of the corners of the triangles * points (float array of shape[:, 3]): flat array of xyz points, indexed by triangles """ if self.triangles is not None: return (self.triangles, self.points) assert self.triangle_count is not None and self.node_count is not None geometry_node = rqet.find_tag(self.node, 'Geometry') assert geometry_node is not None p_root = rqet.find_tag(geometry_node, 'Points') assert p_root is not None, 'Points xml node not found for triangle patch' assert rqet.node_type(p_root) == 'Point3dHdf5Array' h5_key_pair = self.model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(p_root, tag = 'Coordinates') if h5_key_pair is None: return (None, None) try: self.model.h5_array_element(h5_key_pair, cache_array = True, object = self, array_attribute = 'points', dtype = 'float') except Exception: log.error('hdf5 points failure for triangle patch ' + str(self.patch_index)) raise triangles_node = rqet.find_tag(self.node, 'Triangles') h5_key_pair = self.model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(triangles_node) if h5_key_pair is None: log.warning('No Triangles found in xml for patch index: ' + str(self.patch_index)) return (None, None) try: self.model.h5_array_element(h5_key_pair, cache_array = True, object = self, array_attribute = 'triangles', dtype = 'int') except Exception: log.error('hdf5 triangles failure for triangle patch ' + str(self.patch_index)) raise return (self.triangles, self.points)
[docs] def set_to_trimmed_patch(self, larger_patch, xyz_box = None, xy_polygon = None, internal = False): """Populate this (empty) patch with triangles and points that overlap with a trimming volume. arguments: larger_patch (TriangulatedPatch): the larger patch, a copy of which is to be trimmed xyz_box (numpy float array of shape (2, 3), optional): if present, a cuboid in xyz space against which to trim the patch xy_polygon (closed convex resqpy.lines.Polyline, optional): if present, an xy boundary against which to trim internal (bool, default False): if True, only those triangles where all three vertices are wtihin the trimming space are kept; if False, triangles with at least one vertex within the space are kept notes: at least one of xyz_box or xy_polygon must be present; if both are present, a triangle must be within both boundaries to survive the trimming; xyz_box and xy_polygon must be in the same crs as the larger patch """ log.debug('trimming patch') assert xyz_box is not None or xy_polygon is not None if xyz_box is not None: log.debug(f'trim xyz_box: {xyz_box}') if xy_polygon is not None: log.debug(f'xy_polygon min xyz: {np.min(xy_polygon.coordinates, axis = 0)}') log.debug(f'xy_polygon max xyz: {np.max(xy_polygon.coordinates, axis = 0)}') large_t, large_p = larger_patch.triangles_and_points() log.debug(f'large surface min xyz: {np.min(large_p, axis = 0)}') log.debug(f'large surface max xyz: {np.max(large_p, axis = 0)}') # create bool per point indicating inclusion in box volume if xyz_box is None: points_in = np.ones(large_p.shape[:-1], dtype = bool) else: points_in = np.logical_and(np.all(large_p >= np.expand_dims(xyz_box[0], axis = 0), axis = -1), np.all(large_p <= np.expand_dims(xyz_box[1], axis = 0), axis = -1)) # and check against xy polygon if present if xy_polygon is not None: points_in = np.logical_and(points_in, xy_polygon.points_are_inside_xy(large_p)) # find where in large_t uses those points tp_in = points_in[large_t] t_in = np.all(tp_in, axis = -1) if internal else np.any(tp_in, axis = -1) # find unique points used by those triangles p_keep = np.unique(large_t[t_in]) # note new point index for each old point that is being kept p_map = np.full(len(points_in), -1, dtype = int) p_map[p_keep] = np.arange(len(p_keep)) # copy those unique points into a trimmed points array points_trimmed = large_p[p_keep] # copy selected triangles, replacing p indices with compressed indices t_trim = large_t[t_in] triangles_trimmed = p_map[t_trim] assert np.all(triangles_trimmed >= 0) assert np.all(triangles_trimmed < len(points_trimmed)) self.crs_uuid = larger_patch.crs_uuid self.points = points_trimmed self.node_count = len(self.points) self.triangles = triangles_trimmed self.triangle_count = len(self.triangles)
[docs] def set_to_horizontal_plane(self, depth, box_xyz, border = 0.0, quad_triangles = False): """Populate this (empty) patch with two triangles defining a flat, horizontal plane at a given depth. arguments: depth (float): z value to use in all points in the triangulated patch box_xyz (float[2, 3]): the min, max values of x, y (&z) giving the area to be covered (z ignored) border (float): an optional border width added around the x,y area defined by box_xyz quad_triangles (bool, default False): if True, 4 triangles are used instead of 2 """ # expand area by border box = box_xyz.copy() box[0, :2] -= border box[1, :2] += border self.node_count = 5 if quad_triangles else 4 self.points = np.empty((self.node_count, 3)) # set 4 points from corners of box self.points[0, :] = box[0, :] self.points[1, :] = box[1, :] self.points[2, 0], self.points[2, 1] = box[0, 0], box[1, 1] # min x, max y self.points[3, 0], self.points[3, 1] = box[1, 0], box[0, 1] # max x, min y if quad_triangles: self.points[4] = np.mean(box, axis = 0) # set depth for all points self.points[:, 2] = depth # create pair of triangles if quad_triangles: self.triangle_count = 4 self.triangles = np.array([[0, 2, 4], [2, 1, 4], [1, 3, 4], [3, 0, 4]], dtype = int) else: self.triangle_count = 2 self.triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 1]], dtype = int)
[docs] def set_to_triangle(self, corners): """Populate this (empty) patch with a single triangle.""" assert corners.shape == (3, 3) self.node_count = 3 self.points = corners.copy() self.triangle_count = 1 self.triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2]], dtype = int)
[docs] def set_to_triangle_pair(self, corners): """Populate this (empty) patch with a pair of triangles.""" self.set_from_triangles_and_points(np.array([[0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2]], dtype = int), corners)
[docs] def set_from_triangles_and_points(self, triangles, points): """Populate this (empty) patch from triangle node indices and points from elsewhere.""" assert triangles.ndim == 2 and triangles.shape[-1] == 3 assert points.ndim == 2 and points.shape[1] in [2, 3] if points.shape[1] == 2: p = np.zeros((points.shape[0], 3)) p[:, :2] = points points = p self.node_count = points.shape[0] self.points = points.copy() self.triangle_count = triangles.shape[0] self.triangles = triangles.copy()
[docs] def set_to_sail(self, n, centre, radius, azimuth, delta_theta): """Populate this (empty) patch with triangles for a big triangle wrapped on a sphere.""" def sail_point(centre, radius, a, d): # m = vec.rotation_3d_matrix((d, 0.0, 90.0 - a)) # m = vec.tilt_3d_matrix(a, d) v = np.array((0.0, radius, 0.0)) m = vec.rotation_matrix_3d_axial(0, d) v = vec.rotate_vector(m, v) m = vec.rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, 90.0 + a) v = vec.rotate_vector(m, v) return centre + v assert n >= 1 self.node_count = (n + 1) * (n + 2) // 2 self.points = np.empty((self.node_count, 3)) self.triangle_count = n * n self.triangles = np.empty((self.triangle_count, 3), dtype = int) self.points[0] = sail_point(centre, radius, azimuth, 0.0).copy() p = 0 t = 0 for row in range(n): azimuth -= 0.5 * delta_theta dip = (row + 1) * delta_theta az = azimuth for pp in range(row + 2): p += 1 self.points[p] = sail_point(centre, radius, az, dip).copy() az += delta_theta # log.debug('p: ' + str(p) + '; dip: {0:3.1f}; az: {1:3.1f}'.format(dip, az)) p1 = row * (row + 1) // 2 p2 = (row + 1) * (row + 2) // 2 self.triangles[t] = (p1, p2, p2 + 1) t += 1 for tri in range(row): self.triangles[t] = (p1, p1 + 1, p2 + 1) t += 1 p1 += 1 p2 += 1 self.triangles[t] = (p1, p2, p2 + 1) t += 1 log.debug('sail point zero: ' + str(self.points[0])) log.debug('sail xyz box: {0:4.2f}:{1:4.2f} {2:4.2f}:{3:4.2f} {4:4.2f}:{5:4.2f}'.format( np.min(self.points[:, 0]), np.max(self.points[:, 0]), np.min(self.points[:, 1]), np.max(self.points[:, 1]), np.min(self.points[:, 2]), np.max(self.points[:, 2])))
[docs] def set_from_irregular_mesh(self, mesh_xyz, quad_triangles = False): """Populate this (empty) patch from an untorn mesh array of shape (N, M, 3).""" mesh_shape = mesh_xyz.shape assert len(mesh_shape) == 3 and mesh_shape[0] > 1 and mesh_shape[1] > 1 and mesh_shape[2] == 3 ni = mesh_shape[1] if quad_triangles: # generate centre points: quad_centres = np.empty(((mesh_shape[0] - 1) * (mesh_shape[1] - 1), 3)) quad_centres[:, :] = 0.25 * (mesh_xyz[:-1, :-1, :] + mesh_xyz[:-1, 1:, :] + mesh_xyz[1:, :-1, :] + mesh_xyz[1:, 1:, :]).reshape((-1, 3)) self.points = np.concatenate((mesh_xyz.copy().reshape((-1, 3)), quad_centres)) mesh_size = mesh_xyz.size // 3 self.node_count = self.points.size // 3 self.triangle_count = 4 * (mesh_shape[0] - 1) * (mesh_shape[1] - 1) self.quad_triangles = True triangles = np.empty((mesh_shape[0] - 1, mesh_shape[1] - 1, 4, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later nic = ni - 1 for j in range(mesh_shape[0] - 1): for i in range(nic): triangles[j, i, :, 0] = mesh_size + j * nic + i # quad centre triangles[j, i, 0, 1] = j * ni + i triangles[j, i, 0, 2] = triangles[j, i, 1, 1] = j * ni + i + 1 triangles[j, i, 1, 2] = triangles[j, i, 2, 1] = (j + 1) * ni + i + 1 triangles[j, i, 2, 2] = triangles[j, i, 3, 1] = (j + 1) * ni + i triangles[j, i, 3, 2] = j * ni + i else: self.points = mesh_xyz.copy().reshape((-1, 3)) self.node_count = mesh_shape[0] * mesh_shape[1] self.triangle_count = 2 * (mesh_shape[0] - 1) * (mesh_shape[1] - 1) self.quad_triangles = False triangles = np.empty((mesh_shape[0] - 1, mesh_shape[1] - 1, 2, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later for j in range(mesh_shape[0] - 1): for i in range(mesh_shape[1] - 1): triangles[j, i, 0, 0] = j * ni + i triangles[j, i, :, 1] = j * ni + i + 1 triangles[j, i, :, 2] = (j + 1) * ni + i triangles[j, i, 1, 0] = (j + 1) * ni + i + 1 = ni - 1 self.triangles = triangles.reshape((-1, 3))
[docs] def set_from_sparse_mesh(self, mesh_xyz): """Populate this (empty) patch from a mesh array of shape (N, M, 3), with some NaNs in z.""" # todo: add quad_triangles argument to apply to 'squares' with no NaNs mesh_shape = mesh_xyz.shape assert len(mesh_shape) == 3 and mesh_shape[0] > 1 and mesh_shape[1] > 1 and mesh_shape[2] == 3 self.quad_triangles = False indices = self.get_indices_from_sparse_meshxyz(mesh_xyz) triangles = np.zeros((2 * (mesh_shape[0] - 1) * (mesh_shape[1] - 1), 3), dtype = int) # truncate later nt = 0 for j in range(mesh_shape[0] - 1): for i in range(mesh_shape[1] - 1): nan_nodes = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(mesh_xyz[j:j + 2, i:i + 2, 2])) if nan_nodes > 1: continue if nan_nodes == 0: triangles[nt, 0] = indices[j, i] triangles[nt:nt + 2, 1] = indices[j, i + 1] triangles[nt:nt + 2, 2] = indices[j + 1, i] triangles[nt + 1, 0] = indices[j + 1, i + 1] nt += 2 elif indices[j, i] < 0: triangles[nt, 0] = indices[j, i + 1] triangles[nt, 1] = indices[j + 1, i] triangles[nt, 2] = indices[j + 1, i + 1] nt += 1 elif indices[j, i + 1] < 0: triangles[nt, 0] = indices[j, i] triangles[nt, 1] = indices[j + 1, i] triangles[nt, 2] = indices[j + 1, i + 1] nt += 1 elif indices[j + 1, i] < 0: triangles[nt, 0] = indices[j, i + 1] triangles[nt, 1] = indices[j, i] triangles[nt, 2] = indices[j + 1, i + 1] nt += 1 elif indices[j + 1, i + 1] < 0: triangles[nt, 0] = indices[j, i + 1] triangles[nt, 1] = indices[j + 1, i] triangles[nt, 2] = indices[j, i] nt += 1 else: raise Exception('code failure in sparse mesh processing') = None self.triangles = triangles[:nt, :] self.triangle_count = nt
[docs] def get_indices_from_sparse_meshxyz(self, mesh_xyz): """Update self.points and self.node_count with non-nan points in a given mesh_xyz array. Returns the indices of these non_nan points. """ points = np.zeros(mesh_xyz.shape).reshape((-1, 3)) indices = np.zeros(mesh_xyz.shape[:2], dtype = int) - 1 non_nans = np.where(~np.isnan(mesh_xyz[:, :, 2])) for i in range(len(non_nans[0])): points[i] = mesh_xyz[non_nans[0][i], non_nans[1][i]] indices[non_nans[0][i], non_nans[1][i]] = i self.points = points[:len(non_nans[0]), :] self.node_count = len(non_nans[0]) return indices
[docs] def set_from_torn_mesh(self, mesh_xyz, quad_triangles = False): """Populate this (empty) patch from a torn mesh array of shape (nj, ni, 2, 2, 3).""" mesh_shape = mesh_xyz.shape assert len(mesh_shape) == 5 and mesh_shape[0] > 0 and mesh_shape[1] > 0 and mesh_shape[2:] == (2, 2, 3) nj = mesh_shape[0] ni = mesh_shape[1] if quad_triangles: # generate centre points: quad_centres = np.empty((nj, ni, 3)) quad_centres[:, :, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(mesh_xyz, axis = (2, 3)) self.points = np.concatenate((mesh_xyz.copy().reshape((-1, 3)), quad_centres.reshape((-1, 3)))) mesh_size = mesh_xyz.size // 3 self.node_count = 5 * nj * ni self.triangle_count = 4 * nj * ni self.quad_triangles = True triangles = np.empty((nj, ni, 4, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later for j in range(nj): for i in range(ni): base_p = 4 * (j * ni + i) triangles[j, i, :, 0] = mesh_size + j * ni + i # quad centre triangles[j, i, 0, 1] = base_p triangles[j, i, 0, 2] = triangles[j, i, 1, 1] = base_p + 1 triangles[j, i, 1, 2] = triangles[j, i, 2, 1] = base_p + 3 triangles[j, i, 2, 2] = triangles[j, i, 3, 1] = base_p + 2 triangles[j, i, 3, 2] = base_p else: self.points = mesh_xyz.copy().reshape((-1, 3)) self.node_count = 4 * nj * ni self.triangle_count = 2 * nj * ni self.quad_triangles = False triangles = np.empty((nj, ni, 2, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later for j in range(nj): for i in range(ni): base_p = 4 * (j * ni + i) triangles[j, i, 0, 0] = base_p triangles[j, i, :, 1] = base_p + 1 triangles[j, i, :, 2] = base_p + 2 triangles[j, i, 1, 0] = base_p + 3 = ni self.triangles = triangles.reshape((-1, 3))
[docs] def column_from_triangle_index(self, triangle_index): """For patch freshly built from fully defined mesh, returns (j, i) for given triangle index. argument: triangle_index (int or numpy int array): the triangle index (or array of indices) for which column(s) are being sought returns: pair of ints or pair of numpy int arrays: the (j0, i0) indices of the column(s) which the triangle(s) is/are part of notes: this function will only work if the surface has been freshly constructed with data from a mesh without NaNs, otherwise (None, None) will be returned; if triangle_index is a numpy int array, a pair of similarly shaped numpy arrays is returned """ if self.quad_triangles is None or is None: return (None, None) if isinstance(triangle_index, int): if triangle_index >= self.triangle_count: return (None, None) else: if np.any(triangle_index >= self.triangle_count): return (None, None) if self.quad_triangles: face = triangle_index // 4 else: face = triangle_index // 2 if isinstance(face, int): return divmod(face, return np.divmod(face,
[docs] def set_to_cell_faces_from_corner_points(self, cp, quad_triangles = True): """Populates this (empty) patch to represent faces of a cell, from corner points of shape (2, 2, 2, 3).""" assert cp.shape == (2, 2, 2, 3) self.quad_triangles = quad_triangles if quad_triangles: triangles = self.get_triangles_for_cell_faces_quad_true(cp) else: triangles = self.get_triangles_for_cell_faces_quad_false(cp) self.triangles = triangles.reshape((-1, 3))
[docs] def get_triangles_for_cell_faces_quad_false(self, cp): """Returns the triangles for corner points representing cell faces, where quad_triangles is False.""" self.triangle_count = 12 self.node_count = 8 self.points = cp.copy().reshape((-1, 3)) triangles = np.empty((3, 2, 2, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later for axis in range(3): if axis == 0: ip1, ip2 = 2, 1 elif axis == 1: ip1, ip2 = 4, 1 else: ip1, ip2 = 4, 2 for ip in range(2): ips = -2 * ip + 1 # +1 for -ve face; -1 for +ve face! base_p = 7 * ip triangles[axis, ip, :, 0] = base_p triangles[axis, ip, :, 1] = base_p + ips * (ip1 + ip2) triangles[axis, ip, 0, 2] = base_p + ips * (ip2) triangles[axis, ip, 1, 2] = base_p + ips * (ip1) return triangles
[docs] def get_triangles_for_cell_faces_quad_true(self, cp): """Returns the triangles for corner points representing cell faces, where quad_triangles is True.""" self.triangle_count = 24 quad_centres = np.empty((3, 2, 3)) quad_centres[0, 0, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[0, :, :, :], axis = (0, 1)) # K- quad_centres[0, 1, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[1, :, :, :], axis = (0, 1)) # K+ quad_centres[1, 0, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[:, 0, :, :], axis = (0, 1)) # J- quad_centres[1, 1, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[:, 1, :, :], axis = (0, 1)) # J+ quad_centres[2, 0, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[:, :, 0, :], axis = (0, 1)) # I- quad_centres[2, 1, :] = 0.25 * np.sum(cp[:, :, 1, :], axis = (0, 1)) # I+ self.node_count = 14 self.points = np.concatenate((cp.copy().reshape((-1, 3)), quad_centres.reshape((-1, 3)))) triangles = np.empty((3, 2, 4, 3), dtype = int) # flatten later for axis in range(3): if axis == 0: ip1, ip2 = 2, 1 elif axis == 1: ip1, ip2 = 4, 1 else: ip1, ip2 = 4, 2 for ip in range(2): centre_p = 8 + 2 * axis + ip ips = -2 * ip + 1 # +1 for -ve face; -1 for +ve face! base_p = 7 * ip triangles[axis, ip, :, 0] = centre_p # quad centre triangles[axis, ip, 0, 1] = base_p triangles[axis, ip, 0, 2] = triangles[axis, ip, 1, 1] = base_p + ips * (ip2) triangles[axis, ip, 1, 2] = triangles[axis, ip, 2, 1] = base_p + ips * (ip1 + ip2) triangles[axis, ip, 2, 2] = triangles[axis, ip, 3, 1] = base_p + ips * (ip1) triangles[axis, ip, 3, 2] = base_p return triangles
[docs] def face_from_triangle_index(self, triangle_index): """For patch freshly built for cell faces, returns (axis, polarity) for given triangle index.""" if self.quad_triangles: assert self.node_count == 30 and self.triangle_count == 24 assert 0 <= triangle_index < 24 face = triangle_index // 4 else: assert self.node_count == 24 and self.triangle_count == 12 assert 0 <= triangle_index < 12 face = triangle_index // 2 axis, polarity = divmod(face, 2) return axis, polarity
[docs] def vertical_rescale_points(self, ref_depth, scaling_factor): """Rescale points along vertical direction. Modifies the z values of points for this patch by stretching the distance from reference depth by scaling factor. """ _, _ = self.triangles_and_points() # ensure points are loaded z_values = self.points[:, 2].copy() self.points[:, 2] = ref_depth + scaling_factor * (z_values - ref_depth)