Source code for resqpy.surface._tri_mesh

"""TriMesh class using equilateral triangles, derived from Mesh."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import numpy as np

import as rqc
import resqpy.surface as rqs
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
import resqpy.olio.uuid as bu

root_3 = maths.sqrt(3.0)
root_3_by_2 = root_3 / 2.0

class TriMesh(rqs.Mesh):
    """Class of mesh using equilateral triangles in the xy plane."""

[docs] def __init__(self, parent_model, uuid = None, t_side = None, nj = None, ni = None, origin = None, z_values = None, z_uom = None, surface_role = 'map', crs_uuid = None, title = None, originator = None, extra_metadata = None): """Initialises a TriMesh object from xml, or from arguments. arguments: parent_model (model.Model object): the model to which this Mesh object will be associated uuid (uuid.UUID, optional): the uuid of an existing RESQML obj_Grid2dRepresentation object from which this resqpy Mesh object is populated t_side (float, optional): the length of a side of each triangle; units are xy units of crs; required if uuid is None nj (int, optional): the number of nodes (NB. not 'cells') in the j axis of the mesh; required if uuid is None ni (int, optional): the number of nodes in the i axis of the mesh; required if uuid is None origin (triple float, optional): the xyz origin of the regular mesh; z usually zero; defaults to triple zero z_values (numpy int array of shape (nj, ni), optional): z values; recommended if uuid is None or will default to zero z_uom (str, optional): recommended if uuid is None and z values are not in the crs z space surface_role (string, default 'map'): 'map' or 'pick'; ignored if uuid is not None crs_uuid (uuid.Uuid or string, optional): required if generating a regular mesh, the uuid of the crs title (str, optional): the citation title to use for a new mesh; ignored if uuid is not None originator (str, optional): the name of the person creating the mesh, defaults to login id; ignored if uuid is not None extra_metadata (dict, optional): string key, value pairs to add as extra metadata for the mesh; ignored if uuid is not None returns: the newly created TriMesh object note: using the z_uom argument will result in the tri mesh's full_array_ref() method returning data with x and y values in the object's crs, whilst z values will be in the given uom """ if uuid is None: assert t_side > 0.0 assert nj > 1 and ni > 1 assert z_values is None or z_values.shape == (nj, ni) assert origin is None or len(origin) == 3 assert crs_uuid is not None xyz = np.zeros((nj, ni, 3), dtype = float) xyz[:, :, 0] = np.expand_dims(np.arange(ni).astype(float), axis = 0) # x xyz[1::2, :, 0] += 0.5 # offset every second row by half triangle side length xyz[:, :, 1] = root_3_by_2 * np.expand_dims(np.arange(nj).astype(float), axis = 1) xyz *= t_side if z_values is not None: xyz[:, :, 2] = z_values o_a = None if origin is not None: o_a = np.array(origin, dtype = float) assert o_a.shape == (3,) if np.isnan(o_a[2]): o_a[2] = 0.0 assert not np.any(np.isnan(o_a)) xyz += np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(o_a, axis = 0), axis = 0) o_a[2] = 0.0 # origin z included in explicit values and moved to zero super().__init__(parent_model, mesh_flavour = 'explicit', xyz_values = xyz, nj = nj, ni = ni, surface_role = surface_role, crs_uuid = crs_uuid, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata) self.t_side = t_side self.origin = o_a self.z_uom = z_uom self.extra_metadata['t side'] = str(t_side) if z_uom: self.extra_metadata['z uom'] = str(z_uom) self.represented_interpretation_root = None else: super().__init__(parent_model, uuid = uuid) assert self.flavour == 'explicit', 'mesh flavour must be explicit for TriMesh objects' assert hasattr(self, 'extra_metadata') t_side = self.extra_metadata.get('t side') assert t_side is not None, 'triangle side length missing in TriMesh extra metadata' self.t_side = float(t_side) self.z_uom = self.extra_metadata.get('z uom') origin = np.zeros(3, dtype = float) origin[:2] = self.full_array_ref()[0, 0, :2] if np.all(np.isclose(origin, 0.0)): self.origin = None else: self.origin = origin
[docs] @classmethod def from_tri_mesh_and_z_values(cls, tri_mesh, z_values, z_uom = None, title = None, surface_role = 'map', extra_metadata = None): """Create a new tri mesh with the same xy pattern as an existing one, updating z.""" assert z_values.shape == (tri_mesh.nj, if not z_uom: z_uom = tri_mesh.z_uom if not title: title = tri_mesh.title tm = cls(tri_mesh.model, uuid = None, t_side = tri_mesh.t_side, nj = tri_mesh.nj, ni =, origin = tri_mesh.origin, z_values = z_values, z_uom = z_uom, surface_role = surface_role, crs_uuid = tri_mesh.crs_uuid, title = title, extra_metadata = extra_metadata) return tm
[docs] def tji_for_xy(self, xy): """Return (tj, ti) indices of triangle containing point xy (x, y). note: tj triangle indices are in the range 0..nj - 2 inclusive ti triangle indices are in the range 0..(ni - 2) * 2 + 1 inclusive """ tji, _ = self.tji_tc_for_xy(xy) return tji
[docs] def tji_for_xy_array(self, xy_array): """Return array of (tj, ti) indices of triangles containing points xy_array (..., 2 or 3). note: tj triangle indices are in the range 0..nj - 2 inclusive ti triangle indices are in the range 0..(ni - 2) * 2 + 1 inclusive """ tji, _ = self.tji_tc_for_xy_array(xy_array) return tji
[docs] def tji_tc_for_xy(self, xy): """Return indices of triangle containing point xy (x, y), and trilinear coordinates within triangle. arguments: xy (pair of floats): coordinates x, y of a point of interest returns: ((tj, ti), (f0, f1, f2)): the indices of the triangle containing the point xy, and the trilinear coordinates of the point within the triangle; f2 is component from base edge towards point 2; f1 is component towards point 1; f0 is component towards point 0; the trilinear coordinates sum to one and can be used as weights to interpolate z values at point xy """ x, y = xy if self.origin is not None: x -= self.origin[0] y -= self.origin[1] jp = y / (self.t_side * root_3_by_2) j = maths.floor(jp) if not 0 <= j < self.nj - 1: return (None, None) if j % 2: fy = float(j + 1) - jp else: fy = jp - float(j) ip = x / self.t_side - 0.5 * fy i = maths.floor(ip) if not 0 <= i < - 1: return (None, None) fx = ip - float(i) i *= 2 if fx > 1.0 - fy: i += 1 fx -= 1.0 - fy fy = 1.0 - fy return ((j, i), (1.0 - (fx + fy), fx, fy))
[docs] def tji_tc_for_xy_array(self, xy_array): """Return indices of triangles containing array of points xy, and trilinear coordinates within triangles. arguments: xy_array (numpy float array of shape (..., 2 or 3)): coordinates x, y of points of interest returns: pair of numpy arrays of shape (..., 2) and (..., 3); the first has int elements, being (tj, ti) indices of the triangles containing each point xy; the second has float elements, being the trilinear coordinates of the points within the triangles; f2 is component from base edge towards point 2; f1 is component towards point 1; f0 is component towards point 0; the trilinear coordinates sum to one and can be used as weights to interpolate z values at points """ x = xy_array[..., 0].copy() y = xy_array[..., 1].copy() if self.origin is not None: x -= self.origin[0] y -= self.origin[1] mask = np.logical_or(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y)) x[mask] = 0.0 y[mask] = 0.0 jp = y / (self.t_side * root_3_by_2) j = np.floor(jp).astype(int) mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.logical_or(j < 0, j >= self.nj - 1)) fy = np.where(j % 2, (j + 1).astype(float) - jp, jp - j.astype(float)) ip = x / self.t_side - 0.5 * fy i = np.floor(ip).astype(int) mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.logical_or(i < 0, i >= - 1)) fx = ip - i.astype(float) i *= 2 am = np.where(fx > 1.0 - fy) i[am] += 1 fx[am] -= 1.0 - fy[am] fy[am] = 1.0 - fy[am] j[mask] = -1 i[mask] = -1 fx[mask] = np.NaN fy[mask] = np.NaN return (np.stack((j, i), axis = -1), np.stack((1.0 - (fx + fy), fx, fy), axis = -1))
[docs] def ji_and_weights_for_xy(self, xy): """Returns triplet of point ji indices and triplet of weights for interpolation at point xy. arguments: xy (pair of floats): coordinates x, y of a point of interest returns: numpy int array of shape (3, 2) and numpy triple float; int array holds mesh ji indices of three vertices of triangle containing xy; float triplet contains corresponding weights (summing to one) which can be used to interpolate z values at point xy """ tji, tc = self.tji_tc_for_xy(xy) if tji is None: return (None, None) ji = self.tri_nodes_for_tji(tji) return (ji, tc)
[docs] def ji_and_weights_for_xy_array(self, xy_array): """Returns arrays of triplet of point ji indices and triplet of weights for interpolation at points xy_array. arguments: xy_array (numpy float array of shape(..., 2 or 3)): coordinates x, y of points of interest returns: numpy int array of shape (..., 3, 2) and numpy float array of shape (..., 3); int array holds mesh ji indices of three vertices of triangles containing xy points; float triplets contain corresponding weights (summing to one per triangle) which can be used to interpolate z values at points xy_array """ tji, tc = self.tji_tc_for_xy_array(xy_array) ji = self.tri_nodes_for_tji_array(tji) return (ji, tc)
[docs] def interpolated_z(self, xy): """Returns z value interpolated trilinearly at point xy.""" ji, tc = self.ji_and_weights_for_xy(xy) if ji is None: return None p = self.full_array_ref() z = np.empty(3, dtype = float) for vertex in range(3): z[vertex] = p[ji[vertex, 0], ji[vertex, 1], 2] return np.sum(tc * z)
[docs] def interpolated_z_array(self, xy_array): """Returns z values interpolated trilinearly at points xy_array.""" ji, tc = self.ji_and_weights_for_xy_array(xy_array) p = self.full_array_ref() z = np.empty(ji.shape[:-1], dtype = float) for vertex in range(3): # note: ji may have value -1 at some points; p should evaluate to arbitrary last point for that; tc will be NaN z[..., vertex] = p[ji[..., vertex, 0], ji[..., vertex, 1], 2] return np.sum(tc * z, axis = -1)
[docs] def tri_nodes_for_tji(self, tji): """Return mesh node indices, shape (3, 2), for triangle tji (tj, ti).""" j, i = tji tn = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype = int) j_odd = j % 2 i2, i_odd = divmod(i, 2) assert 0 <= j < self.nj - 1 and 0 <= i < 2 * ( - 1) if i_odd: base_j = j + 1 - j_odd tip_j = j + j_odd else: base_j = j + j_odd tip_j = j + 1 - j_odd tn[0, 0] = base_j tn[1, 0] = base_j tn[2, 0] = tip_j tn[0, 1] = i2 tn[1, 1] = i2 + 1 tn[2, 1] = i2 + i_odd return tn
[docs] def tri_nodes_for_tji_array(self, tji_array): """Return mesh node indices, shape (..., 3, 2), for triangles tji_array (..., 2) being (tj, ti).""" j = tji_array[..., 0] i = tji_array[..., 1] tn_shape = tuple(list(tji_array.shape[:-1]) + [3, 2]) tn = np.zeros(tn_shape, dtype = int) j_odd = j % 2 i2, i_odd = np.divmod(i, 2) mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(j < 0, j >= self.nj - 1), np.logical_or(i < 0, i >= 2 * ( - 1))) base_j = np.where(i_odd, j + 1 - j_odd, j + j_odd) tip_j = np.where(i_odd, j + j_odd, j + 1 - j_odd) tn[..., 0, 0] = base_j tn[..., 1, 0] = base_j tn[..., 2, 0] = tip_j tn[..., 0, 1] = i2 tn[..., 1, 1] = i2 + 1 tn[..., 2, 1] = i2 + i_odd tn[mask] = -1 return tn
[docs] def all_tri_nodes(self): """Returns array of mesh node indices for all triangles, shape (nj - 1, 2 * (ni - 1), 3, 2).""" tna = np.zeros((self.nj - 1, 2 * ( - 1), 3, 2), dtype = int) # set mesh j indices tna[:, :, 0, 0] = np.expand_dims(np.arange(self.nj - 1, dtype = int), axis = -1) tna[1::2, ::2, 0, 0] += 1 tna[::2, 1::2, 0, 0] += 1 tna[:, :, 1, 0] = tna[:, :, 0, 0] tna[:, :, 2, 0] = tna[:, :, 0, 0] + 1 tna[1::2, ::2, 2, 0] -= 2 tna[::2, 1::2, 2, 0] -= 2 # set mesh i indices tna[:, ::2, 0, 1] = np.expand_dims(np.arange( - 1, dtype = int), axis = 0) tna[:, 1::2, 0, 1] = tna[:, ::2, 0, 1] tna[:, :, 1, 1] = tna[:, :, 0, 1] + 1 tna[:, :, 2, 1] = tna[:, :, 0, 1] tna[:, 1::2, 2, 1] += 1 return tna
[docs] def triangles_and_points(self): """Returns node indices and xyz points in form suitable for a Surface (triangulated set).""" tna = self.all_tri_nodes() composite_ji = tna[:, :, :, 0] * + tna[:, :, :, 1] return (composite_ji.reshape((-1, 3)), self.full_array_ref().reshape((-1, 3)))
[docs] def tji_for_triangle_index(self, ti): """Return triangle tji (tj, ti) for triangle index in Surface (triangulated set) protocol.""" assert 0 <= ti < (self.nj - 1) * ( - 1) * 2 return divmod(ti, 2 * ( - 1))
[docs] def triangle_index_for_tji(self, tji): """Return triangle index in Surface (triangulated set) protocol for triangle tji (tj, ti).""" tj, ti = tji assert 0 <= tj < self.nj - 1 and 0 <= ti < 2 * ( - 1) return 2 * ( - 1) * tj + ti
[docs] def tri_nodes_in_triangles(self, triangles): """Return indices of nodes of this tri mesh which are within other triangles, in xy space. arguments: triangles (numpy float array of shape (N, 3, 2)): other triangles' vertices in 2D (last axis is x,y) returns: numpy int array (list-like) of shape (M, 3) where last axis is (triangle index, nj, ni) note: other triangles must be in the same crs as this tri mesh; they do not need to be equilateral """ assert triangles.ndim == 3 and triangles.shape[1] == 3 and triangles.shape[2] == 2 tp = triangles.copy() if self.origin is not None: tp[:] -= np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(self.origin[:2], axis = 0), axis = 0) # test odd node j rows of tri mesh points; note that vec function assumes a half 'cell' offset! tn_b = vec.points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised(, self.nj // 2, self.t_side, 2.0 * root_3_by_2 * self.t_side, tp) tn_b[:, 1] *= 2 # node j tn_b[:, 1] += 1 # shift other triangles' points so as to compensate for half cell offset, for even j node rows offset = np.array((0.5, root_3_by_2), dtype = float) * self.t_side tp[:] += np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(offset, axis = 0), axis = 0) # test even node j rows of tri mesh points tn_a = vec.points_in_triangles_aligned_optimised(, (self.nj + 1) // 2, self.t_side, root_3 * self.t_side, tp) tn_a[:, 1] *= 2 # node j return np.concatenate((tn_a, tn_b), axis = 0)
[docs] def edge_zero_crossings(self, z_values = None): """Returns numpy list of points from edges where z values cross zero (or given value). arguments: z_values (numpy float array of shape (nj, ni), optional): if present, these values are used to determine the crossing points, though returned xyz values are from the tri mesh's array returns: numpy float array of shape (N, 3) being points on tri mesh triangle edges where z values cross zero """ xyz = self.full_array_ref() if z_values is None: z_values = xyz[..., 2] else: assert z_values.shape == (self.nj, abs_ze = np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_values), axis = -1) p = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = float) # i edges crossing = np.where(z_values[:, :-1] * z_values[:, 1:] < 0.0) # zero crossing i edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_ze[:, :-1, :] + abs_ze[:, 1:, :] # TODO: ignore divide by zero w = (xyz[:, :-1, :] * abs_ze[:, 1:, :] + xyz[:, 1:, :] * abs_ze[:, :-1, :]) / s # TODO: unignore, and use midpoint of those edges? p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # one set of j edges crossing = np.where(z_values[:-1, :] * z_values[1:, :] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_ze[:-1, :, :] + abs_ze[1:, :, :] w = (xyz[:-1, :, :] * abs_ze[1:, :, :] + xyz[1:, :, :] * abs_ze[:-1, :, :]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # other set of j edges (even j base) crossing = np.where(z_values[:-1:2, 1:] * z_values[1::2, :-1] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_ze[:-1:2, 1:, :] + abs_ze[1::2, :-1, :] w = (xyz[:-1:2, 1:, :] * abs_ze[1::2, :-1, :] + xyz[1::2, :-1, :] * abs_ze[:-1:2, 1:, :]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # other set of j edges (odd j base) crossing = np.where(z_values[1:-1:2, :-1] * z_values[2::2, 1:] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_ze[1:-1:2, :-1, :] + abs_ze[2::2, 1:, :] w = (xyz[1:-1:2, :-1, :] * abs_ze[2::2, 1:, :] + xyz[2::2, 1:, :] * abs_ze[1:-1:2, :-1, :]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) return p
[docs] def axial_edge_crossings(self, axis, value = 0.0): """Returns list-like array of points interpolated from edges that cross value in axis. arguments: axis (int): xyz axis for crossings; 0: x, 1: y, 2: z value (float, default 0.0): the value to detect crossings for returns: numpy float array of shape (N, 3) being the points on tri mesh edges at which the axial crossing occurs """ xyz = self.full_array_ref() zero = xyz[..., axis] - value abs_zero = np.expand_dims(np.abs(zero), axis = -1) p = np.empty((0, 3), dtype = float) if axis == 0: # x axis xi, xr = divmod(value, self.t_side) if xi >= 0.0 and xi + xr < (float( - 0.5) * self.t_side: i = round(xi) xrf = xr / self.t_side if xi + xr < float( - 1) * self.t_side: # I edges, even node j p = xyz[::2, i] * (1.0 - xrf) + xyz[::2, i + 1] * xrf if i or xrf > 0.5: vp = value - 0.5 * self.t_side xip, xrp = divmod(vp, self.t_side) xrp /= self.t_side # i edges, odd node j ip = round(xip) pp = xyz[1::2, ip] * (1.0 - xrp) + xyz[1::2, ip + 1] * xrp p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) if xr != 0.0 and xrf != 0.5: # j edges of one sort ot the other if xrf < 0.5: xrp = 2.0 * xrf pp = xyz[:-1:2, i] * (1.0 - xrp) + xyz[1::2, i] * xrp p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) pp = xyz[1:-1:2, i] * xrp + xyz[2::2, i] * (1.0 - xrp) p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) else: xrp = 2.0 * (1.0 - xrf) pp = xyz[:-1:2, i + 1] * (1.0 - xrp) + xyz[1::2, i] * xrp p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) pp = xyz[1:-1:2, i] * xrp + xyz[2::2, i + 1] * (1.0 - xrp) p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) elif axis == 1: yi, yr = divmod(value, self.t_side * root_3_by_2) if yi >= 0 and yi + yr <= (self.nj - 1) * self.t_side * root_3_by_2: j = round(yi) if yr == 0.0: # add first and last points from in-line edges p = np.array([xyz[j, 0], xyz[j, -1]], dtype = float) else: yrp = yr / (self.t_side * root_3_by_2) p = xyz[j, :] * (1.0 - yrp) + xyz[j + 1, :] * yrp if j % 2: pp = xyz[j, 1:] * (1.0 - yrp) + xyz[j + 1, :-1] * yrp else: pp = xyz[j, :-1] * (1.0 - yrp) + xyz[j + 1, 1:] * yrp p = np.concatenate((p, pp)) else: # z axis # i edges crossing = np.where(zero[:, :-1] * zero[:, 1:] < 0.0) # zero crossing i edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_zero[:, :-1] + abs_zero[:, 1:] # TODO: ignore divide by zero w = (xyz[:, :-1, :] * abs_zero[:, 1:] + xyz[:, 1:, :] * abs_zero[:, :-1]) / s # TODO: unignore, and use midpoint of those edges? p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # one set of j edges crossing = np.where(zero[:-1, :] * zero[1:, :] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_zero[:-1, :] + abs_zero[1:, :] w = (xyz[:-1, :, :] * abs_zero[1:, :] + xyz[1:, :, :] * abs_zero[:-1, :]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # other set of j edges (even j base) crossing = np.where(zero[:-1:2, 1:] * zero[1::2, :-1] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_zero[:-1:2, 1:] + abs_zero[1::2, :-1] w = (xyz[:-1:2, 1:, :] * abs_zero[1::2, :-1] + xyz[1::2, :-1, :] * abs_zero[:-1:2, 1:]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) # other set of j edges (odd j base) crossing = np.where(zero[1:-1:2, :-1] * zero[2::2, 1:] < 0.0) # zero crossing j edge indices if len(crossing[0]): s = abs_zero[1:-1:2, :-1] + abs_zero[2::2, 1:] w = (xyz[1:-1:2, :-1, :] * abs_zero[2::2, 1:] + xyz[2::2, 1:, :] * abs_zero[1:-1:2, :-1]) / s p = np.concatenate((p, w[crossing])) return p
[docs] def is_compatible_with(self, other_tri_mesh): """Returns True if this tri mesh has the same xy points as the other.""" if other_tri_mesh is self: return True if other_tri_mesh is None or not isinstance(other_tri_mesh, TriMesh): return False if other_tri_mesh.nj != self.nj or != return False if not maths.isclose(other_tri_mesh.t_side, self.t_side): return False if (other_tri_mesh.origin is None and self.origin is not None): if not (maths.isclose(self.origin[0], 0.0) and maths.isclose(self.origin[1], 0.0)): return False elif (other_tri_mesh.origin is not None and self.origin is None): if not (maths.isclose(other_tri_mesh.origin[0], 0.0) and maths.isclose(other_tri_mesh.origin[1], 0.0)): return False elif self.origin is not None and not (maths.isclose(other_tri_mesh.origin[0], self.origin[0]) and maths.isclose(other_tri_mesh.origin[1], self.origin[1])): return False if not bu.matching_uuids(self.crs_uuid, other_tri_mesh.crs_uuid): crs = rqc.Crs(self.model, uuid = self.crs_uuid) other_crs = rqc.Crs(other_tri_mesh.model, uuid = other_tri_mesh.crs_uuid) if other_crs != crs: return False return True