Source code for resqpy.olio.vdb

""" Module providing functions for reading from VDB datasets."""

# Nexus is a registered trademark of the Halliburton Company

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import glob
import os
import zipfile as zf
import numpy as np
from struct import unpack

import resqpy.olio.grid_functions as gf
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet

null_uint32 = 4294967295  # -1 if interpreted as int32

key_dict = {  # vdb key character mapping to: (numpy_dtype, size_in_bytes, unpack_format_ch)
    'R': ('float32', 4, 'f'),
    'D': ('float64', 8, 'd'),
    #   'D': ('int64',   8, 'i'),
    'I': ('int32', 4, 'i'),
    'C': (None, 1, 'c'),  # could map to numpy 'byte' but seems to be used for strings
    'P': ('uint32', 4, 'I'),
    'K': (None, 8, 'c'),  # don't store in numpy format; 8 character strings
    'X': (None, 0, 'c')
}  # used for invalid code character (non-ascii)

init_not_packed = ['DAD', 'KID', 'UID', 'UNPACK']

[docs]def coerce(a, dtype): """Returns a version of numpy array a with elements coerced to dtype. :meta private: """ if dtype is None or a.dtype == dtype: return a b = np.empty(a.shape, dtype = dtype) b[:] = a return b
[docs]def ensemble_vdb_list(run_dir, sort_list = True): """Returns a sorted list of vdb paths found in the directory tree under run_dir.""" ensemble_list = [] def recursive_vdb_list(dir): nonlocal ensemble_list for entry in os.scandir(dir): if not entry.is_dir(): continue if'.vdb') or''): ensemble_list.append(entry.path) continue elif'.rst'): continue # optimisation recursive_vdb_list(entry.path) def cmp_to_key(mycmp): """Convert a cmp= function into a key= function.""" class K: def __init__(self, obj, *args): self.obj = obj def __lt__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) < 0 def __gt__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) > 0 def __eq__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) == 0 def __le__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) <= 0 def __ge__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) >= 0 def __ne__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) != 0 return K def comparison(a, b): """Comparison function for a pair of case names.""" pa = 0 pb = 0 while True: sa = pa sb = pb if pa >= len(a) and pb >= len(b): return 0 while pa < len(a) and not a[pa].isdigit(): pa += 1 while pb < len(b) and not b[pb].isdigit(): pb += 1 if a[sa:pa].lower() < b[sb:pb].lower(): return -1 if a[sa:pa].lower() > b[sb:pb].lower(): return 1 if pa >= len(a) and pb >= len(b): return 0 if pa >= len(a): return -1 if pb >= len(b): return 1 sa = pa sb = pb while pa < len(a) and a[pa].isdigit(): pa += 1 while pb < len(b) and b[pb].isdigit(): pb += 1 ia = int(a[sa:pa]) ib = int(b[sb:pb]) if ia < ib: return -1 if ia > ib: return 1 a_low = a.lower() b_low = b.lower() if a_low < b_low: return -1 if a_low > b_low: return 1 return 0 recursive_vdb_list(run_dir) if sort_list: sorted_list = sorted(ensemble_list, key = cmp_to_key(comparison)) ensemble_list = sorted_list return ensemble_list
# log.debug(' header previous: ' + str(self.previous)) # log.debug(' header next: ' + str( # log.debug(' header item type: ' + str(self.item_type)) # log.debug(' header bytes per item: ' + str(self.bytes_per_item)) # log.debug(' header number of items: ' + str(self.number_of_items)) # log.debug(' header first fragment: ' + str(self.first_fragment)) # log.debug(' header max items: ' + str(self.max_items)) # log.debug(' header data place: ' + str(self.data_place))
[docs]class FragmentHeader(): """Internal class for handling a Fragment Header record in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, place): """Creates a new Fragment Header record object.""" # log.debug(f'FragmentHeader init at place {place}') block =, self.number_of_items = unpack('=II', block) self.data_place = place + 8
# log.debug(f' fragment header number of items {self.number_of_items}; data place {self.data_place}; next {}')
[docs]class RawData(): """Internal class for handling Raw Data records in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, place, item_type, count, max_count): """Creates a new Raw Data record object.""" if max_count is not None and count > max_count: count = max_count self.a = None self.c = None dtype, byte_size, form_ch = key_dict[item_type] # log.debug('raw data call: place {}; item type {}; count {}; dtype {}, byte size {}, form ch {}'.format( # place, item_type, count, dtype, byte_size, form_ch)) if dtype is None: if form_ch == 'c': chars = * byte_size) if item_type == 'C': self.c = chars.decode() else: self.c = [] for i in range(count): self.c.append(chars[i * byte_size:(i + 1) * byte_size].decode().strip().upper()) else: # shouldn't come into play block = * byte_size) form = '=' + str(count) + form_ch self.c = unpack(form, block) elif dtype == 'float64': # try tentative 32bit word swap b = * 8) # c = b'' # for d in range(count): # c += b[4*d+4:4*d+8] + b[4*d:4*d+4] nda = np.ndarray((count, 2), dtype = 'int32', buffer = b) self.a = np.empty((count, 2), dtype = int) self.a[:, :] = nda[:, :] else: b = * byte_size) self.a = np.frombuffer(buffer = b, dtype = dtype, count = count)
[docs]class Data(): """Internal class for handling Data records in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, header): """Creates a new Data object.""" if header is None: self.a = None self.c = None else: # log.debug(f'Data init at place {header.data_place}; type {header.item_type}; number of items {header.number_of_items}') raw = RawData(fp, header.data_place, header.item_type, header.number_of_items, header.max_items) if raw is not None and raw.a is not None and raw.a.size == 1 and raw.a.dtype == 'int32' and != null_uint32: # log.debug(' skipping integer value of ' + str(raw.a[0])) next_head = Header(fp, raw = RawData(fp, next_head.data_place, next_head.item_type, next_head.number_of_items, next_head.max_items) header = next_head # making this up as I go along self.a = raw.a self.c = raw.c if header.first_fragment != null_uint32: # log.debug(f' chaining from {header.first_fragment}') chain = FragmentChain(fp, header.first_fragment, header) if self.a is not None: self.a = np.append(self.a, chain.a) if self.c is not None: self.c += chain.c
# if self.c is not None: # log.debug(f' data c {self.c}') # elif self.a is not None: # log.debug(f' data a {self.a}')
[docs]class Fragment(): """Internal class for handling an individual Fragment record in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, place, header): """Creates a new Fragment record object.""" # log.debug(f'Fragment init at place {place}') self.head = FragmentHeader(fp, place) if self.head.number_of_items == 0: # log.debug(' zero items in fragment') self.c = None self.a = None else: raw = RawData(fp, self.head.data_place, header.item_type, self.head.number_of_items, header.max_items) self.a = raw.a self.c = raw.c
# if self.c is not None: # log.debug(f' fragment c [{self.c}]')
[docs]class FragmentChain(): """Internal class for handling a chain of Fragment records in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, place, header): # returns either 1D numpy array (numeric data) or list of 8 """Creates a new Fragment Chain object.""" self.a = None self.c = None # log.debug(f'FragmentChain init at place {place}') while place != null_uint32: fragment = Fragment(fp, place, header) if fragment.head.number_of_items > 0: if fragment.a is not None: if self.a is None: self.a = fragment.a else: self.a = np.concatenate(self.a, fragment.a) if fragment.c: if self.c is None: self.c = [] if isinstance(fragment.c, str): self.c.append(fragment.c) elif isinstance(fragment.c, list): for item in fragment.c: if item.isascii(): self.c.append(item) place = assert self.c is None or self.a is None, 'mixture of character and numeric data in fragment chain'
# todo: check number of elements matches header info?
[docs]class KP(): """Internal class for a (Key, Pointer) record in a vdb file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, place = 4): """Creates a new (Key, Pointer) record object.""" # log.debug(f'KP init at place {place}') self.k_head = Header(fp, place) assert self.k_head.item_type == 'K', 'did not find expected Key header' assert self.k_head.bytes_per_item == 8, 'bytes per item not 8 in Key header' assert self.k_head.number_of_items > 0, 'zero items in Key header' place = assert place != null_uint32, 'no next header in Key header' self.p_head = Header(fp, place) assert self.p_head.item_type == 'P', 'did not find expected Pointer header' assert self.p_head.bytes_per_item == 4, 'bytes per item not 4 in Pointer header' assert self.p_head.number_of_items == self.k_head.number_of_items, \ 'number of items in Pointer header does not match number in Key header' self.keywords = Data(fp, self.k_head).c assert self.keywords is not None and isinstance(self.keywords, list), 'list of keywords not extracted from Key record' self.pointers = Data(fp, self.p_head).a assert self.pointers is not None and self.pointers.dtype == 'uint32' self.fp = fp
[docs] def header_place_for_key(self, key, search = False): """Returns file position pointer for a given key.""" key = key.strip().upper() if key in self.keywords: return self.pointers[self.keywords.index(key)] if not search: return None for head_key in self.keywords: sub_head_place = self.pointers[self.keywords.index(head_key)] try: sub_kp = KP(self.fp, sub_head_place) sub_place = sub_kp.header_place_for_key(key, search = True) if sub_place is not None: return sub_place except AssertionError: pass # probably not a K type subsidiary except Exception: raise return None
[docs] def head_for_key(self, key, search = False): """Returns a Header record object for the given key.""" head_place = self.header_place_for_key(key, search = search) if head_place is None: return None head = Header(self.fp, head_place) if head.item_type == 'X': return None # invalid (non-ascii) item type character return head
[docs] def data_for_key(self, key, search = False): """Returns a Data object for the given key.""" head = self.head_for_key(key, search = search) if head is None: return None return Data(self.fp, head)
[docs] def key_list(self, filter = False): """Returns a list of keys.""" # return Data(self.fp, self.k_head).c if not filter: return self.keywords filtered_list = [] for key in self.keywords: # log.debug(f'key_list raw entry: {key}') if not bad_keyword(key): filtered_list.append(key) return filtered_list
[docs] def sub_key_list(self, keyword, filter = False): """Returns a list of keys subordinate to keyword.""" assert keyword in self.key_list(), 'keyword not present: ' + keyword sub_head_place = self.pointers[self.keywords.index(keyword)] sub_kp = KP(self.fp, sub_head_place) return sub_kp.key_list(filter = filter)
[docs]class VDB(): """Class for handling a vdb, particularly to support import of grid and properties."""
[docs] def __init__(self, path): """Initialises a VDB object and associates it with the given vdb directory path.""" self.path = None # internal zip path of vdb in the case of a zip file self.zip_file = None self.zipped = zf.is_zipfile(path) if self.zipped: self.zip_file = path with zf.ZipFile(path) as zfp: zip_list = zfp.namelist() warn = False for name in zip_list: if name.endswith('.vdb/'): if self.path is not None: warn = True self.path = name[:-1] elif self.path is None and name == 'main.xml': self.path = '' if warn: log.warning('more than one vdb in zip file: using last') if self.path is None: raise Exception('no vdb found in zip file (at top level)') else: self.path = path if not os.path.isdir(path): log.warning('vdb path is neither a directory nor a zip file: ' + str(path)) self.case_list = None self.use_case = None self.grid_extents_kji = {} # maps case name, grid_name to grid extent self.grid_packings = {} # maps case name, grid_name to grid unpack array self.grid_lists = {} # maps case name to grid name list self.cases() # sets use_case to first case in list for vdb
[docs] def cases(self): """Returns a list of simulation case strings as found in the main xml file.""" if self.case_list is not None: return self.case_list try: xml_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'main.xml') if self.zipped: with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: with as fp: tree = rqet.parse(fp) root = tree.getroot() else: assert os.path.exists(xml_file), 'could not find vdb main xml file: ' + xml_file with open(xml_file, 'r') as fp: tree = rqet.parse(fp) root = tree.getroot() caselist = rqet.list_of_tag(rqet.find_tag(root, 'CASELIST'), 'CASE') self.case_list = [] for case in caselist: self.case_list.append(str(case.attrib['Name']).strip()) if self.use_case is None and len(self.case_list): self.use_case = self.case_list[0] except Exception: log.exception('failed to extract case list') return self.case_list
[docs] def set_use_case(self, case): """Sets the simulation case to use in other functions.""" try: assert case in self.cases(), 'failed to find case ' + case + ' in list of vdb cases' self.use_case = case except Exception: log.exception('failed to set use case')
[docs] def print_header_tree(self, relative_path): """Low level: prints out the raw header tree found in the vdb file (for debugging).""" visited = [] def print_tree(fp, place = 4, level = 0, dots = False, file_size = None): """Recursive function for printing vdb tree.""" try: if file_size is None:, 2) file_size = int(fp.tell()) assert 0 <= int(place) < file_size, f'place {place} not within bounds of file of size {file_size}' assert place not in visited, 'circular pointers in vdb file header structure' visited.append(place) head = Header(fp, place = place) if head is None: raise ValueError() if dots: indent = ((level - 1) * 3) * ' ' + ' ..' else: indent = (level * 3) * ' ' print(indent, head.item_type, ':', head.number_of_items, 'items at', head.bytes_per_item, 'bytes per item', end = '') if head.item_type == 'C': s = RawData(fp, head.data_place, 'C', head.number_of_items, head.max_items) if s is None or s.c is None: print(': ?', end = '') else: print(': "' + s.c + '"', end = '') if head.first_fragment != null_uint32: print(' with fragment(s)') else: print('') if head.item_type == 'P': pointers = RawData(fp, head.data_place, 'P', head.number_of_items, head.max_items) assert (pointers is not None and pointers.a is not None) for p in pointers.a: if p in visited: log.warning('breaking at circular pointer to place ' + str(p)) break if int(p) == 0: log.warning('pointer to place zero encountered') elif int(p) > file_size: log.warning('skipping pointer to place beyond end of file ' + str(p)) else: print_tree(fp, place = p, level = level + 1, dots = True, file_size = file_size) if != null_uint32: if not 0 <= int( < file_size: log.warning(f'skipping next {} outwith bounds of file of size {file_size}') else: print_tree(fp, place =, level = level, file_size = file_size) except Exception: print('?') log.exception('failed in print tree for headers') raise try: path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, relative_path) assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + path print('Header tree for: ' + path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: print_tree(fp) except Exception: log.exception('failed to print header tree for relative file ' + relative_path)
[docs] def print_key_tree(self, relative_path): """Low level: prints out the keyword tree found in the vdb file.""" visited = [] def print_tree(fp, place = 4, level = 0): try: if int(place) == 0: log.warning('returning due to place zero in vdb file key structure') return if place in visited: log.warning(f'returning at circular pointer at place {place} in vdb file key structure') return visited.append(place) kp = KP(fp, place = place) except AssertionError: return except Exception as e: log.error(str(e) + ' at place ' + str(place)) raise key_list = kp.key_list() for key in key_list: print((level * 3) * ' ', key) print_tree(fp, kp.header_place_for_key(key, search = False), level + 1) try: path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, relative_path) if self.zipped: with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: with as fp: print_tree(fp) else: assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + str(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: print_tree(fp) except Exception: log.exception('failed to print keyword tree for relative file ' + relative_path)
[docs] def data_for_keyword(self, relative_path, keyword, search = True): """Reads data associated with a keyword from a vdb binary file; returns a numpy array (or string).""" try: path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, relative_path) if self.zipped: with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: with as fp: assert == b'NT32', 'first 4 characters not NT32 in file ' + path kp = KP(fp) return kp.data_for_key(keyword, search = search) else: assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + str(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: assert == b'NT32', 'first 4 characters not NT32 in file ' + path kp = KP(fp) return kp.data_for_key(keyword, search = search) except Exception: log.exception('failed to read keyword data from vdb binary file: ' + path) return None
[docs] def data_for_keyword_chain(self, relative_path, keyword_chain): """Follows a list of keywords down through hierarchy and returns the data as a numpy array (or string).""" def dfkc_fp(fp, path, keyword_chain): assert == b'NT32', 'first 4 characters not NT32 in file ' + path chain_list = list(keyword_chain) assert len(chain_list) > 0, 'empty chained keyword list' head_place = 4 while len(chain_list) > 1: kp = KP(fp, place = head_place) head_place = kp.header_place_for_key(chain_list[0], search = False) assert head_place is not None, 'failed to find chained keyword: ' + chain_list[0] chain_list.pop(0) kp = KP(fp, place = head_place) return kp.data_for_key(chain_list[0], search = False) path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, relative_path) try: if isinstance(keyword_chain, str): return self.data_for_keyword(relative_path, keyword_chain) if self.zipped: with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: with as fp: return dfkc_fp(fp, path, keyword_chain) else: assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + str(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: return dfkc_fp(fp, path, keyword_chain) except Exception: log.exception('failed to read chained keyword data from vdb binary file: ' + path) return None
[docs] def set_extent_kji(self, extent_kji, use_case = None, grid_name = 'ROOT'): """Sets extent for one use case (defaults to current use case) as alternative to processing corp data.""" assert len(extent_kji) == 3, 'triple integer required for extent_kji' if use_case is None: use_case = self.use_case assert use_case is not None, 'no use case for extent setting' self.grid_extents_kji[use_case, grid_name.upper()] = extent_kji
[docs] def fetch_corp_patch(self, relative_path): """Loads one patch of grid corp data from one file in the vdb; returns (number of cells, 1D array).""" a = self.data_for_keyword(relative_path, 'CORP').a assert a is not None, 'failed to extract corp data from vdb relative path ' + relative_path element_count = a.size assert element_count > 0, 'corp data is empty (no numbers)' cells, remainder = divmod(element_count, 24) assert remainder == 0, 'number of numbers in corp data is not a multiple of 24' if a.dtype == 'float32': d = np.empty((element_count,), dtype = 'float') # double precision d[:] = a del a a = d return cells, a
[docs] def list_of_grids(self): """Returns a list of grid names for which corp data exists in the vdb for the current use case.""" if self.use_case is None: self.cases() if self.use_case in self.grid_lists: return self.grid_lists[self.use_case] glob_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, 'INIT', '*_corp.bin') if self.zipped: corp_list = self.zip_glob(glob_path) else: corp_list = glob.glob(glob_path) grid_name_list = [] for corp_path in corp_list: _, corp_file_name = os.path.split(corp_path) grid_name = corp_file_name[:-9].upper() if grid_name == 'ROOT': grid_name_list.insert(0, 'ROOT') else: grid_name_list.append(grid_name) self.grid_lists[self.use_case] = grid_name_list return grid_name_list
[docs] def root_corp(self): """Loads root grid corp data from vdb; returns pagoda style resequenced 7D numpy array of doubles.""" return self.grid_corp('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_corp(self, grid_name): """Loads corp data for named grid from vdb; returns pagoda style resequenced 7D numpy array of doubles.""" try: if self.use_case is None: self.cases() grid_name = grid_name.upper() assert self.use_case is not None, 'no case found in vdb' relative_path = os.path.join('INIT', str(grid_name) + '_corp.bin') cells, a = self.fetch_corp_patch(relative_path) # check for extra corp patch files (used for big grids) glob_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, 'INIT', str(grid_name) + '_corp') glob_path += '_*.bin' if self.zipped: corp_patch_list = self.zip_glob(glob_path) else: corp_patch_list = glob.glob(glob_path) if len(corp_patch_list) > 0: sort_list = [] for patch_name in corp_patch_list: layer_number = int(patch_name[patch_name.rfind('_') + 1:-4]) sort_list.append((layer_number, patch_name)) sort_list.sort() for _, patch_name in sort_list: patch_relative_path = patch_name[patch_name.rfind('INIT'):] patch_cells, patch = self.fetch_corp_patch(patch_relative_path) a = np.append(a, patch) cells += patch_cells ap = a.reshape((1, 1, cells, 2, 2, 2, 3)) gf.resequence_nexus_corp(ap) # move from Nexus corp ordering to Pagoda ordering if (self.use_case, grid_name) in self.grid_extents_kji: extent_kji = self.grid_extents_kji[self.use_case, grid_name] assert cells == extent_kji[0] * extent_kji[1] * extent_kji[2], 'corp extent mismatch in vdb' else: extent_kji = gf.determine_corp_extent(ap) if extent_kji is None: log.warning('failed to determine extent of root grid from corp data') extent_kji = (1, 1, cells) else: self.grid_extents_kji[self.use_case, grid_name] = extent_kji shape_7d = (extent_kji[0], extent_kji[1], extent_kji[2], 2, 2, 2, 3) return ap.reshape(shape_7d) except Exception: log.exception('failed to extract root grid corp data from vdb') return None
[docs] def load_init_mapdata_array(self, file, keyword, dtype = None, unpack = False, grid_name = 'ROOT'): """Loads an INIT MAPDATA array from vdb; returns 3D numpy array coerced to dtype (if not None).""" try: if self.use_case is None: self.cases() assert self.use_case is not None, 'no case found in vdb' relative_path = os.path.join('INIT', 'MAPDATA', file) a = self.data_for_keyword(relative_path, keyword, search = True).a assert a is not None, 'failed to extract data for keyword ' + keyword + ' from vdb relative path ' + relative_path if unpack: un = self.grid_unpack(grid_name) if un is not None: null_start = np.zeros((a.size + 1,), dtype = a.dtype) # better to use Nan for null value? null_start[1:] = a a = null_start[un] a = self.grid_shaped(grid_name, coerce(a, dtype)) return a except Exception: log.exception('failed to extract data from vdb for grid ' + str(grid_name)) return None
[docs] def load_recurrent_mapdata_array(self, file, keyword, dtype = None, unpack = False, grid_name = 'ROOT'): """Loads a RECUR MAPDATA array from vdb; returns 3D numpy array coerced to dtype (if not None).""" try: if bad_keyword(keyword): log.warning('ignoring attempt to load recurrent vdb mapdata for corrupt keyword') return None if self.use_case is None: self.cases() assert self.use_case is not None, 'no case found in vdb' relative_path = os.path.join('RECUR', 'MAPDATA', file) data = self.data_for_keyword(relative_path, keyword, search = True) if not data: return None a = data.a if a is None: return None if unpack: un = self.grid_unpack(grid_name) if un is not None: null_start = np.zeros((a.size + 1,), dtype = a.dtype) # better to use Nan for null value? null_start[1:] = a a = null_start[un] a = self.grid_shaped(grid_name, coerce(a, dtype)) return a except Exception: log.exception('failed to extract grid recurrent data from vdb for keyword: ' + keyword) return None
[docs] def root_dad(self): """Loads and returns the IROOTDAD array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" return self.grid_dad('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_dad(self, grid_name): """Loads and returns the DAD array from vdb for the named grid; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" # todo: check file naming and values for LGRs grid_name = grid_name.upper # DAD data appear to be unique cell ids, in usual sequence, starting at 1, same as UID return self.load_init_mapdata_array(file = 'I' + grid_name + 'DAD.bin', keyword = 'DAD', dtype = 'int32', unpack = False, grid_name = grid_name)
[docs] def root_kid(self): """Loads and returns the IROOTKID array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array (can be inactive cell mask).""" return self.grid_kid('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_kid(self, grid_name): """Loads and returns the IROOTKID array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array (can be inactive cell mask).""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() # see comments in grid_kid_inactive_mask() for KID values return self.load_init_mapdata_array(file = 'I' + grid_name + 'KID.bin', keyword = 'KID', dtype = 'int32', unpack = False, grid_name = grid_name)
[docs] def root_kid_inactive_mask(self): """Loads the IROOTKID array and returns boolean mask of cells inactive in ROOT grid.""" return self.grid_kid_inactive_mask('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_kid_inactive_mask(self, grid_name): """Loads the KID array for the named grid and returns boolean mask of cells inactive in grid.""" # KID values: # 0 - active in this grid # >0 - (in ROOT grid) cell inactive in ROOT as assigned to an LGR (KID value is LGR number) # -1 – inactive for normal reasons (zero pore volume or DEADCELL set) # -2 - (in LGR grids) cell omitted from LGR (possibly omitted as inactive in parent grid?) # -3 - inactive due to coarsening (coarsening repurposes one cell in parent grid for each coarsened cell) i = self.grid_kid(grid_name) if i is None: return None b = np.empty(i.shape, dtype = 'bool') b[:] = (i != 0) return b
[docs] def root_uid(self): """Loads and returns the IROOTUID array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" return self.grid_uid('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_uid(self, grid_name): """Loads and returns the UID array from vdb for the named grid; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() # UID data appear to be unique cell ids, in usual sequence, starting at 1, same as DAD return self.load_init_mapdata_array(file = 'I' + grid_name + 'UID.bin', keyword = 'UID', dtype = 'int32', unpack = False, grid_name = grid_name)
[docs] def root_unpack(self): """Loads and returns the IROOTUNPACK array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" return self.grid_unpack('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_unpack(self, grid_name): """Loads and returns the IROOTUNPACK array from vdb; returns 3D numpy int32 array.""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() if self.use_case is not None and (self.use_case, grid_name) in self.grid_packings.keys(): return self.grid_packings[self.use_case, grid_name] # UNPACK data appear to be index into packed array for each cell, zero for inactive/absent un = self.load_init_mapdata_array(file = 'I' + grid_name + 'UNPACK.bin', keyword = 'UNPACK', dtype = 'int32', unpack = False, grid_name = grid_name) if self.use_case is not None: self.grid_packings[self.use_case, grid_name] = un # cache unpack array for later packing & unpacking operations return un
[docs] def list_of_static_properties(self): """Returns list of static property keywords present in the vdb for ROOT.""" return self.grid_list_of_static_properties('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_list_of_static_properties(self, grid_name): """Returns list of static property keywords present in the vdb for named grid.""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() glob_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, 'INIT', 'MAPDATA', 'I' + grid_name + '*.bin') if self.zipped: file_list = self.zip_glob(glob_path) else: file_list = glob.glob(glob_path) keyword_list = [] for p in file_list: _, f = os.path.split(p) keyword = f[1 + len(grid_name):-4] keyword_list.append(keyword) return keyword_list
[docs] def root_static_property(self, keyword, dtype = None, unpack = None): """Loads and returns a ROOT static property array.""" return self.grid_static_property('ROOT'.keyword, dtype = dtype, unpack = unpack)
[docs] def grid_static_property(self, grid_name, keyword, dtype = None, unpack = None): """Loads and returns a static property array for named grid.""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() keyword = keyword.strip().upper() if unpack is None: unpack = (keyword not in init_not_packed) return self.load_init_mapdata_array(file = 'I' + grid_name + keyword + '.bin', keyword = keyword, dtype = dtype, unpack = unpack, grid_name = grid_name)
[docs] def list_of_timesteps(self): """Returns a list of integer timesteps for which a ROOT recurrent mapdata file exists.""" return self.grid_list_of_timesteps('ROOT')
[docs] def grid_list_of_timesteps(self, grid_name): """Returns a list of integer timesteps for which a recurrent mapdata file for the named grid exists.""" # todo: check file naming for LGR recurrent properties grid_name = grid_name.upper() glob_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, 'RECUR', 'MAPDATA', 'R' + grid_name + '_*.bin') if self.zipped: file_list = self.zip_glob(glob_path) else: file_list = glob.glob(glob_path) timestep_list = [] for p in file_list: timestep_list.append(int(p[p.rfind('_') + 1:-4])) return sorted(timestep_list)
[docs] def list_of_recurrent_properties(self, timestep): """Returns list of recurrent property keywords present in the vdb for given timestep.""" return self.grid_list_of_recurrent_properties('ROOT', timestep)
[docs] def grid_list_of_recurrent_properties(self, grid_name, timestep): """Returns list of recurrent property keywords present in the vdb for named grid for given timestep.""" def keyword_list_from_fp(fp, path): """Returns a list of keywords (strings) found in a recurrent file.""" assert == b'NT32', 'first 4 characters not NT32 in file ' + path kp = KP(fp) keyword_list = kp.sub_key_list('MAPDATA', filter = True) try: keyword_list.remove('LASTMOD') except Exception: pass bad_key_indices = [] for i in range(len(keyword_list)): key = keyword_list[i] if bad_keyword(key): bad_key_indices.append(i) if len(bad_key_indices): log.warning(str(len(bad_key_indices)) + ' non-ascii keywords ignored in recurrent file ' + path) bad_key_indices.reverse() for i in bad_key_indices: keyword_list.pop(i) return keyword_list # todo: check file naming for LGR recurrent properties grid_name = grid_name.upper() try: path = os.path.join(self.path, self.use_case, 'RECUR', 'MAPDATA', 'R' + grid_name + '_' + str(timestep) + '.bin') if self.zipped: with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: with as fp: return keyword_list_from_fp(fp, path) else: assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + str(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: return keyword_list_from_fp(fp, path) except Exception: log.exception('failed to read keyword data from vdb binary file: ' + path) return None
[docs] def root_recurrent_property_for_timestep(self, keyword, timestep, dtype = None, unpack = True): """Loads and returns a ROOT recurrent property array for one timestep.""" return self.grid_recurrent_property_for_timestep('ROOT', keyword, timestep, dtype = dtype, unpack = unpack)
[docs] def grid_recurrent_property_for_timestep(self, grid_name, keyword, timestep, dtype = None, unpack = True): """Loads and returns a recurrent property array for named grid for one timestep.""" # todo: check file naming convention for LGRs grid_name = grid_name.upper() keyword = keyword.strip().upper() return self.load_recurrent_mapdata_array(file = 'R' + grid_name + '_' + str(timestep) + '.bin', keyword = keyword, dtype = dtype, unpack = unpack, grid_name = grid_name)
[docs] def header_place_for_keyword(self, relative_path, keyword, search = True): """Low level function to return file position for header relating to given keyword.""" try: path = os.path.join(self.path, relative_path) assert os.path.exists(path), 'failed to find vdb file ' + str(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: assert == b'NT32', 'first 4 characters not NT32 in file ' + path kp = KP(fp) return kp.header_place_for_key(keyword, search = search) except Exception: log.exception('failed to read keyword data from vdb binary file: ' + path) return None
[docs] def root_shaped(self, a): """Returns array reshaped to root grid extent for current use case, if known; otherwise unchanged.""" return self.grid_shaped('ROOT', a)
[docs] def grid_shaped(self, grid_name, a): """Returns array reshaped to named grid extent for current use case, if known; otherwise unchanged.""" grid_name = grid_name.upper() if self.use_case is not None and (self.use_case, grid_name) in self.grid_extents_kji.keys(): cell_count =[self.use_case, grid_name]) if a.size == cell_count: return a.reshape(tuple(self.grid_extents_kji[self.use_case, grid_name])) return a
[docs] def zip_glob(self, path_with_asterisk): """Performs glob.glob like function for zipped file, path must contain a single asterisk.""" assert self.zipped star = path_with_asterisk.find('*') assert star >= 0, 'no asterisk in zip glob path' no_tail = (star == len(path_with_asterisk) - 1) match_list = [] with zf.ZipFile(self.zip_file) as zfp: zip_list = zfp.namelist() for name in zip_list: if ((star == 0 or name.startswith(path_with_asterisk[:star])) and (no_tail or name.endswith(path_with_asterisk[star + 1:]))): match_list.append(name) return match_list
[docs]def bad_keyword(key): """Return False if key is a valid keyword, otherwise True.""" if not key: return True if key.isalnum(): return False for c in key: if not c.isalnum() and c not in '-_': return True return False