"""simple_lines.py: functions for handling simple lines in relation to a resqml grid."""
# line is represented as 2D numpy array of shape (NP, 3): [point index, xyz]
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
[docs]def read_lines(filename):
"""Returns a list of line arrays, read from ascii file.
filename (string): the path of the ascii file holding a set of poly-lines
list of numpy arrays, each array representing one poly-line
each line in the file must contain 3 floating point numbers: x, y, z;
each poly-line must be terminated with a null marker line: 999.0 999.0 999.0
there is no handling of units; elsewhere they will implicitly be assumed to be
those of a crs for a grid object
lines_list = []
end_of_line = np.array([999.0, 999.0, 999.0])
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
point_count = 0
point_list = None
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
assert point_count == 0, 'unterminated list of line points at end of file'
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 0:
continue # blank line
assert len(words) == 3, 'badly formed line (expecting 3 reals)'
point = np.empty(3)
for p in range(3):
point[p] = float(words[p])
if np.all(np.isclose(point, end_of_line)):
if point_count:
point_count = 0
elif point_count:
point_list = np.concatenate((point_list, point.reshape((1, 3))), axis = 0)
point_count += 1
point_list = np.empty((1, 3))
point_list[0, :] = point
point_count = 1
except Exception:
log.exception('failed to read simple lines from ascii file: ' + filename)
lines_list = []
log.info(str(len(lines_list)) + ' line(s) read from file: ' + filename)
return lines_list
[docs]def polygon_line(line, tolerance = 0.001):
"""Returns a copy of the line with the last vertex stripped off if it is close to the first vertex.
line (numpy array of floats): representation of a poly-line which might be closed (last vertex
matches first vertex)
tolerance (float, default = 0.001): the maximum Manhatten distance between two points for them
to be treated as coincident
numpy array of floats which is either a copy of line, or a copy of line with the last point
last = len(line) - 1
if last < 1:
return line
dims = len(line[0])
manhattan = 0.0
for d in range(dims):
manhattan += abs(line[0][d] - line[last][d])
if manhattan > tolerance:
return line
return line[:-1]
[docs]def duplicate_vertices_removed(line, tolerance = 0.001):
"""Returns a copy of the line with neighbouring duplicate vertices removed.
line (2D numpy array of floats): representation of a poly-line
tolerance (float, default = 0.001): the maximum Manhatten distance between two points for them
to be treated as coincident
numpy array of floats which is either a copy of line, or a copy of line with some points
does not treat the line as a closed polyline, use polygon_line() function as well to remove
duplicated first/last point;
always preserves first and last point, even if they are identical and there are no other vertices
assert line.ndim == 2
if len(line) < 3:
return line
dims = line.shape[1]
whittled = np.zeros(line.shape)
whittled[0] = line[0]
c_i = 0
for i in range(1, len(line)):
manhattan = 0.0
for d in range(dims):
manhattan += abs(line[i, d] - whittled[c_i, d])
if manhattan > tolerance:
c_i += 1
whittled[c_i] = line[i]
if c_i == len(line) - 1:
return line
whittled[c_i] = line[-1]
return whittled[:c_i + 1]
[docs]def nearest_pillars(line_list, grid, ref_k = 0, ref_kp = 0):
"""Finds pillars nearest to each point on each line; returns list of lists of (j0, i0).
line_list (list of numpy arrays of floats): set of poly-lines, the points of which are used
to find the nearest pillars in grid
grid (grid.Grid object): the grid whose pillars are compared with the poly-line vertices
ref_k (integer, default 0): the reference layer in the grid to compare against the vertices;
zero based
ref_kp (integer, default 0): 0 to indicate the top corners of the reference layer, 1 for the base
a list of lists of pairs of integers, each being the (j, i) pillar indices of the nearest pillar
to the corresponding vertex of the poly-line; zero based indexing
this is a 2D search in the x, y plane; z values are ignored;
poly-line x, y values must implicitly be in the same crs as the grid's points data
pillar_list_list = []
for line in line_list:
pillar_list = []
p_count = line.shape[0]
for p in range(p_count):
xy = line[p, 0:2]
ji = grid.nearest_pillar(xy, ref_k0 = ref_k + ref_kp)
return pillar_list_list
[docs]def nearest_rods(line_list, projection, grid, axis, ref_slice0 = 0, plus_face = False):
"""Finds rods nearest to each point on each line; returns list of lists of (k0, j0) or (k0, i0).
line_list (list of numpy arrays of floats): set of poly-lines, the points of which are used
to find the nearest rods in grid
projection (string): 'xz' or 'yz'
grid (grid.Grid object): the grid whose cross section points are compared with the poly-line vertices
axis (string): 'I' or 'J' being the axis removed during slicing
ref_slice0 (integer, default 0): the reference slice in the grid to compare against the vertices;
zero based
plus_face (boolean, default False): which face of the reference slice to use
a list of numpy arrays of pairs of integers, each being the (k, j) or (k, i) indices of the
nearest rod to the corresponding vertex of the poly-line under projection; zero based indexing
this is a 2D search in the x, z or y, z plane;
currently limited to unsplit grids without k gaps;
poly-line x, y, z values must implicitly be in the same crs as the grid's points data
assert projection in ['xz', 'yz']
assert axis.upper() in ['J', 'I']
rod_list_list = []
for line in line_list:
line_a = np.array(line)
rod_list_list.append(grid.nearest_rod(line_a, projection, axis, ref_slice0 = ref_slice0, plus_face = plus_face))
return rod_list_list
[docs]def drape_lines(line_list, pillar_list_list, grid, ref_k = 0, ref_kp = 0, offset = -1.0, snap = False):
"""Roughly drapes lines over grid horizon; draped lines are suitable for 3D visualisation.
line_list (list of numpy arrays of floats): the undraped poly-lines
pillar_list_list: (list of lists of pairs of integers): as returned by nearest_pillars()
grid: (grid.Grid object): the grid to which the poly-lines are to be draped
ref_k (integer, default 0): the reference layer in the grid to which the lines will be
draped; zero based
ref_kp (integer, default 0): 0 to indicate the top corners of the reference layer, 1 for the base
offset (float, default -1.0): the vertical offset to add to the z value of pillar points; positive
drapes lines deeper, negative shallower (assumes grid's crs has z increasing downwards)
snap (boolean, default False): if True, the x & y values of each vertex in the lines are moved to
match the pillar point; if False, only the z values are adjusted
list of numpy arrays of floats, being the draped equivalents of the line_list
the units of the line list must implicitly be those of the crs for the grid;
for grids with split coordinate lines (faults), only the primary pillars are currently used;
the results of this function are intended for 3D visualisation of an indicative nature;
resulting draped lines may penetrate the grid layer faces depending on the 3D geometry and
the spacing of the vertices compared to cell sizes
assert len(line_list) == len(pillar_list_list)
# note: currently uses primary pillars only: expect draping disasters by faults
# pe_j = grid.extent_kji[1] + 1
# pe_i = grid.extent_kji[2] + 1
pillar_points = grid.horizon_points(ref_k0 = ref_k + ref_kp)
draped_list = []
for line, pillar_list in zip(line_list, pillar_list_list):
drape = line.copy()
p_count = line.shape[0]
for p in range(p_count):
ji = pillar_list[p]
if snap:
drape[p, :] = pillar_points[tuple(ji)]
drape[p, 2] = pillar_points[tuple(ji)][2]
drape[:, 2] += offset
return draped_list
[docs]def drape_lines_to_rods(line_list,
ref_slice0 = 0,
plus_face = False,
offset = -1.0,
snap = False):
"""Roughly drapes lines near grid cross section; draped lines are suitable for 3D visualisation.
line_list (list of numpy arrays of floats): the undraped poly-lines
rod_list_list: (list of arrays of pairs of integers): as returned by nearest_rods()
grid: (grid.Grid object): the grid to which the poly-lines are to be draped
axis (string): 'I' or 'J' being the axis removed during slicing
ref_slice0 (integer, default 0): the reference slice in the grid to drape to; zero based
plus_face (boolean, default False): which face of the reference slice to use
offset (float, default -1.0): the horzontal offset to add to the y or x value of rod points
snap (boolean, default False): if True, the x & z or y & z values of each vertex in the lines
are moved to match the rod point; if False, only the y or x values are adjusted
list of numpy arrays of floats, being the draped equivalents of the line_list
the units of the line list must implicitly be those of the crs for the grid;
currently limited to unsplit grids with no k gaps;
the results of this function are intended for 3D visualisation of an indicative nature;
resulting draped lines may penetrate the grid layer faces depending on the 3D geometry and
the spacing of the vertices compared to cell sizes
assert projection in ['xz', 'yz']
assert axis.upper() in ['I', 'J']
assert len(line_list) == len(rod_list_list)
x_sect = grid.unsplit_x_section_points(axis, ref_slice0 = ref_slice0, plus_face = plus_face)
draped_list = []
for line, rod_list in zip(line_list, rod_list_list):
drape = line.copy()
p_count = line.shape[0]
for p in range(p_count):
kj_or_ki = rod_list[p]
if snap:
drape[p, :] = x_sect[tuple(kj_or_ki)]
elif projection == 'xz':
drape[p, 1] = x_sect[tuple(kj_or_ki)][1]
drape[p, 0] = x_sect[tuple(kj_or_ki)][0]
if projection == 'xz':
drape[:, 1] += offset
drape[:, 0] += offset
return draped_list