Source code for resqpy.grid._regular_grid

"""Submodule containing the RegularGrid class."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import numpy as np

import as rqc
import resqpy.grid
import resqpy.olio.transmission as rqtr
import resqpy.olio.uuid as bu
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
import as rprop
from resqpy.olio.xml_namespaces import curly_namespace as ns

import resqpy.grid._grid as grr_g
import resqpy.grid._grid_types as grr_gt
import resqpy.grid._create_grid_xml as grr_xml

# for a regular grid, the ...is_defined xml is created as a constant bool array, if the following set True
always_write_pillar_geometry_is_defined = True  # required True for Fesapi interoperability (xsd compliance)
always_write_cell_geometry_is_defined = False

class RegularGrid(grr_g.Grid):
    """Class for completely regular block grids, usually aligned with xyz axes."""

    # WIP: use RESQML lattice like geometry specification

[docs] def __init__(self, parent_model, uuid = None, extent_kji = None, dxyz = None, dxyz_dkji = None, origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), crs_uuid = None, use_vertical = False, mesh = None, mesh_dz_dk = 1.0, set_points_cached = False, as_irregular_grid = False, find_properties = True, title = None, originator = None, extra_metadata = {}, load_inactive = True): """Creates a regular grid object based on dxyz, or derived from a Mesh object. arguments: parent_model (model.Model object): the model to which the new grid will be assigned uuid (optional): the uuid for an existing grid part; if present, the RegularGrid object is based on existing data or a mix of that data and other arguments where present extent_kji (triple positive integers, optional): the number of cells in the grid (nk, nj, ni); required unless uuid is present dxyz (triple float, optional): use when the I,J,K axes align with the x,y,z axes (possible with inverted directions); the size of each cell (dx, dy, dz); values may be negative dxyz_dkji (numpy float array of shape (3, 3), optional): how x,y,z values increase with each step in each direction K,J,I; first index is KJI, second index is xyz; only one of dxyz, dxyz_dkji and mesh should be present; NB axis ordering is different to that used in Mesh class for dxyz_dij origin (triple float, default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): the location in the local coordinate space of the crs of the 'first' corner point of the grid crs_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional): the uuid of the coordinate reference system for the grid use_vertical (boolean, default False): if True and the pillars of the regular grid are vertical then a pillar shape of 'vertical' is used; if False (or the pillars are not vertical), then a pillar shape of 'straight' is used mesh (surface.Mesh object, optional): if present, the I,J layout of the grid is based on the mesh, which must be regular, and the K cell size is given by the mesh_dz_dk argument; if present, then dxyz and dxyz_dkji must be None mesh_dz_dk (float, default 1.0): the size of cells in the K axis, which is aligned with the z axis, when starting from a mesh; ignored if mesh is None set_points_cached (boolean, default False): if True, an explicit geometry is created for the regular grid in the form of the cached points array; will be treated as True if as_irregular_grid is True as_irregular_grid (boolean, default False): if True, the grid is setup such that it will appear as a Grid object when next loaded from disc find_properties (boolean, default True): if True and uuid is not None, a grid property collection is instantiated as an attribute, holding properties for which this grid is the supporting representation title (str, optional): citation title for new grid; ignored if loading from xml originator (str, optional): name of person creating the grid; defaults to login id; ignored if loading from xml extra_metadata (dict, optional): dictionary of extra metadata items to add to the grid; ignored if loading from xml load_inactive (bool, default True): if True and uuid is provided, the inactive attribubte is populated if a property of kind 'active' is found for the grid returns: a newly created RegularGrid object with inheritance from the Grid class notes: the RESQML standard allows for regular grid geometry pillars to be stored as parametric lines but that is not yet supported by this code base; however, constant dx, dy, dz arrays are supported; alternatively, regular meshes (Grid2d) may be stored in parameterized form and used to generate a regular grid here; if uuid, dxyz, dxyz_dkji and mesh arguments are all None then unit cube cells aligned with the x,y,z axes will be generated; to store the geometry explicitly set as_irregular_grid True and use the following methods: make_regular_points_cached(), write_hdf5(), create_xml(..., write_geometry = True); otherwise, avoid write_hdf5() and call create_xml(..., write_geometry = False); if geometry is not stored explicitly, the uuid of the crs is stored as extra metadata if origin is not triple zero, a new crs will be created with the origin moved appropriately :meta common: """ if as_irregular_grid: set_points_cached = True self.is_aligned = False else: self.is_aligned = None #: boolean indicating alignment of IJK axes with +/- xyz respectively if uuid is None: assert extent_kji is not None and len(extent_kji) == 3 super().__init__(parent_model, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata) self.grid_representation = 'IjkGrid' if as_irregular_grid else 'IjkBlockGrid' self.extent_kji = np.array(extent_kji).copy() self.nk, self.nj, = self.extent_kji self.k_direction_is_down = True # assumed direction self.grid_is_right_handed = False # todo: work it out from dxyz_dkji and crs xyz handedness self.has_split_coordinate_lines = False self.k_gaps = None self.k_gap_after_array = None self.k_raw_index_array = None self.inactive = None self.all_inactive = None if mesh is not None: assert mesh.flavour == 'regular' assert dxyz is None and dxyz_dkji is None origin = mesh.regular_origin dxyz_dkji = np.empty((3, 3)) dxyz_dkji[0, :] = mesh_dz_dk dxyz_dkji[1, :] = mesh.regular_dxyz_dij[1] # J axis dxyz_dkji[2, :] = mesh.regular_dxyz_dij[0] # I axis if crs_uuid is None: crs_uuid = mesh.crs_uuid else: assert bu.matching_uuids(crs_uuid, mesh.crs_uuid) assert dxyz is None or dxyz_dkji is None if dxyz is None and dxyz_dkji is None: dxyz = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if dxyz_dkji is None: dxyz_dkji = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, dxyz[2]], [0.0, dxyz[1], 0.0], [dxyz[0], 0.0, 0.0]]) self.block_origin = np.array(origin).copy() if uuid is None else np.zeros(3) self.block_dxyz_dkji = np.array(dxyz_dkji).copy() if self.is_aligned is None: self._set_is_aligned() if use_vertical and dxyz_dkji[0][0] == 0.0 and dxyz_dkji[0][1] == 0.0: # ie. no x,y change with k self.pillar_shape = 'vertical' else: self.pillar_shape = 'straight' new_crs = None shift_origin = np.any(origin != 0.0) and uuid is None and not as_irregular_grid if crs_uuid is None and self.extra_metadata is not None: crs_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(self.extra_metadata.get('crs uuid')) shift_origin = shift_origin and crs_uuid is None if crs_uuid is None: crs_uuid = parent_model.crs_uuid if crs_uuid is None: new_crs = rqc.Crs(parent_model, x_offset = origin[0], y_offset = origin[1], z_offset = origin[2]) shift_origin = False new_crs.create_xml(reuse = True) crs_uuid = new_crs.uuid if shift_origin: new_crs = rqc.Crs(parent_model, uuid = crs_uuid) new_crs.uuid = bu.new_uuid() new_crs.x_offset += origin[0] new_crs.y_offset += origin[1] new_crs.z_offset += origin[2] new_crs.create_xml(reuse = True) crs_uuid = new_crs.uuid self.crs_uuid = crs_uuid = rqc.Crs(parent_model, uuid = crs_uuid) if new_crs is None else new_crs else: assert bu.is_uuid(uuid) assert grr_gt.is_regular_grid(parent_model.root_for_uuid(uuid)) super().__init__(parent_model, uuid = uuid, find_properties = find_properties, geometry_required = False, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata, load_inactive = load_inactive) self.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached = True self.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars_cached = True # self.array_cell_geometry_is_defined = np.full(tuple(self.extent_kji), True, dtype = bool) self.array_cell_geometry_is_defined = None if set_points_cached: self.make_regular_points_cached() if self.uuid is None: self.uuid = bu.new_uuid()
def _load_regular_grid_from_xml(self): """Load from xml, called from super() init.""" def get_point3d(node): assert node is not None and rqet.node_type(node) == 'Point3d' xyz = [] for c in '123': xyz.append(rqet.find_tag_float(node, f'Coordinate{c}')) assert xyz[-1] is not None return tuple(xyz) self.grid_representation = 'IjkBlockGrid' self.is_aligned = True # currently only aligned regular grids supported for lattice mode self.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars_cached = True self.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached = True self.pillar_shape = 'vertical' self.has_split_coordinate_lines = False self.block_origin = np.zeros(3, dtype = float) self.block_dxyz_dkji = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype = float) if self.geometry_root is None: log.debug('loading from xml without geometry node') # find cell length properties and populate dxyz from those values pc = self.extract_property_collection() assert pc is not None dxi_part = pc.singleton(property_kind = 'cell length', facet_type = 'direction', facet = 'I', indexable = 'cells', const_value = '*') dyj_part = pc.singleton(property_kind = 'cell length', facet_type = 'direction', facet = 'J', indexable = 'cells', const_value = '*') dzk_part = pc.singleton(property_kind = 'cell length', facet_type = 'direction', facet = 'K', indexable = 'cells', const_value = '*') assert dxi_part is not None and dyj_part is not None and dzk_part is not None dxi = self.property_collection.constant_value_for_part(dxi_part) dyj = self.property_collection.constant_value_for_part(dyj_part) dzk = self.property_collection.constant_value_for_part(dzk_part) assert dxi is not None and dyj is not None and dzk is not None self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] = dxi self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] = dyj self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] = dzk else: log.debug('loading from xml with lattice geometry node') p_node = rqet.find_tag(self.geometry_root, 'Points') assert p_node is not None and rqet.node_type(p_node) == 'Point3dLatticeArray' assert rqet.find_tag_bool(p_node, 'AllDimensionsAreOrthogonal', must_exist = True), 'only aligned regular grids catered for' origin_node = rqet.find_tag(p_node, 'Origin') assert origin_node is not None, 'origin missing in xml for regular mesh (lattice)' self.block_origin[:] = get_point3d(origin_node) # following constraint is for aligned regular grids assert np.all(self.block_origin == 0.0), \ 'aligned regular grid origin must be coincident with local crs origin' offset_nodes = rqet.list_of_tag(p_node, 'Offset') assert len(offset_nodes) == 3, 'missing (or too many) offset nodes in xml for regular grid (lattice)' for axis, main_o_node in enumerate(offset_nodes): # order K, J, I; ie. z, y, x d_xyz = get_point3d(rqet.find_tag(main_o_node, 'Offset')) self.block_dxyz_dkji[axis] = d_xyz # following constraint is for aligned regular grids for ax in range(3): # note: these constraints allow for a negative cell length, ie. xyz axis reverse of IJK is_non_zero = not maths.isclose(d_xyz[2 - ax], 0.0) assert (ax == axis) == is_non_zero, 'unaligned lattice for regular grid not supported' spacing_node = rqet.find_tag(main_o_node, 'Spacing') assert spacing_node is not None spacing_value = rqet.find_tag_float(spacing_node, 'Value') assert spacing_value is not None and maths.isclose(spacing_value, 1.0) spacing_count = rqet.find_tag_int(spacing_node, 'Count') assert spacing_count is not None and spacing_count == self.extent_kji[axis] # log.debug(f'block dxyz_dkji from lattice: {self.block_dxyz_dkji}')
[docs] def cell_geometry_is_defined(self, cell_kji0 = None, cell_geometry_is_defined_root = None, cache_array = True): """Override of Grid method indicating whether a cell has defined geometry, here always True.""" return True
[docs] def pillar_geometry_is_defined(self, pillar_ji0 = None, pillar_geometry_is_defined_root = None, cache_array = True): """Override of Grid method indicating whether a pillar has defined geometry, here always True.""" return True
[docs] def make_regular_points_cached(self, apply_origin_offset = True): """Set up the cached points array as an explicit representation of the regular grid geometry. arguments: apply_origin_offset (boolean, default True): if True, this method includes the regular grid origin in the calculated points data note: if apply_origin_offset is True, the related crs must not store the origin as offset data """ if hasattr(self, 'points_cached') and self.points_cached is not None: return self.points_cached = np.zeros((self.nk + 1, self.nj + 1, + 1, 3)) # todo: replace for loops with linspace for k in range(self.nk): self.points_cached[k + 1, 0, 0] = self.points_cached[k, 0, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[0] for j in range(self.nj): self.points_cached[:, j + 1, 0] = self.points_cached[:, j, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[1] for i in range( self.points_cached[:, :, i + 1] = self.points_cached[:, :, i] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[2] if apply_origin_offset: self.points_cached[:, :, :] += self.block_origin
[docs] def axial_lengths_kji(self): """Returns a triple float being lengths of primary axes (K, J, I) for each cell.""" return vec.naive_lengths(self.block_dxyz_dkji)
# override of Grid methods
[docs] def point_raw(self, index = None, points_root = None, cache_array = True): """Returns element from points data, indexed as corner point (k0, j0, i0). Can optionally be used to cache points data. arguments: index (3 integers, optional): if not None, the index into the raw points data for the point of interest points_root (ignored) cache_array (boolean, default True): if True, the raw points data is cached in memory as a side effect returns: (x, y, z) of selected point as a 3 element numpy vector, or None if index is None notes: this function is typically called either to cache the points data in memory, or to fetch the coordinates of a single corner point; the index should be a triple kji0 with axes ranging over the shared corners nk+1, nj+1, ni+1 """ assert cache_array or index is not None if cache_array: self.make_regular_points_cached() if index is None: return None return self.points_cached[tuple(index)] return self.block_origin + np.sum(np.repeat(np.array(index).reshape( (3, 1)), 3, axis = -1) * self.block_dxyz_dkji, axis = 0)
[docs] def half_cell_transmissibility(self, use_property = None, realization = None, tolerance = None): """Returns (and caches if realization is None) half cell transmissibilities for this regular grid. arguments: use_property (ignored) realization (int, optional) if present, only a property with this realization number will be used tolerance (ignored) returns: numpy float array of shape (nk, nj, ni, 3, 2) where the 3 covers K,J,I and the 2 covers the face polarity: - (0) and + (1); units will depend on the length units of the coordinate reference system for the grid; the units will be m3.cP/(kPa.d) or bbl.cP/(psi.d) for grid length units of m and ft respectively notes: the values for - and + polarity will always be equal, the data is duplicated for compatibility with parent Grid class; the returned array is in the logical resqpy arrangement; it must be discombobulated before being added as a property; this method does not write to hdf5, nor create a new property or xml; if realization is None, a grid attribute cached array will be used """ # todo: allow passing of property uuids for ntg, k_k, j, i if realization is None and hasattr(self, 'array_half_cell_t'): return self.array_half_cell_t half_t = rqtr.half_cell_t( self, realization = realization) # note: properties must be identifiable in property_collection # introduce facial polarity axis for compatibility with parent Grid class assert half_t.ndim == 4 half_t = np.expand_dims(half_t, -1) half_t = np.repeat(half_t, 2, axis = -1) if realization is None: self.array_half_cell_t = half_t return half_t
[docs] def corner_points(self, cell_kji0 = None, points_root = None, cache_resqml_array = None, cache_cp_array = False): """Returns a numpy array of corner points for a single cell or the whole grid. arguments: cell_kji0 (triple float, optional): if present, index of cell for which corner points are required; if None, an array holding corner points for all cells is returned points_root (ignored): not used; exists for signature compatibility with parent class method cache_resqml_array (ignored): not used; exists for signature compatibility with parent class method cache_cp_array (bool, default False): if True (or cell_kji0 is None), the full corner point array is cached as an attribute of the grid notes: if cell_kji0 is not None, a 4D array of shape (2, 2, 2, 3) holding single cell corner points in logical order [kp, jp, ip, xyz] is returned; if cell_kji0 is None, a pagoda style 7D array [k, j, i, kp, jp, ip, xyz] is cached and returned; the ordering of the corner points is in the logical order, which is not the same as that used by Nexus CORP data; olio.grid_functions.resequence_nexus_corp() can be used to switch back and forth between this pagoda ordering and Nexus corp ordering; this is the usual way to access full corner points for cells where working with native resqml data is undesirable; this method returns coordinates in the local crs space :meta common: """ if cell_kji0 is None: cache_cp_array = True if hasattr(self, 'array_corner_points'): if cell_kji0 is None: return self.array_corner_points return self.array_corner_points[tuple(cell_kji0)] if not self.is_aligned: return super().corner_points(cell_kji0 = cell_kji0, points_root = points_root, cache_resqml_array = cache_resqml_array, cache_cp_array = cache_cp_array) if cache_cp_array: acp = np.zeros((self.nk, self.nj,, 2, 2, 2, 3), dtype = float) # set x coordinates acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 0] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] *, num =, endpoint = False).reshape((1, 1, acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 1, 0] = acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] acp[:, :, :, 0, 1, :, 0] = acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, :, 0] acp[:, :, :, 1, :, :, 0] = acp[:, :, :, 0, :, :, 0] # set y coordinates acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 1] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] * self.nj, num = self.nj, endpoint = False).reshape((1, self.nj, 1)) acp[:, :, :, 0, 1, 0, 1] = acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 1] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] acp[:, :, :, 0, :, 1, 1] = acp[:, :, :, 0, :, 0, 1] acp[:, :, :, 1, :, :, 1] = acp[:, :, :, 0, :, :, 1] # set z coordinates acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 2] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] * self.nk, num = self.nk, endpoint = False).reshape((self.nk, 1, 1)) acp[:, :, :, 1, 0, 0, 2] = acp[:, :, :, 0, 0, 0, 2] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] acp[:, :, :, :, 0, 1, 2] = acp[:, :, :, :, 0, 0, 2] acp[:, :, :, :, 1, :, 2] = acp[:, :, :, :, 0, :, 2] # translate by regular grid origin acp[:] += np.array(self.block_origin, dtype = float).reshape((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3)) self.array_corner_points = acp if cell_kji0 is None: return acp return acp[tuple(cell_kji0)] # setup corner point array for a single cell only cp = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 3), dtype = float) # set x coordinates cp[0, 0, 0, 0] = self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] * cell_kji0[2] cp[0, 0, 1, 0] = cp[0, 0, 0, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] cp[0, 1, :, 0] = cp[0, 0, :, 0] cp[1, :, :, 0] = cp[0, :, :, 0] # set y coordinates cp[0, 0, 0, 1] = self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] * cell_kji0[1] cp[0, 1, 0, 1] = cp[0, 0, 0, 1] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] cp[0, :, 1, 1] = cp[0, :, 0, 1] cp[1, :, :, 1] = cp[0, :, :, 1] # set z coordinates cp[0, 0, 0, 2] = self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] * cell_kji0[0] cp[1, 0, 0, 2] = cp[0, 0, 0, 2] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] cp[:, 0, 1, 2] = cp[:, 0, 0, 2] cp[:, 1, :, 2] = cp[:, 0, :, 2] # translate by regular grid origin cp[:] += np.array(self.block_origin, dtype = float).reshape((1, 1, 1, 3)) return cp
[docs] def centre_point(self, cell_kji0 = None, cache_centre_array = False, use_origin = True): """Returns centre point of a cell or array of centre points of all cells. arguments: cell_kji0 (optional): if present, the (k, j, i) indices of the individual cell for which the centre point is required; zero based indexing cache_centre_array (bool, default False): If True, or cell_kji0 is None, an array of centre points is generated and added as an attribute of the grid, with attribute name array_centre_point use_origin (bool, default True): if True, the x, y & z offsets (local origin) are added to the computed cell centre points returns: (x, y, z) 3 element numpy array of floats holding centre point of cell; or numpy 3+1D array if cell_kji0 is None note: resulting coordinates are in the same (local) crs as the grid points if use_origin is True """ if cell_kji0 is None: cache_centre_array = True if cache_centre_array and (not hasattr(self, 'array_centre_point') or self.array_centre_point is None or not use_origin): centres = np.zeros((self.nk, self.nj,, 3)) if self.is_aligned: centres[:, :, :, 0] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] *, num =, endpoint = False).reshape((1, 1, centres[:, :, :, 1] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] * self.nj, num = self.nj, endpoint = False).reshape((1, self.nj, 1)) centres[:, :, :, 2] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2] * self.nk, num = self.nk, endpoint = False).reshape((self.nk, 1, 1)) else: # todo: replace for loops with linspace for k in range(self.nk - 1): centres[k + 1, 0, 0] = centres[k, 0, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[0] for j in range(self.nj - 1): centres[:, j + 1, 0] = centres[:, j, 0] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[1] for i in range( - 1): centres[:, :, i + 1] = centres[:, :, i] + self.block_dxyz_dkji[2] centres += 0.5 * np.sum(self.block_dxyz_dkji, axis = 0) if use_origin: centres += self.block_origin self.array_centre_point = centres else: centres = None if cell_kji0 is not None: if centres is not None: return centres[tuple(cell_kji0)] if hasattr(self, 'array_centre_point') and self.array_centre_point is not None and use_origin: return self.array_centre_point[tuple(cell_kji0)] float_kji0 = np.array(cell_kji0, dtype = float) + 0.5 centre = np.sum(self.block_dxyz_dkji * np.expand_dims(float_kji0, axis = -1).repeat(3, axis = -1), axis = 0) if use_origin: centre += self.block_origin return centre if centres is not None: return centres return self.array_centre_point
[docs] def aligned_column_centres(self): """For an aligned grid, returns an array of column centres in xy, of shape (nj, ni, 2).""" assert self.is_aligned centres = np.zeros((self.nj,, 2)) centres[:, :, 0] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0] *, num =, endpoint = False).reshape((1, centres[:, :, 1] = np.linspace(0.0, self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1] * self.nj, num = self.nj, endpoint = False).reshape((self.nj, 1)) centres += self.block_origin[:2] + 0.5 * np.sum(self.block_dxyz_dkji[1:, :2], axis = 0) return centres
[docs] def volume(self, cell_kji0 = None, required_uom = None): """Returns bulk rock volume of cell or numpy array of bulk rock volumes for all cells. arguments: cell_kji0 (optional): if present, the (k, j, i) indices of the individual cell for which the volume is required; zero based indexing required_uom (str, optional): if present, the RESQML unit of measure (for quantity volume) that the volumes will be returned in; if None, the grid's CRS z units cubed will be used returns: float, being the volume of cell identified by cell_kji0; or numpy float array of shape (nk, nj, ni) if cell_kji0 is None notes: the function can be used to find the volume of a single cell, or all cells; the method currently assumes that the primary i, j, k axes are mutually orthogonal """ required_uom = self.get_volume_uom(required_uom) conversion_factor = self.get_volume_conversion_factor(required_uom) vol = if conversion_factor is not None: vol *= conversion_factor if cell_kji0 is not None: return vol return np.full((self.nk, self.nj,, vol)
[docs] def thickness(self, cell_kji0 = None, **kwargs): """Returns cell thickness (K axial length) for a single cell or full array. arguments: cell_kji0 (triple int, optional): if present, the thickness for a single cell is returned; if None, an array is returned all other arguments ignored; present for compatibility with same method in Grid() returns: float, or numpy float array filled with a constant """ thick = self.axial_lengths_kji()[0] if cell_kji0 is not None: return thick return np.full((self.nk, self.nj,, thick, dtype = float)
[docs] def pinched_out(self, cell_kji0 = None, **kwargs): """Returns pinched out boolean (always False) for a single cell or full array. arguments: cell_kji0 (triple int, optional): if present, the pinched out flag for a single cell is returned; if None, an array is returned all other arguments ignored; present for compatibility with same method in Grid() returns: False, or numpy array filled with False """ if cell_kji0 is not None: return False return np.full((self.nk, self.nj,, False, dtype = bool)
[docs] def actual_pillar_shape(self, patch_metadata = False, tolerance = 0.001): """Returns actual shape of pillars. arguments: patch_metadata (boolean, default False): if True, the actual shape replaces whatever was in the metadata tolerance (float, ignored) returns: string: 'vertical', 'straight' or 'curved' note: setting patch_metadata True will affect the attribute in this Grid object; however, it will not be preserved unless the create_xml() method is called, followed at some point with model.store_epc() """ if np.all(self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, :2] == 0.0): return 'vertical' return 'straight'
[docs] def xyz_box(grid, points_root = None, lazy = True, local = False): """Returns the minimum and maximum xyz for the grid geometry. arguments: points_root (ignored): for compatibility with Grid method signature lazy (ignored): for compatibility with Grid method signature local (boolean, default False): if True, the xyz ranges that are returned are in the local coordinate space, otherwise the global (crs parent) coordinate space returns: numpy array of float of shape (2, 3); the first axis is minimum, maximum; the second axis is x, y, z :meta common: """ if grid.xyz_box_cached is None: grid.xyz_box_cached = np.empty((2, 3)) if grid.is_aligned: dxyz = np.array([grid.block_dxyz_dkji[2 - axis, axis] for axis in range(3)]) temp_box = np.zeros((2, 3)) temp_box[1] = np.array((, grid.nj, grid.nk), dtype = float) * dxyz grid.xyz_box_cached[0] = np.amin(temp_box, axis = 0) grid.xyz_box_cached[1] = np.amax(temp_box, axis = 0) else: # generate points for outer grid corners, find min & max by axis grid_cp = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 3)) for k in [0, 1]: lcp_k = float(k * grid.nk) * grid.block_dxyz_dkji[0] for j in [0, 1]: lcp_j = lcp_k + float(j * grid.nj) * grid.block_dxyz_dkji[1] for i in [0, 1]: grid_cp[k, j, i] = lcp_j + float(i * * grid.block_dxyz_dkji[2] grid_cp = grid_cp.reshape((8, 3)) grid.xyz_box_cached[0] = np.amin(grid_cp, axis = 0) grid.xyz_box_cached[1] = np.amax(grid_cp, axis = 0) grid.xyz_box_cached_thoroughly = True if local: return grid.xyz_box_cached global_xyz_box = grid.xyz_box_cached.copy() grid.local_to_global_crs(global_xyz_box, crs_uuid = grid.crs_uuid) g_xyz_box = np.empty((2, 3), dtype = float) g_xyz_box[0] = np.amin(global_xyz_box, axis = 0) g_xyz_box[1] = np.amax(global_xyz_box, axis = 0) return g_xyz_box
[docs] def find_cell_for_point_xy(self, x, y, k0 = 0, vertical_ref = 'top', local_coords = True): """Searches in 2D for a cell containing point x,y in layer k0; return (j0, i0) or (None, None).""" if x is None or y is None: return (None, None) if not local_coords and self.crs_uuid is not None: a = np.array([[x, y, 0.0]]) # extra axis needed to keep global_to_local_crs happy self.global_to_local_crs(a, crs_uuid = self.crs_uuid) x = a[0, 0] y = a[0, 1] log.debug(f'find for local x: {x}; y: {y}') if self.is_aligned: i0 = maths.floor(x / self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0]) j0 = maths.floor(y / self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1]) else: # TODO raise NotImplementedError('finding cell for x,y in unaligned regular grid') i0 = j0 = -1 log.debug(f'found j0: {j0}; i0: {i0}') if 0 <= i0 < and 0 <= j0 < self.nj: return (j0, i0) return (None, None)
[docs] def create_xml(self, ext_uuid = None, add_as_part = True, add_relationships = True, set_as_grid_root = True, title = None, originator = None, write_active = True, write_geometry = None, extra_metadata = {}, expand_const_arrays = False, add_cell_length_properties = True, use_lattice = True): """Creates xml for this RegularGrid object; by default the explicit geometry is not included. see docstring for Grid.create_xml() additional argument: add_cell_length_properties (boolean, default True): if True, 3 constant property arrays with cells as indexable element are created to hold the lengths of the primary axes of the cells; the xml is created for the properties and they are added to the model (no hdf5 write needed) use_lattice (boolean, default True): if True, a geometry node is created with a Point3dLatticeArray; note: if the regular grid has been instatiated using the as_irregular_grid mode, a lattice will not be used, regardless of the use_lattice argument; if using a lattice representation, the write_geomety argument is ignored and a lattice geometry will be created :meta common: """ if extra_metadata is None: extra_metadata = {} if write_geometry is None: write_geometry = (self.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid') if self.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid': use_lattice = False if write_geometry is None: write_geometry = (self.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid') else: extra_metadata = extra_metadata.copy() if write_geometry and not use_lattice: extra_metadata['grid_flavour'] = 'IjkGrid' if write_geometry or use_lattice: if 'crs uuid' in extra_metadata: extra_metadata.pop('crs uuid') elif self.crs_uuid is not None: extra_metadata['crs uuid'] = str(self.crs_uuid) node = super().create_xml(ext_uuid = ext_uuid, add_as_part = add_as_part, add_relationships = add_relationships, set_as_grid_root = set_as_grid_root, title = title, originator = originator, write_active = write_active, write_geometry = write_geometry or use_lattice, extra_metadata = extra_metadata, use_lattice = use_lattice) assert node is not None # patch in constant ...is_defined arrays if required if write_geometry or use_lattice: geom = rqet.find_tag(node, 'Geometry') assert geom is not None if always_write_pillar_geometry_is_defined and rqet.find_tag(geom, 'PillarGeometryIsDefined') is None: grr_xml._add_constant_pillar_geometry_is_defined(geom, self.extent_kji) if always_write_cell_geometry_is_defined and rqet.find_tag(geom, 'CellGeometryIsDefined') is None: grr_xml._add_constant_cell_geometry_is_defined(geom, self.extent_kji) if add_cell_length_properties: axes_lengths_kji = self.axial_lengths_kji() dpc = rprop.GridPropertyCollection() dpc.set_grid(self) for axis in range(3): dpc.add_cached_array_to_imported_list(None, 'regular grid', 'D' + 'ZYX'[axis], discrete = False, uom = self.xy_units(), property_kind = 'cell length', facet_type = 'direction', facet = 'KJI'[axis], indexable_element = 'cells', count = 1, const_value = axes_lengths_kji[axis]) if expand_const_arrays: dpc.write_hdf5_for_imported_list(expand_const_arrays = True) dpc.create_xml_for_imported_list_and_add_parts_to_model(expand_const_arrays = expand_const_arrays) if self.property_collection is None: self.property_collection = dpc else: if is None: self.property_collection.set_support(support = self) self.property_collection.inherit_parts_from_other_collection(dpc) if add_relationships and self.crs_uuid is not None: self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship_uuids(self.uuid, 'destinationObject', self.crs_uuid, 'sourceObject') return node
def _set_is_aligned(self): """Sets is_aligned attribute True if IJK axes align with +/- xyz respectively.""" if self.block_dxyz_dkji is None: self.is_aligned = None self.is_aligned = (np.count_nonzero(self.block_dxyz_dkji * np.array([[1.0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]])) == 0)
[docs] def aligned_dxyz(self): """Returns triple float dx, dy, dz cell dimensions for aligned grids only.""" assert self.is_aligned return (self.block_dxyz_dkji[2, 0], self.block_dxyz_dkji[1, 1], self.block_dxyz_dkji[0, 2])
[docs] def slice_points(self, axis = 0, ref_slice = 0, local = False): """Returns a slice of points data for a layer or a cross section. arguments: axis (int, default 0): the axis of slicing 0 for K, 1 for J, 2 for I ref_slice (int, default 0): the slice index in the direction of axis local (bool, default False): if True, returned points are in the local crs; if False in global returns: numpy float array of points data of shape (Na, Nb, 3); (Na, Nb) are (NJ+1, NI+1), (NK+1, NI+1) or (NK+1, NJ+1) for axis values of 0, 1, or 2 respectively """ assert 0 <= axis < 3 assert 0 <= ref_slice <= self.extent_kji[axis] other_axes = np.array([[1, 2], [0, 2], [0, 1]], dtype = int)[axis] shape = (self.extent_kji[other_axes[0]] + 1, self.extent_kji[other_axes[1]] + 1, 3) dxyz_da = self.block_dxyz_dkji[other_axes[0]] dxyz_db = self.block_dxyz_dkji[other_axes[1]] p = np.zeros(shape, dtype = float) if ref_slice: p[0, 0] = ref_slice * self.block_dxyz_dkji[axis] for a in range(1, shape[0]): p[a, 0] = p[0, 0] + a * dxyz_da for b in range(1, shape[1]): p[:, b] = p[:, 0] + b * dxyz_db if not local: assert is not None return p
def _add_geom_points_xml(self, geom_node, ext_uuid): # RegularGrid override method using lattice representation, called from Grid.create_xml() def make_axial_offset(model, p_node, axis, d, n): dxyz = np.zeros(3, dtype = float) dxyz[2 - axis] = d o_node = rqet.SubElement(p_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Offset') o_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'Point3dOffset') o_node.text = '\n' model.create_solitary_point3d('Offset', o_node, dxyz) space_node = rqet.SubElement(o_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Spacing') space_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'DoubleConstantArray') # nothing else catered for just now space_node.text = '\n' ov_node = rqet.SubElement(space_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Value') ov_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'double') ov_node.text = '1' oc_node = rqet.SubElement(space_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Count') oc_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'positiveInteger') oc_node.text = str(n) assert self.crs_uuid is not None if self.grid_representation == 'IjkBlockGrid': # todo: handle non aligned regular grids assert self.is_aligned points_node = rqet.SubElement(geom_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'Points') points_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['resqml2'] + 'Point3dLatticeArray') points_node.text = '\n' adao = rqet.SubElement(points_node, ns['resqml2'] + 'AllDimensionsAreOrthogonal') adao.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'boolean') adao.text = 'true' self.model.create_solitary_point3d('Origin', points_node, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) for axis in range(3): # note: 1st Offset is for K axis, 2nd for J, then I make_axial_offset(self.model, points_node, axis, self.aligned_dxyz()[2 - axis], self.extent_kji[axis]) else: # generate geometry as irregular grid super()._add_geom_points_xml(geom_node, ext_uuid)