Source code for

"""RESQML coordinate reference systems."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

import resqpy.model as rq
import resqpy.olio.uuid as bu
import resqpy.olio.vector_utilities as vec
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
import resqpy.weights_and_measures as wam
from resqpy.olio.base import BaseResqpy
from resqpy.olio.xml_namespaces import curly_namespace as ns

PointType = Union[Tuple[float, float, float], List[float], np.ndarray]

axis_reordering = {  # dictionary mapping from axis ordering to 2x2 transform matrix to convert from key to "easting northing"
    "easting northing": np.array([(1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)], dtype = float),
    "northing easting": np.array([(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)], dtype = float),
    "westing southing": np.array([(-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0)], dtype = float),
    "southing westing": np.array([(0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0)], dtype = float),
    "northing westing": np.array([(0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 0.0)], dtype = float),
    "westing northing": np.array([(-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)], dtype = float),

[docs]class Crs(BaseResqpy): """Coordinate reference system object.""" @property def resqml_type(self): """Returns the RESQML class for this crs.""" return 'LocalTime3dCrs' if hasattr(self, 'time_units') and self.time_units else 'LocalDepth3dCrs' valid_axis_orders = ("easting northing", "northing easting", "westing southing", "southing westing", "northing westing", "westing northing")
[docs] def __init__(self, parent_model: 'rq.Model', uuid: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, x_offset: float = 0.0, y_offset: float = 0.0, z_offset: float = 0.0, rotation: float = 0.0, rotation_units: str = 'dega', xy_units: str = 'm', z_units: str = 'm', z_inc_down: bool = True, axis_order: str = 'easting northing', time_units: Optional[str] = None, epsg_code: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, originator: Optional[str] = None, extra_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): """Create a new coordinate reference system object. arguments: parent_model (model.Model): the model to which the new Crs object will belong crs_uuid (uuid.UUID): the uuid of an existing RESQML crs object in model, from which to instantiate the resqpy Crs object; if present, all the remaining arguments are ignored x_offset, y_offset, z_offset (floats, default zero): the local origin within an implicit parent crs rotation (float, default zero): a projected view rotation (in the xy plane), in radians, relative to an implicit parent crs; positive value indicates local y axis is clockwise from global y axis. rotation_units (str, default 'dega'): the units applicable to rotation, usually 'dega' or 'rad' xy_units (str, default 'm'): the units applicable to x & y values; must be one of the RESQML length uom strings z_units (str, default 'm'): the units applicable to z depth values; must be one of the RESQML length uom strings z_inc_down (boolean, default True): if True, increasing z values indicate greater depth (ie. in direction of gravity); if False, increasing z values indicate greater elevation axis_order (str, default 'easting northing'): the compass directions of the positive x and y axes respectively time_units (str, optional): if present, the time units of the z values (for seismic datasets), in which case the z_units argument is irrelevant epsg_code (str, optional): if present, the EPSG code of the implicit parent crs title (str, optional): the citation title to use for a new crs; ignored if uuid is not None originator (str, optional): the name of the person creating the crs, defaults to login id; ignored if uuid is not None extra_metadata (dict, optional): string key, value pairs to add as extra metadata for the crs; ignored if uuid is not None returns: a new resqpy Crs object notes: although resqpy does not have full support for identifying a parent crs, the modifiers such as a local origin may be used on the assumption that all crs objects refer to the same implicit parent crs; there are two equivalent RESQML classes and which one is generated depends on whether the time_units argument is used, when instantiating from values; it is strongly encourage to call the create_xml() method immediately after instantiation (unless the resqpy crs is a temporary object) as the uuid may be modified at that point to re-use any existing equivalent RESQML crs object in the model; a positive rotation implies that local coordinates are clockwise from global coordinates :meta common: """ self.xy_units = xy_units self.z_units = z_units self.time_units = time_units # if None, z values are depth; if not None, z values are time (from seismic) self.z_inc_down = z_inc_down self.x_offset = x_offset self.y_offset = y_offset self.z_offset = z_offset self.rotation = rotation self.rotation_units = rotation_units self.axis_order = axis_order self.epsg_code = epsg_code # following are derived attributes, set below self.rotated = None self.rotation_matrix = None self.reverse_rotation_matrix = None super().__init__(model = parent_model, uuid = uuid, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata) assert self.xy_units in wam.valid_uoms(quantity = 'length'), f'invalid CRS xy units: {self.xy_units}' assert self.z_units == self.xy_units or self.z_units in wam.valid_uoms( quantity = 'length'), f'invalid CRS z units: {self.z_units}' assert self.rotation_units in wam.valid_uoms(quantity='plane angle'), \ f'invalid CRS rotation units: {self.rotation_units}' if self.time_units: assert self.time_units in wam.valid_uoms(quantity = 'time'), f'invalid CRS time units: {self.time_units}' assert self.axis_order in self.valid_axis_orders, 'invalid CRS axis order: ' + str(axis_order) self.set_rotation_matrices()
def _load_from_xml(self): root_node = self.root assert root_node is not None flavour = rqet.node_type(root_node) assert flavour in ['obj_LocalDepth3dCrs', 'obj_LocalTime3dCrs'], f'bad crs node type: {flavour}' if flavour == 'obj_LocalTime3dCrs': self.time_units = rqet.find_tag_text(root_node, 'TimeUom') assert self.time_units else: self.time_units = None self.xy_units = rqet.find_tag_text(root_node, 'ProjectedUom') self.axis_order = rqet.find_tag_text(root_node, 'ProjectedAxisOrder') self.z_units = rqet.find_tag_text(root_node, 'VerticalUom') self.z_inc_down = rqet.find_tag_bool(root_node, 'ZIncreasingDownward') self.x_offset = rqet.find_tag_float(root_node, 'XOffset') self.y_offset = rqet.find_tag_float(root_node, 'YOffset') self.z_offset = rqet.find_tag_float(root_node, 'ZOffset') self.rotation = rqet.find_tag_float(root_node, 'ArealRotation') rotation_node = rqet.find_tag(root_node, 'ArealRotation') self.rotation_units = rotation_node.attrib.get('uom') parent_xy_crs = rqet.find_tag(root_node, 'ProjectedCrs') if parent_xy_crs is not None and rqet.node_type(parent_xy_crs) == 'ProjectedCrsEpsgCode': self.epsg_code = rqet.find_tag_text(parent_xy_crs, 'EpsgCode') # should be an integer? else: self.epsg_code = None
[docs] def set_rotation_matrices(self): """Sets the rotation matrices, and the rotated and null_transform flags, call after changing rotation.""" rotation_deg = wam.convert(self.rotation, self.rotation_units, 'dega', quantity = 'plane angle') # log.debug(f'setting rotation matrices for dega: {rotation_deg}') self.rotated = (not maths.isclose(rotation_deg, 0.0, abs_tol = 1e-8) and not maths.isclose(rotation_deg, 360.0, abs_tol = 1e-8)) if self.rotated: self.rotation_matrix = vec.rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, rotation_deg) self.reverse_rotation_matrix = vec.rotation_matrix_3d_axial(2, -rotation_deg) if self.is_right_handed_xy(): self.rotation_matrix, self.reverse_rotation_matrix = self.reverse_rotation_matrix, self.rotation_matrix else: self.rotation_matrix = None self.reverse_rotation_matrix = None self.null_transform = (maths.isclose(self.x_offset, 0.0, abs_tol = 1e-8) and maths.isclose(self.y_offset, 0.0, abs_tol = 1e-8) and maths.isclose(self.z_offset, 0.0, abs_tol = 1e-8) and not self.rotated)
[docs] def is_right_handed_xy(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the xy axes are right handed when viewed from above; False if left handed.""" return bool(self.axis_order in ["northing easting", "southing westing", "westing northing"])
[docs] def is_right_handed_xyz(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the xyz axes are right handed; False if left handed.""" return self.is_right_handed_xy() is bool(self.z_inc_down)
[docs] def global_to_local(self, xyz: PointType, global_z_inc_down: bool = True, global_axis_order = 'easting northing') -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Convert a single xyz point from the parent coordinate reference system to this one.""" x, y, z = xyz # note: x & y offsets assumed to be in local axis ordering if self.axis_order != global_axis_order: assert global_axis_order in self.valid_axis_orders, f'invalid axis order: {global_axis_order}' x, y = switch_axes(global_axis_order, self.axis_order, x, y) if self.x_offset != 0.0: x -= self.x_offset if self.y_offset != 0.0: y -= self.y_offset if global_z_inc_down != self.z_inc_down: z = -z if self.z_offset != 0.0: z -= self.z_offset if self.rotated: (x, y, z) = vec.rotate_vector(self.rotation_matrix, np.array((x, y, z))) return (x, y, z)
[docs] def global_to_local_array(self, xyz: np.ndarray, global_z_inc_down: bool = True, global_axis_order = 'easting northing'): """Convert in situ a numpy array of xyz points from the parent coordinate reference system to this one.""" # note: x & y offsets assumed to be in local axis ordering if self.axis_order != global_axis_order: assert global_axis_order in self.valid_axis_orders, f'invalid axis order: {global_axis_order}' switch_axes_array(global_axis_order, self.axis_order, xyz) if self.x_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 0] -= self.x_offset if self.y_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 1] -= self.y_offset if global_z_inc_down != self.z_inc_down: z = np.negative(xyz[..., 2]) xyz[..., 2] = z if self.z_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 2] -= self.z_offset if self.rotated: a = vec.rotate_array(self.rotation_matrix, xyz) xyz[:] = a
[docs] def local_to_global(self, xyz: PointType, global_z_inc_down: bool = True, global_axis_order = 'easting northing') -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Convert a single xyz point from this coordinate reference system to the parent one.""" if self.rotated: (x, y, z) = vec.rotate_vector(self.reverse_rotation_matrix, np.array(xyz)) else: (x, y, z) = xyz if self.x_offset != 0.0: x += self.x_offset if self.y_offset != 0.0: y += self.y_offset if self.z_offset != 0.0: z += self.z_offset if global_z_inc_down != self.z_inc_down: z = -z # note: x & y offsets assumed to be in local axis ordering if self.axis_order != global_axis_order: assert global_axis_order in self.valid_axis_orders, f'invalid axis order: {global_axis_order}' x, y = switch_axes(self.axis_order, global_axis_order, x, y) return (x, y, z)
[docs] def local_to_global_array(self, xyz: np.ndarray, global_z_inc_down: bool = True, global_axis_order = 'easting northing'): """Convert in situ a numpy array of xyz points from this coordinate reference system to the parent one.""" if self.rotated: a = vec.rotate_array(self.reverse_rotation_matrix, xyz) xyz[:] = a if self.x_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 0] += self.x_offset if self.y_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 1] += self.y_offset if self.z_offset != 0.0: xyz[..., 2] += self.z_offset if global_z_inc_down != self.z_inc_down: z = np.negative(xyz[..., 2]) xyz[..., 2] = z # note: x & y offsets assumed to be in local axis ordering if self.axis_order != global_axis_order: assert global_axis_order in self.valid_axis_orders, f'invalid axis order: {global_axis_order}' switch_axes_array(self.axis_order, global_axis_order, xyz)
[docs] def has_same_epsg_code(self, other_crs: 'Crs') -> bool: """Returns True if either of the crs'es has a null EPSG code, or if they are the same.""" return not self.epsg_code or not other_crs.epsg_code or self.epsg_code == other_crs.epsg_code
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other_crs: 'Crs') -> bool: """Returns True if this crs is effectively the same as the other crs.""" # log.debug('testing crs equivalence') if other_crs is None: return False if self is other_crs: return True if bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other_crs.uuid): return True if self.resqml_type != other_crs.resqml_type: return False if self.xy_units != other_crs.xy_units or self.z_units != other_crs.z_units: return False if self.z_inc_down != other_crs.z_inc_down: return False if (self.time_units is not None or other_crs.time_units is not None) and self.time_units != other_crs.time_units: return False if self.axis_order != other_crs.axis_order: return False if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs): return False if not _matching_extra_metadata(self, other_crs): return False if self.null_transform and other_crs.null_transform: return True if (maths.isclose(self.x_offset, other_crs.x_offset, abs_tol = 1e-4) and maths.isclose(self.y_offset, other_crs.y_offset, abs_tol = 1e-4) and maths.isclose(self.z_offset, other_crs.z_offset, abs_tol = 1e-4) and maths.isclose(self.rotation, other_crs.rotation, abs_tol = 1e-4)): return True # todo: handle and check rotation units; modularly equivalent rotations return False
[docs] def convert_to(self, other_crs: 'Crs', xyz: PointType) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Converts a single xyz point from this coordinate reference system to the other. :meta common: """ if self is other_crs: return _as_xyz_tuple(xyz) assert self.resqml_type == other_crs.resqml_type # assert self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs) if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs): log.warning("converting between crs'es with different epsg codes") xyz = self.local_to_global(xyz) # yapf: disable if self.resqml_type == 'LocalDepth3dCrs': xyz = (wam.convert_lengths(xyz[0], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[1], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[2], self.z_units, other_crs.z_units)) else: xyz = (wam.convert_lengths(xyz[0], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[1], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units), wam.convert_times(xyz[2], self.time_units, other_crs.time_units)) # yapf: enable xyz = other_crs.global_to_local(xyz) return _as_xyz_tuple(xyz)
[docs] def convert_array_to(self, other_crs: 'Crs', xyz: np.ndarray): """Converts in situ a numpy array of xyz points from this coordinate reference system to the other. :meta common: """ if self.is_equivalent(other_crs): return xyz assert self.resqml_type == other_crs.resqml_type # assert self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs) if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs): log.warning("converting between crs'es with different epsg codes") self.local_to_global_array(xyz) if self.resqml_type == 'LocalDepth3dCrs': if self.xy_units == self.z_units and other_crs.xy_units == other_crs.z_units: wam.convert_lengths(xyz, self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units) else: wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., :2], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units) wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., 2], self.z_units, other_crs.z_units) else: wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., :2], self.xy_units, other_crs.xy_units) wam.convert_times(xyz[..., 2], self.time_units, other_crs.time_units) other_crs.global_to_local_array(xyz) return xyz
[docs] def convert_from(self, other_crs: 'Crs', xyz: PointType) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Converts a single xyz point from the other coordinate reference system to this one. :meta common: """ if self is other_crs: return _as_xyz_tuple(xyz) assert self.resqml_type == other_crs.resqml_type # assert self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs) if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs): log.warning("converting between crs'es with different epsg codes") xyz = other_crs.local_to_global(xyz) # yapf: disable if self.resqml_type == 'LocalDepth3dCrs': xyz = (wam.convert_lengths(xyz[0], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[1], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[2], other_crs.z_units, self.z_units)) else: xyz = (wam.convert_lengths(xyz[0], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units), wam.convert_lengths(xyz[1], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units), wam.convert_times(xyz[2], other_crs.time_units, self.time_units)) # yapf: enable xyz = self.global_to_local(xyz) return _as_xyz_tuple(xyz)
[docs] def convert_array_from(self, other_crs: 'Crs', xyz: np.ndarray): """Converts in situ a numpy array of xyz points from the other coordinate reference system to this one. :meta common: """ if self.is_equivalent(other_crs): return xyz assert self.resqml_type == other_crs.resqml_type # assert self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs) if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs): log.warning("converting between crs'es with different epsg codes") other_crs.local_to_global_array(xyz) if self.resqml_type == 'LocalDepth3dCrs': if self.xy_units == self.z_units and other_crs.xy_units == other_crs.z_units: wam.convert_lengths(xyz, other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units) else: wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., :2], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units) wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., 2], other_crs.z_units, self.z_units) else: wam.convert_lengths(xyz[..., :2], other_crs.xy_units, self.xy_units) wam.convert_times(xyz[..., 2], other_crs.time_units, self.time_units) self.global_to_local_array(xyz) return xyz
[docs] def create_xml(self, title: Optional[str] = None, originator: Optional[str] = None, extra_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, add_as_part: bool = True, reuse: bool = True): """Creates a Coordinate Reference System xml node and optionally adds as a part in the parent model. arguments: title (string, optional): used as the Title text in the citation node originator (string, optional): the name of the human being who created the crs object; default is to use the login name extra_metadata (dict, optional): string key, value pairs to add as extra metadata for the crs add_as_part (boolean, default True): if True the newly created crs node is added to the model as a part reuse (boolean, default True): if True and an equivalent crs already exists in the model then the uuid for this Crs is modified to match that of the existing object and the existing xml node is returned without anything new being added returns: newly created (or reused) coordinate reference system xml node notes: if the reuse argument is True, it is strongly recommended to call this method immediately after a new Crs has been instantiated from explicit values, as the uuid may be modified here; if reuse is True, the title is not regarded as important and a match with an existing object may occur even if the titles differ :meta common: """ if reuse and self.try_reuse(): return self.root # check for reusable (equivalent) object crs = super().create_xml(add_as_part = False, title = title, originator = originator, extra_metadata = extra_metadata) xoffset = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'XOffset') xoffset.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'double') xoffset.text = '{0:5.3f}'.format(self.x_offset) yoffset = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'YOffset') yoffset.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'double') yoffset.text = '{0:5.3f}'.format(self.y_offset) zoffset = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ZOffset') zoffset.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'double') zoffset.text = '{0:6.4f}'.format(self.z_offset) rotation = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ArealRotation') rotation.set('uom', self.rotation_units) rotation.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'PlaneAngleMeasure') rotation.text = '{0:8.6f}'.format(self.rotation) if self.axis_order is None: axes = 'easting northing' else: axes = self.axis_order.lower() axis_order = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ProjectedAxisOrder') axis_order.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'AxisOrder2d') axis_order.text = axes xy_uom = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ProjectedUom') xy_uom.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'LengthUom') xy_uom.text = wam.rq_length_unit(self.xy_units) z_uom = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'VerticalUom') z_uom.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'LengthUom') z_uom.text = wam.rq_length_unit(self.z_units) if self.time_units is not None: t_uom = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'TimeUom') t_uom.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'TimeUom') # todo: check this t_uom.text = self.time_units z_sense = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ZIncreasingDownward') z_sense.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'boolean') z_sense.text = str(self.z_inc_down).lower() xy_crs = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'ProjectedCrs') xy_crs.text = rqet.null_xml_text if self.epsg_code is None: xy_crs.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'ProjectedUnknownCrs') self.model.create_unknown(root = xy_crs) else: xy_crs.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'ProjectedCrsEpsgCode') epsg_node = rqet.SubElement(xy_crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'EpsgCode') epsg_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'positiveInteger') epsg_node.text = str(self.epsg_code) z_crs = rqet.SubElement(crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'VerticalCrs') if self.epsg_code is None: z_crs.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'VerticalUnknownCrs') z_crs.text = rqet.null_xml_text self.model.create_unknown(root = z_crs) else: # not sure if this is appropriate for the vertical crs z_crs.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['eml'] + 'VerticalCrsEpsgCode') epsg_node = rqet.SubElement(z_crs, ns['resqml2'] + 'EpsgCode') epsg_node.set(ns['xsi'] + 'type', ns['xsd'] + 'positiveInteger') epsg_node.text = str(self.epsg_code) if add_as_part: self.model.add_part('obj_' + self.resqml_type, bu.uuid_from_string(crs.attrib['uuid']), crs) if self.model.crs_uuid is None: self.model.crs_uuid = self.uuid # mark's as 'main' (ie. first) crs for model return crs
[docs]def switch_axes(from_order, to_order, x, y): """Return x, y pair converting from one axis order to another.""" matrix = np.matmul(axis_reordering[to_order].T, axis_reordering[from_order]) return tuple(np.matmul(np.array((x, y), dtype = float), matrix))
[docs]def switch_axes_array(from_order, to_order, xyz_array): """Modify x & y values of array in situ, converting from one axis order to another.""" matrix = np.matmul(axis_reordering[to_order].T, axis_reordering[from_order]) assert xyz_array.shape[-1] in [2, 3] xy = np.matmul(xyz_array[..., :2], matrix) xyz_array[..., :2] = xy
def _as_xyz_tuple(xyz): """Coerce into 3-tuple of floats.""" return tuple((float(xyz[0]), float(xyz[1]), float(xyz[2]))) def _matching_extra_metadata(a, b): if not hasattr(a, 'extra_metadata') and not hasattr(b, 'extra_metadata'): return True if not hasattr(a, 'extra_metadata') or not hasattr(b, 'extra_metadata'): return False if len(a.extra_metadata) != len(b.extra_metadata): return False if len(a.extra_metadata) == 0: return True for i in a.extra_metadata.items(): if i not in b.extra_metadata.items(): return False return True