
class resqpy.well.MdDatum(parent_model, uuid=None, crs_uuid=None, location=None, md_reference='mean sea level', title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)

Bases: BaseResqpy

Class for RESQML measured depth datum.

Public Data Attributes:


Inherited from BaseResqpy



Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.


XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


__init__(parent_model[, uuid, crs_uuid, ...])

Initialises a new MdDatum object.


Returns uuid for coordinate reference system, as stored in reference node of this md datum's xml tree.

create_xml([add_as_part, add_relationships, ...])

Creates xml for a measured depth datum element; crs node must already exist; optionally adds as part.


Implements equals operator, comparing metadata items deemed significant.

Inherited from BaseResqpy

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, crs_uuid, ...])

Initialises a new MdDatum object.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

create_xml([add_as_part, add_relationships, ...])

Creates xml for a measured depth datum element; crs node must already exist; optionally adds as part.


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.


Implements not equal operator.


String representation.

__init__(parent_model, uuid=None, crs_uuid=None, location=None, md_reference='mean sea level', title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Initialises a new MdDatum object.

  • parent_model (model.Model object) – the model which the new md datum belongs to

  • uuid – If not None, load from existing object. Else, create new.

  • crs_uuid (uuid.UUID) – required if initialising from values

  • location – (triple float): the x, y, z location of the new measured depth datum; ignored if uuid is not None

  • md_reference (string) – human readable resqml standard string indicating the real world nature of the datum, eg. ‘kelly bushing’; the full list of options is available as the global variable valid_md_reference_list in this module; ignored if uuid is not None

  • title (str, optional) – the citation title to use for a new datum; ignored if uuid is not None

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the datum, defaults to login id; ignored if uuid is not None

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – string key, value pairs to add as extra metadata for the datum; ignored if uuid is not None


the newly instantiated measured depth datum object


this function does not create an xml node for the md datum; call the create_xml() method afterwards if initialising from data other than an existing RESQML object


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.

property citation_title

Citation block title equivalent to self.title.

create_xml(add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, title=None, originator=None)[source]

Creates xml for a measured depth datum element; crs node must already exist; optionally adds as part.

  • add_as_part (boolean, default True) – if True, the newly created xml node is added as a part in the model

  • add_relationships (boolean, default True) – if True, a relationship xml part is created relating the new md datum part to the crs

  • title (string) – used as the citation Title text for the new md datum node

  • originator (string, optional) – the name of the human being who created the md datum part; default is to use the login name


the newly created measured depth datum xml node


Returns uuid for coordinate reference system, as stored in reference node of this md datum’s xml tree.


Implements equals operator, comparing metadata items deemed significant.

property part

Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.

property root

XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.


boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not


by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect


Citation title


Creator of object. By default, user id.


Unique identifier