
class resqpy.surface.Surface(parent_model, uuid=None, point_set=None, mesh=None, mesh_file=None, mesh_format=None, tsurf_file=None, quad_triangles=False, title=None, surface_role='map', crs_uuid=None, originator=None, extra_metadata={})

Bases: BaseSurface

Class for RESQML triangulated set surfaces.

Public Data Attributes:



Returns the uuid of the represented surface interpretation, or None.

Inherited from BaseResqpy



Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.


XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Citation block title equivalent to self.title.

Commonly Used Methods:

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, point_set, ...])

Create an empty Surface object (RESQML TriangulatedSetRepresentation).


Returns arrays representing one patch or a combination of all the patches in the surface.


For surface freshly built from fully defined mesh, returns (j, i) for given triangle index.

set_to_horizontal_plane(depth, box_xyz[, ...])

Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of two triangles.

write_hdf5([file_name, mode])

Create or append to an hdf5 file, writing datasets for the triangulated patches after caching arrays.

create_xml([ext_uuid, add_as_part, ...])

Creates a triangulated surface xml node from this surface object and optionally adds as part of model.


from_tri_mesh(tri_mesh[, exclude_nans])

Create a Surface from a TriMesh.

from_downsampling_surface(fine_surface[, ...])

Create a Surface by taking a random subset of points from an existing surface and re-triangulating.


Makes a note of the xml root of the represented interpretation.


Scan surface root for triangle patches, create TriangulatedPatch objects and build up patch_list.


Associate the surface with a resqml model (does not create xml or write hdf5 data).


Returns the number of patches present in the surface.


Return the numner of triangles in this surface, or in one patch.


Return the number of nodes (points) used in this surface, or in one patch.


Changes the crs of the surface, also sets a new uuid if crs changed.

set_to_trimmed_surface(large_surface[, ...])

Populate this (empty) surface with triangles and points which overlap with a trimming volume.

set_to_split_surface(large_surface, line, ...)

Populate this (empty) surface with a version of a larger surface split by a straight xy line.


Returns a numpy int array of shape (N, 2) being the ordered node pairs of distinct edges of triangles.


Returns unique edges as pairs of point indices, and a count of uses of each edge.

edge_lengths([required_uom, patch])

Returns float array of shape (N, 3) being triangle edge lengths.

set_from_triangles_and_points(triangles, points)

Populate this (empty) Surface object from an array of triangle corner indices and an array of points.


Populate this (empty) Surface object from a list of paits: array of triangle corner indices, array of points.

set_from_point_set(point_set[, ...])

Populate this (empty) Surface object with a Delaunay triangulation of points in a PointSet object.


Reorders cached triangles data such that all triangles are clockwise when viewed from -ve z axis.


Returns cached points or copy thereof with z values adjusted to xy units.


Returns a vector that is roughly normal to the surface.

set_from_irregular_mesh(mesh_xyz[, ...])

Populate this (empty) Surface object from an untorn mesh array of shape (N, M, 3).


Populate this (empty) Surface object from a mesh array of shape (N, M, 3) with NaNs.

set_from_mesh_object(mesh[, quad_triangles])

Populate the (empty) Surface object from a Mesh object.

set_from_torn_mesh(mesh_xyz[, quad_triangles])

Populate this (empty) Surface object from a torn mesh array of shape (nj, ni, 2, 2, 3).


Populates this (empty) surface to represent faces of a cell, from corner points of shape (2, 2, 2, 3).


Populates this (empty) surface to represent faces of a set of cells.


For surface freshly built for cell faces, returns (cell_number, face_axis, polarity).


Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of one triangle.


Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of two triangles.

set_to_sail(n, centre, radius, azimuth, ...)

Populate this (empty) surface with a patch representing a triangle wrapped on a sphere.

set_from_mesh_file(filename, format[, ...])

Populate this (empty) surface from a zmap or RMS text mesh file.


Populate this (empty) surface from a GOCAD tsurf file.

set_from_zmap_file(filename[, quad_triangles])

Populate this (empty) surface from a zmap mesh file.

set_from_roxar_file(filename[, quad_triangles])

Populate this (empty) surface from an RMS text mesh file.

set_from_rms_file(filename[, quad_triangles])

Populate this (empty) surface from an RMS text mesh file.

vertical_rescale_points([ref_depth, ...])

Modify the z values of points by rescaling.

line_intersection(line_p, line_v[, ...])

Returns x,y,z of an intersection point of straight line with the surface, or None if no intersection found.

sample_z_at_xy_points(points[, ...])

Returns interpolated z values for an array of xy values.

normal_vectors([add_as_property, patch])

Returns the normal vectors for each triangle in the patch or surface.

axial_edge_crossings(axis[, value])

Returns list-like array of points interpolated from triangle edges that cross value in axis.


Creates a new surface which is a refined version of this surface; each triangle is divided equally into 4 new triangles.

Inherited from BaseSurface

create_interpretation_and_feature([kind, ...])

Creates xml and objects for a represented interpretaion and interpreted feature, if not already present.

Inherited from BaseResqpy

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, point_set, ...])

Create an empty Surface object (RESQML TriangulatedSetRepresentation).


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

create_xml([ext_uuid, add_as_part, ...])

Creates a triangulated surface xml node from this surface object and optionally adds as part of model.


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.


Implements not equal operator.


String representation.

__init__(parent_model, uuid=None, point_set=None, mesh=None, mesh_file=None, mesh_format=None, tsurf_file=None, quad_triangles=False, title=None, surface_role='map', crs_uuid=None, originator=None, extra_metadata={})[source]

Create an empty Surface object (RESQML TriangulatedSetRepresentation).

Optionally populates from xml, point set or mesh.

  • parent_model (model.Model object) – the model to which this surface belongs

  • uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – if present, the surface is initialised from an existing RESQML object with this uuid

  • point_set (PointSet object, optional) – if present, the surface is initialised as a Delaunay triangulation of the points in the point set; ignored if extracting from xml

  • mesh (Mesh object, optional) – if present, the surface is initialised as a triangulation of the mesh; ignored if extracting from xml or if point_set is present

  • mesh_file (string, optional) – the path of an ascii file holding a mesh in RMS text or zmap+ format; ignored if extracting from xml or point_set or mesh is present

  • mesh_format (string, optional) – ‘rms’ or ‘zmap’; required if initialising from mesh_file

  • tsurf_file (string, optional) – the path of an ascii file holding details of triangles and points in GOCAD-Tsurf format; ignored if extraction from xml or point_set or mesh is present

  • quad_triangles (boolean, default False) – if initialising from mesh or mesh_file, each ‘square’ is represented by 2 triangles if quad_triangles is False, 4 triangles if True

  • title (string, optional) – used as the citation title for the new object, ignored if extracting from xml

  • surface_role (string, default 'map') – ‘map’ or ‘pick’; ignored if uuid is not None

  • crs_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – if present and not extracting from xml, is set as the crs uuid applicable to mesh etc. data

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the object; defaults to login id; ignored when initialising from an existing RESQML object

  • extra_metadata (dict) – items in this dictionary are added as extra metadata; ignored when initialising from an existing RESQML object


a newly created surface object


there are 6 ways to initialise a surface object, in order of precendence: 1. extracting from xml 2. as a Delaunay triangulation of points in a PointSet 3. as a simple triangulation of a Mesh object 4. as a simple triangulation of a mesh in an ascii file 5. from a GOCAD-TSurf format file 5. as an empty surface if an empty surface is created, set_from… methods are available to then set for one of: - a horizontal plane - a single triangle - a ‘sail’ (a triangle wrapped onto a sphere) - etc. the quad_triangles option is only applied if initialising from a mesh or mesh_file that is fully defined (ie. no NaN’s)


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.

axial_edge_crossings(axis, value=0.0)[source]

Returns list-like array of points interpolated from triangle edges that cross value in axis.

  • axis (int) – xyz axis; 0 for crossings in x axis, 1 for y, 2 for z

  • value (float, default 0.0) – the value in axis at which crossing points are sought


numpy float array of shape (N, 3) being interpolated triangle edge points with the crossing

value in axis; or None if no crossings found


For surface freshly built for cell faces, returns (cell_number, face_axis, polarity).


triangle_index (int or numpy int array) – the triangle index (or array of indices) for which cell face information is required


triple int – (cell_number, axis, polarity)


if the surface was built for a single cell, the returned cell number will be zero


Changes the crs of the surface, also sets a new uuid if crs changed.


this method is usually used to change the coordinate system for a temporary resqpy object; to add as a new part, call write_hdf5() and create_xml() methods

property citation_title

Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


For surface freshly built from fully defined mesh, returns (j, i) for given triangle index.


triangle_index (int or numpy int array): the triangle index (or array of indices) for which column(s) is/are being sought


pair of ints or pair of numpy int arrays – the (j0, i0) indices of the column(s) which the triangle(s) is/are part of


this function will only work if the surface has been freshly constructed with data from a mesh without NaNs, otherwise (None, None) will be returned; the information needed to map from triangle to column is not persistently stored as part of a resqml surface; if triangle_index is a numpy int array, a pair of similarly shaped numpy arrays is returned

create_interpretation_and_feature(kind='horizon', name=None, interp_title_suffix=None, is_normal=True)

Creates xml and objects for a represented interpretaion and interpreted feature, if not already present.

create_xml(ext_uuid=None, add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, crs_uuid=None, title=None, originator=None)[source]

Creates a triangulated surface xml node from this surface object and optionally adds as part of model.

  • ext_uuid (uuid.UUID) – the uuid of the hdf5 external part holding the surface arrays

  • add_as_part (boolean, default True) – if True, the newly created xml node is added as a part in the model

  • add_relationships (boolean, default True) – if True, a relationship xml part is created relating the new triangulated representation part to the crs part (and optional interpretation part)

  • crs_uuid (optional) – the uuid of the coordinate reference system applicable to the surface points data; if None, the main crs for the model is assumed to apply

  • title (string) – used as the citation Title text; should be meaningful to a human

  • originator (string, optional) – the name of the human being who created the triangulated representation part; default is to use the login name


the newly created triangulated representation (surface) xml node


Returns a numpy int array of shape (N, 2) being the ordered node pairs of distinct edges of triangles.


patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, a combination of edges for all patches is returned


Returns unique edges as pairs of point indices, and a count of uses of each edge.


patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, combined results for all patches are returned


numpy int array of shape (N, 2), numpy int array of shape (N,) where 2D array is list-like sorted points index pairs for unique edges and 1D array contains corresponding edge usage count (usually 1 or 2)


first entry in each pair is always the lower of the two point indices; for well formed surfaces, the count should everywhere be one or two; the function does not attempt to detect coincident points

edge_lengths(required_uom=None, patch=None)[source]

Returns float array of shape (N, 3) being triangle edge lengths.

  • required_uom (str, optional) – the required length uom for the resulting edge lengths; default is crs xy units

  • patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, edge lengths for all patches are returned


numpy float array of shape (N, 3) where N is the number of triangles


Scan surface root for triangle patches, create TriangulatedPatch objects and build up patch_list.

classmethod from_downsampling_surface(fine_surface, point_count=None, title=None, target_model=None, inherit_extra_metadata=True, inherit_represented_interpretation=True, convexity_parameter=5.0)[source]

Create a Surface by taking a random subset of points from an existing surface and re-triangulating.

  • fine_surface (Surface) – a finely triangulated existing surface

  • point_count (int, optional) – the number of randomly selected points to keep; defaults to 1% of the fine surface point count

  • title (str, optional) – the title for the new (coarse) surface; defaults to the title of the fine surface

  • target_model (Model, optional) – the model to receive the new surface; defaults to that of the fine surface

  • inherit_extra_metadata (bool, default True) – if True, the coarse surface will inherit any extra metadata that the fine surface has

  • inherit_represented_interpretation (bool, default True) – if True and the fine surface has a represented interpretation then it is inherited by the coarse surface

  • convexity_parameter (float, default 5.0) – controls how likely the resulting triangulation is to be convex; reduce to 1.0 to allow slightly more concavities; increase to 100.0 or more for very little chance of even a slight concavity


new Surface, without its hdf5 having been written, nor xml created


if the fine surface does not have more points than point count, then a copy of that surface is returned without re-triangulating

classmethod from_tri_mesh(tri_mesh, exclude_nans=False)[source]

Create a Surface from a TriMesh.

  • tri_mesh (TriMesh) – the tri mesh for which an equivalent Surface is required

  • exclude_nans (bool, default False) – if True, and tri mesh point involving a not-a-number is excluded from the surface points, along with any triangle that has such a point as a vertex


a new Surface using the points and triangles of the tri mesh


this method does not write hdf5 data nor create xml for the new Surface

line_intersection(line_p, line_v, line_segment=False, patch=None)[source]

Returns x,y,z of an intersection point of straight line with the surface, or None if no intersection found.


Reorders cached triangles data such that all triangles are clockwise when viewed from -ve z axis.


if reorient is set True, a copy of the points is first reoriented such that they lie roughly in the xy plane, and the clockwise-ness of the triangles is effected in that space


Return the number of nodes (points) used in this surface, or in one patch.


patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, a combined node count for all patches is returned


int being the number of nodes in the patch (if specified) or in all the patches


a multi patch surface might have more than one node colocated; this method will treat such coincident nodes as separate nodes


Returns a vector that is roughly normal to the surface.


the result becomes more meaningless the less planar the surface is; even for a parfectly planar surface, the result is approximate; true normal vector is found when xy & z units differ

normal_vectors(add_as_property: bool = False, patch=None) ndarray[source]

Returns the normal vectors for each triangle in the patch or surface.

  • add_as_property (bool) – if True, face_surface_normal_vectors_array is added as a property to the model

  • patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, normal vectors for triangles in all patches are returned


normal_vectors_array (np.ndarray) – the normal vectors corresponding to each triangle in the surface


Returns the number of patches present in the surface.

property part

Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.

property represented_interpretation_uuid

Returns the uuid of the represented surface interpretation, or None.


Creates a new surface which is a refined version of this surface; each triangle is divided equally into 4 new triangles.


title (str) – title for the output triangulated set, if None the title will be inherited from the input surface


resqpy.surface.Surface object, with extra_metadata (‘resampled from surface’ – uuid), where uuid is for the original surface uuid

property root

XML node corresponding to self.uuid.

sample_z_at_xy_points(points, multiple_handling='any', patch=None)[source]

Returns interpolated z values for an array of xy values.

  • points (numpy float array of shape (..., 2 or 3)) – xy points to sample surface at (z values ignored)

  • multiple_handling (str, default 'any') – one of ‘any’, ‘minimum’, ‘maximum’, ‘exception’

  • patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, results are for the full surface


numpy float array of shape points.shape[ – -1] being z values interpolated from the surface z values


points must be in the same crs as the surface; NaN will be set for any points that do not intersect with the patch or surface in the xy projection; multiple_handling argument controls behaviour when one sample point intersects more than once: ‘any’ a random one of the intersection z values is returned; ‘minimum’ or ‘maximum’: the numerical min or max of the z values is returned; ‘exception’: a ValueError is raised

set_from_irregular_mesh(mesh_xyz, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) Surface object from an untorn mesh array of shape (N, M, 3).

  • mesh_xyz (numpy float array of shape (N, M, 3)) – a 2D lattice of points in 3D space

  • quad_triangles – (boolean, optional, default False): if True, each quadrangle is represented by 4 triangles in the surface, with the mean of the 4 corner points used as a common centre node; if False (the default), only 2 triangles are used for each quadrangle; note that the 2 triangle mode gives a non-unique triangulated result

set_from_mesh_file(filename, format, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface from a zmap or RMS text mesh file.

set_from_mesh_object(mesh, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate the (empty) Surface object from a Mesh object.

set_from_point_set(point_set, convexity_parameter=5.0, reorient=False, reorient_max_dip=None, extend_with_flange=False, flange_point_count=11, flange_radial_factor=10.0, flange_radial_distance=None, flange_inner_ring=False, saucer_parameter=None, make_clockwise=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) Surface object with a Delaunay triangulation of points in a PointSet object.

  • point_set (PointSet) – the set of points to be triangulated to form a surface

  • convexity_parameter (float, default 5.0) – controls how likely the resulting triangulation is to be convex; reduce to 1.0 to allow slightly more concavities; increase to 100.0 or more for very little chance of even a slight concavity

  • reorient (bool, default False) – if True, a copy of the points is made and reoriented to minimise the z range (ie. z axis is approximate normal to plane of points), to enhace the triangulation

  • reorient_max_dip (float, optional) – if present, the reorientation of perspective off vertical is limited to this angle in degrees

  • extend_with_flange (bool, default False) – if True, a ring of points is added around the outside of the points before the triangulation, effectively extending the surface with a flange

  • flange_point_count (int, default 11) – the number of points to generate in the flange ring; ignored if extend_with_flange is False

  • flange_radial_factor (float, default 10.0) – distance of flange points from centre of points, as a factor of the maximum radial distance of the points themselves; ignored if extend_with_flange is False

  • flange_radial_distance (float, optional) – if present, the minimum absolute distance of flange points from centre of points; units are those of the crs

  • flange_inner_ring (bool, default False) – if True, an inner ring of points, with double flange point counr, is created at a radius just outside that of the furthest flung original point; this improves triangulation of the extended point set when the original has a non-convex hull

  • saucer_parameter (float, optional) – if present, and extend_with_flange is True, then a parameter controlling the shift of flange points in a perpendicular direction away from the fault plane; see notes for how this parameter is interpreted

  • make_clockwise (bool, default False) – if True, the returned triangles will all be clockwise when viewed in the direction -ve to +ve z axis; if reorient is also True, the clockwise aspect is enforced in the reoriented space


if extend_with_flange is True, numpy bool array with a value per triangle indicating flange triangles; if extent_with_flange is False, None


if extend_with_flange is True, then a boolean array is created for the surface, with a value per triangle, set to False (zero) for non-flange triangles and True (one) for flange triangles; this array is suitable for adding as a property for the surface, with indexable element ‘faces’; when flange extension occurs, the radius is the greater of the values determined from the radial factor and radial distance arguments; the saucer_parameter is interpreted in one of two ways: (1) +ve fractoinal values between zero and one are the fractional distance from the centre of the points to its rim at which to sample the surface for extrapolation and thereby modify the recumbent z of flange points; 0 will usually give shallower and smoother saucer; larger values (must be less than one) will lead to stronger and more erratic saucer shape in flange; (2) other values between -90.0 and 90.0 are interpreted as an angle to apply out of the plane of the original points, to give a simple (and less computationally demanding) saucer shape; +ve angles result in the shift being in the direction of the -ve z hemisphere; -ve angles result in the shift being in the +ve z hemisphere; in either case the direction of the shift is perpendicular to the average plane of the original points

set_from_rms_file(filename, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface from an RMS text mesh file.

set_from_roxar_file(filename, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface from an RMS text mesh file.


Populate this (empty) Surface object from a mesh array of shape (N, M, 3) with NaNs.


mesh_xyz (numpy float array of shape (N, M, 3)) – a 2D lattice of points in 3D space, with NaNs in z

set_from_torn_mesh(mesh_xyz, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) Surface object from a torn mesh array of shape (nj, ni, 2, 2, 3).

  • mesh_xyz (numpy float array of shape (nj, ni, 2, 2, 3)) – corner points of 2D faces in 3D space

  • quad_triangles – (boolean, optional, default False): if True, each quadrangle (face) is represented by 4 triangles in the surface, with the mean of the 4 corner points used as a common centre node; if False (the default), only 2 triangles are used for each quadrangle; note that the 2 triangle mode gives a non-unique triangulated result


this method uses a single patch to represent the torn surface, whereas strictly the RESQML standard requires speparate patches where parts of a surface are completely disconnected

set_from_triangles_and_points(triangles, points)[source]

Populate this (empty) Surface object from an array of triangle corner indices and an array of points.


Populate this (empty) surface from a GOCAD tsurf file.

set_from_zmap_file(filename, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface from a zmap mesh file.


Associate the surface with a resqml model (does not create xml or write hdf5 data).


Populate this (empty) Surface object from a list of paits: array of triangle corner indices, array of points.


Makes a note of the xml root of the represented interpretation.

set_to_horizontal_plane(depth, box_xyz, border=0.0, quad_triangles=False)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of two triangles.

Triangles define a flat, horizontal plane at a given depth.

  • depth (float) – z value to use in all points in the triangulated patch

  • box_xyz (float[2, 3]) – the min, max values of x, y (&z) giving the area to be covered (z ignored)

  • border (float) – an optional border width added around the x,y area defined by box_xyz

  • quad_triangles (bool, default False) – if True, 4 triangles are used instead of 2

set_to_multi_cell_faces_from_corner_points(cp, quad_triangles=True)[source]

Populates this (empty) surface to represent faces of a set of cells.

From corner points of shape (N, 2, 2, 2, 3).

set_to_sail(n, centre, radius, azimuth, delta_theta)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface with a patch representing a triangle wrapped on a sphere.

set_to_single_cell_faces_from_corner_points(cp, quad_triangles=True)[source]

Populates this (empty) surface to represent faces of a cell, from corner points of shape (2, 2, 2, 3).

set_to_split_surface(large_surface, line, delta_xyz)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface with a version of a larger surface split by a straight xy line.

  • large_surface (Surface) – the larger surface, a copy of which is to be split

  • line (numpy float array of shape (2, 3)) – the end points of a line (z will be ignored)

  • delta_xyz (numpy float array of shape (2, 3)) – an xyz offset to add to the points on the right and left sides of the line repspectively


this method can be used to introduce a tear into a surface, typically to represent a horizon being split by a planar fault with a throw


Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of one triangle.


Populate this (empty) surface with a patch of two triangles.


corners (numpy float array of shape [2, 2, 3] or [4, 3]) – 4 corners in logical ordering

set_to_trimmed_surface(large_surface, xyz_box=None, xy_polygon=None)[source]

Populate this (empty) surface with triangles and points which overlap with a trimming volume.

  • large_surface (Surface) – the larger surface, a copy of which is to be trimmed

  • xyz_box (numpy float array of shape (2, 3), optional) – if present, a cuboid in xyz space against which to trim the surface

  • xy_polygon (closed convex resqpy.lines.Polyline, optional) – if present, an xy boundary against which to trim


at least one of xyz_box or xy_polygon must be present; if both are present, a triangle must have at least one point within both boundaries to survive the trimming; xyz_box and xy_polygon must be in the same crs as the large surface


Return the numner of triangles in this surface, or in one patch.


patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, a combined triangle count for all patches is returned


int being the number of trianges in the patch (if specified) or in all the patches


Returns arrays representing one patch or a combination of all the patches in the surface.


patch (int, optional) – patch index; if None, combined arrays for all patches are returned


tuple (triangles, points)

triangles (int array of shape[:, 3]): integer indices into points array,

being the nodes of the corners of the triangles;

points (float array of shape[:, 3]): flat array of xyz points, indexed by triangles


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.


boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not


by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect


Returns cached points or copy thereof with z values adjusted to xy units.

vertical_rescale_points(ref_depth=None, scaling_factor=1.0)[source]

Modify the z values of points by rescaling.

Stretches the distance from reference depth by scaling factor.

write_hdf5(file_name=None, mode='a')[source]

Create or append to an hdf5 file, writing datasets for the triangulated patches after caching arrays.


Citation title


Creator of object. By default, user id.


Unique identifier