- class resqpy.olio.fine_coarse.FineCoarse(fine_extent_kji, coarse_extent_kji, within_fine_box=None, within_coarse_box=None)[source]¶
Class for holding a mapping between fine and coarse grids.
(fine_extent_kji, coarse_extent_kji)Partial initialisation function, call other methods to assign ratios and proportions.
Checks consistency of everything within the fine coarse mapping; raises assertion error if not valid.
(axis, c0)Return fine:coarse ratio in given axis and coarse slice.
(c_kji0)Return find:coarse ratios triplet for coarse cell.
Returns triplet of numpy int vectors being the axial coarse cell indices for the axial fine cell indices.
(fine_kji0)Returns the index of the coarse cell which the given fine cell falls within.
(axis, f0)Returns the index, for a single axis, of the coarse cell which the given fine cell falls within.
Returns a numpy int vector, for a single axis, of the coarse cell index which each fine cell falls within.
(axis, c0)Returns the index, for a single axis, of the 'first' fine cell within the coarse cell (lowest fine index).
(c_kji0)Returns a 3-tuple being the 'first' (min) k, j, i0 in fine grid for given coarse cell.
(c_kji0)Return the min, max for k, j, i0 in fine grid for given coarse cell.
(axis, c0)Return the axial relative proportions of fine within coarse.
(axis)Return the axial relative proportions as array of floats summing to one for each coarse slice.
(axis, c0)Return a float array ready for interpoltion.
(c_kji0)Return triplet of axial proportions for refinement of coarse cell.
(axis)Set the refinement ratio for axis based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
Set the refinement ratio for I & J axes based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
Set all refinement ratios constant based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
(axis, vector)Set fine:coarse ratios for axis from numpy int vector of length matching coarse extent.
(axis)Set proportions equal for axis.
Sets proportions equal in all 3 axes.
(axis, ...)Sets the proportions for given axis, with one vector for each coarse slice in the axis.
(coarse_col)Returns the fine equivalent natural (first) column index for coarse natural column index.
(coarse_p)Returns the fine equivalent natural (first) pillar index for coarse natural pillar index.
(filename, lgr_name[, mode, ...])Write Nexus ascii input format CARTREF; within_coarse_box must have been set.
- __init__(fine_extent_kji, coarse_extent_kji, within_fine_box=None, within_coarse_box=None)[source]¶
Partial initialisation function, call other methods to assign ratios and proportions.
- Parameters
fine_extent_kji (triple int) – the local extent of the fine grid in k, j, i axes, ie (nk, nj, ni).
coarse_extent_kji (triple int) – the local extent of the coarse grid in k, j, i axes.
within_fine_box (numpy int array of shape (2, 3), optional) – if present, the subset of a larger fine grid that the mapping refers to; axes are min,max and k,j,i; values are zero based indices; max values are included in box (un-pythonesque); use this in the case of a local grid coarsening
within_coarse_box (numpy int array of shape (2, 3), optional) – if present, the subset of a larger coarse grid that the mapping refers to; axes are min,max and k,j,i; values are zero based indices; max values are included in box (un-pythonesque); use this in the case of a local grid refinement; required for write_cartref() method to work
- Returns
newly formed FineCoarse object awaiting determination of ratios and proportions by axes.
at most one of within_fine_box and within_coarse_box may be passed; this information is not really used internally by the FineCoarse class but is noted in order to support local grid refinement and local grid coarsening applications; after intialisation, set_* methods should be called to establish the mapping
- fine_extent_kji¶
fine extent
- coarse_extent_kji¶
coarse extent
- within_fine_box¶
if not None, a box within an unidentified larger fine grid
- within_coarse_box¶
if not None, a box within an unidentified larger coarse grid
- constant_ratios¶
list for 3 axes kji, each None or int
- vector_ratios¶
list for 3 axes kji, each numpy vector of int or None
- equal_proportions¶
list for 3 axes kji, each boolean defaulting to equal proportions
- vector_proportions¶
list for 3 axes kji, each None or list of numpy vectors of float summing to 1.0
- assert_valid()[source]¶
Checks consistency of everything within the fine coarse mapping; raises assertion error if not valid.
- coarse_for_fine()[source]¶
Returns triplet of numpy int vectors being the axial coarse cell indices for the axial fine cell indices.
- coarse_for_fine_kji0(fine_kji0)[source]¶
Returns the index of the coarse cell which the given fine cell falls within.
- coarse_for_fine_axial(axis, f0)[source]¶
Returns the index, for a single axis, of the coarse cell which the given fine cell falls within.
- coarse_for_fine_axial_vector(axis)[source]¶
Returns a numpy int vector, for a single axis, of the coarse cell index which each fine cell falls within.
- fine_base_for_coarse_axial(axis, c0)[source]¶
Returns the index, for a single axis, of the ‘first’ fine cell within the coarse cell (lowest fine index).
- fine_base_for_coarse(c_kji0)[source]¶
Returns a 3-tuple being the ‘first’ (min) k, j, i0 in fine grid for given coarse cell.
- fine_box_for_coarse(c_kji0)[source]¶
Return the min, max for k, j, i0 in fine grid for given coarse cell.
- Returns
Numpy int array of shape (2, 3) being the min, max for k, j, i0
- proportion(axis, c0)[source]¶
Return the axial relative proportions of fine within coarse.
- Returns
numpy vector of floats, summing to one
- proportions_for_axis(axis)[source]¶
Return the axial relative proportions as array of floats summing to one for each coarse slice.
- interpolation(axis, c0)[source]¶
Return a float array ready for interpoltion.
Returns floats starting at zero and increasing monotonically to less than one.
- set_constant_ratio(axis)[source]¶
Set the refinement ratio for axis based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
- set_ij_ratios_constant()[source]¶
Set the refinement ratio for I & J axes based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
- set_all_ratios_constant()[source]¶
Set all refinement ratios constant based on the ratio of the fine to coarse extents.
- set_ratio_vector(axis, vector)[source]¶
Set fine:coarse ratios for axis from numpy int vector of length matching coarse extent.
- set_proportions_list_of_vectors(axis, list_of_vectors)[source]¶
Sets the proportions for given axis, with one vector for each coarse slice in the axis.
- fine_for_coarse_natural_column_index(coarse_col)[source]¶
Returns the fine equivalent natural (first) column index for coarse natural column index.