
class resqpy.model.ModelContext(epc_file, mode='r')

Bases: object

Context manager for easy opening and closing of resqpy models.

When a model is opened this way, any open file handles are safely closed when the “with” clause exits. Optionally, the epc can be written back to disk upon exit.


with ModelContext("my_model.epc", mode="rw") as model:


The “write_hdf5” and “create_xml” methods of individual resqpy objects still need to be invoked as usual.


__init__(epc_file[, mode])

Open a resqml file, safely closing file handles upon exit.


Enter the runtime context, return a model.

__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)

Exit the runtime context, close the model.

__init__(epc_file, mode='r') None[source]

Open a resqml file, safely closing file handles upon exit.

  • epc_file (str) – path to existing resqml file

  • mode (str, default 'r') – one of “read”, “read/write”, “create”, or shorthands “r”, “rw”, “c”


the modes operate as follows: - In “read” mode, an existing epc file is opened; any changes are not saved to disk automatically, but can still be saved by calling model.store_epc(); - In “read/write” mode, changes are written to disk when the context exists; - In “create” mode, a new model is created and saved upon exit; any pre-existing model will be deleted