
class resqpy.lines.Polyline(parent_model, uuid=None, set_coord=None, set_crs=None, is_closed=None, title=None, rep_int_root=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)

Bases: _BasePolyline

Class for RESQML polyline representation.

Public Data Attributes:



Returns the uuid of the represented interpretation.

Inherited from BaseResqpy



Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.


XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Citation block title equivalent to self.title.

Commonly Used Methods:

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, set_coord, ...])

Initialises a new polyline object.

point_is_inside_xy(p[, mode])

Returns True if point p is inside closed polygon, in xy plane, otherwise False.


Returns bool array, True where p is inside closed polygon, in xy plane, otherwise False.


Returns the naive length of the entire polyline.

interpolated_point(fraction[, in_xy])

Returns x,y,z point on the polyline at fractional distance along entire polyline.

splined([tangent_weight, min_subdivisions, ...])

Retrurns a new Polyline being a cubic spline of this polyline.

create_xml([ext_uuid, add_as_part, ...])

Create xml for polyline and optionally adds as part to model.

write_hdf5([file_name, mode])

Create or append the coordinates hdf5 array to hdf5 file.


from_scaled_polyline(original, scaling[, ...])

Returns a scaled version of the original polyline.

from_trimmed_polyline(original, start_seg, ...)

Returns a trimmed version of the original polyline.

for_regular_polygon(model, n, radius, ...)

`Returns a closed polyline representing a regular polygon in xy plane.

convex_hull_from_closed_polyline(original, title)

Returns a new closed convex polyline being the convex hull of an original closed polyline.


Returns True if the polyline is closed and convex in the xy plane, otherwise False.


Returns True if closed polyline is clockwise when viewed from above; False if anti-clockwise.

segment_length(segment_index[, in_xy])

Returns the naive length (ie.


Returns the midpoint of an individual segment of the polyline.


For a closed polyline return a unit vector giving the 2D (xy) direction of an outward facing normal to a segment.

equidistant_points(n[, in_xy])

Returns array of shape (n, 3) being points equally distributed along entire polyline.

balanced_centre([mode, n, cache, in_xy])

Returns a mean x,y,z based on sampling polyline at regular intervals.

first_line_intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2[, ...])

Finds the first intersection of (half) bounded line x,y 1 to 2 with polyline.


Returns the index of the closest segment to a point, and its distance, in the xy plane.

point_snapped_to_segment_xy(segment, p)

Returns the point on a specified segment, in xy plane, that is closest to a point.

segment_xyz_from_xy(segment, x, y)

Returns xyz point on segment given x and y (which should be on or close to the segment).


Returns list of (x, y) pairs of crossing points with other polyline, in xy plane.

normalised_xy(x, y[, mode])

Returns a normalised x,y pair (in range 0..1) being point x,y under mapping from convex polygon.

denormalised_xy(norm_x, norm_y[, mode])

Returns a denormalised x,y pair being point norm_x,norm_y (in range 0..1) under mapping onto convex polygon.


Returns a numpy array of unit length tangent vectors, one for each coordinate in the line.


Returns the area in the xy plane of a closed convex polygon.


Returns a property collection for the polyline.

Inherited from _BasePolyline

create_interpretation_and_feature([kind, ...])

Creates xml and objects for a represented interpretaion and interpreted feature, if not already present.

Inherited from BaseResqpy

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, set_coord, ...])

Initialises a new polyline object.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

create_xml([ext_uuid, add_as_part, ...])

Create xml for polyline and optionally adds as part to model.


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.


Implements not equal operator.


String representation.

__init__(parent_model, uuid=None, set_coord=None, set_crs=None, is_closed=None, title=None, rep_int_root=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Initialises a new polyline object.

  • parent_model (model.Model object) – the model which the new PolylineRepresentation belongs to

  • uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – the uuid of an existing RESQML PolylineRepresentation from which to initialise the resqpy Polyline

  • set_coord (numpy float array, optional) – an ordered set of xyz values used to define a new polyline; last dimension of array must have extent 3; ignored if uuid is not None

  • set_crs (uuid.UUID, optional) – the uuid of a crs to be used when initialising from coordinates; ignored if uuid is not None

  • is_closed (boolean, optional) – if True, a new polyline created from coordinates is flagged as a closed polyline (polygon); ignored if uuid is not None

  • title (str, optional) – the citation title to use for a new polyline; ignored if uuid is not None

  • rep_int_root

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the polyline, defaults to login id; ignored if uuid is not None

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – string key, value pairs to add as extra metadata for the polyline; ignored if uuid is not None


the newly instantiated polyline object


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Returns the area in the xy plane of a closed convex polygon.

balanced_centre(mode='weighted', n=20, cache=True, in_xy=False)[source]

Returns a mean x,y,z based on sampling polyline at regular intervals.

property citation_title

Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


Returns the index of the closest segment to a point, and its distance, in the xy plane.


p (pair or triple float) – the point


(int, float) where the int is the index of the line segment that the point is closest to; and the float is the distance of the point from that bounded segment, in the xy plane; units of measure are the crs xy units

classmethod convex_hull_from_closed_polyline(original, title, mode='crossing')[source]

Returns a new closed convex polyline being the convex hull of an original closed polyline.

create_interpretation_and_feature(kind='horizon', name=None, interp_title_suffix=None, is_normal=True)

Creates xml and objects for a represented interpretaion and interpreted feature, if not already present.

create_xml(ext_uuid=None, add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, title=None, originator=None)[source]

Create xml for polyline and optionally adds as part to model.


ext_uuid – the uuid of the hdf5 external part

denormalised_xy(norm_x, norm_y, mode='perimeter')[source]

Returns a denormalised x,y pair being point norm_x,norm_y (in range 0..1) under mapping onto convex polygon.

  • norm_x (floats) – normalised values, each in range 0..1, identifying a location in a unit shape

  • norm_y (floats) – normalised values, each in range 0..1, identifying a location in a unit shape

  • mode (string) – ‘square’, ‘circle’, or ‘perimeter’; if square, norm_x and norm_y are coordinates within a unit square; if circle or perimeter, norm_x is the square of a radial fraction between the centre of the polygon and the perimeter; if mode is circle, norm_y is simply the polar coordinate bearing of the point relative to the polygon centre, with values 0..1 corresponding to 0..2pi radians; if mode is perimeter, norm_y is a fractional distance along the length of the closed polyline projected onto the xy plane


x, y (floats)

the location of a point within the area outlined by the polyline, which must be closed

and project to a convex polygon in the xy plane


this method is the inverse of normalised_xy(), as long as a consistent mode is selected; each mode gives a reversible mapping but there are some variations in density which could introduce slightly different biases when working with stochastic locations; density distortion with square and circle modes tends to increase as the polygon shape becomes less square (and aligned) or circular respectively; perimeter mode is believed to yield least density distortion generally; for circle and perimeter modes, the normalised x value is treated as the square of the fractional distance to the boundary in order for a rectangular distribution of normalised values to map to an even density of denormalised locations

equidistant_points(n, in_xy=False)[source]

Returns array of shape (n, 3) being points equally distributed along entire polyline.


Returns a property collection for the polyline.


refresh (bool, default False) – if True, the property collection is refreshed from the current state of the model; if False and the property collection has already been cached for the polyline, then the cached copy is used


a PropertyCollection holding those properties in the model where this polyline is the supporting representation


polyline properties may have indexable element of ‘nodes’ or ‘intervals’; for interval properties, the number of elements depends on whether the polyline is closed or not

first_line_intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, half_segment=False)[source]

Finds the first intersection of (half) bounded line x,y 1 to 2 with polyline.


segment number & x, y of first intersection of (half) bounded line x,y 1 to 2 with polyline, or None, None, None if no intersection found


first primariliy refers to the ordering of segments in this polyline

classmethod for_regular_polygon(model, n, radius, centre_xyz, crs_uuid, title)[source]

`Returns a closed polyline representing a regular polygon in xy plane.

  • model (Model) – the model for which the new polyline is intended

  • n (int) – number of sides for the regular polygon

  • radius (float) – distance from centre of polygon to vertices; units are crs xy unites

  • centre_xyz (triple float) – the centre of the polygon

  • crs_uuid (UUID) – the uuid of the crs for the centre point and the returned polyline

  • title (str) – the citation title for the new polyline


a new closed Polyline representing a regular polygon in the xy plane


z values are all set to the z value of the centre point; one vertex will have an x value identical to the centre and a positive y offset (due north usually); this method does not write to hdf5 nor create xml for the new polyline

classmethod from_scaled_polyline(original, scaling, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Returns a scaled version of the original polyline.

  • original (Polyline) – the polyline from which the new polyline will be spawned

  • scaling (float) – the factor by which the original will be scaled

  • title (str, optional) – the citation title for the new polyline; inherited from original if None

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the polyline; inherited from original if None

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – extra metadata for the new polyline; inherited from original if None


a new Polyline


the scaling factor is applied to vectors radiating from the balanced centre of the original polyline to its coordinates; a scaling of 1.0 will result in a copy of the original; if extra_metadata is not None, no extra metadata is inherited from original

classmethod from_trimmed_polyline(original, start_seg, end_seg, start_xyz=None, end_xyz=None, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Returns a trimmed version of the original polyline.

  • original (Polyline) – the polyline from which the new polyline will be spawned

  • start_seg (int) – the index of the first segment in original to be kept

  • end_seg (int) – the index of the last segment in original to be kept

  • start_xyz (triple float, optional) – the new start point; if None, start of start_seg is used

  • end_xyz (triple float, optional) – the new end point; if None, end of end_seg is used

  • title (str, optional) – the citation title for the new polyline; inherited from original if None

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the polyline; inherited from original if None

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – extra metadata for the new polyline; inherited from original if None


a new Polyline


Returns the naive length of the entire polyline.

interpolated_point(fraction, in_xy=False)[source]

Returns x,y,z point on the polyline at fractional distance along entire polyline.


Returns True if closed polyline is clockwise when viewed from above; False if anti-clockwise.


Returns True if the polyline is closed and convex in the xy plane, otherwise False.

normalised_xy(x, y, mode='square')[source]

Returns a normalised x,y pair (in range 0..1) being point x,y under mapping from convex polygon.

  • x (floats) – location of a point inside the polyline, which must be closed and project to a convex polygon in the xy plane

  • y (floats) – location of a point inside the polyline, which must be closed and project to a convex polygon in the xy plane

  • mode (string) – which mapping algorithm to use, one of: ‘square’, ‘circle’, or ‘perimeter’


xn, yn (floats, each in range 0..1) being the normalised representation of point x,y


this method is the inverse of denormalised_xy(), as long as a consistent mode is selected; for more details of the mapping used by the 3 modes, see documentation for denormalised_xy()

property part

Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.

point_is_inside_xy(p, mode='crossing')[source]

Returns True if point p is inside closed polygon, in xy plane, otherwise False.

point_snapped_to_segment_xy(segment, p)[source]

Returns the point on a specified segment, in xy plane, that is closest to a point.

  • segment (int) – the index of the line segment within the polyline

  • p (pair or triple float) – the point p (z value is ignored if present)


numpy float array of shape (2,) being the x, y coordinates of the snapped point


Returns bool array, True where p is inside closed polygon, in xy plane, otherwise False.


p_array (numpy float array) – an array of points, each of which is tested for inclusion against the closed polygon; the final axis of the array must have extent 2 or 3


numpy bool array of shape p_array.shape[ – -1], set True for those points which are inside the polygon

property rep_int_uuid

Returns the uuid of the represented interpretation.

property root

XML node corresponding to self.uuid.

segment_length(segment_index, in_xy=False)[source]

Returns the naive length (ie.

assuming x,y & z units are the same) of an individual segment of the polyline.


Returns the midpoint of an individual segment of the polyline.


For a closed polyline return a unit vector giving the 2D (xy) direction of an outward facing normal to a segment.

segment_xyz_from_xy(segment, x, y)[source]

Returns xyz point on segment given x and y (which should be on or close to the segment).


this method allows a return to a 3D point after working in the 2D xy plane; it will fail if the segment is ‘vertical’, ie. without range in x or y

splined(tangent_weight='square', min_subdivisions=1, max_segment_length=None, max_degrees_per_knot=5.0, title=None, rep_int_root=None)[source]

Retrurns a new Polyline being a cubic spline of this polyline.


Returns a numpy array of unit length tangent vectors, one for each coordinate in the line.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.


boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not


by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect

write_hdf5(file_name=None, mode='a')[source]

Create or append the coordinates hdf5 array to hdf5 file.


Returns list of (x, y) pairs of crossing points with other polyline, in xy plane.


Citation title


Creator of object. By default, user id.


Unique identifier