
class resqpy.strata.StratigraphicUnitFeature(parent_model, uuid=None, top_unit_uuid=None, bottom_unit_uuid=None, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)

Bases: BaseResqpy

Class for RESQML Stratigraphic Unit Feature objects.

RESQML documentation:

A stratigraphic unit that can have a well-known (e.g., “Jurassic”) chronostratigraphic top and chronostratigraphic bottom. These chronostratigraphic units have no associated interpretations or representations.

BUSINESS RULE: The name must reference a well-known chronostratigraphic unit (such as “Jurassic”), for example, from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (

Public Data Attributes:


Inherited from BaseResqpy



Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.


XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Citation block title equivalent to self.title.


__init__(parent_model[, uuid, ...])

Initialises a stratigraphic unit feature object.

is_equivalent(other[, check_extra_metadata])

Returns True if this feature is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False.

create_xml([add_as_part, originator, reuse, ...])

Creates xml for this stratigraphic unit feature.

Inherited from BaseResqpy

__init__(parent_model[, uuid, ...])

Initialises a stratigraphic unit feature object.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

create_xml([add_as_part, originator, reuse, ...])

Creates xml for this stratigraphic unit feature.


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.


Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid.


Implements not equal operator.


String representation.

__init__(parent_model, uuid=None, top_unit_uuid=None, bottom_unit_uuid=None, title=None, originator=None, extra_metadata=None)[source]

Initialises a stratigraphic unit feature object.

  • parent_model (model.Model) – the model with which the new feature will be associated

  • uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – the uuid of an existing RESQML stratigraphic unit feature from which this object will be initialised

  • top_unit_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – the uuid of a geologic or stratigraphic unit feature which is at the top of the new unit; ignored if uuid is not None

  • bottom_unit_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional) – the uuid of a geologic or stratigraphic unit feature which is at the bottom of the new unit; ignored if uuid is not None

  • title (str, optional) – the citation title (feature name) of the new feature; ignored if uuid is not None

  • originator (str, optional) – the name of the person creating the new feature; ignored if uuid is not None

  • extra_metadata (dict, optional) – extra metadata items for the new feature


a new stratigraphic unit feature resqpy object


Append a given dictionary of metadata to the existing metadata.

property citation_title

Citation block title equivalent to self.title.

create_xml(add_as_part=True, originator=None, reuse=True, add_relationships=True)[source]

Creates xml for this stratigraphic unit feature.

  • add_as_part (bool, default True) – if True, the feature is added to the parent model as a high level part

  • originator (str, optional) – if present, is used as the originator field of the citation block

  • reuse (bool, default True) – if True, the parent model is inspected for any equivalent feature and, if found, the uuid of this feature is set to that of the equivalent part

  • add_relationships (bool, default True) – if True and add_as_part is True, relationships are created with the referenced top and bottom units, if present


lxml.etree._Element – the root node of the newly created xml tree for the feature

is_equivalent(other, check_extra_metadata=True)[source]

Returns True if this feature is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False.

  • other (StratigraphicUnitFeature) – the other feature to compare this one against

  • check_extra_metadata (bool, default True) – if True, then extra metadata items must match for the two features to be deemed equivalent; if False, extra metadata is ignored in the comparison


bool – True if this feature is essentially the same as the other feature; False otherwise

property part

Standard part name corresponding to self.uuid.

property root

XML node corresponding to self.uuid.


Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.


boolean – True if an equivalent object was found, False if not


by design this method may change this object’s uuid as a side effect


Citation title


Creator of object. By default, user id.


Unique identifier