
resqpy.rq_import.import_vdb_ensemble(epc_file, ensemble_run_dir, existing_epc=False, keyword_list=None, property_kind_list=None, vdb_static_properties=True, vdb_recurrent_properties=True, decoarsen=True, timestep_selection='all', create_property_set_per_realization=True, create_property_set_per_timestep=True, create_complete_property_set=False, extent_ijk=None, corp_xy_units='m', corp_z_units='m', corp_z_inc_down=True, ijk_handedness='right', geometry_defined_everywhere=True, treat_as_nan=None, resqml_xy_units='m', resqml_z_units='m', resqml_z_inc_down=True, shift_to_local=True, local_origin_place='centre', max_z_void=0.1, split_pillars=True, split_tolerance=0.01, progress_fn=None)

Adds properties from all vdb’s within an ensemble directory tree to a single RESQML dataset.

Referencing a shared grid.

  • epc_file (string) – filename of epc file to be extended with ensemble properties

  • ensemble_run_dir (string) – path of main ensemble run directory; vdb’s within this directory tree are source of import

  • existing_epc (boolean, default False) – if True, the epc_file must already exist and contain the compatible grid

  • keyword_list (list of strings, optional) – if present, only properties for keywords within the list are included

  • property_kind_list (list of strings, optional) – if present, only properties which are mapped to these resqml property kinds are included in the import

  • vdb_static_properties (boolean, default True) – if False, no static properties are included, regardless of keyword and/or property kind matches

  • vdb_recurrent_properties (boolean, default True) – if False, no recurrent properties are included, regardless of keyword and/or property kind matches

  • decoarsen (boolean, default True) – if True and ICOARSE property exists for a grid in a case, the associated property data is decoarsened; if False, the property data is as stored in the vdb

  • timestep_selection (string, default 'all') – may be ‘first’, ‘last’, ‘first and last’, or ‘all’, controlling which reporting timesteps are included when loading recurrent data

  • create_property_set_per_realization (boolean, default True) – if True, a property set object is created for each realization

  • create_property_set_per_timestep (boolean, default True) – if True, a property set object is created for each timestep included in the recurrent data import

  • create_complete_property_set (boolean, default False) – if True, a property set object is created containing all the properties imported; only really useful to differentiate from other properties related to the grid

  • extent_ijk (triple int, optional) – this and remaining arguments are only used if existing_epc is False; the extent is only needed in case automatic determination of the extent fails

  • corp_xy_units (string, default 'm') – the units of x & y values in the vdb corp data; typically ‘m’ (metres), ‘ft’ (feet) or ‘cm’ (centimetres, for lab scale models)

  • corp_z_units (string, default 'm') – the units of z values in the vdb corp data; typically ‘m’ (metres), ‘ft’ (feet) or ‘cm’ (centimetres, for lab scale models)

  • corp_z_inc_down (boolean, default True) – set to True if corp z values are depth; False if elevation

  • ijk_handedness (string, default 'right') – set to the handedness of the IJK axes in the Nexus model; ‘right’ or ‘left’

  • geometry_defined_everywhere (boolean, default True) – set to False if inactive cells do not have valid geometry; deprecated - use treat_as_nan argument instead

  • treat_as_nan (string, optional) – if not None, one of ‘dots’, ‘ij_dots’, ‘inactive’; controls which inactive cells have their geometry set to undefined

  • resqml_xy_units (string, default 'm') – the units of x & y values to use in the generated resqml grid; typically ‘m’ (metres), ‘ft’ (feet) or ‘cm’ (centimetres, for lab scale models)

  • resqml_z_units (string, default 'm') – the units of z values to use in the generated resqml grid; typically ‘m’ (metres), ‘ft’ (feet) or ‘cm’ (centimetres, for lab scale models)

  • resqml_z_inc_down (boolean, default True) – set to True if resqml z values are to be depth; False for elevations

  • shift_to_local (boolean, default True) – if True, the resqml coordinate reference system will use a local origin

  • local_origin_place (string, default 'centre') – where to place the local origin; ‘centre’ or ‘minimum’; only relevant if shift_to_local is True

  • max_z_void (float, default 0.1) – the tolerance of voids between layers, in z direction; voids greater than this will cause the grid import to fail

  • split_pillars (boolean, default True) – if False, a grid is generated without split pillars

  • split_tolerance (float, default 0.01) – the tolerance applied to each of x, y, & z values, beyond which a corner point (and hence pillar) will be split

  • progress_fn (function(float), optional) – if present, this function is called at intervals during processing; it must accept one floating point argument which will range from 0.0 to 1.0


resqpy.Model object containing properties for all the realisations; hdf5 and epc files having been updated


if existing_epc is True, the epc file must already exist and contain one grid (or one grid named ROOT) which must have the correct extent for all realisations within the ensemble; if existing_epc is False, the resqml dataset is created afresh with a grid extracted from the first realisation in the ensemble; either way, the single grid is used as the representative grid in the ensemble resqml dataset being generated; all vdb directories within the directory tree headed by ensemble_run_dir are included in the import; by default all properties will be imported; the keyword_list, property_kind_list, vdb_static_properties, vdb_recurrent_properties and timestep_selection arguments can be used to filter the required properties; if both keyword_list and property_kind_list are provided, a property must match an item in both lists in order to be included; if recurrent properties are being included then all vdb’s should contain the same number of reporting steps in their recurrent data and these should relate to the same set of timestamps; timestamp data is extracted from a summary file for the first realisation; no check is made to ensure that reporting timesteps in different realisations are actually for the same date.