- resqpy.olio.intersection.lines_for_triangle(line_set_intersections, triangle_index)[source]¶
From the result of line_set_triangles_intersects(), returns a list of lines intersecing given triangle.
- Parameters
line_set_intersections (numpy float array of shape (nl, nt, 3)) – where nl is the number of lines, nt is the number of triangles and the final axis is x,y,z; nan values indicate no intersection; this array is as returned by the line_set_triangles_intersects() function or the poly_line_triangles_intersects() function
triangle_index (integar) – the index of the triangle for which the intersecting line list is required
- Returns
(numpy 1D int array of size N, numpy 2D array of shape (N, 3)) –
- the first of the pair of arrays
returned is a list of the indices of lines which intersect with the given triangle; the second array is the list of corresponding intersection points (each x,y,z)
if no lines intersect the triangle, both the resulting arrays will have size zero