Source code for resqpy.surface._tri_mesh_stencil

"""TriMeshStencil class for applying convolutions to TriMesh z values."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math as maths
import numpy as np

import resqpy.surface as rqs

root_3 = maths.sqrt(3.0)
root_3_by_2 = root_3 / 2.0

class TriMeshStencil:
    """Class holding a temporary regular hexagonal symmetrical stencil for use with TriMesh objects.

       this class does not currently include store and load methods, as the stencil is regarded as a temporary
       disposable object

    # at present the internal representation holds a half hexagon; if there is need for non-symmetric stencils
    # in future then this representation will change to a full hexagon

[docs] def __init__(self, pattern, normalize = None, normalize_mode_flat = True): """Initialises a TriMeshStencil object from xml, or from arguments. arguments: pattern (1D numpy float array): values for one radial arm of the stencil (first value is centre) normalize (non zero float, optional): if present, stencil values are normalized to sum to this value; if None, no normalization is applied; set to one for smoothing; see also normalize_mode_flat argument normalize_mode_flat (bool, default True): if True (and normalize is not None), then ring values in the stencil preserve relative weights of unnormalized pattern values; if False, weights of ring values (away from centre) are decreased by a factor of the number of elements in the ring; in either case, the final normalization is such that the sum of all stencil elements is the value of the normalize argument returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object note: the area of inflence of the stencil is hexagonal in shape with a half-axis length equal to the t_side length of a target tri mesh multiplied by (n - 1) where n is the length of the pattern """ self.n = None # length of pattern, including central element self.start_ip = None # 1D numpy int array holding I offsets of start of stencil for each J offset (half hex) self.row_length = None # 1D numpy int array holding number of elements in stencil for each J offset (half hex) self.half_hex = None # 2D numpy float array of stancil values, shifted to left and right padded with NaN pattern = np.array(pattern, dtype = float) assert pattern.ndim == 1, 'tri mesh stencil pattern must be one dimensional' assert len(pattern) > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' assert not np.any(np.isnan(pattern)), 'tri mesh stencil may not contain NaN' if len(pattern) > 50: log.warning(f'very large stencil pattern length: {len(pattern)}') self.n = len(pattern) if normalize is not None: assert not maths.isclose(normalize, 0.0), 'calling code must scale to stencil pattern to sum to zero' if normalize_mode_flat: t = pattern[0] for i in range(1, self.n): t += 6 * i * pattern[i] assert not maths.isclose(t, 0.0), 'hex pattern sums to zero and cannot be normalized to another value' pattern *= normalize / t else: t = np.sum(pattern) assert not maths.isclose(t, 0.0), 'pattern sums to zero and cannot be normalized to another value' pattern *= normalize / t for i in range(1, self.n): pattern[i] /= float(6 * i) self.pattern = pattern # build up half hex stencil as list (over J offsets) of row (ie. for a range of I offsets) values from pattern half_hex = [] # list of (ip, length, stencil values) for implicit jp in range 0..n-1 row_length = 2 * self.n - 1 half_hex.append((-(self.n - 1), row_length, np.concatenate((np.flip(pattern[1:]), pattern)))) for jp in range(1, self.n): start_ip = -(self.n - 1) + (jp // 2) row_length -= 1 row_v = np.full(row_length, pattern[jp], dtype = float) if jp < self.n - 1: sub_p = pattern[jp + 1:] sub_len = sub_p.size row_v[-sub_len:] = sub_p row_v[:sub_len] = np.flip(sub_p) half_hex.append((start_ip, row_length, row_v)) # convert into representation more njit & numpy friendly self.start_ip = np.array([ip for (ip, _, _) in half_hex], dtype = int) self.row_length = np.array([rl for (_, rl, _) in half_hex], dtype = int) self.half_hex = np.full((self.n, 2 * self.n - 1), np.NaN, dtype = float) for jp in range(self.n): self.half_hex[jp, :self.row_length[jp]] = half_hex[jp][2]
[docs] @classmethod def for_constant_normalized(cls, n, normalize_mode_flat = True): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a constant pattern, then normalized to sum to one. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' pattern = np.ones(n, dtype = float) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = 1.0, normalize_mode_flat = normalize_mode_flat) return stencil
[docs] @classmethod def for_constant_unnormalized(cls, n, c): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a constant pattern, without normalization. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 c (float): the value to use throughout the stencil returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' pattern = np.full(n, c, dtype = float) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = None) return stencil
[docs] @classmethod def for_linear_normalized(cls, n, normalize_mode_flat = True): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a linearly decreasing pattern, then normalized to sum to one. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' pattern = np.flip((np.arange(n, dtype = int) + 1).astype(float)) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = 1.0, normalize_mode_flat = normalize_mode_flat) return stencil
[docs] @classmethod def for_linear_unnormalized(cls, n, centre, outer): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a linearly decreasing pattern, without normalization. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 centre (float): the value of the pattern at the centre of the stencil outer (float): the value of the pattern in the outer ring of the stencil returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' pattern = np.flip(np.arange(n, dtype = int).astype(float) * (centre - outer) / float(n - 1) + outer) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = None) return stencil
[docs] @classmethod def for_gaussian_normalized(cls, n, sigma = 3.0, normalize_mode_flat = True): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a gaussian pattern, then normalized to sum to one. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 sigma (float, default 3.0): the number of standard deviations at the outermost ring of the stencil returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' assert sigma > 0.0, 'number of standard deviations in pattern must be positive' pattern = _gaussian_pattern(n, sigma) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = 1.0, normalize_mode_flat = normalize_mode_flat) return stencil
[docs] @classmethod def for_gaussian_unnormalized(cls, n, centre, sigma = 3.0): """Create a tri mesh stencil with a gaussian pattern, without normalization. arguments: n (int); the length of pattern (ie. half width of hexagon); must be at least 2 centre (float): the value at the centre of the stencil (peak amplitude) sigma (float, default 3.0): the number of standard deviations at the outermost ring of the stencil returns: the newly created TriMeshStencil object """ assert n > 1, 'tri mesh stancil pattern must contain at least two elements' assert sigma > 0.0, 'number of standard deviations in pattern must be positive' pattern = centre * _gaussian_pattern(n, sigma) stencil = cls(pattern, normalize = None) return stencil
# todo: class methods for mexican hat
[docs] def apply(self, tri_mesh, handle_nan = True, border_value = np.NaN, preserve_nan = False, title = None): """Return a new tri mesh with z values generated by applying the stencil to z values of an existing tri mesh. arguments: tri_mesh (TriMesh): an existing tri mesh to apply the stencil to handle_nan (bool, default True): if True, a smoothing style weighted average of non-NaN values is used; if False, a simple convolution is applied and will yield NaN where any input within the stencil area is NaN border_value (float, default NaN): the pre-filled value for an extended bprder around the input tri mesh; set to zero if partial convolution values are wanted at the edge of the tri mesh when handle_nan is False preserve_nan (bool, default False): if True (and handle_nan is True) then where the input tri mesh has a NaN z value, the output will also have NaN; if False, patches of NaNs smaller than the stencil will get 'smoothed over', ie. filled in, if handle_nan is True title (str, optional): the title to use for the new tri mesh; if None, title is inherited from input returns: a new TriMesh in the same model as the input tri mesh, with the stencil having been applied to z values notes: this method does not write hdf5 nor create xml for the new tri mesh; if handle_nan is False and border_value is NaN, the result will have NaN values around the edge of the tri mesh, to a depth equivalent to the pattern length """'applying stencil to tri mesh: {tri_mesh.title}') # create a temporary tri mesh style z array as a copy of the original with a NaN border border = self.n if border % 2: border += 1 e_nj = tri_mesh.nj + 2 * border e_ni = + 2 * border z_values = np.full((e_nj, e_ni), border_value, dtype = float) tm_z = tri_mesh.full_array_ref()[:, :, 2] nan_mask = None if preserve_nan: nan_mask = np.isnan(tm_z) if not np.any(nan_mask): nan_mask = None z_values[border:border + tri_mesh.nj, border:border +] = tm_z applied = np.full((e_nj, e_ni), np.NaN, dtype = float) if handle_nan: _apply_stencil_nanmean(self.n, self.start_ip, self.row_length, self.half_hex, z_values, applied, border, tri_mesh.nj, else: _apply_stencil_simple(self.n, self.start_ip, self.row_length, self.half_hex, z_values, applied, border, tri_mesh.nj, # restore NaN values where they were present in input, if requested tm_z_applied = applied[border:border + tri_mesh.nj, border:border +] if nan_mask is not None: tm_z_applied[nan_mask] = np.NaN # create a new tri mesh object using the values from the applied array for z tm = rqs.TriMesh(tri_mesh.model, t_side = tri_mesh.t_side, nj = tri_mesh.nj, ni =, origin = tri_mesh.origin, z_uom = tri_mesh.z_uom, title = title, z_values = tm_z_applied, surface_role = tri_mesh.surface_role, crs_uuid = tri_mesh.crs_uuid) return tm
[docs] def log(self, log_level = logging.DEBUG): """Outputs ascii representation of stencil to loggger. arguments: log_level (int, default DEBUG): the logging severity level to use """ half_lines = [] for jp in range(self.n): padding = self.n + self.start_ip[jp] line = '' if jp % 2: line += ' ' line += ' x ' * padding for v in self.half_hex[jp, :self.row_length[jp]]: line += f' {v:7.4f}' line += ' x ' * padding half_lines.append(line) for i in range(1, self.n): log.log(log_level, half_lines[-i]) log.log(log_level, '') for i in range(self.n): log.log(log_level, half_lines[i]) if i < self.n - 1: log.log(log_level, '')
# todo: njit with parallel True def _apply_stencil_simple(n, start_ip, row_length, half_hex, tm_z, applied, border, onj, oni): """Apply the stencil to the tri mesh z values as a simple convolution.""" for j in range(border, border + onj): # todo: change to numba prange() j_odd = j % 2 for i in range(border, border + oni): a = 0.0 for jp in range(n): js_odd = (jp % 2) * j_odd i_st = start_ip[jp] j_sm = j - jp j_sp = j + jp for ip in range(row_length[jp]): i_s = i + i_st + ip + js_odd v = tm_z[j_sm, i_s] s = half_hex[jp, ip] # if not np.isnan(v): a += v * s if jp: v = tm_z[j_sp, i_s] # if not np.isnan(v): a += v * s applied[j, i] = a # todo: njit with parallel True def _apply_stencil_nanmean(n, start_ip, row_length, half_hex, tm_z, applied, border, onj, oni): """Apply the stencil to the tri mesh z values with a weighted nanmean (typically for smoothing).""" for j in range(border, border + onj): # todo: change to numba prange() j_odd = j % 2 for i in range(border, border + oni): a = 0.0 ws = 0.0 for jp in range(n): js_odd = (jp % 2) * j_odd i_st = start_ip[jp] j_sm = j - jp j_sp = j + jp for ip in range(row_length[jp]): i_s = i + i_st + ip + js_odd v = tm_z[j_sm, i_s] s = half_hex[jp, ip] if not np.isnan(v): ws += s a += v * s if jp: v = tm_z[j_sp, i_s] if not np.isnan(v): ws += s a += v * s if ws != 0.0: applied[j, i] = a / ws def _gaussian_pattern(n, sigma): x = np.arange(n, dtype = int) c = float(n - 1) / sigma return np.exp(-((x * x).astype(float) / (2.0 * c * c)))