Source code for resqpy.surface._base_surface

""" base_surface class based on resqml standard."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import resqpy.organize as rqo
from resqpy.olio.base import BaseResqpy

class BaseSurface(BaseResqpy):
    """Base class to implement shared methods for other classes in this module."""

[docs] def create_interpretation_and_feature(self, kind = 'horizon', name = None, interp_title_suffix = None, is_normal = True): """Creates xml and objects for a represented interpretaion and interpreted feature, if not already present.""" assert kind in ['horizon', 'fault', 'fracture', 'geobody boundary'] assert name or self.title, 'title missing' if not name: name = self.title if self.represented_interpretation_root is not None: log.debug(f'represented interpretation already exisrs for surface {self.title}') return if kind in ['horizon', 'geobody boundary']: feature = rqo.GeneticBoundaryFeature(self.model, kind = kind, feature_name = name) feature.create_xml() if kind == 'horizon': interp = rqo.HorizonInterpretation(self.model, genetic_boundary_feature = feature, domain = 'depth') else: interp = rqo.GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation(self.model, genetic_boundary_feature = feature, domain = 'depth') elif kind in ['fault', 'fracture']: feature = rqo.TectonicBoundaryFeature(self.model, kind = kind, feature_name = name) feature.create_xml() interp = rqo.FaultInterpretation(self.model, is_normal = is_normal, tectonic_boundary_feature = feature, domain = 'depth') # might need more arguments else: log.critical('code failure') interp_root = interp.create_xml(title_suffix = interp_title_suffix) self.set_represented_interpretation_root(interp_root)