Source code for

"""Class handling set of RESQML properties using attribute syntax for properties and their metadata."""

# Nexus is a registered trademark of the Halliburton Company

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import as ma

import as rqp

class ApsProperty:
    """Class holding a single property with attribute style read access to metadata items."""

    # note: this class could be private to the AttributePropertySet class

[docs] def __init__(self, aps, part): """Initialise a single property from a property set with attribute style read access to metadata items.""" self.aps = aps self._part = part self.key = aps._key(part)
# NB. the following are read-only attributes @property def part(self): """The part (string) identifier for this property.""" return self._part @part.setter def part(self, value): self._part = value @property def node(self): """The xml root node for this property.""" return self.aps.node_for_part(self.part) @property def uuid(self): """The uuid for this property.""" return self.aps.uuid_for_part(self.part) @property def array_ref(self): """The cached numpy array of values for this property.""" return self.aps.cached_part_array_ref(self.part) @property def values(self): """A copy of the numpy array of values for this property.""" return self.array_ref.copy() @property def property_kind(self): """The property kind of this property.""" return self.aps.property_kind_for_part(self.part) @property def facet_type(self): """The facet type for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.facet_type_for_part(self.part) @property def facet(self): """The facet value for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.facet_for_part(self.part) @property def indexable(self): """The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable_element).""" return self.aps.indexable_for_part(self.part) @property def indexable_element(self): """The indexable element for this property (synonymous with indexable).""" return self.indexable @property def is_continuous(self): """Boolean indicating whether this property is continuous.""" return self.aps.continuous_for_part(self.part) @property def is_categorical(self): """Boolean indicating whether this property is categorical.""" return self.aps.part_is_categorical(self.part) @property def is_discrete(self): """Boolean indicating whether this property is discrete (False for categorical properties).""" return not (self.is_continuous or self.is_categorical) @property def is_points(self): """Boolean indicating whether this is a points property.""" return self.aps.points_for_part(self.part) @property def count(self): """The count (number of sub-elements per element, usually 1) for this property.""" return self.aps.count_for_part(self.part) @property def uom(self): """The unit of measure for this property (will be None for discrete or categorical properties).""" return self.aps.uom_for_part(self.part) @property def null_value(self): """The null value for this property (will be None for continuous properties, for which NaN is always the null value).""" return self.aps.null_value_for_part(self.part) @property def realization(self): """The realisation number for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.realization_for_part(self.part) @property def time_index(self): """The time index for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.time_index_for_part(self.part) @property def title(self): """The citation title for this property (synonymous with citation_title).""" return self.aps.citation_title_for_part(self.part) @property def citation_title(self): """The citation title for this property (synonymous with title).""" return self.title @property def min_value(self): """The minimum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.""" return self.aps.minimum_value_for_part(self.part) @property def max_value(self): """The maximum value for this property, as stored in xml metadata.""" return self.aps.maximum_value_for_part(self.part) @property def constant_value(self): """The constant value for this property, as stored in xml metadata (usually None).""" return self.aps.constant_value_for_part(self.part) @property def extra(self): """The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra_metadata).""" return self.aps.extra_metadata_for_part(self.part) @property def extra_metadata(self): """The extra metadata for this property (synonymous with extra).""" return self.extra @property def source(self): """The source extra metadata value for this property (or None).""" return self.aps.source_for_part(self.part) @property def support_uuid(self): """The uuid of the supporting representation for this property.""" return self.aps.support_uuid_for_part(self.part) @property def string_lookup_uuid(self): """The uuid of the string lookup table for a categorical property (otherwise None).""" return self.aps.string_lookup_uuid_for_part(self.part) @property def time_series_uuid(self): """The uuid of the time series for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.time_series_uuid_for_part(self.part) @property def local_property_kind_uuid(self): """The uuid of the local property kind for this property (may be None).""" return self.aps.local_property_kind_uuid(self.part) class AttributePropertySet(rqp.PropertyCollection): """Class for set of RESQML properties for any supporting representation, using attribute syntax."""
[docs] def __init__(self, model = None, support = None, property_set_uuid = None, realization = None, key_mode = 'pk', indexable = None, multiple_handling = 'warn'): """Initialise an empty property set, optionally populate properties from a supporting representation. arguments: model (Model, optional): required if property_set_uuid is not None support (optional): a grid.Grid object, or a well.BlockedWell, or a well.WellboreFrame object which belongs to a resqpy.Model which includes associated properties; if this argument is given, and property_set_root is None, the properties in the support's parent model which are for this representation (ie. have this object as the supporting representation) are added to this collection as part of the initialisation property_set_uuid (optional): if present, the collection is populated with the properties defined in the xml tree of the property set realization (integer, optional): if present, the single realisation (within an ensemble) that this collection is for; if None, then the collection is either covering a whole ensemble (individual properties can each be flagged with a realisation number), or is for properties that do not have multiple realizations key_mode (str, default 'pk'): either 'pk' (for property kind) or 'title', identifying the basis of property attribute keys indexable (str, optional): if present and key_mode is 'pk', properties with indexable element other than this will have their indexable element included in their key multiple_handling (str, default 'warn'): either 'ignore', 'warn' ,or 'exception'; if 'warn' or 'ignore', and properties exist that generate the same key, then only the first is visible in the attribute property set (and a warning is given for each of the others in the case of 'warn'); if 'exception', a KeyError is raised if there are any duplicate keys note: at present, if the collection is being initialised from a property set, the support argument must also be specified; also for now, if not initialising from a property set, all properties related to the support are included, whether the relationship is supporting representation or some other relationship; :meta common: """ assert key_mode in ['pk', 'title'] assert property_set_uuid is None or model is not None assert support is None or model is None or support.model is model if property_set_uuid is None: property_set_root = None else: property_set_root = model.root_for_uuid(property_set_uuid) assert multiple_handling in ['ignore', 'warn', 'exception'] super().__init__(support = support, property_set_root = property_set_root, realization = realization) self.key_mode = key_mode self.indexable_mode = indexable self.multiple_handling = multiple_handling self._make_attributes()
[docs] def keys(self): """Iterator over property keys within the set.""" for p in yield self._key(p)
[docs] def properties(self): """Iterator over ApsProperty members of the set.""" for k in self.keys(): yield getattr(self, k)
[docs] def items(self): """Iterator over (key, ApsProperty) members of the set.""" for k in self.keys(): yield (k, getattr(self, k))
def _key(self, part): """Returns the key (attribute name) for a given part.""" return make_aps_key(self.key_mode, property_kind = self.property_kind_for_part(part), title = self.citation_title_for_part(part), facet = self.facet_for_part(part), time_index = self.time_index_for_part(part), realization = self.realization_for_part(part), indexable_mode = self.indexable_mode, indexable = self.indexable_for_part(part)) def _make_attributes(self): """Setup individual properties with attribute style read access to metadata.""" for part in key = self._key(part) if getattr(self, key, None) is not None: if self.multiple_handling == 'warn': log.warning(f'duplicate key in AttributePropertySet; only first instance included: {key}') continue if self.multiple_handling == 'ignore': continue raise KeyError(f'duplicate key in attribute property set: {key}') aps_property = ApsProperty(self, part) setattr(self, key, aps_property) def __len__(self): """Returns the number of properties in the set.""" return self.number_of_parts() def make_aps_key(key_mode, property_kind = None, title = None, facet = None, time_index = None, realization = None, indexable_mode = None, indexable = None): """Contructs the key (attribute name) for a property based on metadata items.""" if key_mode == 'pk': assert property_kind is not None key = property_kind if indexable_mode is not None and indexable is not None and indexable != indexable_mode: key += f'_{indexable}' if facet is not None: key += f'_{facet}' else: assert title is not None key = title key = key.replace(' ', '_') if time_index is not None: key += f'_t{time_index}' if realization is not None: key += f'_r{realization}' return key