Source code for resqpy.olio.relperm

""" class for dataframes of relative permeability data as RESQML objects.

Note that this module uses the obj_Grid2dRepresentation class in a way that was not envisaged
when the RESQML standard was defined; software that does not use resqpy is unlikely to be
able to do much with data stored in this way.

# Nexus is a registered trademark of Halliburton

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from resqpy.olio.dataframe import DataFrame
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet

[docs]class RelPerm(DataFrame): """Class for storing and retrieving a pandas dataframe of relative permeability data. note: inherits from DataFrame class """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, uuid = None, df = None, uom_list = None, realization = None, phase_combo = None, low_sal = False, table_index = None, title = 'relperm_table', column_lookup_uuid = None, uom_lookup_uuid = None): """Create a new RelPerm object from either a previously stored object or a pandas dataframe. arguments: phase_combo (str, optional): the combination of phases whose relative permeability behaviour is described. Options include 'water-oil', 'gas-oil' and 'gas-water' low_sal (boolean, optional): if True, indicates that the water-oil table contains the low-salinity data for relative permeability and capillary pressure table_index (int, optional): the index of the relative permeability table when multiple relative permeability tables are present. Note, indices should start at 1. note: see DataFrame class docstring for details of other arguments """ # check that either a uuid OR dataframe has been provided if df is None and uuid is None: raise ValueError('either a uuid or a dataframe must be provided') # check extra_metadata for arguments if uuid is provided if uuid is not None: model_root = model.root(uuid = uuid) uuid_metadata_dict = rqet.load_metadata_from_xml(model_root) self.phase_combo = uuid_metadata_dict['phase_combo'] self.low_sal = uuid_metadata_dict['low_sal'] self.table_index = uuid_metadata_dict['table_index'] else: # check that 'phase_combo' parameter is valid self.phase_combo = phase_combo self.low_sal = low_sal self.table_index = table_index df.columns = [x.capitalize() for x in df.columns] if 'Pc' in df.columns and df.columns[-1] != 'Pc': raise ValueError('Pc', 'capillary pressure data should be in the last column of the dataframe') processed_phase_combo_checks = { ('oil', 'water'): self.__water_oil_error_check, ('gas', 'oil'): self.__gas_oil_error_check, ('gas', 'water'): self.__gas_water_error_check, ('None',): self.__no_phase_combo_error_check } processed_phase_combo = tuple(sorted(set([x.strip() for x in str(self.phase_combo).split('-')]))) if processed_phase_combo not in processed_phase_combo_checks.keys(): raise ValueError('invalid phase_combo provided') # check that table_index is >= 1 if table_index is not None and table_index < 1: raise ValueError('table_index cannot be less than 1') # check that the column names and order are as expected processed_phase_combo_checks.get(processed_phase_combo)(df) # ensure that missing capillary pressure values are stored as np.nan if 'Pc' in df.columns: df['Pc'].replace('None', np.nan, inplace = True) # convert all values in the dataframe to numeric type df[df.columns] = df[df.columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors = 'coerce') # ensure that no other column besides Pc has missing values cols_no_pc = [x for x in df.columns if 'Pc' != x] for col in cols_no_pc: if (df[col].isnull().sum() > 0) or ('None' in list(df[col])): raise Exception(f'missing values found in {col} column') # check that Sw, Kr and Pc values are monotonic and that the Sw and Kr values are within the range 0-1 sat_col = [x for x in df.columns if x[0] == 'S'][0] relp_corr_col = [x for x in df.columns if x == 'Kr' + sat_col[-1]][0] relp_opp_col = [x for x in df.columns if (x[0:2] == 'Kr') & (x[-1] != sat_col[-1])][0] if (not (df[sat_col].is_monotonic_increasing and df[relp_corr_col].is_monotonic_increasing and df[relp_opp_col].is_monotonic_decreasing) and not (df[sat_col].is_monotonic_decreasing and df[relp_corr_col].is_monotonic_decreasing and df[relp_opp_col].is_monotonic_increasing)): raise ValueError(f'{sat_col, relp_corr_col, relp_opp_col} combo is not monotonic') if 'Pc' in df.columns: if not df['Pc'].dropna().is_monotonic_increasing and not df['Pc'].dropna().is_monotonic_decreasing: raise ValueError('Pc values are not monotonic') for col in ['Sw', 'Sg', 'So', 'Krw', 'Krg', 'Kro']: if col in df.columns: if df[col].min() < 0 or df[col].max() > 1: raise ValueError(f'{col} is not within the range 0-1') super().__init__(model, uuid = uuid, df = df, uom_list = uom_list, realization = realization, title = title, column_lookup_uuid = column_lookup_uuid, uom_lookup_uuid = uom_lookup_uuid, extra_metadata = { 'relperm_table': 'true', 'phase_combo': self.phase_combo, 'low_sal': str(self.low_sal).lower(), 'table_index': str(self.table_index) })
@staticmethod def __error_check(expected_cols, sat_cols, df): if df.columns[0] not in sat_cols or len(set(df.columns).intersection(sat_cols)) != 1: raise ValueError('incorrect saturation column name and/or multiple saturation columns exist') if not set(df.columns).issubset(expected_cols): raise ValueError(f'incorrect column name(s) {set(df.columns).difference(expected_cols)}') def __water_oil_error_check(self, df): expected_cols = {'Sw', 'So', 'Krw', 'Kro', 'Pc'} sat_cols = {'Sw', 'So'} self.__error_check(expected_cols, sat_cols, df) def __gas_oil_error_check(self, df): expected_cols = {'Sg', 'So', 'Krg', 'Kro', 'Pc'} sat_cols = {'Sg', 'So'} self.__error_check(expected_cols, sat_cols, df) def __gas_water_error_check(self, df): expected_cols = {'Sg', 'Sw', 'Krg', 'Krw', 'Pc'} sat_cols = {'Sg', 'Sw'} self.__error_check(expected_cols, sat_cols, df) def __no_phase_combo_error_check(self, df): if df.columns[0] not in ['Sw', 'Sg', 'So'] or len(set(df.columns).intersection({'Sw', 'Sg', 'So'})) != 1: raise ValueError('incorrect saturation column name and/or multiple saturation columns exist') if set(df.columns).issubset({'Sw', 'So', 'Krw', 'Kro', 'Pc'}) and len(set(df.columns)) >= 3: self.phase_combo = 'water-oil' elif set(df.columns).issubset({'Sg', 'So', 'Krg', 'Kro', 'Pc'}) and len(set(df.columns)) >= 3: self.phase_combo = 'gas-oil' elif set(df.columns).issubset({'Sg', 'Sw', 'Krg', 'Krw', 'Pc'}) and len(set(df.columns)) >= 3: self.phase_combo = 'gas-water' else: raise Exception('unexpected number of columns and/or column headers')
[docs] def interpolate_point(self, saturation, kr_or_pc_col): """Returns a tuple of the saturation value and the corresponding interpolated rel. perm. or cap. pressure value. arguments: saturation (float): the saturation at which the relative permeability or cap. pressure will be interpolated kr_or_pc_col (str): the column name of the parameter to be interpolated returns: tuple of float, the first element is the saturation and the second element is the interpolated value note: A simple linear interpolation is performed. """ df = self.df.copy() if kr_or_pc_col.capitalize() not in df.columns or kr_or_pc_col.capitalize() == df.columns[0]: raise ValueError('incorrect column name provided for interpolation') if kr_or_pc_col == 'PC': df = df[df['PC'].notnull()] sat_col = df.columns[0] # ensure that the saturation values are monotonically increasing df = df.sort_values(by = sat_col) x = df[sat_col] y = df[kr_or_pc_col] x_new = saturation if x_new < x.min() or x_new > x.max(): raise ValueError('saturation value is outside the interpolation range') y_new = np.interp(x_new, x, y) return saturation, y_new
[docs] def df_to_text(self, filepath, filename): """Creates a text file from a dataframe of relative permeability and capillary pressure data. arguments: filepath (str): location where new text file is written to filename (str): name of the new text file returns: tuple of float, the first element is the saturation and the second element is the interpolated value note: Only Nexus compatible text files are currently supported. Text files that are compatible with other reservoir simulators may be supported in the future. """ df = self.df.copy() ascii_file = os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.dat') df.columns = map(str.upper, df.columns) if {'KRW', 'KRO'}.issubset(set(df.columns)): if self.low_sal: table_name_keyword = 'WOTABLE (LOW_SAL)\n' else: table_name_keyword = 'WOTABLE\n' df.rename(columns = {'SW': 'SW', 'KRW': 'KRW', 'KRO': 'KROW', 'PC': 'PCWO'}, inplace = True) elif {'KRG', 'KRO'}.issubset(set(df.columns)): table_name_keyword = 'GOTABLE\n' df.rename(columns = {'SG': 'SG', 'KRG': 'KRG', 'KRO': 'KROG', 'PC': 'PCGO'}, inplace = True) elif {'KRW', 'KRW'}.issubset(set(df.columns)): table_name_keyword = 'GWTABLE\n' df.rename(columns = {'SG': 'SG', 'KRG': 'KRG', 'KRW': 'KRWG', 'PC': 'PCGW'}, inplace = True) else: raise Exception('incorrect rel. perm. column combination encountered') if filename + '.dat' not in os.listdir(filepath): with open(ascii_file, 'w') as f: f.write(table_name_keyword) df_str = df.to_string(na_rep = '', index = False) f.write(df_str) f.close() print(f'Created new DAT file: {filename} at {filepath}') else: with open(ascii_file, 'a') as f: f.write('\n\n') f.write(table_name_keyword) df_str = df.to_string(na_rep = '', index = False) f.write(df_str) f.close() print(f'Appended to DAT file: {filename} at {filepath}')
[docs] def write_hdf5_and_create_xml(self): """Write relative permeability table data to hdf5 file and create xml for dataframe objects.""" super().write_hdf5_and_create_xml() mesh_root = self.mesh.root # create an xml of extra metadata to indicate that this is a relative permeability table rqet.create_metadata_xml(mesh_root, self.extra_metadata)
[docs]def text_to_relperm_dict(relperm_data, is_file = True): """Return dict of dataframes with relative permeability and capillary pressure data and phase combinations. arguments: relperm_data (str): relative or full path of the text file to be processed or string of relative permeability data is_file (boolean): if True, indicates that a text file of relative permeability data has been provided. Default value is True returns: dict, each element in the dictionary contains a dataframe, with saturation and rel. permeability/capillary pressure data, and the phase combination being described note: Only Nexus compatible text files are currently supported. Text files from other reservoir simulators may be supported in the future. """ if is_file: with open(relperm_data) as f: string_original = else: string_original = relperm_data # split the string based on newlines and remove any comments or other escape characters escapes = ''.join([chr(char) for char in range(1, 32)]) string_formatted = [x.strip(escapes).split(' ') for x in filter(None, string_original.split('\n')) if '!' not in x] # remove all empty strings data = [list(filter(None, x)) for x in string_formatted] # get indices of start of each new relperm table based on Nexus keywords table_start_positions = [ i for i, l in enumerate(data) if len({'WOTABLE', 'GOTABLE', 'GWTABLE'}.intersection(set(l))) == 1 ] df_cols_dict = { 'SW': 'Sw', 'SG': 'Sg', 'KRW': 'Krw', 'KRG': 'Krg', 'KROW': 'Kro', 'KROG': 'Kro', 'KRWG': 'Krw', 'PCWO': 'Pc', 'PCGO': 'Pc', 'PCGW': 'Pc', 'PC': 'Pc' } relperm_table_idx = 1 rel_perm_dict = {} for i, l in enumerate(table_start_positions): key = 'relperm_table' + str(relperm_table_idx) rel_perm_dict[key] = {} relperm_table_idx += 1 if 'WOTABLE' in data[l]: phase_combo = 'water-oil' rel_perm_dict[key]['phase_combo'] = phase_combo elif 'GOTABLE' in data[l]: phase_combo = 'gas-oil' rel_perm_dict[key]['phase_combo'] = phase_combo elif 'GWTABLE' in data[l]: phase_combo = 'gas-water' rel_perm_dict[key]['phase_combo'] = phase_combo else: raise Exception('incorrect table key word encountered') if i < (len(table_start_positions) - 1): table_end = table_start_positions[i + 1] else: table_end = len(data) table_cols = data[l + 1] table_rows = data[l + 2:table_end] df = pd.DataFrame(table_rows, columns = table_cols) df.columns = sat_col = [x for x in df.columns if 'S' in x][0] df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors = 'coerce') df = df[df[sat_col].notnull()] rel_perm_dict[key]['df'] = df return rel_perm_dict
[docs]def relperm_parts_in_model(model, phase_combo = None, low_sal = None, table_index = None, title = None, related_uuid = None): """Returns list of part names within model that are representing RelPerm dataframe support objects. arguments: model (model.Model): the model to be inspected for dataframes phase_combo (str, optional): the combination of phases whose relative permeability behaviour is described. Options include 'water-oil', 'gas-oil', 'gas-water', 'oil-water', 'oil-gas' and 'water-gas' low_sal (boolean, optional): if True, indicates that the water-oil table contains the low-salinity data for relative permeability and capillary pressure table_index (int, optional): the index of the relative permeability table when multiple relative permeability tables are present. Note, indices should start at 1. title (str, optional): if present, only parts with a citation title exactly matching will be included related_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, only parts relating to this uuid are included returns: list of str, each element in the list is a part name, within model, which is representing the support for a RelPerm object """ extra_metadata_orig = { 'relperm_table': 'true', 'phase_combo': phase_combo, 'low_sal': low_sal, 'table_index': table_index } extra_metadata = {k: str(v).lower() for k, v in extra_metadata_orig.items() if v is not None} df_parts_list = = 'Grid2dRepresentation', title = title, extra = extra_metadata, related_uuid = related_uuid) return df_parts_list