Source code for resqpy.olio.point_inclusion

""" functions to test whether a point is within a polygon; also line intersection with planes."""

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import os
import math as maths
import numpy as np

import resqpy.olio.simple_lines as sl

[docs]def pip_cn(p, poly): """2D point inclusion: returns True if point is inside polygon (uses crossing number algorithm). arguments: p (numpy array, tuple or list of at least 2 floats): xy point to test for inclusion in polygon poly (2D numpy array, tuple or list of tuples or lists of at least 2 floats): the xy points defining a polygon returns: boolean: True if point is within the polygon note: if the polygon is represented by a closed resqpy Polyline, pass Polyline.coordinates as poly """ # p should be a tuple-like object with first two elements x, y # poly should be a numpy array with first axis being the different vertices # and the second starting x, y crossings = 0 for edge in range(len(poly)): v1 = poly[edge - 1] v2 = poly[edge] if ((v1[0] > p[0] or v2[0] > p[0]) and ((v1[1] <= p[1] and v2[1] > p[1]) or (v1[1] > p[1] and v2[1] <= p[1]))): if v1[0] > p[0] and v2[0] > p[0]: crossings += 1 elif p[0] < v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (p[1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]): crossings += 1 return bool(crossings & 1)
[docs]def pip_wn(p, poly): """2D point inclusion: returns True if point is inside polygon (uses winding number algorithm). arguments: p (numpy array, tuple or list of at least 2 floats): xy point to test for inclusion in polygon poly (2D numpy array, tuple or list of tuples or lists of at least 2 floats): the xy points defining a polygon returns: boolean: True if point is within the polygon note: if the polygon is represented by a closed resqpy Polyline, pass Polyline.coordinates as poly """ winding = 0 for edge in range(len(poly)): v1 = poly[edge - 1] v2 = poly[edge] if v1[0] <= p[0] and v2[0] <= p[0]: continue if v1[1] <= p[1] and v2[1] > p[1]: if v1[0] > p[0] and v2[0] > p[0]: winding += 1 elif p[0] < v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (p[1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]): winding += 1 elif v1[1] > p[1] and v2[1] <= p[1]: if v1[0] > p[0] and v2[0] > p[0]: winding -= 1 elif p[0] < v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (p[1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]): winding -= 1 return bool(winding)
[docs]def pip_array_cn(p_a, poly): """Return bool array of 2D points inclusion, True where point is inside polygon. Uses crossing number algorithm. arguments: p_a (2D numpy float array): set of xy points to test for inclusion in polygon poly (2D numpy array, tuple or list of tuples or lists of at least 2 floats): the xy points defining a polygon returns: numpy boolean vector: True where corresponding point in p_a is within the polygon note: if the polygon is represented by a closed resqpy Polyline, pass Polyline.coordinates as poly """ # p_array should be a numpy array of 2 or more axes; the final axis has extent at least 2, being x, y, ... # returned boolean array has shape of p_array less the final axis elements =[:-1], dtype = int) if elements == 0: return np.zeros((0,), dtype = bool) p = p_a.reshape((elements, -1)) crossings = np.zeros((elements,), dtype = int) np_err_dict = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide = 'ignore', invalid = 'ignore') for edge in range(len(poly)): v1 = poly[edge - 1] v2 = poly[edge] crossings += np.where( np.logical_and( np.logical_and( np.logical_or(v1[0] > p[:, 0], v2[0] > p[:, 0]), np.logical_or(np.logical_and(v1[1] <= p[:, 1], v2[1] > p[:, 1]), np.logical_and(v1[1] > p[:, 1], v2[1] <= p[:, 1]))), np.logical_or(np.logical_and(v1[0] > p[:, 0], v2[0] > p[:, 0]), (p[:, 0] < (v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (p[:, 1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]))))), 1, 0) if 'divide' in np_err_dict: np.seterr(divide = np_err_dict['divide']) if 'invalid' in np_err_dict: np.seterr(invalid = np_err_dict['invalid']) return np.array(np.bitwise_and(crossings, 1), dtype = bool).reshape(list(p_a.shape)[:-1])
[docs]def points_in_polygon(x, y, polygon_file, poly_unit_multiplier = None): """Takes a pair of numpy arrays x, y defining points to be tested against polygon specified in polygon_file.""" assert x.shape == y.shape, 'x and y arrays have differing shapes or are not numpy arrays' assert polygon_file and os.path.exists(polygon_file), 'polygon file is missing' if poly_unit_multiplier is not None: assert poly_unit_multiplier != 0.0, 'zero multiplier for polygon units not allowed' try: polygon_list = sl.read_lines(polygon_file) assert len(polygon_list) > 0, 'unable to read polygon from file ' + polygon_file assert len(polygon_list) == 1, 'more than one polygon in file ' + polygon_file polygon = polygon_list[0] if poly_unit_multiplier is not None: polygon[:] *= poly_unit_multiplier points = np.stack((x, y), axis = -1) return pip_array_cn(points, polygon) except Exception: log.exception('failed to determine points in polygon') return None
[docs]def scan(origin, ncol, nrow, dx, dy, poly): """Scans lines of pixels returning 2D boolean array of points within convex polygon.""" inside = np.zeros((nrow, ncol), dtype = bool) ix = np.empty((2)) for row in range(nrow): ix[:] = 0.0 y = origin[1] + dy * row ic = 0 for edge in range(len(poly)): v1 = poly[edge - 1] v2 = poly[edge] if (v1[1] > y and v2[1] > y) or (v1[1] <= y and v2[1] <= y): continue ix[ic] = v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (y - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]) ic += 1 if ic == 2: break if ic < 2: continue if ix[1] < ix[0]: sx, ex = ix[1], ix[0] else: sx, ex = ix[0], ix[1] scol = maths.ceil((sx - origin[0]) / dx) ecol = int((ex - origin[0]) / dx) inside[row, scol:ecol + 1] = True return inside