Source code for resqpy.olio.dataframe

"""Classes for storing and retrieving dataframes as RESQML objects.

Note that this module uses the obj_Grid2dRepresentation class in a way that was not envisaged
when the RESQML standard was defined; software that does not use resqpy is unlikely to be
able to do much with data stored in this way

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import as rqc
import resqpy.olio.xml_et as rqet
import as rqp
import resqpy.surface as rqs
import resqpy.time_series as rqts

# todo: add support for building an ensemble of dataframes using the same mesh support

[docs]class DataFrame: """Class for storing and retrieving a pandas dataframe of numerical data as a RESQML property. notes: actual values are stored either as z values in a Mesh (Grid2d) object, or as a property on such a mesh when multiple raalizations are in use; a regular Mesh object is created to act as a supporting representation; columns are mapped onto I and rows onto J; if a property is used then the indexable elements are 'nodes'; column titles are stored in a related StringLookup object, indexed by column number; column units are optionally treated in the same way (uom for the property is generally set to Euc); all values are stored as floats; use the derived TimeTable class if rows relate to steps in a TimeSeries; use the derived RelPerm class if the rows relate to relative permeability data """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, uuid = None, df = None, uom_list = None, realization = None, title = 'dataframe', column_lookup_uuid = None, uom_lookup_uuid = None, extra_metadata = None): """Create a new Dataframe object from either a previously stored property or a pandas dataframe. arguments: model (model.Model): the model to which the new Dataframe will be attached uuid (uuid.UUID, optional): the uuid of an existing Grid2dRepresentation object acting as support for a dataframe property (or holding the dataframe as z values) df (pandas.DataFrame, optional): a dataframe from which the new Dataframe is to be created; if both uuid and df are supplied, realization must not be None and a new realization property will be created uom_list (list of str, optional): a list holding the units of measure for each column; if present, length of list must match number of columns in df; ignored if uuid is not None realization (int, optional): if present, the realization number of the RESQML property holding the dataframe title (str, default 'dataframe'): used as the citation title for the Mesh (and property); ignored if uuid is not None column_lookup_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, the uuid of a string lookup table holding the column names; if present, the contents and order of the table must match the columns in the dataframe; if absent, a new lookup table will be created uom_lookup_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, the uuid of a string lookup table holding the units of measure for each column; if None and uom_list is present, a new table will be created; if both uom_list and uom_lookup_uuid are present, their contents must match extra_metadata (dict, optional): if present, a dictionary of extra metadata items, str: str; ignored if uuid is not None returns: a newly created Dataframe object notes: when initialising from an existing RESQML object, the supporting mesh and its property should have been originally created using this class; when working with ensembles, each object of this class will only handle the data for one realization, though they may share a common support; if both a uuid and a df are provided, a realization number must also be given and the dataframe is used to create a new realization similar to that identified by the uuid """ assert uuid is not None or df is not None assert uuid is None or df is None or realization is not None self.model = model self.df = None self.n_rows = self.n_cols = 0 self.uom_list = None self.realization = realization self.title = title self.mesh = None # only generated when needed for write_hdf5(), create_xml() self.pc = None # property collection; only generated when needed for write_hdf5(), create_xml() self.column_lookup_uuid = column_lookup_uuid self.column_lookup = None # string lookup table mapping column index (0 based) to column name self.uom_lookup_uuid = uom_lookup_uuid self.uom_lookup = None # string lookup table mapping column index (0 based) to uom self.extra_metadata = extra_metadata if uuid is not None: support_root = model.root_for_uuid(uuid) assert rqet.node_type(support_root) == 'obj_Grid2dRepresentation' self.mesh = rqs.Mesh(self.model, uuid = uuid) self.extra_metadata = self.mesh.extra_metadata assert 'dataframe' in self.extra_metadata and self.extra_metadata['dataframe'] == 'true' self.title = self.mesh.title self.n_rows, self.n_cols = self.mesh.nj, cl_uuid = self.model.uuid(obj_type = 'StringTableLookup', related_uuid = uuid, title = 'dataframe columns') assert cl_uuid is not None, 'column name lookup table not found for dataframe' self.column_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, uuid = cl_uuid) self.column_lookup_uuid = self.column_lookup.uuid assert self.column_lookup.length() == self.n_cols ul_uuid = self.model.uuid(obj_type = 'StringTableLookup', related_uuid = uuid, title = 'dataframe units') if ul_uuid is not None: self.uom_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, uuid = ul_uuid) self.uom_lookup_uuid = self.uom_lookup.uuid self.uom_list = self.uom_lookup.get_list() da = self.mesh.full_array_ref()[..., 2] # dataframe data as 2D numpy array, defaulting to z values in mesh existing_pc = rqp.PropertyCollection(support = self.mesh) existing_count = 0 if existing_pc is None else existing_pc.number_of_parts() if df is None: # existing dara, either in mesh or property if existing_count > 0: # use property data instead of z values if existing_count == 1: if self.realization is not None: assert existing_pc.realization_for_part(existing_pc.singleton()) == self.realization else: assert self.realization is not None, 'no realization specified when accessing ensemble dataframe' da = existing_pc.single_array_ref(realization = self.realization) assert da is not None and da.ndim == 2 and da.shape == (self.n_rows, self.n_cols) else: assert realization is None self.df = pd.DataFrame(da, columns = self.column_lookup.get_list()) else: # both uuid and df supplied: add a new realisation if existing_count > 0: assert existing_pc.singleton( realization = self.realization) is None, 'dataframe realization already exists' self.df = df.copy() assert len(self.df) == self.n_rows assert len(self.df.columns) == self.n_rows else: assert df is not None, 'no dataframe provided when instantiating DataFrame object' self.df = df.copy() # todo: check data type of columns – restrict to numerical data self.n_rows = len(self.df) self.n_cols = len(self.df.columns) if column_lookup_uuid is not None: self.column_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, uuid = column_lookup_uuid) assert self.column_lookup is not None assert self.column_lookup.length() == self.n_cols assert all(self.df.columns == self.column_lookup.get_list()) # exact match of column names required! if uom_lookup_uuid is not None: self.uom_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, uuid = uom_lookup_uuid) assert self.uom_lookup is not None if uom_list is not None: assert len(uom_list) == self.n_cols self.uom_list = uom_list.copy() if self.uom_lookup is not None: assert self.uom_list == self.uom_lookup.get_list() elif self.uom_lookup is not None: self.uom_list = self.uom_lookup.get_list()
[docs] def dataframe(self): """Returns the Dataframe as a pandas DataFrame.""" return self.df
[docs] def column_uom(self, col_index): """Returns units of measure for the specified column, or Euc if no units present.""" if self.units_table is None: return 'Euc' assert 0 <= col_index < self.n_cols, 'column index out of range' return self.units_table.get_string(col_index)
[docs] def write_hdf5_and_create_xml(self): """Write dataframe data to hdf5 file and create xml for RESQML objects to represent dataframe.""" self._set_mesh_from_df() # writes hdf5 data and creates xml for mesh (and property) if self.column_lookup is None: self.column_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, int_to_str_dict = dict(enumerate(self.df.columns)), title = 'dataframe columns') self.column_lookup_uuid = self.column_lookup.uuid sl_node = self.column_lookup.create_xml() else: sl_node = self.column_lookup.root if sl_node is not None: self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(self.mesh.root, 'destinationObject', sl_node, 'sourceObject') if self.uom_list and self.uom_lookup is None: self.uom_lookup = rqp.StringLookup(self.model, int_to_str_dict = dict(enumerate(self.uom_list)), title = 'dataframe units') self.uom_lookup_uuid = self.uom_lookup.uuid ul_node = self.uom_lookup.create_xml() elif self.uom_lookup is not None: ul_node = self.uom_lookup.root else: ul_node = None if ul_node is not None: self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(self.mesh.root, 'destinationObject', ul_node, 'sourceObject')
def _set_mesh_from_df(self): """Creates Mesh object; called before writing to hdf5 or creating xml.""" # note: actual data is stored in related Property if realization number is present, directly in Mesh otherwise assert self.n_rows == len(self.df) assert self.n_cols == len(self.df.columns) if self.mesh is None: origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) dxyz_dij = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) crs_uuids = self.model.uuids(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs') if len(crs_uuids) == 0: crs = rqc.Crs(self.model) crs.create_xml() crs_uuid = crs.uuid else: # use any available crs crs_uuid = crs_uuids[0] if self.realization is None: self.mesh = rqs.Mesh(self.model, mesh_flavour = 'reg&z', ni = self.n_cols, nj = self.n_rows, dxyz_dij = dxyz_dij, origin = origin, z_values = np.array(self.df), crs_uuid = crs_uuid) else: self.mesh = rqs.Mesh(self.model, mesh_flavour = 'regular', ni = self.n_cols, nj = self.n_rows, dxyz_dij = dxyz_dij, origin = origin, crs_uuid = crs_uuid) self.mesh.write_hdf5() mesh_root = self.mesh.create_xml(title = self.title) rqet.create_metadata_xml(mesh_root, {'dataframe': 'true'}) if self.realization is not None: self.pc = rqp.PropertyCollection() self.pc.set_support(support = self.mesh) dataframe_pk_uuid = self.model.uuid(obj_type = 'PropertyKind', title = 'dataframe') if dataframe_pk_uuid is None: dataframe_pk = rqp.PropertyKind(self.model, title = 'dataframe', example_uom = 'Euc') dataframe_pk.create_xml() dataframe_pk_uuid = dataframe_pk.uuid self.pc.add_cached_array_to_imported_list(np.array(self.df), 'dataframe', self.title, uom = 'Euc', property_kind = 'dataframe', local_property_kind_uuid = dataframe_pk_uuid, realization = self.realization, indexable_element = 'nodes') self.pc.write_hdf5_for_imported_list() self.pc.create_xml_for_imported_list_and_add_parts_to_model()
[docs]class TimeTable(DataFrame): """Class for storing and retrieving a pandas dataframe where rows relate to steps in a time series. note: inherits from DataFrame class """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, uuid = None, df = None, uom_list = None, realization = None, time_series = None, title = 'timetable', column_lookup_uuid = None, uom_lookup_uuid = None): """Create a new TimeTable object from either a previously stored property or a pandas dataframe. arguments: time_series (resqpy.time_series.TimeSeries): the time series which rows in the dataframe relate to; required if initialising from a dataframe, ignored otherwise note: see DataFrame class docstring for details of other arguments """ # todo: add option to set up time series from a column in the dataframe? assert uuid is not None or (df is not None and time_series is not None) super().__init__(model, uuid = uuid, df = df, uom_list = uom_list, realization = realization, title = title, column_lookup_uuid = column_lookup_uuid, uom_lookup_uuid = uom_lookup_uuid) if uuid is not None: ts_uuid = self.model.uuid(obj_type = 'TimeSeries', related_uuid = self.mesh.uuid) assert ts_uuid is not None, 'no time series related to mesh holding dataframe' self.ts = rqts.TimeSeries(self.model, uuid = ts_uuid) else: assert time_series is not None assert time_series.number_of_timestamps() == self.n_rows self.ts = time_series
[docs] def time_series(self): """Returns the TimeSeries object in use by the time table.""" return self.ts
[docs] def write_hdf5_and_create_xml(self): """Write time table data to hdf5 file and create xml for RESQML objects to represent dataframe.""" super().write_hdf5_and_create_xml() # note: time series xml must be created before calling this method self.model.create_reciprocal_relationship(self.mesh.root, 'destinationObject', self.ts.root, 'sourceObject')
[docs]def dataframe_parts_in_model(model, timetables = None, title = None, related_uuid = None): """Returns list of part names within model that are representing DataFrame support objects. arguments: model (model.Model): the model to be inspected for dataframes timetables (boolean or None): if True, only TimeTable dataframe parts will be included; if False only DataFrame parts that are not representing TimeTable objects will be included; if None, both parts for both types of dataframe will be included title (str, optional): if present, only parts with a citation title exactly matching will be included related_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, only parts relating to this uuid are included returns: list of str, each element in the list is a part name, within model, which is representing the support for a DataFrame object """ df_parts_list = = 'Grid2dRepresentation', title = title, extra = {'dataframe': 'true'}, related_uuid = related_uuid) if timetables is not None: filtered_list = [] for df_part in df_parts_list: is_tt = (model.part(obj_type = 'TimeSeries', related_uuid = model.uuid_for_part(df_part)) is not None) if timetables == is_tt: filtered_list.append(df_part) df_parts_list = filtered_list return df_parts_list
[docs]def timetable_parts_in_model(model, title = None, related_uuid = None): """Returns list of part names within model that are representing TimeTable dataframe support objects. arguments: model (model.Model): the model to be inspected for dataframes title (str, optional): if present, only parts with a citation title exactly matching will be included related_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, only parts relating to this uuid are included returns: list of str, each element in the list is a part name, within model, which is representing the support for a TimeTable object """ return dataframe_parts_in_model(model, timetables = True, title = title, related_uuid = related_uuid)
[docs]def dataframe_for_title(model, title, realization = None): """Returns a DataFrame object loaded from model, with given title (optionally for given realization).""" df_parts = dataframe_parts_in_model(model, title = title) if df_parts is None or len(df_parts) == 0: return None assert len(df_parts) == 1 return DataFrame(model, uuid = model.uuid_for_part(df_parts[0]), realization = realization)
[docs]def timetable_for_title(model, title, realization = None): """Returns a TimeTable object loaded from model, with given title (optionally for given realization).""" tt_parts = timetable_parts_in_model(model, title = title) if tt_parts is None or len(tt_parts) == 0: return None assert len(tt_parts) == 1 return TimeTable(model, uuid = model.uuid_for_part(tt_parts[0]), realization = realization)