Source code for resqpy.olio.box_utilities

"""Simple functions relating to cartesian grid boxes.

A box is a logical cuboid subset of the cells of a cartesian grid.
A box is defined by a small numpy array: [[min_k, min_j, min_i], [max_k, max_j, max_i]].
The cells identified by the max indices are included in the box (not following the python convention)
The ordering of the i,j & k indices might be reversed - identifier names then have a suffix of _ijk instead of _kji.
The indices can be in simulator convention, starting at 1, or python convention, starting at 0, indicated by suffix of 0 or 1

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np

[docs]def extent_of_box(box): # returns 3 element extent of box (box can be kji or ijk, 0 or 1 based) """Returns a 3 integer numpy array holding the size of the box, with the same ordering as the box. input argument (unmodified): box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid returns: numpy int array of shape (3) the extent (shape) of the cuboid defined by box """ assert box.ndim == 2 and box.shape == (2, 3) return box[1] - box[0] + 1 # numpy array operation
[docs]def volume_of_box(box): """Returns the number of cells in the logical 3D cell space defined by box. input argument (unmodified): box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid returns: int the total number of cells in box """ return (box[1, 0] - box[0, 0] + 1) * (box[1, 1] - box[0, 1] + 1) * (box[1, 2] - box[0, 2] + 1)
[docs]def central_cell(box): """Returns the indices of the cell at the centre of the box.""" return box[0] + ((box[1] - box[0]) // 2)
[docs]def string_iijjkk1_for_box_kji0(box_kji0): """Returns a string representing the box space in simulator protocol, eg. '[1:5, 3:20, 100:103]'. input argument (unmodified): box_kji0: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid with python kji ordering and zero start for indices returns: string human readable representation of box in Fortran/simulator ijk protocol starting 1 """ return '[' + str(box_kji0[0, 2] + 1) + ':' + str(box_kji0[1, 2] + 1) + ', ' + \ str(box_kji0[0, 1] + 1) + ':' + str(box_kji0[1, 1] + 1) + ', ' + \ str(box_kji0[0, 0] + 1) + ':' + str(box_kji0[1, 0] + 1) + ']'
[docs]def spaced_string_iijjkk1_for_box_kji0(box_kji0, colon_separator = ' '): """Returns a string representing the box space in simulator input format, eg. '1 5 3 20 100 103'. input arguments (unmodified): box_kji0: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid with python kji ordering and zero start for indices colon_separator: string (typically ':' or ' ') the character(s) included in the return string between lower and upper bounds in each direction returns: string ascii representation of box in Fortran/simulator ijk protocol starting 1, suitable for use in include files """ return str(box_kji0[0, 2] + 1) + colon_separator + str(box_kji0[1, 2] + 1) + ' ' + \ str(box_kji0[0, 1] + 1) + colon_separator + str(box_kji0[1, 1] + 1) + ' ' + \ str(box_kji0[0, 0] + 1) + colon_separator + str(box_kji0[1, 0] + 1)
[docs]def box_kji0_from_words_iijjkk1(words): """Returns an integer array of extent [2, 3] converted from a list of words representing logical box. input argument (unmodified): words: a list of strings with at least 6 elements castable to int [min_i, max_i, min_j, max_j, min_k, max_k] in Fortran/simulator protocol (indices start at 1) returns: 2D numpy int array of shape (2, 3) [min, max][k, j, i] with cell indices in python protocol (zero base) notes: designed to take string format numbers: minI maxI minJ maxJ minK maxK and convert to a pair of integer cell id triplets: min(k, j, i), max(k, j, i) NB: output indices have been decremented by 1 (for python indexing starting at zero) """ assert len(words) >= 6 # expecting minI maxI minJ maxJ minK maxK value box = np.zeros([2, 3], dtype = 'int') box[0, 0] = int(words[4]) - 1 # k min box[1, 0] = int(words[5]) - 1 # k max box[0, 1] = int(words[2]) - 1 # j min box[1, 1] = int(words[3]) - 1 # j max box[0, 2] = int(words[0]) - 1 # i min box[1, 2] = int(words[1]) - 1 # i max assert box[0, 0] <= box[1, 0] and box[0, 1] <= box[1, 1] and box[0, 2] <= box[1, 2] return box
[docs]def cell_in_box(cell, box): """Returns True if cell is within box, otherwise False. input arguments (unmodified): cell: numpy int array of shape (3) index of a cell in a 3D cartesian grid, in the same protocol as box (usually python protocol kji, zero base) box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid in the same protocol as cell returns: boolean True if cell is within box, False otherwise """ return (box[0, 0] <= cell[0] <= box[1, 0]) and (box[0, 1] <= cell[1] <= box[1, 1]) and (box[0, 2] <= cell[2] <= box[1, 2])
[docs]def valid_box(box, host_extent): """Returns True if the entire box is within a grid of size host_extent. input arguments (unmodified): box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid in python protocol of zero base, kji (normally) or ijk ordering same as for host_extent host_extent: triple int the extent (shape) of a 3D cartesian grid returns: boolean True if box is a valid box within a grid of shape host_extent, False otherwise """ if box.ndim != 2 or box.shape != (2, 3) or box.dtype != 'int': return False if len(host_extent) != 3: return False for d in range(3): if box[0, d] < 0 or box[0, d] > box[1, d] or box[1, d] >= host_extent[d]: return False return True
[docs]def single_cell_box(cell): """Returns a box containing the single given cell; protocol for box matches that of cell. input argument (unmodified): cell: numpy int array of shape (3) indices of a cell within a 3D cartesian grid, usually in python protocol (kji ordering, zero base) returns: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) indices defining a minimal box containing a single cell; protocol is same as that of cell """ assert cell.ndim == 1 and cell.size == 3 box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') box[0] = cell # numpy 1D array op box[1] = cell # numpy 1D array op return box
[docs]def full_extent_box0(extent): """Returns a box containing all the cells in a grid of the given extent. input argument (unmodified): extent: numpy int array of shape (3) extent (shape) of a 3D cartesian grid, usually in kji python protocol returns: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) indices defining a maximal box containing the entire grid; kji ordering is same as that of extent; zero base """ assert extent.ndim == 1 and extent.size == 3 box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') box[1, :] = extent - 1 # numpy 1D array op return box
[docs]def union(box_1, box_2): """Returns the box which contains both box_1 and box_2.""" if box_1 is None and box_2 is None: return None if box_1 is None: return box_2.copy() if box_2 is None: return box_1.copy() result = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') for dir in range(3): result[0][dir] = min(box_1[0][dir], box_2[0][dir]) result[1][dir] = max(box_1[1][dir], box_2[1][dir]) return result
[docs]def parent_cell_from_local_box_cell(box, box_cell, based_0_or_1 = 0): """Given a box and a local cell index triplet, converts to the equivalent cell index triplet in the host grid. input arguments (unmodified): box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid indices in the same ordering as box_cell; start value (python or Fortran/simulator) given by based_0_or_1 box_cell: numpy int array of shape (3) indices of a cell within box, in coords local to box indices in the same ordering as box; start value (python or Fortran/simulator) given by based_0_or_1 based_0_or_1: int, value 0 or 1 start value (base) for indices of box and box_cell arguments, and of return value returns: numpy int array of shape (3) indices defining the cell in the host grid space equivalent to box_cell ordering of indices is same as that of box and box_cell; base is given by based_0_or_1 argument """ assert box.ndim == 2 and box.shape == (2, 3) assert box_cell.ndim == 1 and box_cell.size == 3 return box[0] + box_cell - based_0_or_1 # numpy 1D array op
[docs]def local_box_cell_from_parent_cell(box, parent_cell, based_0_or_1 = 0): """Given a cell index triplet in the host grid, and a box, returns the equivalent local cell index triplet. input arguments (unmodified): box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid indices in the same ordering as parent_cell; start value (python or Fortran/simulator) given by based_0_or_1 parent_cell: numpy int array of shape (3) indices of a cell within host grid indices in the same ordering as box; start value (python or Fortran/simulator) given by based_0_or_1 based_0_or_1: int, value 0 or 1 start value (base) for indices of box and parent_cell arguments, and of return value returns: numpy int array of shape (3); or None indices defining the parent_cell in coords local to box, if the cell is within the box if parent_cell is not within box, None is returned """ assert box.ndim == 2 and box.shape == (2, 3) assert parent_cell.ndim == 1 and parent_cell.size == 3 if np.all(box[0] <= parent_cell) and np.all(parent_cell <= box[1]): # numpy 1D array ops return parent_cell - box[0] + based_0_or_1 # numpy 1D array op else: return None
[docs]def boxes_overlap(box_a, box_b): """Returns True if the two boxes have any overlap in 3D, otherwise False. Arguments: box_a: numpy int or float array of shape (2, 3) box_b: numpy int or float array of shape (2, 3) if int arrays, each is lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid protocol of indices for the two boxes must be the same if float arrays, each is min & max x,y,z triplets returns: boolean True if box_a and box_b overlap, False otherwise """ return not ((box_a[1, 0] < box_b[0, 0]) or (box_a[0, 0] > box_b[1, 0]) or (box_a[1, 1] < box_b[0, 1]) or (box_a[0, 1] > box_b[1, 1]) or (box_a[1, 2] < box_b[0, 2]) or (box_a[0, 2] > box_b[1, 2]))
[docs]def overlapping_boxes(established_box, new_box, trim_box): """Checks for 3D overlap of two boxes; returns True and sets trim_box if there is overlap, otherwise False. trim_box is modified in place. Arguments: established_box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) new_box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) each is lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid protocol of indices for the two boxes must be the same trim_box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) set to lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid a subset of new_box such that if removed from new_box, a valid box would remain with no overlap with established_box indices protocol is the same as that used for established_box and new_box (if return value is True) if there is no overlap (return value False), all elements of trim_box are set to 0 note: when there is overlap between the boxes, there can be more than one way to trim the new_box, with trim_box fully covering either ij, jk or ik planes of new_box the function selects the trim_box containing the minimum number of cells (minimum 'loss' to trimming) this function does not actually apply the trimming, ie. new_box is not modified here returns: boolean True if established_box and new_box overlap (implies trim_box valid), False otherwise (trim_box elements all 0) """ assert established_box.ndim == 2 and established_box.shape == (2, 3) and established_box.dtype == 'int' assert new_box.ndim == 2 and new_box.shape == (2, 3) and new_box.dtype == 'int' assert trim_box.ndim == 2 and trim_box.shape == (2, 3) and trim_box.dtype == 'int' trim_box[:, :] = 0 if not boxes_overlap(established_box, new_box): return False # determine trim direction based on minimizing number of cells to be trimmed new_box_area = np.zeros( 3, dtype = 'int') # compute number of cells in a 2D slice of new_box, taken in k, j or i directions # note: '_area' is a cell count, not an area in xyz space new_box_area[0] = (new_box[1, 1] - new_box[0, 1] + 1) * (new_box[1, 2] - new_box[0, 2] + 1) # k slice new_box_area[1] = (new_box[1, 0] - new_box[0, 0] + 1) * (new_box[1, 2] - new_box[0, 2] + 1) # j slice new_box_area[2] = (new_box[1, 0] - new_box[0, 0] + 1) * (new_box[1, 1] - new_box[0, 1] + 1) # i slice # find the actual box of overlap and 'cost' of trimming in each dimension and minimize over k,j,i trim_cost = np.zeros(3, dtype = 'int') trim_direction = -1 min_trim_cost = volume_of_box(new_box) + 1 # anything will be better than this overlap_box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') for dir in range(3): overlap_box[0, dir] = max(established_box[0, dir], new_box[0, dir]) overlap_box[1, dir] = min(established_box[1, dir], new_box[1, dir]) trim_cost[dir] = (overlap_box[1, dir] - overlap_box[0, dir] + 1) * new_box_area[dir] if trim_cost[dir] < min_trim_cost: min_trim_cost = trim_cost[dir] trim_direction = dir # set trim_box for chosen direction assert 0 <= trim_direction <= 2 other_dir_a = (trim_direction + 1) % 3 other_dir_b = (trim_direction + 2) % 3 trim_box[0, trim_direction] = overlap_box[0, trim_direction] trim_box[1, trim_direction] = overlap_box[1, trim_direction] trim_box[0, other_dir_a] = new_box[0, other_dir_a] trim_box[1, other_dir_a] = new_box[1, other_dir_a] trim_box[0, other_dir_b] = new_box[0, other_dir_b] trim_box[1, other_dir_b] = new_box[1, other_dir_b] return True
[docs]def trim_box_by_box_returning_new_mask(box_to_be_trimmed, trim_box, mask_kji0): """Reduces box_to_be_trimmed by trim_box; trim_box must be a neat subset box at one face of box_to_be_trimmed. input/output argument (modified): box_to_be_trimmed: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid indices protocol is python kji ordering with zero base modified to exclude space occupied by trim_box input arguments (unmodified): trim_box: numpy int array of shape (2, 3) lower & upper indices in 3 dimensions defining a logical cuboid subset of a 3D cartesian grid indices protocol is python kji ordering with zero base the volume to be removed from box_to_be_trimmed, must be a subset of box_to_be_trimmed completely covering one face of box_to_be_trimmed (thereby ensuring that after trimming, a valid cuboid box results) mask_kji0: numpy 3D boolean array of shape matching extent of input box_to_be_trimmed indices protocol is python kji ordering with zero base returns: numpy 3D boolean array of shape matching extent of output box_to_be_trimmed the return array is a version of mask_kji0 that has been trimmed in accordance with the box trimming """ local_box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') local_box[1] = extent_of_box(box_to_be_trimmed) - 1 if np.all(trim_box[0] == box_to_be_trimmed[0]): # shift box_to_be_trimmed [0] (minumum) up (in logical space) if trim_box[1, 0] != box_to_be_trimmed[1, 0]: # trim in k direction assert (trim_box[1, 1] == box_to_be_trimmed[1, 1]) and (trim_box[1, 2] == box_to_be_trimmed[1, 2]) local_box[0, 0] = trim_box[1, 0] - box_to_be_trimmed[0, 0] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[0, 0] = trim_box[1, 0] + 1 elif trim_box[1, 1] != box_to_be_trimmed[1, 1]: # trim in j direction assert (trim_box[1, 2] == box_to_be_trimmed[1, 2]) local_box[0, 1] = trim_box[1, 1] - box_to_be_trimmed[0, 1] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[0, 1] = trim_box[1, 1] + 1 else: # trim in i direction assert trim_box[1, 2] != box_to_be_trimmed[1, 2] local_box[0, 2] = trim_box[1, 2] - box_to_be_trimmed[0, 2] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[0, 2] = trim_box[1, 2] + 1 elif np.all(trim_box[1] == box_to_be_trimmed[1]): # shift box_to_be_trimmed [1] (maxumum) down (in logical space) if trim_box[0, 0] != box_to_be_trimmed[0, 0]: # trim in k direction assert (trim_box[0, 1] == box_to_be_trimmed[0, 1]) and (trim_box[0, 2] == box_to_be_trimmed[0, 2]) local_box[1, 0] -= box_to_be_trimmed[1, 0] - trim_box[0, 0] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[1, 0] = trim_box[0, 0] - 1 elif trim_box[0, 1] != box_to_be_trimmed[0, 1]: # trim in j direction assert (trim_box[0, 2] == box_to_be_trimmed[0, 2]) local_box[1, 1] -= box_to_be_trimmed[1, 1] - trim_box[0, 1] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[1, 1] = trim_box[0, 1] - 1 else: # trim in i direction assert trim_box[0, 2] != box_to_be_trimmed[0, 2] local_box[1, 2] -= box_to_be_trimmed[1, 2] - trim_box[0, 2] + 1 box_to_be_trimmed[1, 2] = trim_box[0, 2] - 1 else: # shouldn't happen log.critical('Trim box code failure: box to be trimmed is %s', string_iijjkk1_for_box_kji0(box_to_be_trimmed)) log.critical('Trim box code failure: trim box is %s', string_iijjkk1_for_box_kji0(trim_box)) assert False assert np.all(box_to_be_trimmed[0] <= box_to_be_trimmed[1]) return (mask_kji0[local_box[0, 0]:local_box[1, 0] + 1, local_box[0, 1]:local_box[1, 1] + 1, local_box[0, 2]:local_box[1, 2] + 1]).copy()
[docs]def trim_box_to_mask_returning_new_mask(bounding_box_kji0, mask_kji0): """Reduce the coverage of bounding box to the minimum needed to contain True elements of mask. Returns trimmed mask. """ # NB: bounding box is modified by this function assert bounding_box_kji0.ndim == 2 and bounding_box_kji0.shape == (2, 3) and bounding_box_kji0.dtype == 'int' assert (mask_kji0.ndim == 3 and np.all(np.array([mask_kji0.shape], dtype = 'int') == extent_of_box(bounding_box_kji0)) and mask_kji0.dtype == 'bool') assert np.any(mask_kji0) box_extent = extent_of_box(bounding_box_kji0) local_box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype = 'int') local_box[0] = box_extent.copy() local_box[1] = -1 for k in range(box_extent[0]): if np.any(mask_kji0[k, :, :]): local_box[1, 0] = k if local_box[0, 0] == box_extent[0]: local_box[0, 0] = k for j in range(box_extent[1]): if np.any(mask_kji0[:, j, :]): local_box[1, 1] = j if local_box[0, 1] == box_extent[1]: local_box[0, 1] = j for i in range(box_extent[2]): if np.any(mask_kji0[:, :, i]): local_box[1, 2] = i if local_box[0, 2] == box_extent[2]: local_box[0, 2] = i assert np.all(local_box >= 0) assert np.all(local_box[1] >= local_box[0]) assert np.all(local_box[1] < box_extent) bounding_box_kji0[0] += local_box[0] bounding_box_kji0[1] -= (box_extent - local_box[1] - 1) assert np.all(bounding_box_kji0[0] <= bounding_box_kji0[1]) return (mask_kji0[local_box[0, 0]:local_box[1, 0] + 1, local_box[0, 1]:local_box[1, 1] + 1, local_box[0, 2]:local_box[1, 2] + 1]).copy()
# end of box_utilities module