
resqpy.multi_processing.blocked_well_from_trajectory_wrapper(index: int, parent_tmp_dir: str, grid_epc: str, grid_uuid: Union[UUID, str], trajectory_epc: str, trajectory_uuids: List[Union[UUID, str]]) Tuple[int, bool, str, List[Union[UUID, str]]]

Multiprocessing wrapper function of the BlockedWell initialisation from a Trajectory.

  • index (int) – the index of the function call from the multiprocessing function

  • parent_tmp_dir (str) – the parent temporary directory path from the multiprocessing function

  • grid_epc (str) – epc file path where the grid is saved

  • grid_uuid (UUID or str) – UUID (universally unique identifier) of the grid object

  • trajectory_epc (str) – epc file path where the trajectories are saved

  • trajectory_uuids (list of UUID or str) – a list of the trajectory uuids used to create each Trajectory object


Tuple containing

  • index (int): the index passed to the function;

  • success (bool): True if all the BlockedWell objects could be created, False otherwise;

  • epc_file (str): the epc file path where the objects are stored;

  • uuid_list (List[UUID/str]): list of UUIDs of relevant objects


used this wrapper when calling the multiprocessing function to initialise blocked wells from trajectories; it will create a new model that is saved in a temporary epc file and returns the required values, which are used in the multiprocessing function to recombine all the objects into a single epc file